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script alguém pode me ajudar nessa spells aqui, queira que colocassem pro meu personagem ficar inatingível por 6 segundos e podendo atacar livremente
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kinglekke 2
alguem poderia me dizer oque fiz errado ? obg
local tpId = 1387
local tps = {
["cavaleiro Negro"] = {pos = {x=32541, y=30741, z=8}, toPos = {x=32532, y=30716, z=8}, time = 30},
["Guardian Spider"] = {pos = {x=32582, y=30816, z=8}, toPos = {x=32581, y=30784, z=8}, time = 30},
["Thunder Dragon"] = {pos = {x=32581, y=30742, z=8}, toPos = {32581, y=30716, z=8}, time = 30},
["Shadow Pupil"] = {pos = {x=32581, y=30713, z=8}, toPos = {32545, y=30682, z=8}, time = 30},
["Shadow Boss"] = {pos = {x=32545, y=30679, z=8}, toPos = {x=32565, y=30678, z=8}, time = 30},
["Morgaroth"] = {pos = {x=32666, y=30874, z=8}, toPos = {x=32633, y=30852, z=8}, time = 30},
["Alma Perdida"] = {pos = {x=32581, y=30782, z=8}, toPos = {x=32581, y=30745, z=8}, time = 30},
function removeTp(tp)
local t = getTileItemById(tp.pos, tpId)
if t then
doRemoveItem(t.uid, 1)
doSendMagicEffect(tp.pos, CONST_ME_POFF)
function onDeath(cid)
local tp = tps[getCreatureName(cid)]
if tp then
doCreateTeleport(tpId, tp.toPos, tp.pos)
doCreatureSay(cid, "O teleport irá sumir em "..tp.time.." segundos.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
addEvent(removeTp, tp.time*1000, tp)
return TRUE
alem disso eu fiz assim no monstro , esse seria o morgaroth
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Morgaroth" nameDescription="Morgaroth" race="undead" experience="15000" speed="450" manacost="0">
<health now="55000" max="55000"/>
<look type="12" head="0" body="94" legs="79" feet="79" corpse="6068"/>
<targetchange interval="10000" chance="20"/>
<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
<flag summonable="0"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag illusionable="0"/>
<flag convinceable="0"/>
<flag pushable="0"/>
<flag canpushitems="1"/>
<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
<flag staticattack="98"/>
<flag targetdistance="1"/>
<flag runonhealth="0"/>
<attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="240" attack="180"/>
<attack name="fire" interval="2000" chance="30" range="7" radius="7" target="1" min="-500" max="-600">
<attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/>
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/>
<attack name="physical" interval="2000" chance="25" length="8" spread="0" min="-0" max="-580">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/>
<attack name="speed" interval="2000" chance="15" range="7" speedchange="-850" duration="50000">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="whitenote"/>
<attack name="physical" interval="2000" chance="20" target="0" radius="7" min="-500" max="-800">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/>
<defenses armor="55" defense="65">
<defense name="healing" interval="2000" chance="20" min="250" max="750">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
<defense name="speed" interval="2000" chance="80" speedchange="808" duration="6000">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>
<element energyPercent="10"/>
<element deathPercent="60"/>
<element physicalPercent="1"/>
<element icePercent="-5"/>
<immunity paralyze="1"/>
<immunity invisible="1"/>
<immunity fire="1"/>
<immunity earth="1"/>
<summons maxSummons="6">
<summon name="Demon" interval="2000" chance="20" max="6"/>
<voices interval="5000" chance="30">
<voice sentence="I AM MORGAROTH, LORD OF THE TRIANGLE... AND YOU ARE LOST!" yell="1"/>
<voice sentence="MY SEED IS FEAR AND MY HARVEST ARE YOUR SOULS!" yell="1"/>
<voice sentence="THE TRIANGLE OF TERROR WILL RISE!" yell="1"/>
<item id="2192" chance="12700" /><!-- crystal ball -->
