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Lol dando erro


[30/03/2012 15:32:53] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]

[30/03/2012 15:32:53] data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:onLogin

[30/03/2012 15:32:53] Description:

[30/03/2012 15:32:53] data/lib/level system.lua:31: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'd' (a nil value)

[30/03/2012 15:32:53] stack traceback:

[30/03/2012 15:32:53] data/lib/level system.lua:31: in function 'getPokemonXMLOutfit'

[30/03/2012 15:32:53] data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:152: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua:123>





local config = {

loginMessage = getConfigValue('loginMessage'),

useFragHandler = getBooleanFromString(getConfigValue('useFragHandler'))



local flys = {

["Moltres"] = {229, 2300}, -- moltres

["Articuno"] = {230, 2100}, -- artic

["Zapdos"] = {224, 2600}, -- zapdos

["Mew"] = {232, 2200}, -- 1000

["Mewtwo"] = {233, 2200},-- two

["Dragonite"] = {221, 1300},-- nite

["Pidgeot"] = {222, 900}, -- geot

["Fearow"] = {226, 800}, -- fearow

["Aerodactyl"] = {227, 1100}, -- aero

["Charizard"] = {216, 1000}, -- chari

["Porygon"] = {316, 600}, -- porygon

["Shiny Moltres"] = {229, 2300}, -- Shiny moltres

["Shiny Articuno"] = {1018, 2100}, -- Shiny artic

["Shiny Zapdos"] = {1019, 2600}, -- Shiny zapdos

["Shiny Mew"] = {1022, 2200}, -- Shiny 1000

["Shiny Mewtwo"] = {1021, 2200},-- Shiny two

["Shiny Dragonite"] = {1020, 1300},-- Shiny nite

["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {996, 900}, -- Shiny geot

["Shiny Fearow"] = {997, 800}, -- Shiny fearow

["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {1017, 1100}, -- Shiny aero

["Shiny Charizard"] = {995, 1000}, -- Shiny chari

["Shiny Porygon"] = {1016, 600}, -- Shiny porygon

["Porygon2"] = {648, 890}, -- 2

["Skarmory"] = {649, 1000}, -- skarmory

["Crobat"] = {652, 1190}, -- crobat



local rides = {

["Tauros"] = {128, 580}, -- tauros

["Ninetales"] = {129, 800}, -- kyuubi

["Rapidash"] = {130, 800}, -- rapid

["Ponyta"] = {131, 410}, -- ponyta

["Rhyhorn"] = {132, 400}, -- rhyhorn

["Arcanine"] = {12, 900}, -- arcan

["Onix"] = {126, 450}, -- onix

["Venusaur"] = {134, 390}, -- venu

["Dodrio"] = {133, 750}, -- dodrio

["Doduo"] = {135, 420}, -- doduo

["Shiny Tauros"] = {1024, 580}, -- tauros

["Shiny Ninetales"] = {999, 800}, -- kyuubi

["Shiny Rapidash"] = {1005, 800}, -- rapid

["Shiny Ponyta"] = {1004, 410}, -- ponyta

["Shiny Rhyhorn"] = {1023, 400}, -- rhyhorn

["Shiny Arcanine"] = {1003, 900}, -- arcan

["Shiny Onix"] = {126, 450}, -- onix

["Shiny Venusaur"] = {1040, 390}, -- venu

["Shiny Dodrio"] = {1007, 750}, -- dodrio

["Shiny Doduo"] = {1006, 420}, -- doduo

["Crystal Onix"] = {293, 480}, -- cristal onix

["Steelix"] = {646, 750}, -- steelix

["Meganium"] = {685, 720}, -- meganium

["Bayleef"] = {686, 555}, -- bayleef

["Stantler"] = {687, 595}, -- stantler

["Houndoom"] = {647, 820}, -- houndoom

["Piloswine"] = {689, 450}, -- piloswine

["Mareep"] = {688, 400}, -- marip



local surf = {

["Poliwag"] = {lookType=278, speed = 320},

["Poliwhirl"] = {lookType=137, speed = 480},

["Seaking"] = {lookType=269, speed = 520},

["Dewgong"] = {lookType=183, speed = 700},

["Blastoise"] = {lookType=184, speed = 850},

["Tentacruel"] = {lookType=185, speed = 750},

["Lapras"] = {lookType=186, speed = 960},

["Gyarados"] = {lookType=187, speed = 1050},

["Omastar"] = {lookType=188, speed = 680},

["Kabutops"] = {lookType=189, speed = 840},

["Poliwrath"] = {lookType=190, speed = 680},

["Vaporeon"] = {lookType=191, speed = 800},

["Staryu"] = {lookType=266, speed = 385},

["Starmie"] = {lookType=267, speed = 685},

["Goldeen"] = {lookType=268, speed = 355},

["Seadra"] = {lookType=270, speed = 655},

["Golduck"] = {lookType=271, speed = 760},

["Squirtle"] = {lookType=273, speed = 365},

["Wartortle"] = {lookType=275, speed = 605},

["Tentacool"] = {lookType=277, speed = 340},

["Snorlax"] = {lookType=300, speed = 500},


["Shiny Poliwag"] = {lookType=1010, speed = 320},

["Shiny Poliwhirl"] = {lookType=1011, speed = 480},

["Shiny Seaking"] = {lookType=1027, speed = 520},

["Shiny Dewgong"] = {lookType=1015, speed = 700},

["Shiny Blastoise"] = {lookType=1002, speed = 850},

["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {lookType=1014, speed = 750},

