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doPlayerSetMagicLevel(cid, ammout)

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--º OrochiElf º--


Função testada na versao

TFS 0.3.6pl1


Essa funçao é capaz de setar e remover uma magic level em tempo real, sem precisar relogar para ter resultados.


Bom , vamos iniciar a instalaçao , vá em LUASCRIPT.CPP e procure por


//doPlayerSetMaxCapacity(cid, cap)
lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerSetMaxCapacity", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerSetMaxCapacity);


Abaixo adicione :


//doPlayerSetMagicLevel(cid, value)
lua_register(m_luaState, "doPlayerSetMagicLevel", LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerSetMagicLevel);


Procure por


int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerSetMaxCapacity(lua_State* L)
//doPlayerSetMaxCapacity(uid, cap)
double cap = popFloatNumber(L);

ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv();
if(Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)))
lua_pushboolean(L, true);
lua_pushboolean(L, false);
return 1;


e abaixo adicione


int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerSetMagicLevel(lua_State* L)
//doPlayerSetMagicLevel(uid, value)
uint64_t value = popNumber(L);

ScriptEnviroment* env = getEnv();
if(Player* player = env->getPlayerByUID(popNumber(L)))
lua_pushboolean(L, true);
lua_pushboolean(L, false);
return 1;


Agora vá em LUASCRIPT.H e procure por


static int32_t luaDoPlayerSetMaxCapacity(lua_State* L);


e abaixo adicione


static int32_t luaDoPlayerSetMagicLevel(lua_State* L);


Agora vá em PLAYER.CPP e procure por


void Player::addExperience(uint64_t exp)
uint32_t prevLevel = level;
uint64_t nextLevelExp = Player::getExpForLevel(level + 1);
if(Player::getExpForLevel(level) > nextLevelExp)
//player has reached max level
levelPercent = 0;

experience += exp;
while(experience >= nextLevelExp)
healthMax += vocation->getGain(GAIN_HEALTH);
health += vocation->getGain(GAIN_HEALTH);
manaMax += vocation->getGain(GAIN_MANA);
mana += vocation->getGain(GAIN_MANA);
capacity += vocation->getGainCap();

nextLevelExp = Player::getExpForLevel(level + 1);
if(Player::getExpForLevel(level) > nextLevelExp) //player has reached max level

if(prevLevel != level)

g_game.changeSpeed(this, 0);

char advMsg[60];
sprintf(advMsg, "You advanced from Level %d to Level %d.", prevLevel, level);
sendTextMessage(MSG_EVENT_ADVANCE, advMsg);

CreatureEventList advanceEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_ADVANCE);
for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = advanceEvents.begin(); it != advanceEvents.end(); ++it)
(*it)->executeAdvance(this, SKILL__LEVEL, prevLevel, level);

uint64_t currLevelExp = Player::getExpForLevel(level);
nextLevelExp = Player::getExpForLevel(level + 1);
levelPercent = 0;
if(nextLevelExp > currLevelExp)
levelPercent = Player::getPercentLevel(experience - currLevelExp, nextLevelExp - currLevelExp);



E abaixo adicione


void Player::setMagicLevel(uint64_t value)
uint64_t old_level = magLevel;

magLevel = value;
manaSpent = 0;
magLevelPercent = 0;

CreatureEventList advanceEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_ADVANCE);
for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = advanceEvents.begin(); it != advanceEvents.end(); ++it)
(*it)->executeAdvance(this, SKILL__MAGLEVEL, old_level, magLevel);



Agora pra finalizar vá em PLAYER.H e procure por


virtual int32_t getArmor() const;


E "ACIMA" voce adiciona


void setSkillLevel(skills_t skill, uint32_t value);



Como usar?


doPlayerSetMagicLevel(cid, 10) -- Adiciona 10 pontos de ml


doPlayerSetMagicLevel(cid, -10) -- Remove 10 pontos de ml


Espero que façam bom uso :3

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  • 2 months later...

Kra esse codigo deu erro


ompilador: Default compiler

Building Makefile: "C:\Documents and Settings\Solrac\Meus documentos\Akira\Sky's Heart\Sky's Heart\0.3.6pl1.r102\dev-cpp\"

Executando make...

make.exe -f "C:\Documents and Settings\Solrac\Meus documentos\Akira\Sky's Heart\Sky's Heart\0.3.6pl1.r102\dev-cpp\" all

g++.exe -c ../luascript.cpp -o obj//luascript.o -I"C:/Documents and Settings/Solrac/Meus documentos/Akira/Sky's Heart/Stian's Repack Dev-Cpp/include" -D__USE_MYSQL__ -D__USE_SQLITE__ -D__ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__ -fexpensive-optimizations -O1


In file included from ../ioguild.h:22,

from ../player.h:35,

from ../luascript.cpp:26:

../player.h:901:7: warning: no newline at end of file

In file included from ../luascript.cpp:26:

../player.h:445: error: `void Player::setSkillLevel(skills_t, uint32_t)' and `void Player::setSkillLevel(skills_t, uint32_t)' cannot be overloaded


In file included from ../luascript.cpp:26:

../player.h:901:7: warning: no newline at end of file

../luascript.cpp: In static member function `static int32_t LuaScriptInterface::luaDoPlayerSetMagicLevel(lua_State*)':

../luascript.cpp:8606: error: 'class Player' has no member named 'setMagicLevel'


make.exe: *** [obj//luascript.o] Error 1


Execução terminada



eu eu uso a versão TFS 0.3.6pl1


a do setskill pego mais esse do magic nao o.O

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  • 1 year later...
E "ACIMA" voce adiciona

void setSkillLevel(skills_t skill, uint32_t value);

Ta errado é :

void setMagicLevel(uint64_t value)
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