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Da pra matar "Azerus" Yalahar quest



Obs: o titulo era Bug "Azerus" Yalahar quest, kkk


Boa tarde,


Na hora de faser yalahar quest acontece um Erro muito estranho, Quando azerus aparese no Comeco nao da pra matar "Normal ateh agora" mais depois na hora que da pra matar ele, e voce mata, o servidor comecar a lagar e cair e da esse erro, Segue as prints":







Aqui o erro completo

[25/2/2014 15:4:3] [Warning - Monster::Monster] Unknown event name - Azerus

[25/2/2014 15:10:3] [Warning - Monster::Monster] Unknown event name - Azerus
[25/2/2014 15:17:13] [Warning - Monster::Monster] Unknown event name - Azerus
[25/2/2014 15:17:13] [Error - Action Interface]
[25/2/2014 15:17:13] In a timer event called from:
[25/2/2014 15:17:14] data/actions/scripts/quests/azerus.lua:onUse
[25/2/2014 15:17:14] Description:
[25/2/2014 15:17:14] (LuaInterface::luaDoCreateMonster) Cannot create monster: War Golem
[25/2/2014 15:17:14] [Warning - Npc::createNpc] Cannot find npc with name: War Golem.
[25/2/2014 15:17:15] [Error - Action Interface]
[25/2/2014 15:17:15] In a timer event called from:
[25/2/2014 15:17:15] data/actions/scripts/quests/azerus.lua:onUse
[25/2/2014 15:17:15] Description:
[25/2/2014 15:17:15] (LuaInterface::luaDoCreateNpc) Npc with name 'War Golem' not found
[25/2/2014 15:18:22] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]
[25/2/2014 15:18:22] In a timer event called from:
[25/2/2014 15:18:22] domodlib('itemstats_conf')
[25/2/2014 15:18:22]
[25/2/2014 15:18:22] function round(n, s)
[25/2/2014 15:18:22] return tonumber(('%.' .. (s or 0) .. 'f'):format(n))
[25/2/2014 15:18:23] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:23]
[25/2/2014 15:18:23] function getContentDescription(uid, sep)
[25/2/2014 15:18:23] local ret, i, containers = '', 0, {}
[25/2/2014 15:18:23] while( i < getContainerSize(uid) )do
[25/2/2014 15:18:23] local v, s = getContainerItem(uid, i), ''
[25/2/2014 15:18:23] local k = getItemInfo(v.itemid)
[25/2/2014 15:18:24] = getItemAttribute(v.uid, 'name') or
[25/2/2014 15:18:24] if( ~= '' )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:24] if( v.type > 1 and k.stackable and k.showCount )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:24] s = v.type .. ' ' .. k.plural
[25/2/2014 15:18:24] else
[25/2/2014 15:18:24] local article = getItemAttribute(v.uid, 'article') or k.article
[25/2/2014 15:18:25] s = (article == '' and '' or article .. ' ') ..
[25/2/2014 15:18:25] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:25] ret = ret .. (i == 0 and not sep and '' or ', ') .. s
[25/2/2014 15:18:25] if( isContainer(v.uid) and getContainerSize(v.uid) ~= 0 )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:25] table.insert(containers, v.uid)
[25/2/2014 15:18:26] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:26] else
[25/2/2014 15:18:26] ret = ret .. (i == 0 and not sep and '' or ', ') .. 'an item of type ' .. v.itemid .. ', please report it to gamemaster'
[25/2/2014 15:18:26] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:26] i = i + 1
[25/2/2014 15:18:26] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:27] for i = 1, #containers do
[25/2/2014 15:18:27] ret = ret .. getContentDescription(containers, true)
[25/2/2014 15:18:27] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:27] return ret
[25/2/2014 15:18:27] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:28]
[25/2/2014 15:18:28] local function send(cid, corpse, monster)
[25/2/2014 15:18:28] if( isPlayer(cid) )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:28] local ret = corpse and isContainer(corpse) and getContentDescription(corpse)
[25/2/2014 15:18:28] doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'Loot of ' .. monster .. ': ' .. (ret ~= '' and ret or 'nothing'))
[25/2/2014 15:18:28] local party = getPlayerParty(cid)
[25/2/2014 15:18:29] if( party )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:29] for _, pid in ipairs(getPartyMembers(party)) do
