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Erro nos monstro



Bom gente, eu criei um monstros novos pro meu ot, os monstros ja existem, eu so fiz fazer uma copia, mudar o nome, e os hits e loot.. porem na hora de abrir o server, deu error, eu vou postar o erro, e em seguida o script do monstro:

  • [25/11/2013 20:19:52] [Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Cannot load monster (Spectral Lord) file (data/monster/custom/Spectral Lord.xml).
    [25/11/2013 20:19:52] Line: 45, Info: Extra content at the end of the document

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <monster name="Spectral Lord" nameDescription="a spectral lord" race="blood" experience="15000000" speed="1265" manacost="0">
    <health now="120000" max="120000"/>
    <look type="312" corpse="9660"/>
    <targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>
    <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
    <flag summonable="0"/>
    <flag attackable="1"/>
    <flag hostile="1"/>
    <flag illusionable="0"/>
    <flag convinceable="0"/>
    <flag pushable="0"/>
    <flag canpushitems="1"/>
    <flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
    <flag targetdistance="1"/>
    <flag staticattack="90"/>
    <flag runonhealth="0"/>
    <attack name="melee" interval="1000" min="-10000" max="-20000"/>
    <defenses armor="17" defense="23"/>
    <element energyPercent="10"/>
    <element earthPercent="80"/>
    <element icePercent="15"/>
    <element firePercent="-10"/>
    <element holyPercent="-25"/>
    <immunity death="1"/>
    <immunity invisible="1"/>
    <voices interval="4000" chance="100">
    <voice sentence="Kneel before your Mistress!"/>
    <voice sentence="Dead is the new alive."/>
    <voice sentence="Come, let me kiss you, darling. Oh wait, I meant kill."/>
    <voice sentence="Enjoy the pain - I know you love it."/>
    <item id="2160" countmax="50" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/>
  • [25/11/2013 20:19:52] [Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Cannot load monster (Medusa Spectral) file (data/monster/custom/Medusa Spectral.xml).
    [25/11/2013 20:19:52] Line: 24, Info: Extra content at the end of the document


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <monster name="Medusa Spectral" nameDescription="a medusa spectral" race="venom" experience="19500000" speed="1220" manacost="0">
    <health now="163000" max="163000"/>
    <look type="354" corpse="8593"/>
    <targetchange interval="5000" chance="12"/>
    <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
    <flag summonable="1"/>
    <flag attackable="1"/>
    <flag hostile="1"/>
    <flag illusionable="1"/>
    <flag convinceable="0"/>
    <flag pushable="0"/>
    <flag canpushitems="1"/>
    <flag canpushcreatures="0"/>
    <flag targetdistance="1"/>
    <flag staticattack="90"/>
    <flag runonhealth="0"/>
    <attack name="melee" interval="1000" min="-17000" max="-24000"/>
    <element physicalPercent="1"/>
    <element holyPercent="1"/>
    <element deathPercent="10"/>
    <element firePercent="-1"/>
    <element energyPercent="-1"/>
    <element icePercent="15"/>
    <element earthPercent="1"/>
    <immunity invisible="1"/>
    <voices interval="5000" chance="10">
    <voice sentence="Zrp zrp!"/>
    <item id="2160" countmax="110" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/>


    • [25/11/2013 20:19:52] [Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Cannot load monster (Dre Vanul Disposer) file (data/monster/custom/Dre Vanul Disposer.xml).
      [25/11/2013 20:19:52] Line: 24, Info: Extra content at the end of the document

