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Fluids 8.1 Strong, Great Health/mana


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galera essa actions nao é minha eu pegei ela do Aries OT


vai la em DATA/ACTIONS crie uma pasta e renomeie para POTIONS e COLE isso:


local greatHealthPot = 7591

local greatManaPot = 7590

local strongHealthPot = 7588

local strongManaPot = 7589

local healthPot = 7618

local manaPot = 7620

local greatEmptyPot = 7635

local strongEmptyPot = 7634

local emptyPot = 7636


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

if(item.itemid == healthPot) then

doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "Aaaah...", TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE)

if(doTargetCombatHealth(0, cid, COMBAT_HEALING, 170, 230, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) == LUA_ERROR) then

return FALSE


doTransformItem(item.uid, emptyPot)

elseif(item.itemid == manaPot) then

doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "Aaaah...", TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE)

if(doTargetCombatMana(0, cid, 170, 230, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) == LUA_ERROR) then

return FALSE


doTransformItem(item.uid, emptyPot)

elseif(item.itemid == strongHealthPot) then

doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "Aaaah...", TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE)

if(doTargetCombatHealth(0, cid, COMBAT_HEALING, 300, 500, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) == LUA_ERROR) then

return FALSE


doTransformItem(item.uid, strongEmptyPot)

elseif(item.itemid == strongManaPot) then

doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "Aaaah...", TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE)

if(doTargetCombatMana(0, cid, 300, 500, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) == LUA_ERROR) then

return FALSE


doTransformItem(item.uid, strongEmptyPot)

elseif(item.itemid == greatHealthPot) then

doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "Aaaah...", TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE)

if(doTargetCombatHealth(0, cid, COMBAT_HEALING, 500, 800, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) == LUA_ERROR) then

return FALSE


doTransformItem(item.uid, greatEmptyPot)

elseif(item.itemid == greatManaPot) then

doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "Aaaah...", TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE)

if(doTargetCombatMana(0, cid, 500, 800, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) == LUA_ERROR) then

return FALSE


doTransformItem(item.uid, greatEmptyPot)



return TRUE



Feito isso agora salve!

agora abra actions.xml e cole isso


<!-- Potions -->

<action itemid="7588" script="potions.lua" />

<action itemid="7589" script="potions.lua" />

<action itemid="7590" script="potions.lua" />

<action itemid="7591" script="potions.lua" />

<action itemid="7618" script="potions.lua" />

<action itemid="7620" script="potions.lua" />


ID dos Potions:

Health Potion = 7618

Strong Health Potion = 7588

Great Health Potion = 7591

Mana Potion = 7620

Strong Mana Potion = 7589

Great Mana Potion = 7590



99% Equipe Aries OT

1% Malzbier


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Editado por Malzbier
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eu queria que alguem me ajuda-se


na hora k eu faço /i 7618 1 para criar o Health Potion ele nao cria, nenhum dos pots citados acima :sad:


como eu faço ?


----- edited -----


lá nos items.xml tem o ID dos pots e os nomes ...



<item id="7588" article="a" name="strong health potion">

<attribute key="weight" value="200"/>

<attribute key="description" value="This potion can only be consumed by paladins and knights of level 80 or higher."/>


<item id="7589" article="a" name="strong mana potion">

<attribute key="weight" value="200"/>

<attribute key="description" value="This potion can only be consumed by sorcerers, druids and paladins of level 50 or higher."/>


<item id="7590" article="a" name="great mana potion">

<attribute key="weight" value="220"/>

<attribute key="description" value="This potion can only be consumed by sorcerers and druids of level 80 or higher."/>


<item id="7591" article="a" name="great health potion">


<item id="7618" article="a" name="health potion">

<attribute key="weight" value="180"/>


<item id="7620" article="a" name="mana potion">

<attribute key="weight" value="180"/>


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vo fala a mesma coisa que falei em outro topico sobre potions 8.1


se vc usa a pocao no chao ou em outra coisa q num seja player num acontece nada?





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n entendi sera q podia mandar uma msg pro meu msn melhor explicada ???

por favor




por favor manda um Email

para o meu msn

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