[25/2/2014 15:18:29] doPlayerSendChannelMessage(pid, '', 'Loot of ' .. monster .. ': ' .. (ret ~= '' and ret or 'nothing'), TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, CHANNEL_PARTY)
[25/2/2014 15:18:29] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:29] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:29] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:30] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:30]
[25/2/2014 15:18:30] local function createLoot(i, ext)
[25/2/2014 15:18:30] local item = type( == 'table' and[math.random(] or
[25/2/2014 15:18:30] local random = math.ceil(math.random(100000) / ext)
[25/2/2014 15:18:31] local tmpItem, f
[25/2/2014 15:18:31]
[25/2/2014 15:18:31] if( random < i.chance )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:31] if i.subType == -1 then
[25/2/2014 15:18:31] f = getItemInfo(item)
[25/2/2014 15:18:32] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:32] tmpItem = doCreateItemEx(item,
[25/2/2014 15:18:32] i.subType ~= -1 and i.subType or
[25/2/2014 15:18:32] f.stackable and random % i.count + 1 or
[25/2/2014 15:18:32] f.charges ~= 0 and f.charges or
[25/2/2014 15:18:32] 1
[25/2/2014 15:18:33] )
[25/2/2014 15:18:33] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:33]
[25/2/2014 15:18:33] if( not tmpItem )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:33] return
[25/2/2014 15:18:34] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:34]
[25/2/2014 15:18:34] if( i.actionId ~= -1 )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:34] doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'aid', i.actionId)
[25/2/2014 15:18:34] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:34]
[25/2/2014 15:18:35] if( i.uniqueId ~= -1 )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:35] doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'uid', i.uniqueId)
[25/2/2014 15:18:35] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:35]
[25/2/2014 15:18:35] if( i.text ~= '' )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:36] doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'text', i.text)
[25/2/2014 15:18:36] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:36]
[25/2/2014 15:18:36] local ret, done
[25/2/2014 15:18:36]
[25/2/2014 15:18:36] for k, v in pairs(tiers) do
[25/2/2014 15:18:37] local cur, used = {}, {}
[25/2/2014 15:18:37] for i = 1, #v.chance do
[25/2/2014 15:18:37] if( math.random(100000) <= v.chance )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:37] if( f )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:37] f = getItemInfo(item)
[25/2/2014 15:18:37] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:38] if( not f.stackable )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:38] for m, n in pairs(attr) do
[25/2/2014 15:18:38] if( not table.find(used, m) and
[25/2/2014 15:18:38] (
[25/2/2014 15:18:38] ( table.find(n.types, MELEE) and table.find({WEAPON_SWORD, WEAPON_CLUB, WEAPON_AXE}, f.weaponType) ) or
[25/2/2014 15:18:39] ( table.find(n.types, DISTANCE) and f.weaponType == WEAPON_DIST and f.ammoType ~= 0 ) or
[25/2/2014 15:18:39] ( table.find(n.types, ARMOR) and f.armor ~= 0 and f.wieldPosition ~= CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE ) or
[25/2/2014 15:18:39] ( table.find(n.types, SHIELD) and f.defense ~= 0 and f.weaponType == WEAPON_SHIELD ) or
[25/2/2014 15:18:39] ( table.find(n.types, WAND) and f.weaponType == WEAPON_WAND ) or
[25/2/2014 15:18:39] ( table.find(n.types, DURATION_RING) and f.wieldPosition == CONST_SLOT_RING and f.transformEquipTo ~= 0 ) or
[25/2/2014 15:18:40] ( table.find(n.types, CHARGES) and table.find({CONST_SLOT_RING, CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE}, f.wieldPosition) and f.charges ~= 0 )
[25/2/2014 15:18:40] ) )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:40] table.insert(cur, m)
[25/2/2014 15:18:40] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:40] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:40]
[25/2/2014 15:18:41] if( #cur ~= 0 )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:41] local n = cur[math.random(#cur)]