["Shiny Lapras"] = {lookType=1031, speed = 960},

["Shiny Gyarados"] = {lookType=1030, speed = 1050},

["Shiny Omastar"] = {lookType=1033, speed = 680},

["Shiny Kabutops"] = {lookType=1034, speed = 840},

["Shiny Poliwrath"] = {lookType=1012, speed = 680},

["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {lookType=1032, speed = 800},

["Shiny Staryu"] = {lookType=1028, speed = 385},

["Shiny Starmie"] = {lookType=1029, speed = 685},

["Shiny Goldeen"] = {lookType=1026, speed = 355},

["Shiny Seadra"] = {lookType=1025, speed = 655},

["Shiny Golduck"] = {lookType=1009, speed = 760},

["Shiny Squirtle"] = {lookType=1000, speed = 365},

["Shiny Wartortle"] = {lookType=1001, speed = 605},

["Shiny Tentacool"] = {lookType=1013, speed = 340},

["Shiny Snorlax"] = {lookType=1035, speed = 500},


["Mantine"] = {lookType=636, speed = 820},

["Totodile"] = {lookType=637, speed = 360},

["Croconow"] = {lookType=638, speed = 590},

["Feraligatr"] = {lookType=645, speed = 900},

["Marill"] = {lookType=639, speed = 340},

["Azumarill"] = {lookType=642, speed = 680},

["Quagsire"] = {lookType=643, speed = 740},

["Kingdra"] = {lookType=644, speed = 1020},

["Octillery"] = {lookType=641, speed = 600},

["Wooper"] = {lookType=640, speed = 315},




function onLogin(cid)


doPlayerSetLossPercent(cid, PLAYERLOSS_EXPERIENCE, 0)

doCreatureSetDropLoot(cid, false)


local accountManager = getPlayerAccountManager(cid)


if(accountManager == MANAGER_NONE) then

local lastLogin, str = getPlayerLastLoginSaved(cid), config.loginMessage

if(lastLogin > 0) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, str)

str = "Your last visit was on " .."%a %b %d %X %Y", lastLogin) .. "."


str = str



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, str)


elseif(accountManager == MANAGER_NAMELOCK) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Ola, parece que seu personagem foi nome bloqueado, qual sera o novo nome do seu character?")

elseif(accountManager == MANAGER_ACCOUNT) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Ola, digite 'account' para gerenciar sua conta e se você quiser começar de novo, digite 'cancel'.")


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Ola, digite 'account' para criar uma conta ou digite 'recover' para recuperar uma conta.")



if getCreatureName(cid) == "Account Manager" then

local outfit = {}

if accountManagerRandomPokemonOutfit then

outfit = {lookType = getPokemonXMLOutfit(oldpokedex[math.random(151)][1])}


outfit = accountManagerOutfit



doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, outfit, -1)

return true



if(not isPlayerGhost(cid)) then

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)



local outfit = {}


if getPlayerVocation(cid) == 0 then

doPlayerSetMaxCapacity(cid, 0)

doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 1)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 86228, 0)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 862281, 0)

setCreatureMaxMana(cid, 6)

doPlayerAddSoul(cid, -getPlayerSoul(cid))

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 19898, 0)

if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 128 then

outfit = {lookType = 510, lookHead = math.random(0, 132), lookBody = math.random(0, 132), lookLegs = math.random(0, 132), lookFeet = math.random(0, 132)}

elseif getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 136 then

outfit = {lookType = 511, lookHead = math.random(0, 132), lookBody = math.random(0, 132), lookLegs = math.random(0, 132), lookFeet = math.random(0, 132)}


doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit)



registerCreatureEvent(cid, "WatchTv")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "StopWatchingTv")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "WalkTv")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "RecordTv")

--registerCreatureEvent(cid, "deadd")

--registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Death")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerLogout")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "WildAttack")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Idle")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PokemonIdle")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "EffectOnAdvance")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "GeneralConfiguration")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ReportBug")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "LookSystem")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "T1")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "T2")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "pa")


if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284) == 1 then

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 99284, -1)



doChangeSpeed(cid, -(getCreatureSpeed(cid)))


if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 then -- fly


local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)

local poke = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke")

doChangeSpeed(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54844))

doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT)

doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = flys[poke][1] + 351}, -1)


local apos = getFlyingMarkedPos(cid)

apos.stackpos = 0


if getTileThingByPos(apos).itemid <= 2 then

doCombatAreaHealth(cid, FIREDAMAGE, getFlyingMarkedPos(cid), 0, 0, 0, CONST_ME_NONE)

doCreateItem(460, 1, getFlyingMarkedPos(cid))



doTeleportThing(cid, apos, false)


local posicao = getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))

markFlyingPos(cid, posicao)


elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) >= 1 then -- surf


local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)

local poke = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke")

doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = surf[poke].lookType + 351}, -1)

doChangeSpeed(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54844))


elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) >= 1 then -- ride


local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)

local poke = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "poke")



if rides[poke] then

doChangeSpeed(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54844))

doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT)

doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = rides[poke][1] + 351}, -1)


setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001, -1)

doChangeSpeed(cid, PlayerSpeed)



local posicao2 = getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))

markFlyingPos(cid, posicao2)


elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13008) >= 1 then -- dive

if not isInArray({5405, 5406, 5407, 5408, 5409, 5410}, getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).itemid) then

