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Dúvida No Script De Uma Runa.



Minha dúvida é se essa função (No caso seria uma runa que somente gm, god e adm poderiam usar).

Bom, estou tetando aprender a criar funções, então, estava fazendo mas acho que tem algo errado ai... Alguém pode me ajudar? A ver se tem algo errado e que não deixaria a runa funcionar corretamente?


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
player1pos = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=253}
player1 = getThingfromPos(player1pos)
target = player1.uid
templewinpos = {x=0,y=0,z=0} -- Coordenadas da sala de Recompensas.
player1positions = {
} -- Locais onde é possível usar a runa no player.
if getPlayerAccess(cid) =>= 2 then
if getCreaturePosition(target) = isInArray(player1positions, TRUE) then
 if getPlayerAccess(target) = 1 then
 doTeleportThing(target, templewinpos)
 setPlayerStorageValue(target, 9999, 0)
 doPlayerBroadcastMessage(target, "Congratulations, you won the game. Take your prizes in the chests and head to the exit.", 10)
 doSendMagicEffect(topos, 10)
 doSendAnimatedText(topos, "Winner!", 140)
 else doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Sorry, you can not use this item if not in a player.", 10)
else doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Sorry, you can only use this item for players who are in the awards position.", 10)
else doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Sorry, you havent access to use this item.", 10)


PS: Os valores dos efeitos, e da storage são ficticios....

Editado por Derlexy
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não testei só tirei os erros que vi

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
player1pos = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=253}
player1 = getThingfromPos(player1pos)
target = player1.uid
templewinpos = {x=0,y=0,z=0} -- Coordenadas da sala de Recompensas.
player1positions = {
} -- Locais onde é possível usar a runa no player.
if getPlayerAccess(cid) >= 2 then
if getCreaturePosition(target) == isInArray(player1positions, TRUE) then
if getPlayerAccess(target) == 1 then
doTeleportThing(target, templewinpos)
setPlayerStorageValue(target, 9999, 0)
doPlayerBroadcastMessage(target, "Congratulations, you won the game. Take your prizes in the chests and head to the exit.", 10)
doSendMagicEffect(topos, 10)
doSendAnimatedText(topos, "Winner!", 140)
doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Sorry, you can not use this item if not in a player.", 10)
doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Sorry, you can only use this item for players who are in the awards position.", 10)
doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Sorry, you havent access to use this item.", 10)

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Bom, tentei rodar o script no servidor, e arrumei alguns erros que estavam dando... Agora, ao entrar com o ADM e tentar usar o script ele denunciou o seguinte:

[28/08/2012 21:03:19] [Warning - Action::loadFunction] Function "other/runewin.lua" does not exist.


O script está assim:

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

player1pos = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=253}
player1 = getThingfromPos(player1pos)
target = player1.uid
templewinpos = {x=0,y=0,z=0} -- Coordenadas da sala de Recompensas.

player1positions = {
} -- Locais onde é possível usar a runa no player.

if getPlayerAccess(cid) >= 2 then
if getCreaturePosition(target) == isInArray(player1positions, TRUE) then
 if getPlayerAccess(target) == 1 then
 doTeleportThing(target, templewinpos)
 setPlayerStorageValue(target, 9999, 0)
 doPlayerBroadcastMessage(target, "Congratulations, you won the game. Take your prizes in the chests and head to the exit.", 22)
 doSendMagicEffect(topos, 28)
 doSendMagicEffect(topos, 14)
 doSendAnimatedText(topos, "Winner!", 82)
 doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Sorry, you can not use this item if not in a player.", 22)
doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Sorry, you can only use this item for players who are in the awards position.", 22)
doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, "Sorry, you havent access to use this item.", 22)
return TRUE


E a tag está assim:

<action itemid="2420" event="function" value="other/runewin.lua"/>


Alguém sabe arrumar?



Editado por Derlexy
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Bom, o script ficaria melhor organizado assim:



function onUse(cid, item, topos)

player1pos = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=253}

player1 = getThingfromPos(player1pos)

target = player1.uid

templewinpos = {x=0,y=0,z=0} -- Coordenadas da sala de Recompensas

player1positions = {




} -- Locais onde é possível usar a runa no player


if getPlayerAccess(cid) < 2 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you haven't access to use this item.")

return true



if getCreaturePosition(target) ~= isInArray(player1positions, TRUE) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you can only use this item in players which are in the awards position.")



if getPlayerAccess(target) ~= 1 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you can not use this item if not in a player.")



doTeleportThing(target, templewinpos)

setPlayerStorageValue(target, 9999, 0)

doPlayerSendCancel(target, "Congratulations, you won the game. Take your prizes in the chests and head to the exit.")

doSendMagicEffect(topos, 10)

doSendAnimatedText(topos, "Winner!", 140)

return true




Usa essa tag:


<action itemid="xxxx" script="other/runewin.lua"/>


Substitua o xxxx por um itemid que desejar.

