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[Encerrado] NPC Chuck Norris da item depois de derrotado


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Tem como alguem ae adiciona um item no npc chuck norris, pra quando ele fo derrotado, ele entrega esse item, no caso a master ball

to aprendeno script, num manjo muito ainda




local focus = 0
local max_distance = 8
local talk_start = 0
local conv = 0
local fighting = false
local challenger = 0
local afk_limit_time = 30 -- seconds
local afk_time = 0 -- don't change
local battle_turn = 1 -- don't change
local challenger_turn = 0 -- don't change
local sto = 759848
local function doSummonGymPokemon(npc)
local this = npc
if #getCreatureSummons(this) >= 1 or focus == 0 then return true end
local it = theNpc.pokemon[1]
local summon = getCreatureSummons(this)[1]
local balleffect = pokeballs["normal"].effect
if it.ball and pokeballs[it.ball] then
balleffect = pokeballs[it.ball].effect
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), balleffect)
setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10000, balleffect)
setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10001, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].back:gsub("doka", it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or
setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007, it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or
doSetMonsterGym(summon, focus)
addEvent(adjustWildPoke, 15, summon, it.optionalLevel)
local name = it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or getCreatureName(this).."s "
doCreatureSay(this, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].go:gsub("doka", getPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007)), 1)
fighting = true
battle_turn = battle_turn+1
local function doWinDuel(cid, npc)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local this = npc
if getCreatureName(this) == "Chuck Norris" then
doCreatureSay(npc, "Chuck Norris never loses! Just my pokemon fails!", 1)
doCreatureSay(npc, "You won the duel! Congratulations, you can challenger the next opponent now.", 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto)+1)
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)
local Npcs = {
["Hang Wufei"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Machamp", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},
storage = 0,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Chun Li"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Blissey", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "great"},
storage = 1,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Van Damme"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Shiny hitmontop", optionalLevel = 100, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},
storage = 2,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Mai Shiranui"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Shiny Farfetch'd", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},
storage = 3,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Jet Li"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Shiny Hitmonlee", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "great"},
storage = 4,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Jackie Chan"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Shiny Hitmonchan", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},
storage = 5,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Chuck Norris"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Shiny Machamp", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},
storage = 6,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm the master of the fighter tower. Nobody can defeat me! How may I help you?"
theNpc = Npcs[getNpcName()]
local msg = string.lower(msg)
if focus == cid then
talk_start = os.clock()
if msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0 and getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 4 then
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto) == -1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto, 0) end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto) ~= then
selfSay("What? I don't have nothing to talk with you! Good bye!")
focus = 0
return true
focus = cid
talk_start = os.clock()
conv = 1
return true
if isDuelMsg(msg) and conv == 1 and focus == cid then
if not hasPokemon(cid) then
selfSay("To battle agains't me you need pokemons.")
return true
selfSay("You are challenging me to a battle. It will be a "..#theNpc.pokemon.." pokemon limit battle, let's start?")
conv = 2
return true
if isConfirmMsg(msg) and conv == 2 and focus == cid then
challenger = focus
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 990, 1)
selfSay("Yea, let's fight!")
talk_start = os.clock()
addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 850, getThis())
conv = 3
return true
if isNegMsg(msg) and conv == 2 and focus == cid then
focus = 0
selfSay("It is better for you to refuse a battle against me!")
return true
if msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and focus == cid then
selfSay('Bye and do your best trainer!')
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
return true
local afk_warning = false
function onThink()
if focus == 0 then
fighting = false
challenger = 0
challenger_turn = 0
battle_turn = 1
afk_time = 0
afk_warning = false
if #getCreatureSummons(getThis()) >= 1 then
setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], 1006, 0)
doCreatureAddHealth(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], -getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1]))
return true
if not isCreature(focus) then
focus = 0
return true
if fighting then
talk_start = os.clock()
if not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getThis())) then
if #getCreatureSummons(challenger) >= 1 then
if getCreatureOutfit(getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1]).lookType ~= 2 then --alterado v1.6
challenger_turn = challenger_turn + 1
afk_time = 0
afk_time = afk_time + 0.5
if afk_time > afk_limit_time then
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
selfSay("I have waited too long, come back when you are ready!")
return true
if not afk_warning and afk_time > afk_limit_time / 2 then
selfSay("Where's your pokemon? Let's fight!")
afk_warning = true
if #getCreatureSummons(getThis()) == 0 then
if battle_turn > #theNpc.pokemon then
addEvent(doWinDuel, 1000, focus, getThis())
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
return true
addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 1000, getThis())
if not hasPokemon(challenger) or challenger_turn >= 7 or challenger_turn > #theNpc.pokemon then
selfSay("You lost our duel! Maybe some other time you'll defeat me.")
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
return true
local npcpos = getThingPos(getThis())
local focpos = getThingPos(focus)
if npcpos.z ~= focpos.z then
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
selfSay("Bye then.")
return true
if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 30 then
selfSay("Good bye and keep training!")
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > max_distance then
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
return true
local dir = doRedirectDirection(getDirectionTo(npcpos, focpos))
return true