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13008, 0)

doChangeSpeed(cid, PlayerSpeed)

doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT)

return true



if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then

doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = 1034, lookHead = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookHead, lookBody = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody, lookLegs = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookLegs, lookFeet = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookFeet}, -1)


doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = 1035, lookHead = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookHead, lookBody = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody, lookLegs = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookLegs, lookFeet = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookFeet}, -1)


doChangeSpeed(cid, 800)


elseif getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 4 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 7 then

doChangeSpeed(cid, 140*getPlayerGroupId(cid))


doChangeSpeed(cid, PlayerSpeed)


return true



n mexi em nda

Editado por FlamesAdmin
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deu certo o do catch tal mais o do diminui o ataque nao, tipo assim eu qria arruma uma coisa man TIPO: EXEMPLO

Gengar lvl 100+0 contra alakazam lvl 100+0, gengar da 1 hit no alaka man e vice versa entre outros pokes, qria arruma isso

pra ficar bem balanceado

alguem sabe arruma isso ? :S

Editado por Christopher Prado Stamboni
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@tópico! quem me explica como fazer darei Resp++, tenho a box certo quero que quando abro a box venha um poke com level 15 e boost 5 tem como fazer isso para mim ou explicar como fazer obg!



deu certo o do catch tal mais o do diminui o ataque nao, tipo assim eu qria arruma uma coisa man TIPO: EXEMPLO

Gengar lvl 100+0 contra alakazam lvl 100+0, gengar da 1 hit no alaka man e vice versa entre outros pokes, qria arruma isso

pra ficar bem balanceado

alguem sabe arruma isso ? :S


é norma isso cara alakzam tem vantagem sobre Gengar! e Gengar tem vantagem sobre alakazam! quem fo coloca para dormi primeiro ou atk ganha é Normal!

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kra isso eh com todos os pokes ate os q nao eh efetivo --'

qro arruma pra fica balanceado man, nao tao efetivo de da 1 hit >.>

ajuda ai pfv, acabei de testa otro, kangaskhan lvl 65 da 1 hit em 1 golem lvl 100 e golem morre >.> qro balancea alguem me ajuda ? T.T


onde fica a pasta q muda os pokemons efetivos ? vo da 1 editada ;S

Editado por Christopher Prado Stamboni
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Christopher Prado Stamboni


vai no seu configuration.lua

e troca os statos por esse

só mexi no Life dos pokemons

antes faz um backup

e depois vc fala q melhorou ou n



pokes = {

------------------------------------------------------------------Statos Pokemon Kanto------------------------------------------------------------------

["Bulbasaur"] = {offense = 4.9, defense = 4.9, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 64, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Ivysaur"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 6.3, specialattack = 8, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Venusaur"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 8.3, specialattack = 10, vitality = 16, agility = 0.3, exp = 208, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Charmander"] = {offense = 5.2, defense = 4.3, specialattack = 6, vitality = 7.8, agility = 0.1, exp = 65, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Charmeleon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 11.6, agility = 0.2, exp = 142, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Charizard"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 15.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 209, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"},

["Squirtle"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.1, exp = 66, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Wartortle"] = {offense = 6.3, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 11.8, agility = 0.2, exp = 143, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Blastoise"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 10, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 15.8, agility = 0.3, exp = 210, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Caterpie"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 53, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"},

["Metapod"] = {offense = 2, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 72, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"},

["Butterfree"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 12, agility = 0.3, exp = 160, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"},

["Weedle"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 2, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Kakuna"] = {offense = 2.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 120, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Beedrill"] = {offense = 8, defense = 4, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 159, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Pidgey"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 55, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Pidgeotto"] = {offense = 6, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 12.6, agility = 0.2, exp = 113, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Pidgeot"] = {offense = 8, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 16.3, agility = 0.3, exp = 172, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Rattata"] = {offense = 5.6, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 57, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Raticate"] = {offense = 8.1, defense = 6, specialattack = 5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.2, exp = 116, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Spearow"] = {offense = 6, defense = 3, specialattack = 3.1, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Fearow"] = {offense = 9, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.1, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 162, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Ekans"] = {offense = 6, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 62, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Arbok"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 6.9, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 147, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Pikachu"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 82, level = 20, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Raichu"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 12, agility = 0.3, exp = 122, level = 50, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Sandshrew"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 93, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Sandslash"] = {offense = 10, defense = 11, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 15, agility = 0.2, exp = 163, level = 55, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Nidoran Female"] = {offense = 4.7, defense = 5.2, specialattack = 4, vitality = 11, agility = 0.1, exp = 59, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Nidorina"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 6.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 14, agility = 0.2, exp = 59, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Nidoqueen"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 8.7, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 18, agility = 0.3, exp = 194, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"},

["Nidoran Male"] = {offense = 5.7, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9.2, agility = 0.1, exp = 60, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Nidorino"] = {offense = 7.2, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 12.2, agility = 0.2, exp = 118, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Nidoking"] = {offense = 9.2, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 16.2, agility = 0.3, exp = 195, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"},

["Clefairy"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 14, agility = 0.2, exp = 68, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Clefable"] = {offense = 7, defense = 7.3, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 19, agility = 0.3, exp = 129, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Vulpix"] = {offense = 4.1, defense = 4, specialattack = 5, vitality = 7.6, agility = 0.1, exp = 63, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Ninetales"] = {offense = 7.6, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 8.1, vitality = 14.6, agility = 0.2, exp = 178, level = 65, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Jigglypuff"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 2, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 23, agility = 0.2, exp = 76, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Wigglytuff"] = {offense = 7, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 28, agility = 0.3, exp = 109, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Zubat"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 5, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"},

