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Lista completa de todas funções da sua distro


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Essa função é muito útil pra scripters, ela cria um arquivo .txt na pasta do ot (onde fica o .exe) com TODAS funções da distro, TODAS mesmo.

function onUse(cid, item)
local k = getLuaFunctions()
--- Create file content your server function list
local file__ ='Your Server Function List.txt','w')
for i=1,#k do
    if k[i] ~= "" then
        file__:write((i-1)..' - '..k[i]..'\n')
return true

function getLuaFunctions()-- by Mock
        local str = ""
        for f,k in pairs(_G) do
                if type(k) == 'function' then
                        str = str..f..','
                elseif type(k) == 'table' then
                        for d,o in pairs(k) do
                                if type(o) == 'function' then
                                        if f ~= '_G' and d ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                str = str..f.."."..d..','
                                elseif type(o) == 'table' then
                                        for m,n in pairs(o) do
                                                if type(n) == 'function' then
                                                        if d == "_M" and m ~= "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                str = str..f.."."..m..","
                                                        elseif f ~= '_G' and m ~= "_G" and d ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                str = str..f.."."..d..'.'..m..','
                                                elseif type(n) == 'table' then
                                                        for x,p in pairs(n) do
                                                                if type(p) == 'function' then
                                                                        if m == "_M" and d ~= "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f.."."..d..'.'..x..','
                                                                        elseif m == "_M" and d == "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f.."."..x..','
                                                                        elseif m ~= "_M" and d == "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f..'.'..m..'.'..x..','
                                                                        elseif f ~= '_G' and m ~= "_G" and d ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f.."."..d..'.'..m..'.'..x..','
        return string.explode(str,',')

É só criar uma tag de um item qualquer e dar use nele e pronto, a lista está pronta.


OBS: Acho que não tem necessidade de explicar como instala.


Créditos: Mock e iuniX

Editado por WillOliveira
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Acho que até tem como, mas não fui eu que fiz o script, foi o Mock



Se quer usar no login tem que ser pelo creaturescripts, tenta assim:

<event type="login" name="Functions" event="script" value="functions.lua"/>
function onLogin(cid)
	if getGlobalStorageValue(7056) > 0 then
		return true
	setGlobalStorageValue(7056, 1)
	local k = getLuaFunctions()
	--- Create file content your server function list
	local file__ ='Your Server Function List.txt','w')
	for i=1,#k do
		if k[i] ~= "" then
			file__:write((i-1)..' - '..k[i]..'\n')
	return true

function getLuaFunctions()-- by Mock
        local str = ""
        for f,k in pairs(_G) do
                if type(k) == 'function' then
                        str = str..f..','
                elseif type(k) == 'table' then
                        for d,o in pairs(k) do
                                if type(o) == 'function' then
                                        if f ~= '_G' and d ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                str = str..f.."."..d..','
                                elseif type(o) == 'table' then
                                        for m,n in pairs(o) do
                                                if type(n) == 'function' then
                                                        if d == "_M" and m ~= "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                str = str..f.."."..m..","
                                                        elseif f ~= '_G' and m ~= "_G" and d ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                str = str..f.."."..d..'.'..m..','
                                                elseif type(n) == 'table' then
                                                        for x,p in pairs(n) do
                                                                if type(p) == 'function' then
                                                                        if m == "_M" and d ~= "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f.."."..d..'.'..x..','
                                                                        elseif m == "_M" and d == "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f.."."..x..','
                                                                        elseif m ~= "_M" and d == "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f..'.'..m..'.'..x..','
                                                                        elseif f ~= '_G' and m ~= "_G" and d ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f.."."..d..'.'..m..'.'..x..','
        return string.explode(str,',')

Em login.lua antes do ultimo return true adicione isso:

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Functions")

OBS: Não testei

Editado por WillOliveira
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Aí, Will, já tinha isso por aqui. O Mock tinha feito e o OneShot refez nesse tópico aqui:


O dele ficou mais simples, mas acho que faz a mesma coisa.