[25/2/2014 15:18:41] table.insert(used, n)
[25/2/2014 15:18:41]
[25/2/2014 15:18:41] n = attr[n]
[25/2/2014 15:18:42] local percent, new, tmp = math.random(n.percent[1] + (v.extra[1] or 0), n.percent[2] + (v.extra[2] or 0))
[25/2/2014 15:18:42] -- hacks
[25/2/2014 15:18:42] if( n.attr == 'duration' )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:42] tmp = getItemInfo(f.transformEquipTo)
[25/2/2014 15:18:42] if tmp.transformDeEquipTo ~= item then
[25/2/2014 15:18:43] break
[25/2/2014 15:18:43] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:43] new = round( tmp.decayTime * (1 + percent / 100) * 1000 )
[25/2/2014 15:18:43] elseif( n.attr == 'attackSpeed' )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:43] new = round( vocation_base_attackspeed / (1 + percent / 100) )
[25/2/2014 15:18:44] elseif( n.attr == 'hitChance' ) then
[25/2/2014 15:18:44] new = round(
[25/2/2014 15:18:44] f.hitChance == -1 and
[25/2/2014 15:18:44] percent
[25/2/2014 15:18:44] or
[25/2/2014 15:18:45] f.hitChance * (1 + percent / 100)
[25/2/2014 15:18:45] )
[25/2/2014 15:18:45] else
[25/2/2014 15:18:45] new = round(
[25/2/2014 15:18:45] n.base and
[25/2/2014 15:18:46] f[n['attr']] + f[n['base']] * (percent / 100)
[25/2/2014 15:18:46] or
[25/2/2014 15:18:46] f[n['attr']] * (1 + percent / 100)
[25/2/2014 15:18:46] )
[25/2/2014 15:18:46]
[25/2/2014 15:18:47] if( new == f[n[n.base and 'base' or 'attr']] )then -- no improvement
[25/2/2014 15:18:47] break
[25/2/2014 15:18:47] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:47] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:47]
[25/2/2014 15:18:48] doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, n.attr:lower(), new)
[25/2/2014 15:18:48]
[25/2/2014 15:18:48] local name = getItemAttribute(tmpItem, 'name')
[25/2/2014 15:18:48] if( v.attrNames or not name )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:48] local name = (v.attrNames and used[#used] or k) .. ' ' .. (name or
[25/2/2014 15:18:49] doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'name', name)
[25/2/2014 15:18:49]
[25/2/2014 15:18:49] if( f.article ~= '' )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:49] local article = getArticle(name)
[25/2/2014 15:18:49] if( article ~= f.article )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:50] doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'article', article)
[25/2/2014 15:18:50] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:50] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:50] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:50]
[25/2/2014 15:18:51] local desc = getItemAttribute(tmpItem, 'description') or f.description
[25/2/2014 15:18:51] doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'description', '[' .. .. ': +' .. percent .. '%]' .. (desc == '' and '' or '\n' .. desc))
[25/2/2014 15:18:51]
[25/2/2014 15:18:51] ret = k
[25/2/2014 15:18:51] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:52] cur = {}
[25/2/2014 15:18:52] if( #v.chance == i )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:52] done = true
[25/2/2014 15:18:52] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:52] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:53] else
[25/2/2014 15:18:53] done = i ~= 1
[25/2/2014 15:18:53] break
[25/2/2014 15:18:53] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:53] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:53] if( done )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:54] break
[25/2/2014 15:18:54] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:54] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:54]
[25/2/2014 15:18:54] return tmpItem, ret
[25/2/2014 15:18:55] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:55]
[25/2/2014 15:18:55] local function createChildLoot(parent, i, ext, pos)
[25/2/2014 15:18:55] if( not i or #i == 0 )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:56] return true
[25/2/2014 15:18:56] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:56]
