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alguém pode me ajudar nessa spells aqui, queira que colocassem pro meu personagem ficar inatingível por 6 segundos e podendo atacar livremente



local function kb1(cid)

function onCastSpell(cid, var)
local waittime = 60 -- Tempo de exhaustion
local storage = 3030707
local Tile1 = {x = 1226, y = 1134, z = 8} -- onde o player sera teleportado
local Tile2 = {x = 1226, y = 1133, z = 8} -- onde o player target teleportado
local from1,to1 = {x=967, y=1018, z=7},{x=984, y=1048, z=7} -- KONOHA TRAINER
local from2,to2 = {x=967, y=1030, z=6},{x=984, y=1048, z=6} -- KONOHA TRAINER
local from3,to3 = {x=967, y=1030, z=5},{x=984, y=1048, z=5} -- KONOHA TRAINER
local from4,to4 = {x=1148, y=735, z=7},{x=1163, y=755, z=7} -- YUKIGAKURE TRAINER
local from5,to5 = {x=1148, y=735, z=6},{x=1163, y=755, z=6} -- YUKIGAKURE TRAINER
local from6,to6 = {x=1148, y=735, z=5},{x=1163, y=755, z=5} -- YUKIGAKURE TRAINER
local from7,to7 = {x=424, y=802, z=8},{x=438, y=826, z=8} -- SUNA TRAINER
local from8,to8 = {x=424, y=802, z=9},{x=438, y=826, z=9} -- SUNA TRAINER
local from9,to9 = {x=424, y=802, z=10},{x=438, y=826, z=10} -- SUNA TRAINER
local from10,to10 = {x=1290, y=482, z=7},{x=1309, y=491, z=7} -- VILA TAKUMI TRAINER
local from11,to11 = {x=1290, y=482, z=6},{x=1309, y=491, z=6} -- VILA TAKUMI TRAINER
local from12,to12 = {x=1290, y=482, z=5},{x=1309, y=491, z=5} -- VILA TAKUMI TRAINER

local from13,to13 = {x=1862, y=185, z=7},{x=2045, y=1123, z=7} -- CASTELO WAR
local from14,to14 = {x=1862, y=185, z=6},{x=2045, y=1123, z=6} -- CASTELO WAR
local from15,to15 = {x=1862, y=185, z=5},{x=2045, y=1123, z=5} -- CASTELO WAR

local from16,to16 = {x=1955, y=244, z=10},{x=1968, y=278, z=10} -- CASTELO XP BONUS

local from17,to17 = {x = 953, y = 1018, z = 7},{x = 984, y = 1042, z = 7 } -- AREA DE INVASAO

local from18,to18 = {x = 762, y = 170, z = 12},{x = 1241, y = 439, z = 12} -- KAMUI
local from19,to19 = {x = 762, y = 170, z = 12},{x = 1241, y = 439, z = 11} -- KAMUI

local master = getCreatureMaster(cid)
local pos = getCreaturePosition(cid)
local target = getCreatureTarget(cid)
local targetpos = getCreaturePosition(target)
local time = 10 -- tempo para voltar em segundos

local exceptions = {'Crystal Vilarejo', 'aegis', 'god anderson'}

if exhaustion.check(cid, storage) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Aguarde " .. exhaustion.get(cid, storage) .. " segundos para usar a spell novamente.")
return false

if isInRange(pos, from1, to1) or isInRange(pos, from2, to2) or isInRange(pos, from3, to3) or isInRange(pos, from4, to4) or isInRange(pos, from5, to5) or isInRange(pos, from6, to6) or isInRange(pos, from7, to7) or isInRange(pos, from8, to8) or isInRange(pos, from9, to9) or isInRange(pos, from10, to10) or isInRange(pos, from11, to11) or isInRange(pos, from12, to12) or isInRange(pos, from13, to13) or isInRange(pos, from14, to14) or isInRange(pos, from15, to15) or isInRange(pos, from16, to16) or isInRange(pos, from17, to17) or isInRange(pos, from18, to18) or isInRange(pos, from19, to19) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Voce nao pode usar o Mundo aqui!")
return TRUE
local function Teleport_Playerout(cid)
doTeleportThing(cid, pos)
local function Teleport_Targetout(target)
doTeleportThing(target, targetpos)
local function Teleport_Targetin(target)
doTeleportThing(target, Tile2)
setPlayerStorageValue (cid, 555010, 1)
if isPlayer(target) then
exhaustion.set(cid, storage, waittime)
doSendMagicEffect(targetpos, 10)  
addEvent(Teleport_Targetout, time*1000, target)
addEvent(Teleport_Targetin, 0, target)
doCreatureSay(cid, "Taimu rain Sharingan", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 555010) > 0 then
for j = 1, 1 do
        if isCreature(cid) then
    end, 10000 + ((j-1) * 1))
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Voce so pode usar esta magia em players!")

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