local tmp = {}

for k, v in pairs(_G) do
        if type(v) == "table" then
                for m, n in pairs(v) do
                        if type(m) == "string" and type(n) == "function" then
                                m = (k == "_G" and m or (k .. "." .. m))
                                table.insert(tmp, m)

table.sort(tmp, function(a, b) return string.byte(string.sub(a, 1, 1)) < string.byte(string.sub(b, 1, 1)) end)

local file ="data.txt", "w+")
for i = 1, #tmp do
        file:write(tmp[i] .. "\n")



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luan, não sei se você entendeu o que esse código faz. Ele gera um arquvo de texto dentro da pasta do seu OT com todas as funções que tem nele. Não faz muito sentido fazer um global event ou creaturescript com isso, mas uma talkaction é mais fácil de ativar. A minha é assim:



function getLuaFunctions()-- by Mock
        local str = ""
        for f,k in pairs(_G) do
                if type(k) == 'function' then
                        str = str..f..','
                elseif type(k) == 'table' then
                        for d,o in pairs(k) do
                                if type(o) == 'function' then
                                        if f ~= '_G' and d ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                str = str..f.."."..d..','
                                elseif type(o) == 'table' then
                                        for m,n in pairs(o) do
                                                if type(n) == 'function' then
                                                        if d == "_M" and m ~= "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                str = str..f.."."..m..","
                                                        elseif f ~= '_G' and m ~= "_G" and d ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                str = str..f.."."..d..'.'..m..','
                                                elseif type(n) == 'table' then
                                                        for x,p in pairs(n) do
                                                                if type(p) == 'function' then
                                                                        if m == "_M" and d ~= "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f.."."..d..'.'..x..','
                                                                        elseif m == "_M" and d == "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f.."."..x..','
                                                                        elseif m ~= "_M" and d == "_M" and f ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f..'.'..m..'.'..x..','
                                                                        elseif f ~= '_G' and m ~= "_G" and d ~= "_G" and f ~= 'package' then
                                                                                str = str..f.."."..d..'.'..m..'.'..x..','
	return string.explode(str,',')

function onSay(cid, words, param)
local k = getLuaFunctions()
--- Create file content your server function list
local file__ ='Your Server Function List.txt','w')
for i=1,#k do
    if k[i] ~= "" then
        file__:write((i-1)..' - '..k[i]..'\n')
return true




Aí você usa essa talkaction in-game. Daí você vai na pasta do seu OT, no mesmo lugar que tem o executável e procura um arquivo chamado Your Server Function List.txt. No caso, o meu ficou assim:



1 - Result.create
2 -
3 - Result.getDataInt
4 - Result.getDataLong
5 - Result.getDataStream
6 - Result.getDataString
7 - Result.getID
8 - Result.getParent
9 - Result.getQuery
10 - Result.getRows
11 - Result.getSelf
12 - Result.isa
13 -
14 -
15 - Result.numRows
16 - Result.setAttributes
17 - Result.setID
18 - Result.setQuery
19 - Woe.__index.__index.breakTime
20 - Woe.__index.__index.breakerName
21 - Woe.__index.__index.check
22 - Woe.__index.__index.checkPre
23 - Woe.__index.__index.deco
24 - Woe.__index.__index.expulsar
25 - Woe.__index.__index.getGuildMembers
26 - Woe.__index.__index.getGuildName
27 - Woe.__index.__index.getInfo
28 - Woe.__index.__index.guildName
29 - Woe.__index.__index.isInCastle
30 - Woe.__index.__index.isRegistered
31 - Woe.__index.__index.isStarted
32 - Woe.__index.__index.isTime
33 - Woe.__index.__index.moveBack
34 - Woe.__index.__index.remove
35 - Woe.__index.__index.removePortals
36 - Woe.__index.__index.removePre
37 -
38 - Woe.__index.__index.setup
39 - Woe.__index.__index.startTime
40 - Woe.__index.__index.summon
41 - Woe.__index.__index.timeToEnd
42 - Woe.__index.__index.updateInfo
43 - Woe.__index.breakTime
44 - Woe.__index.breakerName
45 - Woe.__index.check
46 - Woe.__index.checkPre
47 - Woe.__index.deco
48 - Woe.__index.expulsar
49 - Woe.__index.getGuildMembers
50 - Woe.__index.getGuildName
51 - Woe.__index.getInfo
52 - Woe.__index.guildName
53 - Woe.__index.isInCastle
54 - Woe.__index.isRegistered
55 - Woe.__index.isStarted
56 - Woe.__index.isTime
57 - Woe.__index.moveBack
58 - Woe.__index.remove
59 - Woe.__index.removePortals
60 - Woe.__index.removePre
61 -
62 - Woe.__index.setup
63 - Woe.__index.startTime
64 - Woe.__index.summon
65 - Woe.__index.timeToEnd
66 - Woe.__index.updateInfo
67 - Woe.breakTime
68 - Woe.breakerName
69 - Woe.check
70 - Woe.checkPre
71 - Woe.deco
72 - Woe.expulsar
73 - Woe.getGuildMembers
74 - Woe.getGuildName
75 - Woe.getInfo
76 - Woe.guildName
77 - Woe.isInCastle
78 - Woe.isRegistered
79 - Woe.isStarted
80 - Woe.isTime
81 - Woe.moveBack
82 - Woe.remove
83 - Woe.removePortals
84 - Woe.removePre
85 -
86 - Woe.setup
87 - Woe.startTime
88 - Woe.summon
89 - Woe.timeToEnd
90 - Woe.updateInfo
91 - YesOrNo
92 - addDamageCondition
93 - addEvent
94 - addMarryStatus
95 - addOutfitCondition
96 - addPontos
97 - addSkill
98 - assert
99 -
100 - bit.bnot
101 - bit.bor
102 - bit.bxor
103 - bit.lshift
104 - bit.rshift
105 - bit.uband
106 - bit.ubnot
107 - bit.ubor
108 - bit.ubxor
109 - bit.ulshift
110 - bit.urshift
111 - broadcastMessage
112 - canDoTask
113 - canPlayerWearOutfit
114 - canPlayerWearOutfitId
115 - checkJailList
116 - cleanHouse
117 - cleanMap
118 - collectgarbage
119 - convertIPToInt
120 - convertIntToIP
121 - coroutine.create
122 - coroutine.resume
123 - coroutine.running
124 - coroutine.status
125 - coroutine.wrap
126 - coroutine.yield
127 - createClass
128 - createCombatArea
129 - createCombatObject
130 - createConditionObject
131 - createThread
132 - creatureGetPosition
133 - db.escapeBlob
134 - db.escapeString
135 - db.getResult
136 - db.lastInsertId
137 - db.query
138 - db.storeQuery
139 - db.stringComparer
140 - db.updateLimiter
141 - db.updateQueryLimitOperator
142 - debug.debug