2 REP+ ok.png pra quem ajuda
Editado por Alkimista
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Só entregar o item?


local focus = 0

local max_distance = 8
local talk_start = 0
local conv = 0
local fighting = false
local challenger = 0
local afk_limit_time = 30 -- seconds
local afk_time = 0 -- don't change
local battle_turn = 1 -- don't change
local challenger_turn = 0 -- don't change
local sto = 759848
local function doSummonGymPokemon(npc)
local this = npc
if #getCreatureSummons(this) >= 1 or focus == 0 then return true end
local it = theNpc.pokemon[1]
local summon = getCreatureSummons(this)[1]
local balleffect = pokeballs["normal"].effect
if it.ball and pokeballs[it.ball] then
balleffect = pokeballs[it.ball].effect
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), balleffect)
setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10000, balleffect)
setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10001, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].back:gsub("doka", it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or
setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007, it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or
doSetMonsterGym(summon, focus)
addEvent(adjustWildPoke, 15, summon, it.optionalLevel)
local name = it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or getCreatureName(this).."s "
doCreatureSay(this, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].go:gsub("doka", getPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007)), 1)
fighting = true
battle_turn = battle_turn+1
local function doWinDuel(cid, npc)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local this = npc
local mb_id = xxx --ID da Master Ball.
local mb_qnt = xxx --Quantas Master Balls o player irá receber.
if getCreatureName(this) == "Chuck Norris" then
doCreatureSay(npc, "Chuck Norris never loses! Just my pokemon fails!", 1)
doPlayerAddItem(cid, mb_id, mb_qnt)
doCreatureSay(npc, "You won the duel! Congratulations, you can challenger the next opponent now.", 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto)+1)
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)
local Npcs = {
["Hang Wufei"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Machamp", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},
storage = 0,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Chun Li"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Blissey", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "great"},
storage = 1,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Van Damme"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Shiny hitmontop", optionalLevel = 100, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},
storage = 2,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Mai Shiranui"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Shiny Farfetch'd", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},
storage = 3,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Jet Li"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Shiny Hitmonlee", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "great"},
storage = 4,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Jackie Chan"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Shiny Hitmonchan", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},
storage = 5,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm a member of the fighter tower. How may I help you?"
["Chuck Norris"] = {
pokemon = {
{name = "Shiny Machamp", optionalLevel = 3000, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},
storage = 6,
msg = "Hello "..getCreatureName(cid)..", my name is ".. getNpcName().." i'm the master of the fighter tower. Nobody can defeat me! How may I help you?"
theNpc = Npcs[getNpcName()]
local msg = string.lower(msg)
if focus == cid then
talk_start = os.clock()
if msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0 and getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 4 then
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto) == -1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto, 0) end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto) ~= then
selfSay("What? I don't have nothing to talk with you! Good bye!")
focus = 0
return true
focus = cid
talk_start = os.clock()
conv = 1
return true
if isDuelMsg(msg) and conv == 1 and focus == cid then
if not hasPokemon(cid) then
selfSay("To battle agains't me you need pokemons.")
return true