["Golbat"] = {offense = 8, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 15, agility = 0.2, exp = 171, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"},

["Oddish"] = {offense = 5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Gloom"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 132, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Vileplume"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 15, agility = 0.3, exp = 184, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Paras"] = {offense = 7, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 70, level = 5, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"},

["Parasect"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 128, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"},


["Venonat"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 12, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 14, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Venomoth"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 9, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 138, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Diglett"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 2.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 81, level = 5, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Dugtrio"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 153, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Meowth"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 69, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Persian"] = {offense = 7, defense = 6, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 148, level = 25, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Psyduck"] = {offense = 5.2, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 80, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Golduck"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 16, agility = 0.2, exp = 174, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Mankey"] = {offense = 8, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Primeape"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 6, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 149, level = 45, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Growlithe"] = {offense = 7, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 11, agility = 0.1, exp = 91, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Arcanine"] = {offense = 11, defense = 8, specialattack = 10, vitality = 18, agility = 0.2, exp = 213, level = 70, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Poliwag"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 77, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Poliwhirl"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 131, level = 20, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Poliwrath"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 18, agility = 0.3, exp = 185, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "fighting"},

["Abra"] = {offense = 2, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 12, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Kadabra"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 12, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 145, level = 40, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Alakazam"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 13.5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.3, exp = 186, level = 70, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Machop"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 14, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 16, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Machoke"] = {offense = 10, defense = 7, specialattack = 5, vitality = 16, agility = 0.2, exp = 146, level = 38, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Machamp"] = {offense = 13, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 18, agility = 0.3, exp = 193, level = 70, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Bellsprout"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 84, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Weepinbell"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 151, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Victreebel"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 16, agility = 0.3, exp = 191, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Tentacool"] = {offense = 4, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 105, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "poison"},

["Tentacruel"] = {offense = 7, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 16, agility = 0.2, exp = 205, level = 70, type = "water", type2 = "poison"},

["Geodude"] = {offense = 8, defense = 10, specialattack = 3, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 73, level = 15, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"},

["Graveler"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 40, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"},

["Golem"] = {offense = 11, defense = 13, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 16, agility = 0.3, exp = 177, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"},

["Ponyta"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 152, level = 15, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Rapidash"] = {offense = 10, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 192, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Slowpoke"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 18, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"},

["Slowbro"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 11, specialattack = 10, vitality = 19, agility = 0.2, exp = 164, level = 45, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"},

["Magnemite"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 89, level = 15, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"},

["Magneton"] = {offense = 6, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 12, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 161, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"},

["Farfetch'd"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5.8, vitality = 10.4, agility = 0.1, exp = 94, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Doduo"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 96, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Dodrio"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7, specialattack = 6, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 158, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Seel"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.1, exp = 100, level = 47, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Dewgong"] = {offense = 7, defense = 8, specialattack = 7, vitality = 18, agility = 0.2, exp = 176, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ice"},

["Grimer"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 16, agility = 0.1, exp = 90, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Muk"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 21, agility = 0.2, exp = 157, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shellder"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 97, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Cloyster"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 18, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 203, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"},

["Gastly"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 10, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 95, level = 14, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"},

["Haunter"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 126, level = 40, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"},

["Gengar"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 13, vitality = 12, agility = 0.3, exp = 190, level = 70, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"},

["Onix"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 16, specialattack = 3, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 108, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"},

["Drowzee"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 4.3, vitality = 12, agility = 0.1, exp = 102, level = 18, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Hypno"] = {offense = 7.3, defense = 7, specialattack = 7.3, vitality = 17, agility = 0.2, exp = 165, level = 50, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Krabby"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 9, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 115, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Kingler"] = {offense = 13, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.2, exp = 206, level = 35, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Voltorb"] = {offense = 3, defense = 5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 103, level = 14, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Electrode"] = {offense = 5, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 150, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Exeggcute"] = {offense = 4, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 12, agility = 0.1, exp = 98, level = 8, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"},

["Exeggutor"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 19, agility = 0.2, exp = 212, level = 48, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"},

["Cubone"] = {offense = 5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 87, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Marowak"] = {offense = 8, defense = 11, specialattack = 5, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 124, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Hitmonlee"] = {offense = 12, defense = 5.3, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 139, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Hitmonchan"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.9, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 140, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Lickitung"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 18, agility = 0.2, exp = 127, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Koffing"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 114, level = 15, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Weezing"] = {offense = 9, defense = 12, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 173, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Rhyhorn"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 16, agility = 0.1, exp = 135, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"},

["Rhydon"] = {offense = 13, defense = 12, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 21, agility = 0.2, exp = 204, level = 65, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"},

["Chansey"] = {offense = 0.5, defense = 0.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 50, agility = 0.2, exp = 255, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Tangela"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 13, agility = 0.1, exp = 166, level = 35, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"},

["Kangaskhan"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 4, vitality = 21, agility = 0.2, exp = 175, level = 65, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Horsea"] = {offense = 4, defense = 7, specialattack = 7, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 83, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Seadra"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.2, exp = 155, level = 40, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Goldeen"] = {offense = 6.7, defense = 6, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 111, level = 10, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Seaking"] = {offense = 9.2, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 16, agility = 0.2, exp = 170, level = 25, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Staryu"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 15, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Starmie"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 207, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"},

["Mr. Mime"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 136, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Scyther"] = {offense = 11, defense = 8, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 14, agility = 0.3, exp = 187, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"},