143 - debug.getfenv
144 - debug.gethook
145 - debug.getinfo
146 - debug.getlocal
147 - debug.getmetatable
148 - debug.getregistry
149 - debug.getupvalue
150 - debug.setfenv
151 - debug.sethook
152 - debug.setlocal
153 - debug.setmetatable
154 - debug.setupvalue
155 - debug.traceback
156 - doAddAccountBanishment
157 - doAddCondition
158 - doAddContainerItem
159 - doAddContainerItemEx
160 - doAddIpBanishment
161 - doAddItemShop
162 - doAddMapMark
163 - doAddNotation
164 - doAddPlayerBanishment
165 - doAddStatement
166 - doAreaCombatCondition
167 - doAreaCombatDispel
168 - doAreaCombatHealth
169 - doAreaCombatMana
170 - doBanPlayer
171 - doBroadcastMessage
172 - doCancelMarryStatus
173 - doChallengeCreature
174 - doChangeSpeed
175 - doChangeTypeItem
176 - doCleanHouse
177 - doCleanMap
178 - doCleanTile
179 - doCombat
180 - doCombatAreaCondition
181 - doCombatAreaDispel
182 - doCombatAreaHealth
183 - doCombatAreaMana
184 - doComparePositions
185 - doCompleteTask
186 - doConvertIntegerToIp
187 - doConvertIpToInteger
188 - doConvinceCreature
189 - doCopyItem
190 - doCreateItem
191 - doCreateItemEx
192 - doCreateMonster
193 - doCreateNpc
194 - doCreateTeleport
195 - doCreatureAddHealth
196 - doCreatureAddMana
197 - doCreatureChangeOutfit
198 - doCreatureExecuteTalkAction
199 - doCreatureSay
200 - doCreatureSetDropLoot
201 - doCreatureSetGuildEmblem
202 - doCreatureSetHideHealth
203 - doCreatureSetLookDir
204 - doCreatureSetLookDirection
205 - doCreatureSetNoMove
206 - doCreatureSetPartyShield
207 - doCreatureSetSkullType
208 - doCreatureSetSpeakType
209 - doCreatureSetStorage
210 - doDecayItem
211 - doDeleteShopItem
212 - doExecuteRaid
213 - doGuildAddEnemy
214 - doGuildRemoveEnemy
215 - doItemEraseAttribute
216 - doItemRaidUnref
217 - doItemSetAttribute
218 - doMonsterChangeTarget
219 - doMonsterSetTarget
220 - doMoveCreature
221 - doMutePlayer
222 - doPlayerAddAddons
223 - doPlayerAddBlessing
224 - doPlayerAddBounty
225 - doPlayerAddBountyPoints
226 - doPlayerAddDepotItem
227 - doPlayerAddExp
228 - doPlayerAddExperience
229 - doPlayerAddItem
230 - doPlayerAddItemEx
231 - doPlayerAddLevel
232 - doPlayerAddMagLevel
233 - doPlayerAddMana
234 - doPlayerAddMapMark
235 - doPlayerAddMoney
236 - doPlayerAddOutfit
237 - doPlayerAddOutfitId
238 - doPlayerAddPremiumDays
239 - doPlayerAddSkill
240 - doPlayerAddSkillTry
241 - doPlayerAddSoul
242 - doPlayerAddSpentMana
243 - doPlayerBroadcastMessage
244 - doPlayerBuyItem
245 - doPlayerBuyItemContainer
246 - doPlayerClearBounty
247 - doPlayerDepositAllMoney
248 - doPlayerDepositMoney
249 - doPlayerFeed
250 - doPlayerFollowCreature
251 - doPlayerGiveItem
252 - doPlayerGiveItemContainer
253 - doPlayerJoinParty
254 - doPlayerLearnInstantSpell
255 - doPlayerLeaveParty
256 - doPlayerOpenChannel
257 - doPlayerPopupFYI
258 - doPlayerRemOutfit
259 - doPlayerRemoveItem
260 - doPlayerRemoveMoney
261 - doPlayerRemoveOutfit
262 - doPlayerRemoveOutfitId
263 - doPlayerRemovePremiumDays
264 - doPlayerResetIdleTime
265 - doPlayerSave
266 - doPlayerSay
267 - doPlayerSellItem
268 - doPlayerSendCancel
269 - doPlayerSendChannelMessage
270 - doPlayerSendDefaultCancel
271 - doPlayerSendMailByName
272 - doPlayerSendOutfitWindow
273 - doPlayerSendTextMessage
