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[Actions]Potion Com Cargas.


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Como ficaria se eu quiser colocar pra ficar com 100 cargas?


Use Esse Script Para QUem Kiser Que Fike COm Empty POtion Após o Uso.


local config = {
removeOnUse = "no",
splashable = "no",
realAnimation = "no", -- make text effect visible only for players in range 1x1
healthMultiplier = 1.0,
manaMultiplier = 1.0

config.removeOnUse = getBooleanFromString(config.removeOnUse)
config.splashable = getBooleanFromString(config.splashable)
config.realAnimation = getBooleanFromString(config.realAnimation)

local POTIONS = {
[8704] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {50, 100}}, -- small health potion
[7618] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {100, 200}}, -- health potion
[7588] = {empty = 7634, splash = 2, health = {200, 400}, level = 50, vocations = {3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 11}, vocStr = "knights and paladins"}, -- strong health potion
[7591] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {500, 700}, level = 80, vocations = {4, 8, 12}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- great health potion
[8473] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {800, 1000}, level = 130, vocations = {4, 8, 12}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- ultimate health potion

[7620] = {empty = 7636, splash = 7, mana = {70, 130}}, -- mana potion
[7589] = {empty = 7634, splash = 7, mana = {110, 190}, level = 50, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11}, vocStr = "sorcerers, druids and paladins"}, -- strong mana potion
[7590] = {empty = 7635, splash = 7, mana = {200, 300}, level = 80, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10}, vocStr = "sorcerers and druids"}, -- great mana potion

[8472] = {empty = 7635, splash = 3, health = {200, 400}, mana = {110, 190}, level = 80, vocations = {3, 7, 11}, vocStr = "paladins"} -- great spirit potion

local exhaust = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST)
setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (getConfigInfo('timeBetweenExActions') - 100))

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
local potion = POTIONS[item.itemid]
if(not potion) then
	return false

if(not isPlayer(itemEx.uid)) then
	if(not config.splashable) then
		return false

	if(toPosition.x == CONTAINER_POSITION) then
		toPosition = getThingPos(item.uid)

	doDecayItem(doCreateItem(2016, potion.splash, toPosition))
	doTransformItem(item.uid, potion.empty)
	return true

if(hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST_HEAL)) then
	doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_YOUAREEXHAUSTED)
	return true

if(((potion.level and getPlayerLevel(cid) < potion.level) or (potion.vocations and not isInArray(potion.vocations, getPlayerVocation(cid)))) and
	not getPlayerCustomFlagValue(cid, PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges))
	doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Only " .. potion.vocStr .. (potion.level and (" of level " .. potion.level) or "") .. " or above may drink this fluid.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
	return true

local health =
if(health and not doCreatureAddHealth(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(health[1], health[2]) * config.healthMultiplier))) then
	return false

local mana = potion.mana
if(mana and not doPlayerAddMana(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(mana[1], mana[2]) * config.manaMultiplier))) then
	return false

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
if(not realAnimation) then
	doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
	for i, tid in ipairs(getSpectators(getCreaturePosition(cid), 1, 1)) do
		if(isPlayer(tid)) then
			doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, false, tid)

doAddCondition(cid, exhaust)
if(not potion.empty or config.removeOnUse) then
	return true

local aidd = 
 min = 10901,
  max = 10911
    if item.actionid < aidd.min then
     doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "aid", aidd.min)
      elseif item.actionid >= aidd.min and item.actionid <= aidd.max then
     doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "aid", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aid")+1)
    elseif item.actionid >= aidd.max then
   doTransformItem(item.uid, potion.empty)
  return TRUE
return true



Esse Script Está Com 10 Cargas Cada Potion Voçe Pode Mudar alterando essa linha:


max = 10911






Esse Script Que Acabei De CItar Nao é Meu!