Editado por LuckOake
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Opa, algum sinal... Parece ter funcionado, porém, quando eu uso no ADM, ele informa a mensagem de que nao é possivel usar em ADM, nao teleporta, mas mesmo assim os efeitos sao executados... No caso os efeitos seriam somente se funcionasse... Oque pode ser?


E os seguintes erros:

[28/08/2012 21:18:36] [Error - Action Interface]
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:onUse
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] Description:
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] (luaGetThingFromPos) Tile not found
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] [Error - Action Interface]
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:onUse
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] Description:
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] (luaGetThingPosition) Thing not found
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] [Error - Action Interface]
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:onUse
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] Description:
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] (internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #1
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] [Error - Action Interface]
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:onUse
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] Description:
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] (luaDoTeleportThing) Thing not found
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] [Error - Action Interface]
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:onUse
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] Description:
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] (luaDoCreatureSetStorage) Creature not found
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] [Error - Action Interface]
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:onUse
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] Description:
[28/08/2012 21:18:36] (luaDoPlayerSendCancel) Player not found

Editado por Derlexy
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Erro meu. Vê se assim resolve:



function onUse(cid, item, frompos, topos)

player1pos = {x=topos.x, y=topos.y, z=topos.z, stackpos=253}

player1 = getThingfromPos(player1pos)

target = player1.uid

templewinpos = {x=0,y=0,z=0} -- Coordenadas da sala de Recompensas

player1positions = {




} -- Locais onde é possível usar a runa no player


if getPlayerAccess(cid) < 2 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you haven't access to use this item.")

return true



if getCreaturePosition(target) ~= isInArray(player1positions, TRUE) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you can only use this item in players which are in the awards position.")

return true



if getPlayerAccess(target) ~= 1 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you can not use this item if not in a player.")

return true



doTeleportThing(target, templewinpos)

setPlayerStorageValue(target, 9999, 0)

doPlayerSendCancel(target, "Congratulations, you won the game. Take your prizes in the chests and head to the exit.")

doSendMagicEffect(topos, 10)

doSendAnimatedText(topos, "Winner!", 140)

return true




Se ainda não funcionar, qual a versão do seu server?

Editado por LuckOake
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Modifiquei, e agora esta dando este erro:

[28/08/2012 21:28:37] [Error - Action Interface]
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:onUse
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] Description:
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] (luaGetThingFromPos) Tile not found
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] [Error - Action Interface]
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:onUse
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] Description:
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] (luaGetThingPosition) Thing not found
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] [Error - Action Interface]
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:onUse
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] Description:
[28/08/2012 21:28:37] (internalGetPlayerInfo) Player not found when requesting player info #1


Desta vez eu usei em um player com access normal, de player, e mesmo assim deu a mensagem pro ADM de que nao podia usar no player por causa do access...


VERSAO 8.60....

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function onUse(cid, item, item2)
local pos = {x = 123, y = 123, z = 7} --- pos aonde sera teleportado

if getPlayerAcess(cid) < 2 then
doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 2)
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need acces to use this rune.") return true

if getPlayerAcess(item2.uid) > 2 then
doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 2)
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't use this rune in this player.") return true

if isPlayer(item2.uid) then
doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(item2.uid), "Winner!", math.random(1, 255))
doTeleportThing(item2.uid, pos)
setPlayerStorageValue(item2.uid, 9999, 0)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(item2.uid, 27, "Congratulations, you won the game. Take your prizes in the chests and head to the exit.")
doSendMagicEffect(item2.uid, 10)
doSendMagicEffect(item2.uid, math.random(28, 30))
return true




OBS tera que usar no player

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Não funcionou Skymagnum... =/


[Error - Action Interface]
[28/08/2012 21:37:56] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:onUse
[28/08/2012 21:37:56] Description:
[28/08/2012 21:37:56] data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:4: attempt to call global 'getPlayerAcess' (a nil value)
[28/08/2012 21:37:56] stack traceback:
[28/08/2012 21:37:56]  data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:4: in function <data/actions/scripts/other/runewin.lua:1>

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function onUse(cid,item,position,item2,fromPosition)
local remove = false ---item quando usado sera removido? false == nao

if getPlayerAccess(cid) <= 4 then
return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Sorry, only members to staff")
if getPlayerAccess(item2.uid) >= 4 then
return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Sorry, not used in staff")
doTeleportThing(item2.uid,{x=0,y=0,z=0}) -----pos onde sera teleportado
doPlayerSendTextMessage(item2.uid,27,"Oh!, you is a winner player!")
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(item2.uid), 10)
doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(item2.uid), "Winner!", 140)
setPlayerStorageValue(item2.uid,999,0) ---------altere a storage
if remove == true then

return TRUE

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mulizeu.... Funcionou, a não ser por aquela parte que te mandei por PM... Ja usei o rep+ de hoje, mas assim que liberar estarei lhe dando por me ajudar. Grato, espero que possa me ajudar mais :p thxthx

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Sobre aquilo assim q tiver tempo te mando ageitado! esquenta com rep+ nao, oq vale é ajudar e aprender cada dia!

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