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[Error] Attempt To Index Global 't' (A Nil Value)

Ikoriel Lehear


Adicionei um sistema de teleports da inquisition. Mas quando eu tento matar qualquer outro monstro que não seja os bosses da inqui (Annihilon, Hellgorak etc), ele não morre e da um erro persistente:



O Script



local config = {

timeToRemove = 180, -- segundos

message = "Go into the teleport in 180 seconds, else it will disappear.",

teleportId = 9773,

bosses = { -- Nome do monstro, Posicao do teleporte

["Ushuriel"] = { pos={x=1294, y=705, z=15, stackpos=1}, aid=11001 },

["Zugurosh"] = { pos={x=1328, y=704, z=15, stackpos=1}, aid=11002},

["Madareth"] = { pos={x=1291, y=731, z=15, stackpos=1}, aid=11003},

["Annihilon"] = { pos={x=1366, y=689, z=15, stackpos=1}, aid=11005},

["Hellgorak"] = { pos={x=1371, y=731, z=15 , stackpos=1}, aid=11006},

["Latrivan"] = {pos={x=1326, y=735, z=15, stackpos=1},aid=11004}


} }

local function change(position)

doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(position, config.teleportId).uid, "aid", 3000)

return TRUE



function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)

if(config.bosses[getCreatureName(target)]) then

local t = config.bosses[getCreatureName(target)]

local position = t.pos

doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(position, config.teleportId).uid, "aid", t.aid)

doCreatureSay(cid, config.message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(change, config.timeToRemove * 1000, position)

return TRUE



local position = t.pos

doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(position, config.teleportId).uid, "aid", t.aid)

doItemSetAttribute(teleport, "aid", t.aid)

doCreatureSay(cid, config.message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removal, config.timeToRemove * 1000, position)



return TRUE


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Obrigado !

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local config = {
timeToRemove = 180, -- segundos
message = "Go into the teleport in 180 seconds, else it will disappear.",
teleportId = 9773,
bosses = { -- Nome do monstro, Posicao do teleporte
["Ushuriel"] = { pos={x=1294, y=705, z=15, stackpos=1}, aid=11001 },
["Zugurosh"] = { pos={x=1328, y=704, z=15, stackpos=1}, aid=11002},
["Madareth"] = { pos={x=1291, y=731, z=15, stackpos=1}, aid=11003},
["Annihilon"] = { pos={x=1366, y=689, z=15, stackpos=1}, aid=11005},
["Hellgorak"] = { pos={x=1371, y=731, z=15 , stackpos=1}, aid=11006},
["Latrivan"] = {pos={x=1326, y=735, z=15, stackpos=1},aid=11004}

} }

local function change(position)
   doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(position, config.teleportId).uid, "aid", 3000)
return TRUE

function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)

local t = config.bosses[getCreatureName(target)]
local position = t.pos

if(config.bosses[getCreatureName(target)]) then
   doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(position, config.teleportId).uid, "aid", t.aid)
   doCreatureSay(cid, config.message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
   addEvent(change, config.timeToRemove * 1000, position)
return TRUE
   doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(position, config.teleportId).uid, "aid", t.aid)
   doItemSetAttribute(teleport, "aid", t.aid)
   doCreatureSay(cid, config.message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
   addEvent(removal, config.timeToRemove * 1000, position)

return TRUE

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