274 - doPlayerSendToChannel
275 - doPlayerSendTutorial
276 - doPlayerSetBalance
277 - doPlayerSetExperienceRate
278 - doPlayerSetGroupId
279 - doPlayerSetGuildId
280 - doPlayerSetGuildLevel
281 - doPlayerSetGuildNick
282 - doPlayerSetIdleTime
283 - doPlayerSetLossPercent
284 - doPlayerSetLossSkill
285 - doPlayerSetMagicRate
286 - doPlayerSetMaxCapacity
287 - doPlayerSetNameDescription
288 - doPlayerSetNoMove
289 - doPlayerSetPartner
290 - doPlayerSetPromotionLevel
291 - doPlayerSetPzLocked
292 - doPlayerSetRate
293 - doPlayerSetSex
294 - doPlayerSetSkillRate
295 - doPlayerSetSkullEnd
296 - doPlayerSetSpecialDescription
297 - doPlayerSetStamina
298 - doPlayerSetStorageValue
299 - doPlayerSetTown
300 - doPlayerSetVocation
301 - doPlayerSwitchSaving
302 - doPlayerTakeItem
303 - doPlayerTransferAllMoneyTo
304 - doPlayerTransferMoneyTo
305 - doPlayerUnlearnInstantSpell
306 - doPlayerWithdrawAllMoney
307 - doPlayerWithdrawMoney
308 - doRefreshMap
309 - doReloadInfo
310 - doRelocate
311 - doRemoveAccountBanishment
312 - doRemoveCondition
313 - doRemoveConditions
314 - doRemoveCreature
315 - doRemoveIpBanishment
316 - doRemoveItem
317 - doRemoveNotations
318 - doRemovePlayerBanishment
319 - doRemoveShopItem
320 - doRemoveStatements
321 - doRemoveThing
322 - doResetTask
323 - doRevertIp
324 - doRewardTask
325 - doSaveServer
326 - doSendAnimatedText
327 - doSendCreatureSquare
328 - doSendDistanceShoot
329 - doSendMagicEffect
330 - doSendTutorial
331 - doSetCreatureDropLoot
332 - doSetCreatureOutfit
333 - doSetDepositNpc
334 - doSetGameState
335 - doSetItemActionId
336 - doSetItemOutfit
337 - doSetItemText
338 - doSetMonsterOutfit
339 - doSetStorage
340 - doShowTextDialog
341 - doShutdown
342 - doSpawnMonsters
343 - doStartTask
344 - doSteerCreature
345 - doSummonCreature
346 - doSummonMonster
347 - doTargetCombatCondition
348 - doTargetCombatDispel
349 - doTargetCombatHealth
350 - doTargetCombatMana
351 - doTeleportThing
352 - doTileAddItemEx
353 - doTileQueryAdd
354 - doTransformItem
355 - doUnbanPlayer
356 - doUpdateHouseAuctions
357 - doWaypointAddTemporial
358 - doWriteLogFile
359 - dodirectory
360 - dofile
361 - domodlib
362 - endTarget
363 - error
364 - errors
365 - executeRaid
366 - exhaustion.check
367 - exhaustion.get
368 - exhaustion.make
369 - exhaustion.set
370 - gcinfo
371 - getAccountByAccountId
372 - getAccountByName
373 - getAccountIdByAccount
374 - getAccountIdByName
375 - getAccountNumberByName
376 - getAccountNumberByPlayerName
377 - getArea
378 - getArenaMonsterIdByName
379 - getArticle
380 - getBanAction
381 - getBanData
382 - getBanList
383 - getBanReason
384 - getBooleanFromString
385 - getChannelList
386 - getChannelUsers
387 - getClosestFreeTile
388 - getConfigFile
389 - getConfigInfo
390 - getConfigValue
391 - getContainerCap
392 - getContainerCapById
393 - getContainerItem
394 - getContainerItems
395 - getContainerSize
396 - getCreatureBaseSpeed
397 - getCreatureByName
398 - getCreatureCondition
399 - getCreatureGuildEmblem
400 - getCreatureHealth
401 - getCreatureHideHealth
402 - getCreatureLastPosition
403 - getCreatureLookDir
404 - getCreatureLookDirection
405 - getCreatureLookPosition
406 - getCreatureMana
407 - getCreatureMaster