["Jynx"] = {offense = 5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 137, level = 55, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"},

["Electabuzz"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 156, level = 60, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Magmar"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 10, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 167, level = 60, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Pinsir"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"},

["Tauros"] = {offense = 10, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 15, agility = 0.3, exp = 211, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Magikarp"] = {offense = 1, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 1.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 20, level = 1, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Gyarados"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 7.9, specialattack = 6, vitality = 19, agility = 0.3, exp = 214, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "flying"},

["Lapras"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 26, agility = 0.3, exp = 219, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"},

["Ditto"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 4.8, vitality = 9.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 61, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Eevee"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.1, exp = 92, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Vaporeon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 11, vitality = 26, agility = 0.3, exp = 196, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Jolteon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 11, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Flareon"] = {offense = 13, defense = 6, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 198, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Porygon"] = {offense = 6, defense = 7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.1, exp = 130, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Omanyte"] = {offense = 4, defense = 10, specialattack = 9, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"},

["Omastar"] = {offense = 6, defense = 12.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 14, agility = 0.2, exp = 199, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"},

["Kabuto"] = {offense = 8, defense = 9, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"},

["Kabutops"] = {offense = 11.5, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 199, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"},

["Aerodactyl"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 16, agility = 0.3, exp = 202, level = 85, type = "rock", type2 = "Flying"},

["Snorlax"] = {offense = 11, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 32, agility = 0.3, exp = 154, level = 85, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Articuno"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 18, agility = 0.3, exp = 215, level = 100, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"},

["Zapdos"] = {offense = 9, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 18, agility = 0.3, exp = 216, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "flying"},

["Moltres"] = {offense = 10, defense = 9, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 18, agility = 0.3, exp = 217, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"},

["Dratini"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 8.2, agility = 0.1, exp = 67, level = 15, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"},

["Dragonair"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 12.2, agility = 0.2, exp = 144, level = 45, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"},

["Dragonite"] = {offense = 13.4, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 18.2, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 85, type = "dragon", type2 = "flying"},

["Mewtwo"] = {offense = 11, defense = 9, specialattack = 15.4, vitality = 21.2, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Mew"] = {offense = 10, defense = 10, specialattack = 10, vitality = 20, agility = 0.3, exp = 64, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},


-------------------------------------------------------------Statos Pokemon Shiny Kanto-------------------------------------------------------------

["Shiny Bulbasaur"] = {offense = 5.39, defense = 5.39, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.11, exp = 70.4, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Ivysaur"] = {offense = 6.82, defense = 6.93, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.22, exp = 155.1, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Venusaur"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 9.13, specialattack = 11, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 228.8, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Charmander"] = {offense = 5.72, defense = 4.73, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 8.58, agility = 0.11, exp = 71.5, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Charmeleon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.38, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 12.76, agility = 0.22, exp = 156.2, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Charizard"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 8.58, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 17.16, agility = 0.33, exp = 229.9, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Squirtle"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 9.68, agility = 0.11, exp = 72.6, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Wartortle"] = {offense = 6.93, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 12.98, agility = 0.22, exp = 157.3, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Blastoise"] = {offense = 9.13, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 17,38, agility = 0.33, exp = 231, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Caterpie"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.11, exp = 58.3, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Metapod"] = {offense = 2.2, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 11, agility = 0.22, exp = 79.2, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Butterfree"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.33, exp = 176, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Weedle"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 57.2, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Kakuna"] = {offense = 2.75, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 132, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Beedrill"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 154.9, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Pidgey"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 60.5, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Pidgeotto"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 13.86, agility = 0.22, exp = 124.3, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 18.26, agility = 0.33, exp = 189.2, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Rattata"] = {offense = 6.16, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 62.7, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Raticate"] = {offense = 8.91, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 12.1, agility = 0.22, exp = 127.6, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Spearow"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 3.41, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 63.8, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Fearow"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 6.71, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.22, exp = 178.2, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Ekans"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 4.84, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.11, exp = 68.2, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Arbok"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 7.59, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.22, exp = 161.7, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Pikachu"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 90.2, level = 20, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Raichu"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.33, exp = 134.2, level = 50, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Sandshrew"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 11, agility = 0.11, exp = 102.3, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Sandslash"] = {offense = 11, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 16.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 179.3, level = 55, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Nidoran Female"] = {offense = 5.17, defense = 5.72, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 12.1, agility = 0.11, exp = 64.9, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Nidorina"] = {offense = 6.82, defense = 7.37, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 15.4, agility = 0.22, exp = 64.9, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Nidoqueen"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 9.57, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 19.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 213.4, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"},

["Shiny Nidoran Male"] = {offense = 6.27, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 10.12, agility = 0.11, exp = 66, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Nidorino"] = {offense = 7.92, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 13.42, agility = 0.22, exp = 129.8, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Nidoking"] = {offense = 10.12, defense = 8.47, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 17.82, agility = 0.33, exp = 214.5, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"},

["Shiny Clefairy"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 15.4, agility = 0.22, exp = 74.8, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Clefable"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 8.03, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 20.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 141.9, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Vulpix"] = {offense = 4.51, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 8.36, agility = 0.11, exp = 69.3, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Ninetales"] = {offense = 8.36, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 8.91, vitality = 16.06, agility = 0.22, exp = 195.8, level = 65, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Jigglypuff"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 2.2, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 25.3, agility = 0.22, exp = 83.6, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Wigglytuff"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 30.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 119.9, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Zubat"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 59.4, level = 5, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Golbat"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 16.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 188.1, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Oddish"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.11, exp = 85.8, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Gloom"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.22, exp = 145.2, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Vileplume"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 11, vitality = 16.5, agility = 0.33, exp = 202.4, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Paras"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.11, exp = 77, level = 5, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"},

