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Tudo que raulcdj postou

  1. raulcdj

    (Bug) AutoLoot

    você conseguiu arruma esse erro
  2. gostei da criatividade do mapa bem diferente de tudo oque já vi por ai parabéns mesmo inovar e sempre bom.
  3. EnterGameWindow < MainWindow size: 361 356 image-source: enter.png EnterGameButton < Button width: 64 ServerListButton < UIButton size: 17 17 image-source: /images/topbuttons/minimap image-color: #ffffffff $hover !disabled: image-color: #ffffff99 $pressed: image-color: #ffffff44 $disabled: image-color: #ffffff55 EnterGameWindow id: enterGame @onEnter: EnterGame.doLogin() MenuLabel !text: tr('Account name') anchors.left: parent.left text-auto-resize: true PasswordTextEdit id: accountNameTextEdit anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right prev.bottom margin-top: 90 MenuLabel !text: tr('Password') anchors.left: prev.left prev.bottom margin-top: 8 text-auto-resize: true PasswordTextEdit id: accountPasswordTextEdit anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right prev.bottom margin-top: 2 MenuLabel id: serverLabel !text: tr('Server') anchors.left: prev.left prev.bottom margin-top: 8 text-auto-resize: true ServerListButton id: serverListButton !tooltip: tr('Server list') anchors.right: parent.right serverLabel.bottom margin-top: 8 @onClick: TextEdit id: serverHostTextEdit !tooltip: tr('Make sure that your client uses\nthe correct game protocol version') anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: serverListButton.left serverLabel.bottom margin-top: 2 margin-right: 4 MenuLabel id: protocolLabel !text: tr('Protocol') anchors.left: parent.left serverHostTextEdit.bottom text-auto-resize: true margin-right: 10 margin-top: 8 ComboBox id: protocolComboBox anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.horizontalCenter protocolLabel.bottom margin-top: 2 margin-right: 3 width: 90 @onSetup: | for _, proto in pairs(g_game.getSupportedProtocols()) do self:addOption(proto) end MenuLabel id: portLabel !text: tr('Port') anchors.left: serverPortTextEdit.left serverHostTextEdit.bottom margin-top: 8 text-auto-resize: true TextEdit id: serverPortTextEdit text: 7171 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.left: parent.horizontalCenter margin-left: 3 CheckBox id: rememberPasswordBox !text: tr('Remember password') !tooltip: tr('Remember account and password when starts client') anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right prev.bottom margin-top: 10 @onCheckChange: self:getParent():getChildById('autoLoginBox'):setEnabled(self:isChecked()) CheckBox id: autoLoginBox enabled: false !text: tr('Auto login') !tooltip: tr('Open charlist automatically when starting client') anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right prev.bottom margin-top: 2 EnterGameButton !text: tr('Ok') anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom @onClick: EnterGame.doLogin() Label id: serverInfoLabel font: verdana-11px-rounded anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left color: green text-auto-resize: true
  4. EnterGame = { } -- private variables local loadBox local enterGame local motdWindow local motdButton local enterGameButton local protocolBox local protocolLogin local motdEnabled = true -- private functions local function onError(protocol, message, errorCode) if loadBox then loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end if not errorCode then EnterGame.clearAccountFields() end local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Login Error'), message) connect(errorBox, { onOk = }) end local function onMotd(protocol, motd) G.motdNumber = tonumber(motd:sub(0, motd:find("\n"))) G.motdMessage = motd:sub(motd:find("\n") + 1, #motd) if motdEnabled then motdButton:show() end end local function onCharacterList(protocol, characters, account, otui) -- Try add server to the server list ServerList.add(, G.port, g_game.getProtocolVersion()) if enterGame:getChildById('rememberPasswordBox'):isChecked() then local account = g_crypt.encrypt(G.account) local password = g_crypt.encrypt(G.password) g_settings.set('account', account) g_settings.set('password', password) ServerList.setServerAccount(, account) ServerList.setServerPassword(, password) g_settings.set('autologin', enterGame:getChildById('autoLoginBox'):isChecked()) else -- reset server list account/password ServerList.setServerAccount(, '') ServerList.setServerPassword(, '') EnterGame.clearAccountFields() end loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil CharacterList.create(characters, account, otui) if motdEnabled then local lastMotdNumber = g_settings.getNumber("motd") if G.motdNumber and G.motdNumber ~= lastMotdNumber then g_settings.set("motd", motdNumber) motdWindow = displayInfoBox(tr('Message of the day'), G.motdMessage) connect(motdWindow, { onOk = function() motdWindow = nil end }) CharacterList.hide() end end end local function onChangeProtocol(combobox, option) local clients = g_game.getSupportedClients(option) protocolBox:setTooltip("Supports Client" .. (#clients > 1 and "s" or "") .. ": " .. table.tostring(clients)) end local function onUpdateNeeded(protocol, signature) loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil if EnterGame.updateFunc then local continueFunc = local cancelFunc = EnterGame.updateFunc(signature, continueFunc, cancelFunc) else local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Update needed'), tr('Your client needs update, try redownloading it.')) connect(errorBox, { onOk = }) end end -- public functions function EnterGame.init() enterGame = g_ui.displayUI('entergame') enterGameButton = modules.client_topmenu.addCustomLeftButton('enterGameButton', tr('Login') .. ' (Ctrl + G)', '/images/ui/pxg/topMenu_icons/entrar_icon', EnterGame.openWindow, false) motdButton = modules.client_topmenu.addCustomLeftButton('motdButton', tr('Message of the day'), '/images/ui/pxg/topMenu_icons/news_icon', EnterGame.displayMotd, false) motdButton:hide() g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+G', EnterGame.openWindow) if motdEnabled and G.motdNumber then motdButton:show() end local account = g_settings.get('account') local password = g_settings.get('password') local host = g_settings.get('host') local port = g_settings.get('port') local autologin = g_settings.getBoolean('autologin') local protocolVersion = g_settings.getInteger('protocol-version') if port == nil or port == 0 then port = 7171 end