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Removendo erros que aparecem na Distro do seu Otserv !

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Olá pessoal , vou ensinar a vocês como resolver os erros mais comuns que aparecem na Distro do seu Otserv .


Erros mais comuns:

[27/01/2014 10:42:49] [Warning - Weapons::registerEvent] Duplicate registered item with id: XXXX
[27/01/2014 10:43:09] [Spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "NomedoMonster"
[27/01/2014 10:43:10] [Warning - Spawns::loadFromXml] Grim Reaper ( 00249 / 00151 / 008 ) spawntime cannot be less than 1 seconds.
[27/01/2014 10:43:13] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (89)
[27/01/2014 10:43:16] [Warning - Monster::Monster] Unknown event name - inquisitionPortals
[27/01/2014 10:43:16] [Warning - Monster::Monster] Unknown event name - tp

Vamos lá ...



[27/01/2014 10:42:49] [Warning - Weapons::registerEvent] Duplicate registered item with id: XXXX


Isso ocorre quando tem 2 items registrado na sua Weapons.


Para remover ... vá em data/weapons/weapons.xml


Ctrl+F no id do item que está duplicado e exclua o que não está sendo usado ..




ID = 2436


<!-- Wands -->

<wand id="2436" level="120" mana="20" min="750" max="750" type="holy" event="function" value="default">
<vocation id="1"/>
<vocation id="5"/>


<!-- Clubs -->
<melee id="2436" level="30" unproperly="1" event="function" value="default"/>
Como eu quero usar o item como Wand vou apagar o Club ..


Salve e Feche .





[27/01/2014 10:43:09] [Spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "NomedoMonster"


Isso ocorre quando o monster que você adicionou no seu mapa pelo RME não existe no seu OtServ..


Para remover... vá em data/world/Nomedoseumapa-spawn.xml e abra com ' Bloco de Notas .


Ctrl+F no nome do Monster que ta aparecendo no erro..




[27/01/2014 10:43:09] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Arkhothep"


Ctrl+F Arkhothep

e Remova o spawn ..


<spawn centerx="814" centery="440" centerz="7" radius="5">

<monster name="Arkhothep" x="4" y="2" z="7" spawntime="60"/>


Salve e Feche .




[27/01/2014 10:43:10] [Warning - Spawns::loadFromXml] Grim Reaper ( 00249 / 00151 / 008 ) spawntime cannot be less than 1 seconds.


Isso ocorre quando você adiciona um monster no seu ot com apenas 1 ou menos segundos de spawntime .


Para remover... Vá em data/world/SeuMapa abra seu mapa com RME .


Dê goto (Ctrl+G) na posição que está aparecendo no erro..



Posição :

[27/01/2014 10:43:10] [Warning - Spawns::loadFromXml] Grim Reaper ( 00249 / 00151 / 008 ) spawntime cannot be less than 1 seconds.


X = 249 Y = 151 Z = 8




A posição não é do monster e sim da spawn que está localizado o monster , então você terá que procura-lo .

e aumentar a sua spawntimer .






Erro :

[27/01/2014 10:43:13] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (89)



Para remover ..



Procure a house pelo ID ..




[27/01/2014 10:43:13] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (89)


ID da House = 89






Selecione e click em ' Remove '


Salve e Feche .





[27/01/2014 10:43:16] [Warning - Monster::Monster] Unknown event name - inquisitionPortal



Para remover esse erro você terá que ter muita paciência..




e remova a tag :