["Shiny Parasect"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.22, exp = 140.8, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"},


["Shiny Venonat"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 14, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Venomoth"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.22, exp = 151.8, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Diglett"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 2.75, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 4, agility = 0.11, exp = 89.1, level = 5, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Dugtrio"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.22, exp = 168.3, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Meowth"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 75.9, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Persian"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.22, exp = 162.8, level = 25, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Psyduck"] = {offense = 5.72, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 11, agility = 0.11, exp = 88, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Golduck"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 8.58, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 191.4, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Mankey"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 81.4, level = 10, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Primeape"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.22, exp = 163.9, level = 45, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Growlithe"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 12.1, agility = 0.11, exp = 100.1, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Arcanine"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 19.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 234.3, level = 70, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Poliwag"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 84.7, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Poliwhirl"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.22, exp = 144.1, level = 20, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Poliwrath"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 19.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 203.5, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "fighting"},

["Shiny Abra"] = {offense = 2.2, defense = 1.65, specialattack = 11.55, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 12, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Kadabra"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 13.2, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 159.5, level = 40, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Alakazam"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 14.85, vitality = 12.1, agility = 0.33, exp = 204.6, level = 70, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Machop"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 15.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 16, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Machoke"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 160.6, level = 38, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Machamp"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 19.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 212.3, level = 70, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Bellsprout"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 11, agility = 0.11, exp = 92.4, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Weepinbell"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.22, exp = 166.1, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Victreebel"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 11, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 210.1, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Tentacool"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 115.5, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 225.5, level = 70, type = "water", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Geodude"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 11, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 80.3, level = 15, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"},

["Shiny Graveler"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 12.1, agility = 0.22, exp = 147.4, level = 40, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"},

["Shiny Golem"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 14.3, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 194.7, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"},

["Shiny Ponyta"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 11, agility = 0.11, exp = 167.2, level = 15, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Rapidash"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.22, exp = 211.2, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Slowpoke"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 19.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"},

["Shiny Slowbro"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 11, vitality = 20.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 180.4, level = 45, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"},

["Shiny Magnemite"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 97.9, level = 15, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"},

["Shiny Magneton"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 13.2, vitality = 11, agility = 0.22, exp = 177.1, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"},

["Shiny Farfetch'd"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 6.38, vitality = 11.44, agility = 0.11, exp = 103.4, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Doduo"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.11, exp = 105.6, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Dodrio"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.22, exp = 173.8, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Seel"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 110, level = 47, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Dewgong"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 19.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 193.6, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ice"},

["Shiny Grimer"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 99, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Muk"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 23.1, agility = 0.22, exp = 172.7, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Shellder"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 11, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 106.7, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Cloyster"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 19.8, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 11, agility = 0.22, exp = 223.3, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"},

["Shiny Gastly"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 11, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 104.5, level = 14, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Haunter"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 138.6, level = 40, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Gengar"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 14.3, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.33, exp = 209, level = 70, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"},

["Shiny Onix"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 17.6, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 118.8, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"},

["Shiny Drowzee"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 4.73, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.11, exp = 112.2, level = 18, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Hypno"] = {offense = 8.03, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.03, vitality = 18.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 181.5, level = 50, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Krabby"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 126.5, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Kingler"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 12.1, agility = 0.22, exp = 226.6, level = 35, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Voltorb"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 113.3, level = 14, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Electrode"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.22, exp = 165, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Exeggcute"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.11, exp = 107.8, level = 8, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"},

["Shiny Exeggutor"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 20.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 233.2, level = 48, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"},

["Shiny Cubone"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 11, agility = 0.11, exp = 95.7, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Marowak"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.22, exp = 136.4, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Hitmonlee"] = {offense = 13.2, defense = 5.83, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 11, agility = 0.33, exp = 152.9, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 8.69, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 11, agility = 0.33, exp = 154, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Lickitung"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 19.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 139.7, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Koffing"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 125.4, level = 15, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Weezing"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 13.2, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.22, exp = 190.3, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Rhyhorn"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 148.5, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"},

["Shiny Rhydon"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 13.2, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 23.1, agility = 0.22, exp = 224.4, level = 65, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"},

["Shiny Chansey"] = {offense = 0.55, defense = 0.55, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 55, agility = 0.22, exp = 280.5, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Tangela"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 11, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 182.6, level = 35, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Kangaskhan"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 23.1, agility = 0.22, exp = 192.5, level = 65, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Horsea"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 91.3, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Seadra"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 12.1, agility = 0.22, exp = 170.5, level = 40, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Goldeen"] = {offense = 7.37, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.11, exp = 122.1, level = 10, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Seaking"] = {offense = 10.12, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 187, level = 25, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Staryu"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 116.6, level = 15, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Starmie"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 11, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.22, exp = 227.7, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"},

["Shiny Mr. Mime"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 149.6, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Scyther"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 15.4, agility = 0.33, exp = 205.7, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Jynx"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 150.7, level = 55, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"},

["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {offense = 9.13, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 171.6, level = 60, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Magmar"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 11, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 183.7, level = 60, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Pinsir"] = {offense = 13.75, defense = 11, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 220, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Tauros"] = {offense = 11, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 16.5, agility = 0.33, exp = 232.1, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Magikarp"] = {offense = 1.1, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 1.65, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 22, level = 1, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Gyarados"] = {offense = 13.75, defense = 8.69, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 20.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 235.4, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Lapras"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 28.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 240.9, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"},

