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Hellfi 0
Galera, estou aqui para tirar uma dúvida..
Estou com um servidor de war 8.6 e tem o script de quando mata um player aparece em vermelho pra geral , eu percebi que isso dá um lag danado no meu server, ainda mais quando morre vários ao mesmo tempo.
Eu queria saber como faz pra tirar essa msg em vermelho, eu já tentei de vários jeitos aqui, mas eu acabava desabilitando a contagem de frags ,e desabilitando o reward de 5 platinum coins quando o player mata.
Aqui segue meu deathBroadcast :
local config = {
affected = 10, -- how many players (deathAssits) from table deathList should this script be executed for?
killStorageValue = 3943,
deathStorageValue = 3944,
-- commands for the texts (those inside of ||, example: |KILLS| to show skills): KILLS, KILLERNAME, TARGETNAME
rewardItem = {
use = true,
itemid = 2152,
minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
killMessage = {
use = true,
text = "You owned |TARGETNAME|! You have now |KILLERKILLS| kills!",
broadcastMessage = {
use = true,
minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
killerAnimation = {
use = true,
text = "Fraguei!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
color = 215
targetAnimation = {
use = true,
text = "Morreu!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
color = 215
function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
for i = 1, math.min(config.affected, getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount')) do
local killer = deathList
if(isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then
local targetKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
local targetDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
local killerKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
local killerDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
setPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue, targetKills)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue, targetDeaths)
local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer)
local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid)
local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel
local values = {
["KILLERKILLS"] = killerKills,
["KILLERDEATHS"] = killerDeaths,
["KILLERNAME"] = getCreatureName(killer),
["KILLERLEVEL"] = killerLevel,
["TARGETKILLS"] = targetKills,
["TARGETDEATHS"] = targetDeaths,
["TARGETNAME"] = getCreatureName(cid),
["TARGETLEVEL"] = targetLevel
function formateString(str)
return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end)))
if(config.rewardItem.use and (not config.rewardItem.minLevel or targetLevel >= config.rewardItem.minLevel) and (not config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff)) then
local uid = doPlayerAddItem(killer, config.rewardItem.itemid, 5)
if(config.killMessage.use) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, config.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(config.killMessage.text))
if(config.broadcastMessage.use and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevel or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevel) and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff)) then
broadcastMessage(formateString(config.broadcastMessage.text), config.broadcastMessage.messageClass)
if(config.killerAnimation.use) then
doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), config.killerAnimation.text, config.killerAnimation.color)
if(config.targetAnimation.use) then
doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.targetAnimation.text, config.targetAnimation.color)
return true
Espero que possam me ajudar!, obrigado.
Ahh, e tbm quando mata um player ganha um coração escroto, se souberem tirar isso tbm..vlw
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