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Ficara Assim:


local config = {
removeOnUse = "no",
splashable = "no",
realAnimation = "no", -- make text effect visible only for players in range 1x1
healthMultiplier = 1.0,
manaMultiplier = 1.0

config.removeOnUse = getBooleanFromString(config.removeOnUse)
config.splashable = getBooleanFromString(config.splashable)
config.realAnimation = getBooleanFromString(config.realAnimation)

local POTIONS = {
[8704] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {50, 100}}, -- small health potion
[7618] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {100, 200}}, -- health potion
[7588] = {empty = 7634, splash = 2, health = {200, 400}, level = 50, vocations = {3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 11}, vocStr = "knights and paladins"}, -- strong health potion
[7591] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {500, 700}, level = 80, vocations = {4, 8, 12}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- great health potion
[8473] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {800, 1000}, level = 130, vocations = {4, 8, 12}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- ultimate health potion

[7620] = {empty = 7636, splash = 7, mana = {70, 130}}, -- mana potion
[7589] = {empty = 7634, splash = 7, mana = {110, 190}, level = 50, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11}, vocStr = "sorcerers, druids and paladins"}, -- strong mana potion
[7590] = {empty = 7635, splash = 7, mana = {200, 300}, level = 80, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10}, vocStr = "sorcerers and druids"}, -- great mana potion

[8472] = {empty = 7635, splash = 3, health = {200, 400}, mana = {110, 190}, level = 80, vocations = {3, 7, 11}, vocStr = "paladins"} -- great spirit potion

local exhaust = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST)
setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (getConfigInfo('timeBetweenExActions') - 100))

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
local potion = POTIONS[item.itemid]
if(not potion) then
	return false

if(not isPlayer(itemEx.uid)) then
	if(not config.splashable) then
		return false

	if(toPosition.x == CONTAINER_POSITION) then
		toPosition = getThingPos(item.uid)

	doDecayItem(doCreateItem(2016, potion.splash, toPosition))
	doTransformItem(item.uid, potion.empty)
	return true

if(hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST_HEAL)) then
	doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_YOUAREEXHAUSTED)
	return true

if(((potion.level and getPlayerLevel(cid) < potion.level) or (potion.vocations and not isInArray(potion.vocations, getPlayerVocation(cid)))) and
	not getPlayerCustomFlagValue(cid, PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges))
	doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Only " .. potion.vocStr .. (potion.level and (" of level " .. potion.level) or "") .. " or above may drink this fluid.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
	return true

local health =
if(health and not doCreatureAddHealth(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(health[1], health[2]) * config.healthMultiplier))) then
	return false

local mana = potion.mana
if(mana and not doPlayerAddMana(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(mana[1], mana[2]) * config.manaMultiplier))) then
	return false

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
if(not realAnimation) then
	doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
	for i, tid in ipairs(getSpectators(getCreaturePosition(cid), 1, 1)) do
		if(isPlayer(tid)) then
			doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, false, tid)

doAddCondition(cid, exhaust)
if(not potion.empty or config.removeOnUse) then
	return true

local aidd = 
 min = 10901,
  max = 10981
    if item.actionid < aidd.min then
     doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "aid", aidd.min)
      elseif item.actionid >= aidd.min and item.actionid <= aidd.max then
     doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "aid", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "aid")+1)
    elseif item.actionid >= aidd.max then
   doTransformItem(item.uid, potion.empty)
  return TRUE
return true

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

cara meu ot não possui potions.lua, ele possui um script para cada potion. me ajuda ae como eu faço pr adicionar as cargas em cada pot ja tentei de tudo nunca consegui mano ajuda ae!!


mana_potion<-- e dentro tem assim:

local MIN = 70

local MAX = 130

local EMPTY_POTION = 7636


local exhaust = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST)

setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (getConfigInfo('timeBetweenExActions') - 100))


function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)

if isPlayer(itemEx.uid) == FALSE then

return FALSE



if hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST_HEAL) == TRUE then


return TRUE



if doPlayerAddMana(itemEx.uid, math.random(MIN, MAX)) == LUA_ERROR then

return FALSE



doAddCondition(cid, exhaust)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)

doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

doTransformItem(item.uid, EMPTY_POTION)

return TRUE


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  • 5 months later...

Agora eu já vi vários OTServ's com esta função/regalia, porém, eu to com um aqui que está funcionando tudo de boa, mostra as cargas diretamente nas potions e etc... porém, eu queria saber como faz para elas agruparem automaticamente como no Tibia Global (não só as potions, e sim os itens em geral).


Exemplo: quando tem alguns vials na BP, você joga mais alguns vials, mesmo não sendo em cima, eles se agrupam automaticamente.


Preciso dessa ajuda... valeu ae galera!

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  • 4 weeks later...

aqui deu um errinho fera, fiiz tudo certo, acrescentei o script e talz, blz os pot ficaram charge 100 só que quando dou use ele some..

é como se só tivesse uma carga mais fica aparecendo que tem 100.. '-'

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