["Shiny Ditto"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 5.28, vitality = 10.56, agility = 0.33, exp = 67.1, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Eevee"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 12.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 101.2, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 28.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 215.6, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Jolteon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 216.7, level = 55, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Flareon"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 217.8, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Porygon"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 143, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Omanyte"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"},

["Shiny Omastar"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 13.75, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 15.4, agility = 0.22, exp = 218.9, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"},

["Shiny Kabuto"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"},

["Shiny Kabutops"] = {offense = 12.65, defense = 11.55, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 13.2, agility = 0.22, exp = 218.9, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"},

["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 222.2, level = 85, type = "rock", type2 = "Flying"},

["Shiny Snorlax"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 35.2, agility = 0.33, exp = 169.4, level = 85, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Articuno"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 11, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 19.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 236.5, level = 100, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Zapdos"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 19.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 237.6, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Moltres"] = {offense = 11, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 19.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 238.7, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Dratini"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 9.02, agility = 0.11, exp = 73.7, level = 15, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Dragonair"] = {offense = 9.24, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 13.42, agility = 0.22, exp = 158.4, level = 45, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Dragonite"] = {offense = 14.74, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 11, vitality = 20.02, agility = 0.33, exp = 239.8, level = 85, type = "dragon", type2 = "flying"},

["Shiny Mewtwo"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 16.94, vitality = 23.32, agility = 0.33, exp = 242, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Shiny Mew"] = {offense = 11, defense = 11, specialattack = 11, vitality = 22, agility = 0.33, exp = 70.4, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

-----------------------------------------------------------Startos Pokemon Johto-----------------------------------------------------------

["Chikorita"] = {offense = 4.9, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4.9, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 64, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"},

["Bayleef"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.3, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"},

["Meganium"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 10, specialattack = 8.3, vitality = 16, agility = 0.3, exp = 208, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"},

["Cyndaquil"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.3, specialattack = 6, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 65, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Quilava"] = {offense = 6.4, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 12, agility = 0.2, exp = 142, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Typhlosion"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 16, agility = 0.3, exp = 209, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Totodile"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 66, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Croconaw"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8, specialattack = 5.9, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Feraligatr"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 7.9, vitality = 17, agility = 0.3, exp = 142, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Sentret"] = {offense = 4.6, defense = 3.4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 57, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Furret"] = {offense = 7.6, defense = 6.4, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 17, agility = 0.2, exp = 116, level = 28, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Hoothoot"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3, specialattack = 3.6, vitality = 12, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Noctowl"] = {offense = 5, defense = 5, specialattack = 7.6, vitality = 20, agility = 0.2, exp = 162, level = 38, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Ledyba"] = {offense = 2, defense = 3, specialattack = 4, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 12, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"},

["Ledian"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 5.0, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"},

["Spinarak"] = {offense = 6, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 15, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Ariados"] = {offense = 9, defense = 7, specialattack = 6, vitality = 14, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"},

["Crobat"] = {offense = 9, defense = 8, specialattack = 7, vitality = 17, agility = 0.3, exp = 204, level = 70, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"},

["Chinchou"] = {offense = 3.8, defense = 3.8, specialattack = 5.6, vitality = 15, agility = 0.1, exp = 90, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "electric"},

["Lanturn"] = {offense = 5.8, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 7.6, vitality = 25, agility = 0.2, exp = 156, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "electric"},

["Pichu"] = {offense = 4, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 42, level = 3, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Cleffa"] = {offense = 2.5, defense = 2.8, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 37, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Igglybuff"] = {offense = 3, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 18, agility = 0.1, exp = 39, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Togepi"] = {offense = 2, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Togetic"] = {offense = 4, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 11, agility = 0.2, exp = 114, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"},

["Natu"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 73, level = 15, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"},

["Xatu"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 171, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"},

["Mareep"] = {offense = 4, defense = 4, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.1, exp = 59, level = 12, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Flaaffy"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 14, agility = 0.2, exp = 117, level = 30, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Ampharos"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 18, agility = 0.3, exp = 194, level = 65, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Bellossom"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 15, agility = 0.3, exp = 184, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"},

["Marill"] = {offense = 2, defense = 5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 14, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Azumarill"] ={offense = 5, defense = 8, specialattack = 5, vitality = 20, agility = 0.2, exp = 153, level = 28, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Sudowoodo"] = {offense = 10, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 14, agility = 0.3, exp = 135, level = 46, type = "rock", type2 = "no type"},

["Politoed"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 18, agility = 0.3, exp = 185, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Hoppip"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"},

["Skiploom"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.2, exp = 136, level = 20, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"},

["Jumpluff"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 15, agility = 0.3, exp = 176, level = 30, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"},

["Aipom"] = {offense = 7, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 11, agility = 0.1, exp = 94, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Sunkern"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3, specialattack = 3, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 3, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"},

["Sunflora"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 15, agility = 0.2, exp = 146, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"},

["Yanma"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 147, level = 32, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"},

["Wooper"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "ground"},

["Quagsire"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 19, agility = 0.2, exp = 137, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ground"},

["Espeon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 13, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Umbreon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 11, specialattack = 6, vitality = 19, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "dark", type2 = "no type"},

["Murkrow"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 4.2, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 12, agility = 0.1, exp = 107, level = 35, type = "dark", type2 = "flying"},

