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Script de Teleport quando o monstro na area "x" a "y" estiver mortos.



Nome do Script: Script de Teleport quando o monstro na area "x" a "y" estiver mortos.

Tipo do Script: Nao sei!

Versão Utilizada: 8.60

Servidor Utilizado: TheLostServer

Nível de Experiência: Complicado.

Informações Extras: --



Gostaria de um script no qual o teleporte so ficase disponivel no local "X" apenas quando na area "y" a "Z" nao houver monstros.

Ex: Numa pequena cav de demon o portal só ficará aberto para se retirar da cave quando nao houver mais demons vivos.



Obs: Ja procurei no forum esse eskema e não encontrei.



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local areas = {
[1] = {
	fromPosition = {x = 93, y = 125, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
	toPosition = {x = 95, y = 127, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
	creatureName = {"Rat", "Cave Rat"}

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
local pass = true
for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
	local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
	local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}

	local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
	local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

	local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
	local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
	if specs then
		for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
			if type(area.creatureName) == "table" and isInArray(area.creatureName, getCreatureName(cn)) then
				pass = false
			elseif getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
				pass = false

if pass == false then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
	doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
	return false
return true



Agora da esse erro e nao trava o teleporte mesmo estando o bixo na area!


[18/01/2013 00:27:11] [Error - MoveEvents Interface]
[18/01/2013 00:27:11] data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:onStepIn
[18/01/2013 00:27:11] Description:
[18/01/2013 00:27:11] data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:25: attempt to call method 'lower' (a nil value)
[18/01/2013 00:27:11] stack traceback:
[18/01/2013 00:27:11]	 data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:25: in function <data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:9>


Mesmo substituindo essa linha que vc disse nos posts acima

addEvent(doTeleportThing, 5, cid, fromPosition, true

Editado por markim1986
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ops, erro idiota meu, aqui:


local areas = {
[1] = {
	fromPosition = {x = 93, y = 125, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
	toPosition = {x = 95, y = 127, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
	creatureName = {"Rat", "Cave Rat"}

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
local pass = true
for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
	local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
	local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}

	local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
	local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

	local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
	local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
	if specs then
		for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
			if type(area.creatureName) == "table" and isInArray(area.creatureName, getCreatureName(cn)) then
				pass = false
			elseif type(area.creatureName) == "string" and getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
				pass = false

if pass == false then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
	doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
	return false
return true

Editado por brun123
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ops, erro idiota meu, aqui:


local areas = {
[1] = {
	fromPosition = {x = 93, y = 125, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
	toPosition = {x = 95, y = 127, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
	creatureName = {"Rat", "Cave Rat"}

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
local pass = true
for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
	local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
	local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}

	local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
	local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

	local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
	local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
	if specs then
		for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
			if type(area.creatureName) == "table" and isInArray(area.creatureName, getCreatureName(cn)) then
				pass = false
			elseif type(area.creatureName) == "string" and getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
				pass = false

if pass == false then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
	doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
	return false
return true


Oiiiiiiiiiiihh brunnnnnnnnnnn123 heart.png (fazendo voz de menininha) kkkkkk


Rapaz, teria como eu editar esse script ai pra fazer uma especie de arena!?


Tipo o player passa o portal da arena, dai enquanto este player estiver dentro da arena o portal ficará bloqueado para que outros players não entrem... e o player que entrou não poderá fazer logoff lá dentro, ai assim que o player que entrou, sair desta area o portal ser liberado novamente.


Outra condição, seria que o player só pudesse ficar nesta area no máximo 15 minutos.


Beijos man! love.gif


AEHAUEHAUEHA... essa parte do beijo é brincadeira viu! mad2.png

Editado por juliok80
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ops, erro idiota meu, aqui:


local areas = {
[1] = {
	fromPosition = {x = 93, y = 125, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
	toPosition = {x = 95, y = 127, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
	creatureName = {"Rat", "Cave Rat"}

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
local pass = true
for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
	local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
	local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}

	local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
	local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

	local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
	local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
	if specs then
		for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
			if type(area.creatureName) == "table" and isInArray(area.creatureName, getCreatureName(cn)) then
				pass = false
			elseif type(area.creatureName) == "string" and getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
				pass = false

if pass == false then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
	doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
	return false
return true


Perfeito meu amigo, Rep+


Muito Obrigado e se possivel voce puder me ajudar neste script

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