408 - getCreatureMaxHealth
409 - getCreatureMaxMana
410 - getCreatureName
411 - getCreatureNoMove
412 - getCreatureOutfit
413 - getCreaturePartyShield
414 - getCreaturePos
415 - getCreaturePosition
416 - getCreatureSkull
417 - getCreatureSkullType
418 - getCreatureSpeakType
419 - getCreatureSpeed
420 - getCreatureStorage
421 - getCreatureSummons
422 - getCreatureTarget
423 - getCreaturesInArea
424 - getDataDir
425 - getDepositNpc
426 - getDepotId
427 - getDirectionTo
428 - getDistanceBetween
429 - getExperienceForLevel
430 - getExperienceStage
431 - getExperienceStageList
432 - getFluidSourceType
433 - getGameState
434 - getGlobalStorageValue
435 - getGroupInfo
436 - getGroupList
437 - getGuildId
438 - getGuildMotd
439 - getHighscoreString
440 - getHouseAccessList
441 - getHouseByPlayerGUID
442 - getHouseEntry
443 - getHouseFromPos
444 - getHouseInfo
445 - getHouseName
446 - getHouseOwner
447 - getHousePrice
448 - getHouseRent
449 - getHouseTilesCount
450 - getHouseTown
451 - getIPByName
452 - getIPByPlayerName
453 - getInstantSpellInfo
454 - getIpByName
455 - getItemArticle
456 - getItemArticleById
457 - getItemAttribute
458 - getItemByName
459 - getItemDate
460 - getItemDescriptions
461 - getItemDescriptionsById
462 - getItemIdByName
463 - getItemInfo
464 - getItemLevelDoor
465 - getItemName
466 - getItemNameById
467 - getItemParent
468 - getItemPluralName
469 - getItemPluralNameById
470 - getItemRWInfo
471 - getItemSpecialDescription
472 - getItemText
473 - getItemType
474 - getItemWeaponType
475 - getItemWeight
476 - getItemWeightById
477 - getItemWriter
478 - getLogsDir
479 - getLuaFunctions
480 - getMarryStatus
481 - getModList
482 - getMonsterAttackSpells
483 - getMonsterFriendList
484 - getMonsterHealingSpells
485 - getMonsterInfo
486 - getMonsterLootList
487 - getMonsterSummonList
488 - getMonsterTargetList
489 - getMonstersInArea
490 - getMonthDayEnding
491 - getMonthString
492 - getNewTarget
493 - getNextTilePos
494 - getNotationsCount
495 - getOnlinePlayers
496 - getOwnMarryStatus
497 - getPartyLeader
498 - getPartyMembers
499 - getPlayerAccess
500 - getPlayerAccount
501 - getPlayerAccountId
502 - getPlayerAccountManager
503 - getPlayerBalance
504 - getPlayerBanReason
505 - getPlayerBlessing
506 - getPlayerBounty
507 - getPlayerByGUID
508 - getPlayerByName
509 - getPlayerByNameWildcard
510 - getPlayerByShopID
511 - getPlayerCustomFlagValue
512 - getPlayerDepotItems
513 - getPlayerExperience
514 - getPlayerFlagValue
515 - getPlayerFood
516 - getPlayerFreeCap
517 - getPlayerGUID
518 - getPlayerGUIDByName
519 - getPlayerGhostAccess
520 - getPlayerGroupId
521 - getPlayerGroupName
522 - getPlayerGuildId
523 - getPlayerGuildLevel
524 - getPlayerGuildName
525 - getPlayerGuildNick
526 - getPlayerGuildRank
527 - getPlayerGuildRankId
528 - getPlayerIdleTime
529 - getPlayerInstantSpellCount
530 - getPlayerInstantSpellInfo
531 - getPlayerIp
532 - getPlayerItemById
533 - getPlayerItemCount
534 - getPlayerLastLoad
535 - getPlayerLastLogin
536 - getPlayerLastLoginSaved
537 - getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell
538 - getPlayerLevel
539 - getPlayerLight
540 - getPlayerLookDir
541 - getPlayerLookDirection
542 - getPlayerLookPos