[25/2/2014 15:18:56] local size, cap = 0, getContainerCap(parent)
[25/2/2014 15:18:56] for k = 1, #i do
[25/2/2014 15:18:56] if( size == cap )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:57] break
[25/2/2014 15:18:57] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:57] local tmp, ret = createLoot(i[k], ext)
[25/2/2014 15:18:57] if( tmp )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:57] if( isContainer(tmp) )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:58] if( createChildLoot(tmp, i[k].child, ext, pos) )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:58] doAddContainerItemEx(parent, tmp)
[25/2/2014 15:18:58] size = size + 1
[25/2/2014 15:18:58] else
[25/2/2014 15:18:58] doRemoveItem(tmp)
[25/2/2014 15:18:59] end
[25/2/2014 15:18:59] else
[25/2/2014 15:18:59] if( ret )then
[25/2/2014 15:18:59] doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
[25/2/2014 15:18:59] doSendAnimatedText(pos, ret:upper(), tiers[ret].color)
[25/2/2014 15:19:0] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:0] doAddContainerItemEx(parent, tmp)
[25/2/2014 15:19:0] size = size + 1
[25/2/2014 15:19:0] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:0] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:1] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:1]
[25/2/2014 15:19:1] return size > 0
[25/2/2014 15:19:1] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:1]
[25/2/2014 15:19:2] local function dropLoot(pos, v, ext, master, cid, target)
[25/2/2014 15:19:2] local corpse
[25/2/2014 15:19:2] if( not master or master == target )then -- 0.3/4
[25/2/2014 15:19:2] corpse = getTileItemById(pos, v.lookCorpse).uid
[25/2/2014 15:19:2] if( isContainer(corpse) )then
[25/2/2014 15:19:3] for i = 1, getContainerSize(corpse) do
[25/2/2014 15:19:3] doRemoveItem(getContainerItem(corpse, 0).uid)
[25/2/2014 15:19:3] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:3] local size, cap = 0, getContainerCap(corpse)
[25/2/2014 15:19:3] for i = 1, #v.loot do
[25/2/2014 15:19:4] if( size == cap )then
[25/2/2014 15:19:4] break
[25/2/2014 15:19:4] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:4] local tmp, ret = createLoot(v.loot, ext)
[25/2/2014 15:19:4] if( tmp )then
[25/2/2014 15:19:4] if( isContainer(tmp) )then
[25/2/2014 15:19:5] if( createChildLoot(tmp, v.loot.child, ext, pos) )then
[25/2/2014 15:19:5] doAddContainerItemEx(corpse, tmp)
[25/2/2014 15:19:5] size = size + 1
[25/2/2014 15:19:5] else
[25/2/2014 15:19:5] doRemoveItem(tmp)
[25/2/2014 15:19:6] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:6] else
[25/2/2014 15:19:6] if( ret )then
[25/2/2014 15:19:6] doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)
[25/2/2014 15:19:7] doSendAnimatedText(pos, ret:upper(), tiers[ret].color)
[25/2/2014 15:19:7] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:7] doAddContainerItemEx(corpse, tmp)
[25/2/2014 15:19:7] size = size + 1
[25/2/2014 15:19:7] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:8] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:8] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:8] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:8] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:8] send(cid, corpse, v.description)
[25/2/2014 15:19:9] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:9]
[25/2/2014 15:19:9] function onKill(cid, target, damage, flags)
[25/2/2014 15:19:9] if( (damage == true or, 1) == 1) and isMonster(target) )then -- 0.3/4
[25/2/2014 15:19:9] local v = getMonsterInfo(getCreatureName(target))
[25/2/2014 15:19:9] if( v and v.lookCorpse ~= 0 )then
[25/2/2014 15:19:10] local s = getCreatureStorage(cid, extra_loot_key)
[25/2/2014 15:19:10] addEvent(dropLoot, 0, getThingPos(target), v, s == -1 and rate or s, getCreatureMaster(target), cid, target)
[25/2/2014 15:19:10] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:10] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:10] return true
[25/2/2014 15:19:11] end
[25/2/2014 15:19:11] :onKill
[25/2/2014 15:19:11] Description:


[25/2/2014 15:19:11] (LuaInterface::luaGetThing) Thing not found








Script Azerus:


local BlindField = {x=32781, y=31157, z=10, stackpos=1}
function mapArea(fromPos, toPos, stack)
local pos = {x=fromPos.x, y=fromPos.y-1, z=fromPos.z}
return function()
if (pos.y < toPos.y) then
pos.y = pos.y+1
elseif (pos.x <= toPos.x) then
pos.y = fromPos.y
pos.x = pos.x+1
pos.x = fromPos.x
pos.y = fromPos.y
pos.z = pos.z+1
if (pos.x <= toPos.x and pos.y <= toPos.y or pos.z < toPos.z) then
if (stack == nil) then
return pos
pos.stackpos = stack
return pos, getThingfromPos(pos)
function getMonstersfromArea(fromPos, toPos)
local monsters = {}
for _, thing in mapArea(fromPos, toPos, 253) do
if isMonster(thing.uid) == TRUE then
table.insert(monsters, thing.uid)
local bfm = getThingfromPos(BlindField)
if isMonster(bfm.uid) == TRUE then
table.insert(monsters, bfm.uid)
return monsters
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
local topLeft = {x=32776, y=31159, z=10}
local buttomRight = {x=32790, y=31176, z=10}
local monsters = getMonstersfromArea(topLeft, buttomRight)
local monsters1 = getMonstersfromArea(topLeft, buttomRight)
local tp = {x=32783, y=31175, z=10}
local glo = {x=32783, y=31166, z=10}
local function FirstWave()
doSummonCreature("Rift Worm", {x= glo.x - 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Worm", {x= glo.x + 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Worm", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Worm", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y - 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Worm", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 5,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Azerus", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y - 5,z=glo.z})
local function FifthWave()
doSummonCreature("Rift Worm", {x= glo.x - 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Worm", {x= glo.x + 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Worm", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Worm", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y - 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Worm", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 5,z=glo.z})
local function SecondWave()
local monsters1 = getMonstersfromArea(topLeft, buttomRight)
for _, monster in pairs(monsters1) do
if getCreatureName(monster) == "Azerus" then
doSummonCreature("Azerus1", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y - 5,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Brood", {x= glo.x - 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Brood", {x= glo.x + 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Brood", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Brood", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y - 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Brood", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 5,z=glo.z})
local function SixthWave()
doSummonCreature("Rift Brood", {x= glo.x - 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Brood", {x= glo.x + 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Brood", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Brood", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y - 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Brood", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 5,z=glo.z})
local function ThirdWave()
local monsters1 = getMonstersfromArea(topLeft, buttomRight)
for _, monster in pairs(monsters1) do
if getCreatureName(monster) == "Azerus" then
doSummonCreature("Azerus2", {x= glo.x - 5,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Scythe", {x= glo.x - 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Scythe", {x= glo.x + 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Scythe", {x= glo.x + 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Scythe", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 4,z=glo.z})
local function ThirdWave1() -- with 2s delay
doSummonCreature("Rift Scythe", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Scythe", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y - 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("Rift Scythe", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 5,z=glo.z})
local function FourthWave()
doSummonCreature("War Golem", {x= glo.x - 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("War Golem", {x= glo.x + 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("War Golem", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y - 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("War Golem", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 4,z=glo.z})
local function SevenWave()
local monsters1 = getMonstersfromArea(topLeft, buttomRight)
for _, monster in pairs(monsters1) do
if getCreatureName(monster) == "Azerus" then
doSummonCreature("Azerus3", {x= glo.x - 5,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("War Golem", {x= glo.x - 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("War Golem", {x= glo.x + 4,y=glo.y,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("War Golem", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y - 4,z=glo.z})
doSummonCreature("War Golem", {x=glo.x,y=glo.y + 4,z=glo.z})
local function Glllobe()
local monst = getMonstersfromArea(topLeft, buttomRight)
for i = 1, #monst do
local item1 = getTileItemById(glo, 9767)
doItemSetAttribute(item1.uid, "aid", 58261)
local function createWall(p)
local janek = doCreateItem(1387,1,{x=32784, y=31177, z=9})
doItemSetAttribute(janek, "aid", 9105)
local function createWalll(i)
local ela = doCreateItem(1387,1,{x=32783, y=31175, z=10})
doItemSetAttribute(ela, "aid", 9106)
local wall0 = {x=32784, y=31177, z=9, stackpos=1}
local getwall0 = getThingfromPos(wall0)
local wall1 = {x=32783, y=31175, z=10, stackpos=1}
local getwall1 = getThingfromPos(wall1)
local monsters = getMonstersfromArea(topLeft, buttomRight)
local monsters1 = getMonstersfromArea(topLeft, buttomRight)
local tele_chk = getTileItemById(tp, 1387)
if item.actionid == 58261 then
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "aid", 58263)
if tele_chk.uid > 0 then
addEvent(FirstWave, 0)
addEvent(FifthWave, 30000)
addEvent(SecondWave, 60000)
addEvent(SixthWave, 90000)
addEvent(ThirdWave, 120000)
addEvent(ThirdWave1, 150000)
addEvent(FourthWave, 180000)
addEvent(SevenWave, 210000)
addEvent(Glllobe, 400000)
p = {wallid = getwall0.itemid}
addEvent(createWall, 300*1000, p)
i = {wallid = getwall1.itemid}
addEvent(createWalll, 300*1000, i)
if item.actionid == 58263 then
doCreatureSay(cid, "You have to wait some time before this globe will charge.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
return TRUE
Editado por Stormkz
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