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Nome: Advanced Vocation Changer
Autor: JoseJunior23
Server: TFS 3.6

Como functiona?
Você é Knight e quer ser Sorcerer, basta você digitar /acv 1 e sua vocação será mudada para sorcerer.
OBS: O melhor de tudo é você não irá perder seus SKILLS/ML, pois eles serão guardados, cada vocação fica com seus ml/skills guardados em diferentes storages. enquanto ao HP/MANA será igual ao seu vocations.xml porem fiz a minha maneira, oque quer dizer que você irá ter que configurar essa parte.

/acv 1 = sorcerer
/acv 2 = druid
/acv 3 = paladin
/acv 4 = knight


1º na pasta server/mods cria um arquivo XML chamado Advanced Change Vocation e coloque isso dentro:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<mod name="ADVANCED CHANGE VOCATION" version="1.0" author="josejunior23" contact="[email protected]<script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript">
/*  */</script>" enabled="yes">

<talkaction words="/acv" case-sensitive="yes" event="script" value="ACV.lua"/>

<event type="logout" name="acv_logout" event="script" value="ACV_logout.lua"/>

<event type="login" name="acv_login" event="script" value="ACV_login.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="acv_death" event="script" value="ACV_death.lua"/>


2º na pasta server/mods/scripts cria um arquivo LUA chamado ACV e coloque isso dentro:

-- Advanced Vocation Changer!

-- scripted by josejunior23

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)

if(acv_exhaustion.enable == true) and (isExhausted(cid)) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, acv_msg_color, "You can't change your vocation now! You still need to wait: " .. fixTimer(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, acv_exhaustion.storage)))

return true


if not (param) or not (isNumber(param)) or (tonumber(param) > 4) or (tonumber(param) < 1) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, acv_msg_color, "You can change your vocation up to 1 till 4 vocations (/acv VOCATIONID)!\n 1 = sorcerer, 2 = druid, 3 = paladin and 4 = knight.")

return true


if(tonumber(param) == getVocationCfg(getPlayerVocation(cid))) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, acv_msg_color, "You are already " .. getArticle(getPlayerVocationName(cid)) .. " " .. getPlayerVocationName(cid) .. ".")

return true


if(getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT)) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, acv_msg_color, "You may not change your vocation while in battle.")

return true


local newvoc = acv_config[tonumber(param)]

if(newvoc) then


local vocID = getPlayerVocation(cid)

local vocStorage = getVocationStorage(vocID)

if(acv_fun_cfg.text.doCreatureSay == true) then

doCreatureSay(cid, acv_fun_cfg.text.text, acv_fun_cfg.text.talkType)


if(acv_fun_cfg.effect.doSendMagicEffect == true) then

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), acv_fun_cfg.effect.effect)


if(acv_exhaustion.enable == true) then

addExhausted(cid, acv_exhaustion.time)


changePlayerVocation(cid, tonumber(param))


return true


3º na pasta server/mods/scripts cria um arquivo LUA chamado acv_login e coloque isso dentro:

-- Advanced Vocation Changer!

-- scripted by josejunior23

function onLogin(cid)

if(getPlayerPromotionLevel(cid) == 1) and (getPlayerVocation(cid) <= 4) then

doPlayerSetVocation(cid, getPlayerVocation(cid) + 4)


if(acv_enable_msg_on_login == true) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, acv_msg_color, "Your vocation is: " .. getPlayerVocationName(cid) .. ".")


local events = {"acv_logout", "acv_death"}

for i = 1, #events do

registerCreatureEvent(cid, events[i])


return true


4º na pasta server/mods/scripts cria um arquivo LUA chamado acv_logout e coloque isso dentro:

-- Advanced Vocation Changer!

-- scripted by josejunior23

function onLogout(cid)


return true


5º na pasta server/mods/scripts cria um arquivo LUA chamado acv_death e coloque isso dentro:

-- Advanced Vocation Changer!

-- scripted by josejunior23

function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)


return true


6º na pasta server/data/lib cria um arquivo LUA chamado ACV_lib e coloque isso dentro:

-- Advanced Vocation Changer!

-- scripted by josejunior23

acv_enable_msg_on_login = true;

acv_msg_color = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE; -- message colour send in default channel

acv_exhaustion = {enable = true, storage = "acv_exh", time = 5}; -- time in seconds 60 x 60 = 3600 = 1 hour

acv_first_storage = "firstvoc"; -- saves players first vocation

acv_fun_cfg = {

text = {doCreatureSay = true, text = "#CHANGING VOCATION#", talkType = TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1},

effect = {doSendMagicEffect = true, effect = 10} -- effect 10 = teleport


acv_config = { -- make sure none of those storages are already in use!

[1] = 73974, -- sorcerer UNIQUE STORAGE!!!

[2] = 73983, -- druid UNIQUE STORAGE!!!

[3] = 73992, -- paladin UNIQUE STORAGE!!!