<event name="inquisitionPortals"/>
de todos os monster que a tenha .
acho que alguns monster que contem são :
Ex :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Hellgorak" nameDescription="Hellgorak" race="blood" experience="10000" speed="360" manacost="0">
<health now="40000" max="40000"/>
<look type="12" head="19" body="96" legs="21" feet="81" corpse="6068"/>
<targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>
<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
<flag summonable="0"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag illusionable="0"/>
<flag convinceable="0"/>
<flag pushable="0"/>
<flag canpushitems="1"/>
<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
<flag targetdistance="1"/>
<flag staticattack="85"/>
<flag runonhealth="0"/>
<event name="inquisitionPortals"/>
<attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="130" attack="130"/>
<attack name="energy" interval="1000" chance="11" length="8" spread="0" min="-250" max="-819">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="purpleenergy"/>
<attack name="manadrain" interval="2000" chance="14" radius="5" target="0" min="-90" max="-500">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="stun"/>
<attack name="fire" interval="1000" chance="11" radius="5" target="1" min="-50" max="-520">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/>
<attack name="lifedrain" interval="2000" chance="5" radius="7" target="0" min="0" max="-150">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="poff"/>
<defenses armor="70" defense="65">
<defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="11" min="400" max="900">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/>
<element icePercent="55"/>
<element energyPercent="40"/>
<element earthPercent="40"/>
<element holyPercent="20"/>
<element deathPercent="50"/>
<element firePercent="55"/>
<element drownPercent="-50"/>
<immunity lifedrain="1"/>
<immunity paralyze="1"/>
<immunity invisible="1"/>
<voices interval="5000" chance="0">
<voice sentence="??" yell="1"/>
<voice sentence="??" yell="1"/>
<item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="80000" chancemax="8"/>
<item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="20000" chancemax="10"/>
<item id="2150" countmax="16" chance1="4000" chancemax="10"/> small amethyst
<item id="2148" countmax="83" chance1="40000" chancemax="0"/>
<item id="7388" chance="1200" /> --vile axe
<item id="2130" chance="1200" /> --golden amulet
<item id="2208" chance="3200" /> --axe ring
<item id="8871" chance="3100" /> --focus cape
<item id="2158" chance="1500" /> --blue gem
<item id="2155" chance="1500" /> --green gem
<item id="2210" chance="3200" /> --sword ring
<item id="2208" chance="3200" /> --axe ring
<item id="9970" countmax="13" chance1="6000" chancemax="0"/> small topaz
<item id="6500" countmax="2" chance1="6000" chancemax="0"/> demonic ess
<item id="2143" countmax="7" chance1="5000" chancemax="0"/> --White pearl
<item id="2470" chance="2000" /> --golden legs
<item id="7368" countmax="25" chance="8000"/> --stars
<item id="2144" countmax="12" chance1="4000" chancemax="0"/> --black pearl
<item id="2145" countmax="5" chance1="3000" chancemax="0"/> --small diamond
<item id="2514" chance="5650"/> --mastermind shield
<item id="2466" chance="8100"/> --golden armor
<item id="7412" chance="4200" /> --butcher's axe
<item id="7590" chance="7000"/> --great mana potion
<item id="8904" chance="5000"/> --spellbook of prophercies
<item id="7591" chance="8000"/> --great health potion
<item id="1987" chance="100000">
<item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="80000" chancemax="0"/>
<item id="2148" countmax="100" chance1="20000" chancemax="0"/>
<item id="8901" chance="4400"/> --spellbook of warding
<item id="2415" chance="600"/> --great axe
<item id="2208" chance="3200" /> --axe ring
<item id="8926" chance="900"/> --demonwing axe
<item id="2645" chance="3500"/> --steel boots
<item id="6500" countmax="2" chance1="6000" chancemax="0"/> demonic ess
<item id="8902" chance="4500"/> spellbook of mind control
<item id="2136" chance1="3000"/> demonbone amulet
<item id="2488" chance1="4000"/> crown legs
<item id="2143" countmax="7" chance1="7000" chancemax="0"/> --White pearl
<item id="7590" chance="5000"/> --great mana potion
<item id="8879" chance="3400"/> --voltage armor
<item id="2146" countmax="18" chance1="9000" chancemax="0"/> --small sapphire
<item id="2195" chance="5000"/> --boh
<item id="8918" chance="1000"/> --spellbook of dark mysteries
<item id="7591" chance="7000"/> --great health potion



Remova , Salve e Feche .
Faça o mesmo com todos .




[27/01/2014 10:43:16] [Warning - Monster::Monster] Unknown event name - tp



Para remover esse erro você terá que ter muita paciência..



e remova a tag :


<event name="tp"/>
De todos os monster que a tenha
Acho que todos que contem estão na pasta ' Canines ' DATA/MONSTER/CANINES
Ex :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="wolf" nameDescription="a wolf" race="blood" experience="18" speed="195" manacost="255">
<health now="25" max="25"/>
<look type="27" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="5968"/>
<targetchange interval="2000" chance="0"/>
<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
<flag summonable="1"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag illusionable="1"/>
<flag convinceable="1"/>
<flag pushable="1"/>
<flag canpushitems="0"/>
<flag canpushcreatures="0"/>
<flag targetdistance="1"/>
<flag staticattack="90"/>
<flag runonhealth="8"/>
<attack name="melee" interval="1500" skill="14" attack="13"/>
<defenses armor="8" defense="8"/>
<element icePercent="-5"/>
<element earthPercent="3"/>
<element holyPercent="7"/>
<element deathPercent="-4"/>
<immunity physical="0"/>
<immunity energy="0"/>
<immunity fire="0"/>
<immunity poison="0"/>
<immunity lifedrain="0"/>
<immunity paralyze="0"/>
<immunity outfit="0"/>
<immunity drunk="0"/>
<immunity invisible="0"/>
<item id="3976" countmax="10" chance1="50000" chancemax="0"/>
<item id="2666" countmax="3" chance1="90000" chancemax="0"/>
<item id="5897" countmax="1" chance1="6666" chancemax="0"/>
<event name="tp"/>



Remova, Salve e Feche .
Faça o mesmo com todos ..




Se estiver a área errada movam para a área correta pf ><
Se o erro que aparece da sua Distro for diferente comente que eu ou quem poder. Ajudaremos ><
Edited by Omega
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muito bom esse tutorial ,vai ajudar muito os iniciantes.

obs : [27/01/2014 10:43:09] [Spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "NomedoMonster" esse erro é quando o monstro que está no respaw não existe no servidor ,então se colocar o monstro que está dando erro no servidor provavelmente também concertará o bug...

Edited by RastaLegion
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