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Hydra=global Veja E Confira


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Se você aí foi com algum amigo ou solo em hydra deve ter percebido o novo ataque dela e a mudança na Posion Waven no meu objetivo de deixar o monstros de OT=Globa, arrumei e trouxe para vocês

Eu tentarei trazer 1 pacote com todos os monstros quando eu acabar mais quero que vocês tenham uma idéia da qualidade que será.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <monster name="Hydra" species="poison" nameDescription="a hydra" race="blood" experience="2100" speed="200" manacost="0">
   <health now="2350" max="2350"/>
   <look type="121" head="0" body="0" legs="0" feet="0" corpse="4283"/>
   <targetchange interval="60000" chance="0"/>
   <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
     <flag summonable="0"/>
     <flag attackable="1"/>
     <flag hostile="1"/>
     <flag illusionable="0"/>
     <flag convinceable="0"/>
     <flag pushable="0"/>
     <flag canpushitems="1"/>
     <flag staticattack="50"/>
     <flag lightlevel="0"/>
     <flag lightcolor="0"/>
     <flag targetdistance="1"/>
     <flag runonhealth="200"/>
      <attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="-1" max="-235"/>
      <attack name="speed" interval="1000" chance="17" range="7" radius="4" target="1" speedchange="-200" duration="15000">
		<attribute key="shootEffect" value="poison"/>
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenbubble"/>
      <attack name="ice" interval="1000" chance="15" length="8" spread="3" min="-100" max="-200">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="bluebubble"/>
      <attack name="earth" interval="1000" chance="12" length="8" spread="3" min="-60" max="-320">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="carniphila"/>
      <attack name="ice" interval="1000" chance="11" range="7" min="-50" max="-160">
                       <attribute key="shootEffect" value="smallice"/>
   <defenses armor="27" defense="45">
       <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="34" min="200" max="400">
  <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
     <immunity physical="0"/>
     <immunity energy="0"/>
     <immunity fire="0"/>
     <immunity poison="1"/>
     <immunity lifedrain="0"/>
     <immunity paralyze="1"/>
     <immunity outfit="0"/>
     <immunity drunk="0"/>
     <immunity invisible="1"/>
     <immunity holy="0"/>
     <immunity death="0"/>
     <immunity earth="1"/>
     <immunity ice="0"/>
   <voices interval="2000" chance="5">
     <voice sentence="FCHHHHH"/>
     <voice sentence="HISSSS"/>
     <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/> -- Gold Coin
     <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/> -- Gold Coin
     <item id="2148" countmax="50" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/> -- Gold Coin
     <item id="2666" countmax="4" chance1="9000" chancemax="0"/> -- Ham
     <item id="2671" countmax="4" chance1="8000" chancemax="0"/> -- Meat
     <item id="4850" chance="1222"/> -- Hydra Egg
     <item id="7589" chance="888"/> -- Strong Mana Potion
     <item id="1987" chance="100000"> -- Bag
         <item id="2177" chance="1444"/> -- Life Crystal
         <item id="2214" chance="1819"/> -- Ring of Healing
         <item id="2536" chance="700"/> -- Medusa Shield
         <item id="2195" chance="600"/> -- Boots of Haste
         <item id="2146" countmax="1" chance1="2000" chancemax="0"/> -- Small Sapphire
         <item id="2476" chance="999"/> -- Knight Armor
         <item id="2197" chance="1200"/> -- Stone Skin Amulet
         <item id="2498" chance="600"/> -- Royal Helmet
         <item id="2475" chance="999"/> -- Warrior Helmet


P.S.:Ainda não descobri como farei ela tomar 10% mais dano de energy e 45% menos dano de ice, se alguém souber por favor me explique como.