543 - getPlayerLossPercent
544 - getPlayerLossSkill
545 - getPlayerMagLevel
546 - getPlayerMana
547 - getPlayerMarriage
548 - getPlayerMasterPos
549 - getPlayerMaxMana
550 - getPlayerMaxSkill
551 - getPlayerMaxSkillValue
552 - getPlayerModes
553 - getPlayerMoney
554 - getPlayerName
555 - getPlayerNameByGUID
556 - getPlayerNameDescription
557 - getPlayerNoMove
558 - getPlayerPartner
559 - getPlayerParty
560 - getPlayerPosition
561 - getPlayerPremiumDays
562 - getPlayerPromotionLevel
563 - getPlayerRates
564 - getPlayerRequiredMana
565 - getPlayerRequiredSkillTries
566 - getPlayerSex
567 - getPlayerSkill
568 - getPlayerSkillLevel
569 - getPlayerSkillTries
570 - getPlayerSkullEnd
571 - getPlayerSkullType
572 - getPlayerSlotItem
573 - getPlayerSoul
574 - getPlayerSpecialDescription
575 - getPlayerSpentMana
576 - getPlayerStamina
577 - getPlayerStorageValue
578 - getPlayerTemplePos
579 - getPlayerTown
580 - getPlayerTradeState
581 - getPlayerVocation
582 - getPlayerVocationName
583 - getPlayerWeapAttack
584 - getPlayerWeapon
585 - getPlayersByAccountId
586 - getPlayersByAccountNumber
587 - getPlayersByIP
588 - getPlayersByIPNumber
589 - getPlayersByIp
590 - getPlayersInArea
591 - getPlayersOnline
592 - getPontos
593 - getPosByDir
594 - getPositionByDirection
595 - getPromotedVocation
596 - getRowsShopByPlayer
597 - getSearchString
598 - getSpectators
599 - getStatementsCount
600 - getStorage
601 - getTalkActionList
602 - getThing
603 - getThingFromPos
604 - getThingPos
605 - getThingPosition
606 - getThingfromPos
607 - getTibiaTime
608 - getTileHouseInfo
609 - getTileInfo
610 - getTileItemById
611 - getTileItemByType
612 - getTilePzInfo
613 - getTileThingByPos
614 - getTileZoneInfo
615 - getTopBounties
616 - getTopCreature
617 - getTownHouses
618 - getTownId
619 - getTownList
620 - getTownName
621 - getTownTemplePosition
622 - getVocationInfo
623 - getVocationList
624 - getWaypointList
625 - getWaypointPosition
626 - getWaypointsList
627 - getWorldCreatures
628 - getWorldLight
629 - getWorldTime
630 - getWorldType
631 - getWorldUpTime
632 - getfenv
633 - getmetatable
634 - globalExhaustion.check
635 - globalExhaustion.get
636 - globalExhaustion.set
637 - hasClient
638 - hasCondition
639 - hasItemProperty
640 - hasPlayerClient
641 - hasProperty
642 - io.close
643 - io.flush
644 - io.input
645 - io.lines
646 -
647 - io.output
648 - io.popen
649 -
650 - io.tmpfile
651 - io.type
652 - io.write
653 - ipairs
654 - isAccountBanished
655 - isContainer
656 - isCorpse
657 - isCreature
658 - isDruid
659 - isHunted
660 - isInArea
661 - isInArray
662 - isInParty
663 - isInRange
664 - isIpBanished
665 - isItemContainer
666 - isItemDoor
667 - isItemFluidContainer
668 - isItemInShop
669 - isItemMovable
670 - isItemMoveable
671 - isItemRune
672 - isItemStackable
673 - isKnight
674 - isMonster
675 - isMovable
676 - isMoveable
677 - isNpc
678 - isNumber
679 - isOnline
680 - isPaladin
681 - isPlayer
682 - isPlayerBanished
683 - isPlayerBanned
684 - isPlayerGhost
685 - isPlayerPzLocked
686 - isPlayerSaving
687 - isPremium
688 - isPrivateChannel
689 - isRookie
690 - isSightClear
691 - isSorcerer
692 - isSummon
693 - isTarget
694 - isWalkable
695 - load
696 - loadfile
697 - loadmodlib
