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 function onKill(cid, target)
    if isPlayer(target) == TRUE then 
		    if ((isInParty(target) and isInParty(cid)) and (getPlayerParty(cid) == getPlayerParty(target))) and isPlayer(target)then
				    broadcastMessage("**** has killed ".. getCreatureName(target).." (Justified)",MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)

   elseif getCreatureSkullType(cid) == 4 or getCreatureSkullType(cid) == 3 and getCreatureSkullType(target) == 0 and isPlayer(target)then
				    broadcastMessage("**** has killed ".. getCreatureName(target).." (UnJustified)",MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)

   elseif getCreatureSkullType(target) == 3 or getCreatureSkullType(target) == 4 and isPlayer(target) then
				    broadcastMessage("**** has killed ".. getCreatureName(target).." (Justified)",MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)	 


    return TRUE



Eu tenho esse script e ele funciona bem, o problema é este.

Se três jogadores me matar .. três vezes a mensagem.

Se eu matar seis jogadores de seis vezes a mensagem para fora.


Eu quero apenas ir uma vez que você ver um para cada jogador.

Editado por Elexonic
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6 respostass a esta questão

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amigo upar topicos eh contra as regras do forum, por favor nao repita isso!

tente trocar esse teu script por esse..


function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)

local pid = deathList[1]

if isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(pid) then

if ((isInParty(cid) and isInParty(pid)) and (getPlayerParty(pid) == getPlayerParty(cid))) then

broadcastMessage("**** has killed ".. getCreatureName(cid).." (Justified)", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)

elseif getCreatureSkullType(pid) == 4 or getCreatureSkullType(pid) == 3 and getCreatureSkullType(cid) == 0 then

broadcastMessage("**** has killed ".. getCreatureName(cid).." (UnJustified)",MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)

elseif getCreatureSkullType(cid) == 3 or getCreatureSkullType(cid) == 4 then

broadcastMessage("**** has killed ".. getCreatureName(cid).." (Justified)",MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)



return TRUE



nao esquece de trocar na tag tb para "death" q nem a aki de baixo \/

<event type="death" name="xxxx" event="script" value="yyyy.lua"/>



mano da onde tu tiro isso? o.O

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