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <monster name="Dre Vanul Disposer" nameDescription="a Dre Vanul Disposer" race="venom" experience="23000900" speed="1220" manacost="0">
      <health now="201300" max="201300"/>
      <look type="365" corpse="8593"/>
      <targetchange interval="5000" chance="12"/>
      <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
      <flag summonable="1"/>
      <flag attackable="1"/>
      <flag hostile="1"/>
      <flag illusionable="1"/>
      <flag convinceable="0"/>
      <flag pushable="0"/>
      <flag canpushitems="1"/>
      <flag canpushcreatures="0"/>
      <flag targetdistance="1"/>
      <flag staticattack="90"/>
      <flag runonhealth="0"/>
      <attack name="melee" interval="1000" min="-20000" max="-33000"/>
      <element physicalPercent="1"/>
      <element holyPercent="1"/>
      <element deathPercent="10"/>
      <element firePercent="-1"/>
      <element energyPercent="-1"/>
      <element icePercent="15"/>
      <element earthPercent="1"/>
      <immunity invisible="1"/>
      <voices interval="5000" chance="10">
      <voice sentence="Zrp zrp!"/>
      <item id="2160" countmax="170" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/>


    • [25/11/2013 20:19:52] [Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Cannot load monster (Spectral Assassin) file (data/monster/custom/Spectral Assassin.xml).
      [25/11/2013 20:19:52] Line: 47, Info: Extra content at the end of the document

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <monster name="Spectral Assassin" nameDescription="a spectral assassin" race="venom" experience="15000000" speed="2000" manacost="0">
      <health now="150000" max="150000"/>
      <look type="145" head="20" body="95" legs="114" feet="114" corpse="3128" addons="3"/>
      <targetchange interval="2000" chance="20"/>
      <strategy attack="60" defense="5"/>
      <flag summonable="0"/>
      <flag attackable="1"/>
      <flag hostile="1"/>
      <flag illusionable="0"/>
      <flag convinceable="0"/>
      <flag pushable="0"/>
      <flag canpushitems="1"/>
      <flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
      <flag targetdistance="1"/>
      <flag runonhealth="2500"/>
      <attack name="melee" interval="400" min="-17000" max="-22000"/>
      <defenses armor="90" defense="110">
      <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="25" min="600" max="1000">
      <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/>
      <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="10" min="1400" max="2600">
      <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/>
      <defense name="speed" interval="1000" chance="4" speedchange="1901" duration="7000">
      <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
      <defense name="invisible" interval="1000" chance="3" duration="9000">
      <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
      <summons maxSummons="4">
      <summon name="warlock" interval="1000" chance="25" max="4"/>
      <voices interval="5000" chance="10">
      <voice sentence="Want to feel some Aim?"/>
      <voice sentence="You can Run but never Hide!"/>
      <loot capacity="5000">
      <item id="2160" countmax="70" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/>
  • [25/11/2013 20:19:53] [Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Cannot load monster (Spectral Dragon) file (data/monster/custom/Spectral Dragon.xml).
    [25/11/2013 20:19:53] Line: 58, Info: Extra content at the end of the document

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <monster name="Spectral Dragon" nameDescription="a Spectral Dragon" race="undead" experience="8500000" speed="910" manacost="0">
    <health now="79800" max="79800"/>
    <look type="351" corpse="11356"/>
    <targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>
    <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
    <flag summonable="0"/>
    <flag attackable="1"/>
    <flag hostile="1"/>
    <flag illusionable="1"/>
    <flag convinceable="0"/>
    <flag pushable="0"/>
    <flag canpushitems="1"/>
    <flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
    <flag targetdistance="1"/>
    <flag staticattack="90"/>
    <flag runonhealth="366"/>
    <attack name="melee" interval="400" min="-7000" max="-16000"/>
    <attack name="physical" interval="3000" chance="17" length="8" spread="3" min="-10250" max="-11450">
    <attribute key="areaEffect" value="bluebubble"/>
    <attack name="physical" interval="3000" chance="10" range="7" min="-9030" max="-10500">
    <attribute key="shootEffect" value="suddendeath"/>
    <attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/>
    <attack name="speed" interval="1000" chance="10" range="7" speedchange="-600" duration="20000">
    <attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>
    <attack name="lifedrain" interval="2000" chance="21" radius="6" target="0" min="-200" max="-450">
    <attribute key="areaEffect" value="poff"/>
    <defenses armor="45" defense="35"/>
    <element firePercent="10"/>
    <element physicalPercent="-10"/>
    <element icePercent="50"/>
    <element holyPercent="-15"/>
    <element energyPercent="-10"/>
    <immunity paralyze="1"/>
    <immunity invisible="1"/>
    <immunity death="1"/>
    <immunity earth="1"/>
    <voices interval="5000" chance="10">
    <voice sentence="EMBRACE MY GIFTS!" yell="1"/>
    <voice sentence="I WILL FEAST ON YOUR SOUL!" yell="1"/>
    <item id="2160" countmax="50" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/>