EnterGame.setAccountName(account) EnterGame.setPassword(password) enterGame:getChildById('serverHostTextEdit'):setText(host) enterGame:getChildById('serverPortTextEdit'):setText(port) enterGame:getChildById('autoLoginBox'):setChecked(autologin) protocolBox = enterGame:getChildById('protocolComboBox') protocolBox.onOptionChange = onChangeProtocol if protocolVersion then protocolBox:setCurrentOption(protocolVersion) end enterGame:hide() if g_app.isRunning() and not g_game.isOnline() then enterGame:show() end server = "" EnterGame.setUniqueServer('', 7171, 854, 361, 356) -- -- end function EnterGame.firstShow() local account = g_crypt.decrypt(g_settings.get('account')) local password = g_crypt.decrypt(g_settings.get('password')) local host = g_settings.get('host') local autologin = g_settings.getBoolean('autologin') if #host > 0 and #password > 0 and #account > 0 and autologin then addEvent(function() if not g_settings.getBoolean('autologin') then return end EnterGame.doLogin() end) end end function EnterGame.terminate() g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+G') enterGame:destroy() enterGame = nil enterGameButton:destroy() enterGameButton = nil protocolBox = nil if motdWindow then motdWindow:destroy() motdWindow = nil end if motdButton then motdButton:destroy() motdButton = nil end if loadBox then loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end if protocolLogin then protocolLogin:cancelLogin() protocolLogin = nil end EnterGame = nil end function if loadBox then return end enterGame:show() enterGame:raise() enterGame:focus() end function EnterGame.hide() enterGame:hide() end function EnterGame.openWindow() if g_game.isOnline() then elseif not g_game.isLogging() and not CharacterList.isVisible() then end end function EnterGame.setAccountName(account) local account = g_crypt.decrypt(account) enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):setText(account) enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):setCursorPos(-1) enterGame:getChildById('rememberPasswordBox'):setChecked(#account > 0) end function EnterGame.setPassword(password) local password = g_crypt.decrypt(password) enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):setText(password) end function EnterGame.clearAccountFields() enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):clearText() enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):clearText() enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):focus() g_settings.remove('account') g_settings.remove('password') end function EnterGame.doLogin() G.account = enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):getText() G.password = enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):getText() = enterGame:getChildById('serverHostTextEdit'):getText() G.port = tonumber(enterGame:getChildById('serverPortTextEdit'):getText()) local protocolVersion = tonumber(protocolBox:getText()) local clientVersions = g_game.getSupportedClients(protocolVersion) EnterGame.hide() if g_game.isOnline() then local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Login Error'), tr('Cannot login while already in game.')) connect(errorBox, { onOk = }) return end g_settings.set('host', g_settings.set('port', G.port) protocolLogin = ProtocolLogin.create() protocolLogin.onLoginError = onError protocolLogin.onMotd = onMotd protocolLogin.onCharacterList = onCharacterList protocolLogin.onUpdateNeeded = onUpdateNeeded loadBox = displayCancelBox(tr('Please wait'), tr('Connecting to login server...')) connect(loadBox, { onCancel = function(msgbox) loadBox = nil protocolLogin:cancelLogin() end }) g_game.chooseRsa( g_game.setProtocolVersion(protocolVersion) if #clientVersions > 0 then g_game.setClientVersion(clientVersions[#clientVersions]) end if modules.game_things.isLoaded() then protocolLogin:login(, G.port, G.account, G.password) else loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end end function EnterGame.displayMotd() if not motdWindow then motdWindow = displayInfoBox(tr('Message of the day'), G.motdMessage) motdWindow.onOk = function() motdWindow = nil end end end function EnterGame.setDefaultServer(host, port, protocol) local hostTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('serverHostTextEdit') local portTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('serverPortTextEdit') local protocolLabel = enterGame:getChildById('protocolLabel') local accountTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit') local passwordTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit') if hostTextEdit:getText() ~= host then hostTextEdit:setText(host) portTextEdit:setText(port) protocolBox:setCurrentOption(protocol) accountTextEdit:setText('') passwordTextEdit:setText('') end end function EnterGame.setUniqueServer(host, port, protocol, windowWidth, windowHeight) local hostTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('serverHostTextEdit') hostTextEdit:setText(host) hostTextEdit:setVisible(false) hostTextEdit:setHeight(0) local portTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('serverPortTextEdit') portTextEdit:setText(port) portTextEdit:setVisible(false) portTextEdit:setHeight(0) protocolBox:setCurrentOption(protocol) protocolBox:setVisible(false) protocolBox:setHeight(0) local serverLabel = enterGame:getChildById('serverLabel') serverLabel:setVisible(false) serverLabel:setHeight(0) local portLabel = enterGame:getChildById('portLabel') portLabel:setVisible(false) portLabel:setHeight(0) local protocolLabel = enterGame:getChildById('protocolLabel') protocolLabel:setVisible(false) protocolLabel:setHeight(0) local serverListButton = enterGame:getChildById('serverListButton') serverListButton:setVisible(false) serverListButton:setHeight(0) serverListButton:setWidth(0) local rememberPasswordBox = enterGame:getChildById('rememberPasswordBox') rememberPasswordBox:setMarginTop(-5) if not windowWidth then windowWidth = 236 end enterGame:setWidth(windowWidth) if not windowHeight then windowHeight = 200 end enterGame:setHeight(windowHeight) end function EnterGame.setServerInfo(message) local label = enterGame:getChildById('serverInfoLabel') label:setText(message) end function EnterGame.disableMotd() motdEnabled = false motdButton:hide() end
  5. Bom galera queria sabe se tem como me da uma força em arruma alguns botao e o nome do da conta que esta fora do lugar.
  6. alguém poderia me ajuda com efeito ao derrota player sai um efeito e quando morre para um pokemon também sai um efeito alguém poderia me ajudar. desculpa se postei no lugar errado
  7. raulcdj