<item id="2151" chance="2950" /><!-- talon -->
<item id="8929" chance="15125" /><!-- the stomper -->
<item id="2164" chance="5375" /><!-- might ring -->
<item id="2365" chance="100000"><!-- bp holding -->
<item id="2514" chance="20000" /><!-- mastermind shield -->
<item id="2421" chance="5375" /><!-- thunder hammer -->
<item id="8852" chance="10000" /><!-- the devileye -->
<item id="2158" chance="12700" /><!-- blue gem -->
<item id="2470" chance="7825" /><!-- golden legs -->
<item id="2462" chance="12700" /><!-- devil helmet -->
<item id="2432" chance="10250" /><!-- fire axe -->
<item id="2123" chance="7825" /><!-- ring of the sky -->
<item id="8473" chance="9750" /><!-- ultimate health potion -->
<item id="2522" chance="12700" /><!-- great shield -->
<item id="2393" chance="7825" /><!-- giant sword -->
<item id="2165" chance="12700" /><!-- stealth ring -->
<item id="8853" chance="10000" /><!-- the ironworker -->
<item id="8850" chance="22450" /><!-- chain bolter -->
<item id="2178" chance="15125" /><!-- mind stone -->
<item id="8851" chance="5375" /><!-- royal crossbow -->
<item id="2171" chance="2950" /><!-- platinum amulet -->
<item id="2112" chance="12700" /><!-- teddy bear -->
<item id="2143" countmax="14" chance="7650" /><!-- white pearl -->
<item id="8865" chance="10250" /><!-- dark lord's cape -->
<item id="2162" chance="15125" /><!-- magic light wand -->
<item id="2520" chance="7825" /><!-- demon shield -->
<item id="8928" chance="15125" /><!-- obsidian truncheon -->
<item id="2174" chance="22450" /><!-- strange symbol -->
<item id="6300" chance="46850" /><!-- death ring -->
<item id="2155" chance="37100" /><!-- green gem -->
<item id="7591" chance="26825" /><!-- great health potion -->
<item id="8881" chance="12700" /><!-- fireborn giant armor -->
<item id="6529" countmax="78" chance="10350" /><!-- infernal bolt -->
<item id="2145" countmax="5" chance="13175" /><!-- small diamond -->
<item id="2167" chance="7825" /><!-- energy ring -->
<item id="5954" countmax="2" chance="22450" /><!-- demon horn -->
<item id="2144" countmax="15" chance="7175" /><!-- black pearl -->
<item id="7590" chance="26825" /><!-- great mana potion -->
<item id="8886" chance="2950" /><!-- molten plate -->
<item id="7421" chance="10250" /><!-- onyx flail -->
<item id="2146" countmax="8" chance="20325" /><!-- small sapphire -->
<item id="2177" chance="20000" /><!-- life crystal -->
<item id="2200" chance="2950" /><!-- protection amulet -->
<item id="7899" chance="5375" /><!-- magma coat -->
<item id="1986" chance="12700" /><!-- red tome -->
<item id="9971" chance="22450" /><!-- gold ingot -->
<item id="8472" chance="36575" /><!-- great spirit potion -->
<item id="2387" chance="17575" /><!-- double axe -->
<item id="2149" countmax="10" chance="14150" /><!-- small emerald -->
<item id="2176" chance="10250" /><!-- orb -->
<item id="2214" chance="20000" /><!-- ring of healing -->
<item id="2197" chance="2950" /><!-- stone skin amulet -->
<item id="2472" chance="12700" /><!-- magic plate armor -->
<item id="6500" countmax="4" chance="26725" /><!-- demonic essence -->
<item id="5943" chance="27325" /><!-- morgaroth's heart -->
<item id="2152" countmax="74" chance="57875" /><!-- platinum coin -->
<item id="2645" chance="2950" /><!-- steel boots -->
<item id="7368" countmax="42" chance="4975" /><!-- assassin star -->
<item id="2150" countmax="20" chance="14900" /><!-- small amethyst -->
<item id="2179" chance="2950" /><!-- gold ring -->
<item id="8867" chance="5375" /><!-- dragon robe -->
<item id="7431" chance="5375" /><!-- demonbone -->
<item id="2033" chance="2950" /><!-- golden mug -->
<event name="tp"/>
oque esta errado ?
duvida sanada
Editado por kinglekkeLink para o comentário
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