[4] = 73991 -- knight UNIQUE STORAGE!!!


getFormula = function(cid) -- how to config -> change the numbers below to the same as vocations.xml (gainhp, gainmana)

return {

health = {

-- Sorcerer

[1] = 5, -- sorcerer gains X HEALTH each level (gainhp)

[5] = 5, -- master sorcerer gains X HEALTH each level (gainhp)

-- Druid

[2] = 5, -- druid gains X HEALTH each level (gainhp)

[6] = 5, -- elder druid gains X HEALTH each level (gainhp)

-- Paladin

[3] = 10, -- paladin gains X HEALTH each level (gainhp)

[7] = 10, -- royal paladin gains X HEALTH each level (gainhp)

-- Knight

[4] = 22, -- knight gains X HEALTH each level (gainhp)

[8] = 22 -- elite knight gains X HEALTH each level (gainhp)


mana = {

-- Sorcerer

[1] = 30, -- sorcerer gains X MANA each level (gainmana)

[5] = 30, -- master sorcerer gains X MANA each level (gainmana)

-- Druid

[2] = 30, -- druid gains X MANA each level (gainmana)

[6] = 30, -- elder druid gains X MANA each level (gainmana)

-- Paladin

[3] = 15, -- paladin gains X MANA each level (gainmana)

[7] = 15, -- royal paladin gains X MANA each level (gainmana)

-- Knight

[4] = 5, -- knight gains X MANA each level (gainmana)

[8] = 5 -- elite knight gains X MANA each level (gainmana)




function fixTimer(v)

local seconds, minutes, hours = v - os.time(), 0, 0

while seconds >= 60 do minutes = minutes + 1 seconds = seconds - 60 end

while minutes >= 60 do hours = hours + 1 minutes = minutes - 60 end

local str1, str2, str3 = hours > 1 and hours .. " hours, " or "" .. "", minutes > 1 and minutes .. " minutes and " or "" .. "", seconds .. " seconds." or "" .. ""

return str1 .. str2 .. str3


function isExhausted(cid)

return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, acv_exhaustion.storage) > os.time() and true or false


function addExhausted(cid, time) -- time in seconds

return setPlayerStorageValue(cid, acv_exhaustion.storage, os.time() +time)


function setStorageString(cid, storage, string)

return setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage, "S" .. string)


function getStorageString(cid, storage)

return string.sub(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage), 2)


function getVocationStorage(id)

return acv_config[getVocationCfg(id)]


function getPlayerFirstVocation(cid)

return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, acv_first_storage)


function getVocationCfg(id)

if(id > 4) then

id = id - 4


return id


function savePlayerVocation(cid)

local maglevel, fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shield, fish = getPlayerMagLevel(cid), getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, 0), getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, 1), getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, 2), getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, 3), getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, 4), getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, 5), getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, 6)

local vocID = getPlayerVocation(cid)

local vocStorage = getVocationStorage(vocID)

if(getPlayerPromotionLevel(cid) == 1) and (getPlayerVocation(cid) <= 4) then

vocID = getPlayerVocation(cid) + 4

doPlayerSetVocation(cid, vocID)


return setStorageString(cid, vocStorage, maglevel .. "-" .. fist .. "-" .. club .. "-" .. sword .. "-" .. axe .. "-" .. dist .. "-" .. shield .. "-" .. fish .. "-" .. vocID)


function setupPlayerVocation(cid, arg)

local pid = getPlayerGUID(cid)

doRemoveCreature(cid, true)

db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `maglevel` = " .. arg.maglevel .. " WHERE `id` = ".. pid .. ";")

db.executeQuery("UPDATE `player_skills` SET `value` = " .. arg.fist .. " WHERE `player_id` = ".. pid .. " and `skillid` = ".. 0 ..";")

db.executeQuery("UPDATE `player_skills` SET `value` = " .. arg.club .. " WHERE `player_id` = ".. pid .. " and `skillid` = ".. 1 ..";")

db.executeQuery("UPDATE `player_skills` SET `value` = " .. arg.sword .. " WHERE `player_id` = ".. pid .. " and `skillid` = ".. 2 ..";")

db.executeQuery("UPDATE `player_skills` SET `value` = " .. arg.axe .. " WHERE `player_id` = ".. pid .. " and `skillid` = ".. 3 ..";")

db.executeQuery("UPDATE `player_skills` SET `value` = " .. arg.dist .. " WHERE `player_id` = ".. pid .. " and `skillid` = ".. 4 ..";")

db.executeQuery("UPDATE `player_skills` SET `value` = " .. arg.shield .. " WHERE `player_id` = ".. pid .. " and `skillid` = ".. 5 ..";")

db.executeQuery("UPDATE `player_skills` SET `value` = " .. arg.fish .. " WHERE `player_id` = ".. pid .. " and `skillid` = ".. 6 ..";")

return true


function changePlayerVocation(cid, id)


local newVoc = getVocationStorage(id)

if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, newVoc) == -1) or (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, newVoc) == 0) then

local level = getPlayerLevel(cid)

local vocationsset = {

[1] = 1 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 1, -- default Sorcerer

[2] = 1 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 2, -- default Druid

[3] = 1 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 3, -- default Paladin

[4] = 1 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 10 .. "-" .. 4 -- default Knight


setStorageString(cid, newVoc, vocationsset[getVocationCfg(id)])


if(getPlayerFirstVocation(cid) == -1) or (getPlayerFirstVocation(cid) == 0) then

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, acv_first_storage, getPlayerVocationName(cid))


local get = string.explode(getStorageString(cid, newVoc), "-")

local maglevel, fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shield, fish, voc = get[1], get[2], get[3], get[4], get[5], get[6], get[7], get[8], get[9]

voc = tonumber(voc)

if(getPlayerPromotionLevel(cid) == 1) and (voc <= 4) then

voc = voc + 4


doPlayerSetVocation(cid, voc)

setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getPlayerLevel(cid) * getFormula(cid).health[voc])

doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getPlayerLevel(cid) * getFormula(cid).health[voc])

setCreatureMaxMana(cid, getPlayerLevel(cid) * getFormula(cid).mana[voc])

doCreatureAddMana(cid, getPlayerLevel(cid) * getFormula(cid).mana[voc])

setupPlayerVocation(cid, {maglevel = maglevel, fist = fist, club = club, sword = sword, axe = axe, dist = dist, shield = shield, fish = fish})

return true


The end. <3

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