    Efeito na Morte

    desculpa reviver o tópico porem queria saber se poderia me ajuda com esse script porem um corpos para male e female ja tenho o efect para cada um
  8. desculpa revive o tópico mais também não consegui o meu e igual esse de cima
  9. raulcdj

    [OtClient] Auto-Loot

    o meu deu o mesmo erro ao tentar loga
  10. tem como recolori o corpo para min e o iconi
  11. faz o corpes do shiny para min mano e do golem o icone amarelo para min
  12. poderia disponibilizar pois eu tenho essa mesmo problema
  13. faz um shiny da cleffa para min só a assa verde tem como??
  14. faz o copes do kindra para min roxo e rosa e o icon tem como me da uma força nesse também
  15. vou separar mais uns entao mano que to querendo e nao achei
  16. poderia me ajuda com mais alguns shiny que nao achei a forma deles e o iconi
  17. Vós mano top de mais estava precisando e muitos no só eu como muitas base shiny
  18. vlw mano olha ele ai o vermelhao e o shiny
  19. Sera que alguém poderia me disponibilizar o corpo do Shiny Fearow para min eu não achei nas minhas spr quando eu e uns amigos fomos joga passei no spawl e ele ta sem corps.
  20. não mano não deu nenhum erro no console
  21. primeiro mano pega um pda só para você testa ele mano tambem existe base do otp com os atk antigo dele no youtube
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