Bom, entao ai, se alguem puder ajudar, agradeço.

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4 respostass a esta questão

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Spectral lord:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Spectral Lord" nameDescription="a spectral lord" race="blood" experience="15000000" speed="1265" manacost="0">
<health now="120000" max="120000"/>
<look type="312" corpse="9660"/>
<targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>
<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
<flag summonable="0"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag illusionable="0"/>
<flag convinceable="0"/>
<flag pushable="0"/>
<flag canpushitems="1"/>
<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
<flag targetdistance="1"/>
<flag staticattack="90"/>
<flag runonhealth="0"/>
<attack name="melee" interval="1000" min="-10000" max="-20000"/>
<defenses armor="17" defense="23"/>
<element energyPercent="10"/>
<element earthPercent="80"/>
<element icePercent="15"/>
<element firePercent="-10"/>
<element holyPercent="-25"/>
<immunity death="1"/>
<immunity invisible="1"/>
<voices interval="4000" chance="100">
<voice sentence="Kneel before your Mistress!"/>
<voice sentence="Dead is the new alive."/>
<voice sentence="Come, let me kiss you, darling. Oh wait, I meant kill."/>
<voice sentence="Enjoy the pain - I know you love it."/>
<item id="2160" countmax="50" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/>


Medusa spectral



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Medusa Spectral" nameDescription="a medusa spectral" race="venom" experience="19500000" speed="1220" manacost="0">
<health now="163000" max="163000"/>
<look type="354" corpse="8593"/>
<targetchange interval="5000" chance="12"/>
<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
<flag summonable="1"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag illusionable="1"/>
<flag convinceable="0"/>
<flag pushable="0"/>
<flag canpushitems="1"/>
<flag canpushcreatures="0"/>
<flag targetdistance="1"/>
<flag staticattack="90"/>
<flag runonhealth="0"/>
 <attack name="melee" interval="1000" min="-17000" max="-24000"/>
<element physicalPercent="1"/>
<element holyPercent="1"/>
<element deathPercent="10"/>
<element firePercent="-1"/>
<element energyPercent="-1"/>
<element icePercent="15"/>
<element earthPercent="1"/>
<immunity invisible="1"/>
<voices interval="5000" chance="10">
<voice sentence="Zrp zrp!"/>
<item id="2160" countmax="110" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/>


Dre val disposer:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Dre Vanul Disposer" nameDescription="a Dre Vanul Disposer" race="venom" experience="23000900" speed="1220" manacost="0">
<health now="201300" max="201300"/>
<look type="365" corpse="8593"/>
<targetchange interval="5000" chance="12"/>
<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
<flag summonable="1"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag illusionable="1"/>
<flag convinceable="0"/>
<flag pushable="0"/>
<flag canpushitems="1"/>
<flag canpushcreatures="0"/>
<flag targetdistance="1"/>
<flag staticattack="90"/>
<flag runonhealth="0"/>
 <attack name="melee" interval="1000" min="-20000" max="-33000"/>
<element physicalPercent="1"/>
<element holyPercent="1"/>
<element deathPercent="10"/>
<element firePercent="-1"/>
<element energyPercent="-1"/>
<element icePercent="15"/>
<element earthPercent="1"/>
<immunity invisible="1"/>
<voices interval="5000" chance="10">
<voice sentence="Zrp zrp!"/>
<item id="2160" countmax="170" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/>