698 - loadstring
699 - math.abs
700 - math.acos
701 - math.asin
702 - math.atan
703 - math.atan2
704 - math.ceil
705 - math.cos
706 - math.cosh
707 - math.deg
708 - math.exp
709 - math.floor
710 - math.fmod
711 - math.frexp
712 - math.ldexp
713 - math.log
714 - math.log10
715 - math.max
716 - math.min
717 - math.mod
718 - math.modf
719 - math.pow
720 - math.rad
721 - math.random
722 - math.randomseed
723 - math.sin
724 - math.sinh
725 - math.sqrt
726 - math.tan
727 - math.tanh
728 - mayNotMove
729 - module
730 - newproxy
731 - next
732 - numberToVariant
733 - os.clock
734 -
735 - os.difftime
736 - os.execute
737 - os.exit
738 - os.getenv
739 - os.mtime
740 - os.remove
741 - os.rename
742 - os.setlocale
743 - os.time
744 - os.tmpname
745 - pairs
746 - pay
747 - pcall
748 - playerExist
749 - playerExists
750 - playerLearnInstantSpell
751 - positionToVariant
752 - prepareClean
753 - prepareShutdown
754 - print
755 - queryTileAddThing
756 - rawequal
757 - rawget
758 - rawset
759 - registerCreatureEvent
760 - require
761 - resetPontos
762 - resetTarget
763 -
764 - result.getDataInt
765 - result.getDataLong
766 - result.getDataStream
767 - result.getDataString
768 -
769 - runThread
770 - save
771 - saveServer
772 - select
773 - setAttackFormula
774 - setCombatArea
775 - setCombatCallback
776 - setCombatCondition
777 - setCombatFormula
778 - setCombatParam
779 - setConditionFormula
780 - setConditionParam
781 - setCreatureMaxHealth
782 - setCreatureMaxMana
783 - setGlobalStorageValue
784 - setHealingFormula
785 - setHouseAccessList
786 - setHouseOwner
787 - setPlayerBalance
788 - setPlayerGroupId
789 - setPlayerPartner
790 - setPlayerPromotionLevel
791 - setPlayerStamina
792 - setPlayerStorageValue
793 - setTarget
794 - setWorldType
795 - setfenv
796 - setmetatable
797 - shutdown
798 - spawnRandomMonsters
799 - std.cerr
800 - std.clog
801 - std.cout
802 - std.md5
803 - std.sha1
804 - std.sha256
805 - std.sha512
806 - std.vahash
807 - stopEvent
808 - string.byte
809 - string.char
810 - string.dump
811 - string.expand
812 - string.explode
813 - string.find
814 - string.format
815 - string.gfind
816 - string.gmatch
817 - string.gsub
818 - string.len
819 - string.lower
820 - string.match
821 - string.rep
822 - string.reverse
823 - string.split
824 - string.sub
825 - string.timediff
826 - string.trim
827 - string.upper
828 - stringToVariant
829 - table.concat
830 - table.contains
831 - table.count
832 - table.countElements
833 - table.find
834 - table.foreach
835 - table.foreachi
836 - table.getCombinations
837 - table.getPos
838 - table.getn
839 - table.insert
840 - table.isStrIn
841 - table.maxn
842 - table.remove
843 - table.setn
844 - table.sort
845 - targetPositionToVariant
846 - tonumber
847 - tostring
848 - type
849 - unpack
850 - unregisterCreatureEvent
851 - variantToNumber
852 - variantToPosition
853 - variantToString
854 - vip.accountHasVip
855 - vip.addVipByAccount
856 - vip.getDays
857 - vip.getVip
858 - vip.getVipByAcc
859 - vip.getVipByAccount
860 - vip.hasVip
861 - vip.hasVips
862 - vip.returnVipString
863 - vip.setTable
864 - vip.setVip
865 - vip.setVipByAccount
866 - wait
867 - xpcall



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