selfSay("You are challenging me to a battle. It will be a "..#theNpc.pokemon.." pokemon limit battle, let's start?")
conv = 2
return true
if isConfirmMsg(msg) and conv == 2 and focus == cid then
challenger = focus
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 990, 1)
selfSay("Yea, let's fight!")
talk_start = os.clock()
addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 850, getThis())
conv = 3
return true
if isNegMsg(msg) and conv == 2 and focus == cid then
focus = 0
selfSay("It is better for you to refuse a battle against me!")
return true
if msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and focus == cid then
selfSay('Bye and do your best trainer!')
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
return true
local afk_warning = false
function onThink()
if focus == 0 then
fighting = false
challenger = 0
challenger_turn = 0
battle_turn = 1
afk_time = 0
afk_warning = false
if #getCreatureSummons(getThis()) >= 1 then
setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], 1006, 0)
doCreatureAddHealth(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1], -getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(getThis())[1]))
return true
if not isCreature(focus) then
focus = 0
return true
if fighting then
talk_start = os.clock()
if not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getThis())) then
if #getCreatureSummons(challenger) >= 1 then
if getCreatureOutfit(getCreatureSummons(challenger)[1]).lookType ~= 2 then --alterado v1.6
challenger_turn = challenger_turn + 1
afk_time = 0
afk_time = afk_time + 0.5
if afk_time > afk_limit_time then
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
selfSay("I have waited too long, come back when you are ready!")
return true
if not afk_warning and afk_time > afk_limit_time / 2 then
selfSay("Where's your pokemon? Let's fight!")
afk_warning = true
if #getCreatureSummons(getThis()) == 0 then
if battle_turn > #theNpc.pokemon then
addEvent(doWinDuel, 1000, focus, getThis())
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
return true
addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 1000, getThis())
if not hasPokemon(challenger) or challenger_turn >= 7 or challenger_turn > #theNpc.pokemon then
selfSay("You lost our duel! Maybe some other time you'll defeat me.")
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
return true
local npcpos = getThingPos(getThis())
local focpos = getThingPos(focus)
if npcpos.z ~= focpos.z then
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
selfSay("Bye then.")
return true
if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 30 then
selfSay("Good bye and keep training!")
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > max_distance then
setPlayerStorageValue(focus, 990, -1)
focus = 0
return true
local dir = doRedirectDirection(getDirectionTo(npcpos, focpos))
return true

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vlw manin, 2 REP+ ok.png

só ta dano esse erro aqui, mai ta suave




[15/11/2013 18:28:24] [Error - Spell Interface]
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] data/spells/scripts/passivas/Demon Puncher.lua:onCastSpell
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] Description:
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] (luaGetPlayerSlotItem) Player not found
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] [Error - Spell Interface]
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] data/spells/scripts/passivas/Demon Puncher.lua:onCastSpell
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] Description:
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] (luaGetItemAttribute) Item not found
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] [Error - Spell Interface]
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] data/spells/scripts/passivas/Demon Puncher.lua:onCastSpell
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] Description:
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] data/lib/pokemon moves.lua:4588: attempt to index global 'tabela' (a nil value)
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] stack traceback:
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] data/lib/pokemon moves.lua:4588: in function 'docastspell'
[15/11/2013 18:28:24] data/spells/scripts/passivas/Demon Puncher.lua:3: in function <data/spells/scripts/passivas/Demon Puncher.lua:1>

Ele aparece quando eu mato o Shiny Machamp do Chuck Norris
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