spectral assasin



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Spectral Assassin" nameDescription="a spectral assassin" race="venom" experience="15000000" speed="2000" manacost="0">
<health now="150000" max="150000"/>
  <look type="145" head="20" body="95" legs="114" feet="114" corpse="3128" addons="3"/>
<targetchange interval="2000" chance="20"/>
<strategy attack="60" defense="5"/>
<flag summonable="0"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag illusionable="0"/>
<flag convinceable="0"/>
<flag pushable="0"/>
<flag canpushitems="1"/>
<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
<flag targetdistance="1"/>
<flag runonhealth="2500"/>
<attack name="melee" interval="400" min="-17000" max="-22000"/>
<defenses armor="90" defense="110">
<defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="25" min="600" max="1000">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/>
<defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="10" min="1400" max="2600">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/>
<defense name="speed" interval="1000" chance="4" speedchange="1901" duration="7000">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
<defense name="invisible" interval="1000" chance="3" duration="9000">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
<summons maxSummons="4">
<summon name="warlock" interval="1000" chance="25" max="4"/>
<voices interval="5000" chance="10">
    <voice sentence="Want to feel some Aim?"/>
    <voice sentence="You can Run but never Hide!"/>
<loot capacity="5000">
<item id="2160" countmax="70" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/>



spectral dragon:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Spectral Dragon" nameDescription="a Spectral Dragon" race="undead" experience="8500000" speed="910" manacost="0">
<health now="79800" max="79800"/>
<look type="351" corpse="11356"/>
<targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>
<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
<flag summonable="0"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag illusionable="1"/>
<flag convinceable="0"/>
<flag pushable="0"/>
<flag canpushitems="1"/>
<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
<flag targetdistance="1"/>
<flag staticattack="90"/>
<flag runonhealth="366"/>
 <attack name="melee" interval="400" min="-7000" max="-16000"/>
<attack name="physical" interval="3000" chance="17" length="8" spread="3" min="-10250" max="-11450">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="bluebubble"/>
<attack name="physical" interval="3000" chance="10" range="7" min="-9030" max="-10500">
<attribute key="shootEffect" value="suddendeath"/>
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/>
<attack name="speed" interval="1000" chance="10" range="7" speedchange="-600" duration="20000">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>
<attack name="lifedrain" interval="2000" chance="21" radius="6" target="0" min="-200" max="-450">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="poff"/>
<defenses armor="45" defense="35"/>
<element firePercent="10"/>
<element physicalPercent="-10"/>
<element icePercent="50"/>
<element holyPercent="-15"/>
<element energyPercent="-10"/>
<immunity paralyze="1"/>
<immunity invisible="1"/>
<immunity death="1"/>
<immunity earth="1"/>
<voices interval="5000" chance="10">
<voice sentence="EMBRACE MY GIFTS!" yell="1"/>
<voice sentence="I WILL FEAST ON YOUR SOUL!" yell="1"/>
<item id="2160" countmax="50" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/>

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testado e funcionando, so por curiosidade, o que voce mudou? pra eu me previnir em futuros erros, porque tem mais 2 script dando error aqui x.xque eu criei agora.

Editado por kaizy536
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Vou responder por ele, pois acredito que seja isso. Vc tá adicionando uma tag item a mais.




<item id="2160" countmax="50" chance1="10000" chancemax="0"/> <!-- VOCÊ FECHOU A TAG AQUI -->
</item> <!-- NÃO PRECISA MAIS DESSA -->
existem 2 formas de fechar uma tag.
1. Tag única. Fechando no final:
<minha tag/>
2. Usando uma tag de fechamento:
<minha tag>
</minha tag>
Editado por EdMignari
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