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Npc Guarda! Que Mata Pk's Red E White Skull

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Boa rapaz,sempre trazendo bons conteudos para nós.

muito bom!! continue assim,vou testar no meu ot.

pareçe perfeito.






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Axo que esse npc nao iria funcionar muito em um ot comun, pois sempre tem white/red skulls e isso ficaria meio xato ficar morrendo sempre pra um npc quanto tivesse de skull;

Porem axo tbm que podia ser usado em algumas quests RPG etc...

Mais isso eh minha opniao :p


Flw! :smile_positivo:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Lua Script Error: [Npc interface]



data/npc/scripts/defender.lua:66: attempt to call global 'getPlayerSkull' (a nil




Como arrumo?

Aries - 8.1

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  • 1 month later...

00:27 Mortein Guard: Olá GOD Nem! Eu sou um defensor do Raizens OTS


como tira o nome Raizens OTS e bota outro?



vlws ajuda aew




Não colokei créditos a mim

e eu axei que todos no forum tivessem olhos


-------By Far Carder------

-----------------start of config-----------------------------------------------------------------------What the formula looks like---------------

local level = 100 ----- change this to make the npc hit more/less---------------------|damage_min = (level * 2 + maglevel * 3) * min_multiplier |

local maglevel = 30 ----- change this to make the npc hit more/less -----------------|damage_max = (level * 2 + maglevel * 3) * max_multiplier |

local min_multiplier = 12.1 ----- change this to make the npc hit more/less ----------|damage_formula = math.random(damage_min,damage_max) |

local max_multiplier = 19.2 ----- change this to make the npc hit more/less ---------------------------------------------------------------------

local check_interval = 5 ----- change this to the time between checks for a creature (the less time the more it will probably lag :S)

local radiusx = 7 ----- change this to the amount of squares left/right the NPC checks (default 7 so he checks 7 squares left of him and 7 squares right (the hole screen)

local radiusy = 5 ----- change this to the amount of squares left/right the NPC checks (default 5 so he checks 5 squares up of him and 5 squares down (the hole screen)

local Attack_message = "One Invasor! DIE!!!" ----- change this to what the NPC says when he sees a monster(s)

local town_name = "Raizens OTS" ----- the name of the town the NPC says when you say "hi"

local Attack_monsters = TRUE ----- set to TRUE for the npc to attack monsters in his area or FALSE if he doesnt

local Attack_swearers = TRUE ----- set to TRUE for the npc to attack players that swear near him or FALSE if he doesnt

local Attack_pkers = TRUE ----- set to TRUE for the npc to attack players with white and red skulls or FALSE if he doesnt -- NOTE: Set this to FALSE if you are using TFS as there is no way to tell if a player is skulled on TFS, you will only get errors

local health_left = 10 ----- set to the amount of health the npc will leave a player with if they swear at him (ie at 10 he will hit the player to 10 health left)

local swear_message = "GO GO DEATH!!!" ----- change this to what you want the NPC to say when he attackes a swearer

local swear_words = {"######", "######", "######", "#####", "tnc", "pau no ######", "pnc"} ----- if "Attack_swearers" is set to TRUE then the NPC will attack anyone who says a word in here. Remember to put "" around each word and seperate each word with a comma (,)

local hit_effect = CONST_ME_MORTAREA ----- set this to the magic effect the creature will be hit with, see global.lua for more effects

local damage_colour = TEXTCOLOR_RED ----- set this to the colour of the text that shows the damage when the creature gets hit

------------------end of config------------------

local check_clock = os.clock() ----- leave this

local focus = 0 ----- leave this

function msgcontains(txt, str)

return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)'))



function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)

msg = string.lower(msg)

health = getPlayerHealth(cid) - health_left

if ((string.find(msg, '(%a*)hi(%a*)'))) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then

selfSay('Hello ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '! I am a defender of '..town_name..'.')


focus = 0


if msgcontains(msg, 'time') then

selfSay('The time is ' .. getWorldTime() .. '.')


if messageIsInArray(swear_words, msg) then

if Attack_swearers == TRUE then

selfSay('' .. swear_message ..' ')





focus = 0





function getMonstersfromArea(pos, radiusx, radiusy, stack)

local monsters = { }

local starting = {x = (pos.x - radiusx), y = (pos.y - radiusy), z = pos.z, stackpos = stack}

local ending = {x = (pos.x + radiusx), y = (pos.y + radiusy), z = pos.z, stackpos = stack}

local checking = {x = starting.x, y = starting.y, z = starting.z, stackpos = starting.stackpos}


creature = getThingfromPos(checking)

if creature.itemid > 0 then

if isCreature(creature.uid) == TRUE then

if isPlayer(creature.uid) == FALSE then

if Attack_monsters == TRUE then

table.insert (monsters, creature.uid)

check_clock = os.clock()


elseif isPlayer(creature.uid) == TRUE then

if Attack_pkers == TRUE then

if getPlayerSkull(creature.uid) > 0 then

table.insert (monsters, creature.uid)

check_clock = os.clock()






if checking.x == pos.x-1 and checking.y == pos.y then

checking.x = checking.x+2


checking.x = checking.x+1


if checking.x > ending.x then

checking.x = starting.x

checking.y = checking.y+1


until checking.y > ending.y

return monsters



function onThink()

if (Attack_monsters == TRUE and Attack_pkers == TRUE) or (Attack_monsters == TRUE and Attack_pkers == FALSE) or (Attack_monsters == FALSE and Attack_pkers == TRUE) then

if (os.clock() - check_clock) > check_interval then

monster_table = getMonstersfromArea(getCreaturePosition(getNpcCid( )), radiusx, radiusy, 253)

if #monster_table >= 1 then

selfSay('' .. Attack_message ..' ')

for i = 1, #monster_table do


local damage_min = (level * 2 + maglevel * 3) * min_multiplier

local damage_max = (level * 2 + maglevel * 3) * max_multiplier

local damage_formula = math.random(damage_min,damage_max)


doCreatureAddHealth(monster_table,-damage_formula) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(monster_table),hit_effect)


check_clock = os.clock()

focus = 0


elseif table.getn(monster_table) < 1 then

focus = 0

check_clock = os.clock()




focus = 0




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1° educaçao é bom,e crio que todos do :XTibia_smile: gostem, sim realmente todos do :XTibia_smile: tem olhos mais todo mundo erra nao?


2°você cria um topico e nao responde sobre os erros,entao nao crie...

3° voce mesmo nao sabe como o npc funciona e espera ensinar aos outros?


:reprovado: Nota :1 por trazer o conteudo ao :XTibia_smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Isso é um sistema ridiculo.

Não Aprovo. Guards acabam com a diversão do servidor, principalmente se for um servidor com a xp alta.

Matar Pk red e white skull, puff vai ver que o red pegou red porque tavam querendo matar ele e ele nao sabia que era tao forte que podia matar todos, ai acaba matando, depois chega perto do guard e se ferra, isso ta errado.


Sem Mais.




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