By Tádzio

Editado por tadzio
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<attack name="earth" interval="1000" chance="12" length="8" spread="3" min="-60" max="-320">

<attribute key="areaEffect" value="carniphila"/>


Esse value ="carniphila" funciona em que server?

no Ares 4.5 nao funcionou ;/


No resto, perfeito,


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já testei ustilizar em versões do Aries mas não funciona eu fiz para versões TFS(The Forgotten Server) pois eu queria monstros bons e a mlehor plataforma possível.



delete tudo oq você for ver na sua hydra e copie com isso acho que assim facilatará seu trabalho

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Cara, eu tenho um char lvl 130 no global (Jeremias Xuvisco - Menera), eu ja fiz muita hunt de hydra, e uma coisa eu te digo, Medusa shield é mega raro em hydra, tinha que ser chance="300" do medusa shield, e tem umas coisas ae que não funciona em alguns otservs :~


Se vc for fazer um pacote completo com todos os monstros, defina quais são os OTservers em que funciona os monstros :p

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  • 5 months later...

Bem estou passando aqui a nova hydra identica ao do global com os elementos e etc.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="hydra" nameDescription="a hydra" race="blood" experience="1900" speed="240" manacost="0">
 <health now="2250" max="2250"/>
 <look type="121" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="6048"/>
 <targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>
 <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
   <flag summonable="0"/>
   <flag attackable="1"/>
   <flag hostile="1"/>
   <flag illusionable="1"/>
   <flag convinceable="0"/>
   <flag pushable="0"/>
   <flag canpushitems="1"/>
   <flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
   <flag targetdistance="1"/>
   <flag staticattack="90"/>
   <flag runonhealth="300"/>

   <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="71" attack="64"/>
   <attack name="speed" interval="2000" chance="17" range="7" radius="4" target="1" speedchange="-680" duration="15000">
     <attribute key="shootEffect" value="poison"/>
     <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenbubble"/>
   <attack name="ice" interval="2000" chance="14" length="8" spread="4" min="-150" max="-210">
     <attribute key="areaEffect" value="bluebubble"/>
   <attack name="earth" interval="1000" chance="12" length="8" spread="3" min="-190" max="-250">
     <attribute key="areaEffect" value="carniphila"/>

   <attack name="ice" interval="1000" chance="14" range="7" target="1" min="-85" max="-120">
<attribute key="shootEffect" value="smallice"/>

 <defenses armor="25" defense="35">
   <defense name="healing" interval="2000" chance="30" min="300" max="480">
     <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
	<element physicalPercent="-15"/>
	<element icePercent="45"/>
                               <element holyPercent="45"/>
	<element energyPercent="-15"/>
   <immunity physical="0"/>
   <immunity energy="0"/>
   <immunity fire="0"/>
   <immunity poison="1"/>
   <immunity lifedrain="1"/>
   <immunity paralyze="1"/>
   <immunity outfit="1"/>
   <immunity drunk="1"/>
   <immunity invisible="1"/>
 <voices interval="5000" chance="10">
   <voice sentence="FCHHHHH"/>
   <voice sentence="HISSSS"/>
   <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> -- Gold Coin
   <item id="2148" countmax="25" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/>
   <item id="2498" chance="700"/> -- Royal Helmet
   <item id="2195" chance="800"/> -- Boots of Haste
   <item id="2475" chance="1000"/> -- Warrior Helmet
   <item id="3976" countmax="10" chance1="50000" chancemax="0"/> -- Worms
   <item id="1987" chance="100000">
       <item id="2214" chance="1200"/> -- Ring of Healing
	<item id="2671" countmax="3" chance="65000"/> -- Ham
       <item id="2666" countmax="4" chance="90000"/> -- Meat
    <item id="2146" countmax="2" chance="5000"/> -- small sapphire
       <item id="2177" chance="1800"/> -- Life Crystal
       <item id="2476" chance="1000"/> -- Knight Armor
       <item id="4850" chance="1200"/> -- Hydra Egg 
       <item id="2149" countmax="3" chance1="4000" chancemax="0"/> -- Small Emerald
       <item id="2536" chance="555"/> -- Medusa Shield
       <item id="2168" chance="2500"/> -- Life Ring
       <item id="2197" chance="800"/> -- StoneSkin Amulet


Grato. GM Exaler

24 horas online - Hostiado em Datacenter. Sem lag, venha confirir.

Editado por Exaler
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