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eu peguei um sistema de pontos
q funciona assim
quando vc passa um level vc ganha tantos pontos
com aqueles pontos vc pode trocar por hp , magiclvl e skills
o problema é q tem um comando q n funciona
o magic level
o script era assim(desse jeito vc usa o comando perde os pontos mas n ganha o magic level)
-- #######################################
-- ####### Developed by MaXwEllDeN #######
-- ####### Level Points System #######
-- ####### Version: 1.0 #######
-- #######################################
function onSay(cid, words, param)
if not (L_LvlPoints.vocPoints[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) then
return false
local param = param:lower()
local p2 = string.explode(param, ",")
if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) < 0) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574, 0)
local skillids = {
["fist"] = SKILL_FIST,
["club"] = SKILL_CLUB,
["sword"] = SKILL_SWORD,
["axe"] = SKILL_AXE,
["distance"] = SKILL_DISTANCE,
["shielding"] = SKILL_SHIELD
if (param == "check") then
doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, "~*~*~ Level Points System by MaXwEllDeN ~*~*~\n\nPontos disponíveis: ".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) .."\nPontos por level: ".. L_LvlPoints.vocPoints[getPlayerVocation(cid)])
elseif (p2[1] and p2[1] == "add") and (L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]]) and (tonumber(p2[3])) then
if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) < tonumber(p2[3]) * L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]].np) then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você não tem pontos suficientes para distribuir!")
return doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 2)
if (p2[2] == "vitalidade") then
setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) + L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]].vl * tonumber(p2[3]))
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]].vl * tonumber(p2[3]))
elseif(skillids[p2[2]]) then
for a = 1, tonumber(p2[3]) do
doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, skillids[p2[2]], getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(cid, skillids[p2[2]], getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, skillids[p2[2]]) + 1) - getPlayerSkillTries(cid, skillids[p2[2]]), false)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 29)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 30)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "-" .. tonumber(p2[3]) * L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]].np, 180)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) - tonumber(p2[3]) * L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]].np)
local msgx = ""
for i, v in pairs(L_LvlPoints.attributes) do
local add = (v.np > 1) and "s" or ""
msgx = msgx .. string.upper(i:sub(1,1)) .. i:sub(2, #i) .. " - ".. v.np .. " ponto".. add .. " ~ " .. v.vl .. " ".. v.nm .. "\n"
doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, "~*~*~ Level Points System by MaXwEllDeN ~*~*~\n\nPontos necessários para aumentar os stats:\n\n".. msgx .. "\nExemplo de uso: ".. words .." add, vitalidade, 5\n\nPontos disponíveis: ".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574))
return true
ja desse outro jeito(o comando n funciona e da erro no console)
[28/02/2013 17:57:40] [Error - TalkAction Interface]
[28/02/2013 17:57:40] data/talkactions/scripts/PointsSystem.lua:onSay
[28/02/2013 17:57:40] Description:
[28/02/2013 17:57:40] data/talkactions/scripts/PointsSystem.lua:42: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value
[28/02/2013 17:57:40] stack traceback:
[28/02/2013 17:57:40] data/talkactions/scripts/PointsSystem.lua:42: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/PointsSystem.lua:7>
-- #######################################
-- ####### Developed by MaXwEllDeN #######
-- ####### Level Points System #######
-- ####### Version: 1.0 #######
-- #######################################
function onSay(cid, words, param)
if not (L_LvlPoints.vocPoints[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) then
return false
local param = param:lower()
local p2 = string.explode(param, ",")
if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) < 0) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574, 0)
local skillids = {
["fist"] = SKILL_FIST,
["club"] = SKILL_CLUB,
["sword"] = SKILL_SWORD,
["axe"] = SKILL_AXE,
["distance"] = SKILL_DISTANCE,
["shielding"] = SKILL_SHIELD,
["magic"] = SKILL__MAGLEVEL
if (param == "check") then
doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, "~*~*~ Level Points System by MaXwEllDeN ~*~*~\n\nPontos disponíveis: ".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) .."\nPontos por level: ".. L_LvlPoints.vocPoints[getPlayerVocation(cid)])
elseif (p2[1] and p2[1] == "add") and (L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]]) and (tonumber(p2[3])) then
if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) < tonumber(p2[3]) * L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]].np) then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você não tem pontos suficientes para distribuir!")
return doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 2)
if (p2[2] == "vitalidade") then
setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) + L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]].vl * tonumber(p2[3]))
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]].vl * tonumber(p2[3]))
elseif(skillids[p2[2]]) then
for a = 1, tonumber(p2[3]) do
doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, skillids[p2[2]], getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(cid, skillids[p2[2]], getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, skillids[p2[2]]) + 1) - getPlayerSkillTries(cid, skillids[p2[2]]), false)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 29)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 30)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "-" .. tonumber(p2[3]) * L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]].np, 180)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574) - tonumber(p2[3]) * L_LvlPoints.attributes[p2[2]].np)
local msgx = ""
for i, v in pairs(L_LvlPoints.attributes) do
local add = (v.np > 1) and "s" or ""
msgx = msgx .. string.upper(i:sub(1,1)) .. i:sub(2, #i) .. " - ".. v.np .. " ponto".. add .. " ~ " .. v.vl .. " ".. v.nm .. "\n"
doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, "~*~*~ Level Points System by MaXwEllDeN ~*~*~\n\nPontos necessários para aumentar os stats:\n\n".. msgx .. "\nExemplo de uso: ".. words .." add, vitalidade, 5\n\nPontos disponíveis: ".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 14574))
return true
alguem ai sabe o q esta errado?
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