["Slowking"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 10, vitality = 19, agility = 0.3, exp = 164, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"},

["Misdreavus"] = {offense = 6, defense = 6, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 12, agility = 0.1, exp = 147, level = 47, type = "ghost", type2 = "no type"},

["Unown"] = {offense = 7.2, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 7.2, vitality = 9.6, agility = 0.1, exp = 61, level = 15, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Wobbuffet"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 38, agility = 0.2, exp = 177, level = 42, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"},

["Girafarig"] = {offense = 8, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 14, agility = 0.3, exp = 149, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "psychic"},

["Pineco"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 60, level = 18, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"},

["Forretress"] = {offense = 9, defense = 14, specialattack = 6, vitality = 15, agility = 0.2, exp = 118, level = 55, type = "bug", type2 = "steel"},

["Dunsparce"] = {offense = 7, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 20, agility = 0.1, exp = 125, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Gligar"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.1, exp = 108, level = 30, type = "ground", type2 = "flying"},

["Steelix"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 20, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 15, agility = 0.3, exp = 196, level = 75, type = "steel", type2 = "ground"},

["Snubbull"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 12, agility = 0.1, exp = 63, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Granbull"] = {offense = 12, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 18, agility = 0.2, exp = 178, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Qwilfish"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.1, exp = 100, level = 16, type = "water", type2 = "poison"},

["Scizor"] = {offense = 13, defense = 10, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 14, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 75, type = "bug", type2 = "steel"},

["Shuckle"] = {offense = 1, defense = 23, specialattack = 1, vitality = 4, agility = 0.2, exp = 80, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "rock"},

["Heracross"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 16, agility = 0.2, exp = 200, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "fighting"},

["Sneasel"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.2, exp = 132, level = 50, type = "dark", type2 = "ice"},

["Teddiursa"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 12, agility = 0.1, exp = 124, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Ursaring"] = {offense = 13, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 18, agility = 0.2, exp = 189, level = 70, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Slugma"] = {offense = 4, defense = 4, specialattack = 7, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 38, level = 78, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Magcargo"] = {offense = 5, defense = 12, specialattack = 8, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 154, level = 40, type = "fire", type2 = "rock"},

["Swinub"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 12, type = "ice", type2 = "ground"},

["Piloswine"] = {offense = 10, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 20, agility = 0.2, exp = 160, level = 70, type = "ice", type2 = "ground"},

["Corsola"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 11, agility = 0.1, exp = 113, level = 42, type = "water", type2 = "rock"},

["Remoraid"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Octillery"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 15, agility = 0.2, exp = 164, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Delibird"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 183, level = 25, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"},

["Mantine"] = {offense = 4, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 13, agility = 0.1, exp = 168, level = 50, type = "water", type2 = "flying"},

["Skarmory"] = {offense = 8, defense = 14, specialattack = 4, vitality = 13, agility = 0.2, exp = 168, level = 70, type = "steel", type2 = "flying"},

["Houndour"] = {offense = 6, defense = 3, specialattack = 8, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 114, level = 18, type = "dark", type2 = "fire"},

["Houndoom"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5, specialattack = 11, vitality = 15, agility = 0.2, exp = 204, level = 70, type = "dark", type2 = "fire"},

["Kingdra"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 15, agility = 0.3, exp = 207, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "dragon"},

["Phanpy"] = {offense = 6, defense = 6, specialattack = 4, vitality = 18, agility = 0.1, exp = 124, level = 12, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Donphan"] = {offense = 12, defense = 12, specialattack = 6, vitality = 18, agility = 0.2, exp = 189, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"},

["Porygon2"] = {offense = 8, defense = 9, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 17, agility = 0.3, exp = 180, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Stantler"] = {9.5, defense = 6.2, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 14.6, agility = 0.2, exp = 165, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Smeargle"] = {offense = 2, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 11, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 28, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Tyrogue"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 91, level = 15, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Hitmontop"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 138, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"},

["Smoochum"] = {offense = 3, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 87, level = 3, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"},

["Elekid"] = {offense = 6.3, defense = 3.7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 3, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Magby"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 3.7, specialattack = 7, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 117, level = 3, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Miltank"] = {offense = 8, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 19, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 32, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Blissey"] = {offense = 1, defense = 1, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 51, agility = 0.3, exp = 255, level = 70, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"},

["Raikou"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 18, agility = 0.3, exp = 216, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

["Entei"] = {offense = 11.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 23, agility = 0.3, exp = 217, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"},

["Suicune"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 20, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 100, type = "water", type2 = "no type"},

["Larvitar"] = {offense = 6.4, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 67, level = 10, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"},

["Pupitar"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 14, agility = 0.2, exp = 144, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"},

["Tyranitar"] = {offense = 13.4, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 20, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 90, type = "rock", type2 = "dark"},

["Lugia"] = {offense = 9, defense = 13, specialattack = 9, vitality = 21.2, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"},

["Ho-oh"] = {offense = 13, defense = 9, specialattack = 11, vitality = 21.2, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"},

["Celebi"] = {offense = 10, defense = 10, specialattack = 10, vitality = 20, agility = 0.3, exp = 64, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "grass"},



Editado por rohfagundes
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@all Alguem sabe como edita as potion , pra quando for usa elas de acordo com a Potion pareçe , o nome delas , tpw no Pxg ( ULTRA POTION) Ai aapareçe o nome vermelho , (HYPER POTION) Apareçe o nome azul , enfim voces ja deve saber oq eu to falando rsrs ..

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