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Potions 8.1 - Level, Vocação E Exhausted


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Potions 8.1 By ME


Bom galera sei que muita gente esta precisando dos Potions 8.1 com lvl, vocação e exhausted...


Vai em data\actions\scripts faça uma pasta chamada Potions dentro dela copie qualquer arquivo .lua e vamos começar:


Great Health Potion


Renomeie esse arquivo .lua para Great Health Potion.lua, abra ele e delete tudo que tem dentro e copie isso \/ e depois salve.


--|Script by MeisterRox|--

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

           if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]80[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]4[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]80[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]8[/color][/b] then

             doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "Aaaah...", 16)
doPlayerAddHealth(cid, math.random(750, 800))
             doTransformItem(item.uid, 7635)
doSendMagicEffect(topos, 12)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"[b][color="#FF8C00"]This potion can only be consumed by knights of level 80 or higher.[/color][/b]")
return 0
return 1

Great Mana Potion


Faça outra copia de qualquer arquivo .lua, renomeie esse arquivo para Great Mana Potion.lua, abra ele e delete tudo que tem dentro e copie isso \/ e depois salve.


--|Script by MeisterRox|--

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

       if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]80[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]1[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]80[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]2[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]80[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]5[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]80[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]6[/color][/b] then

doPlayerSay(cid, "Aaaah...", 16)
doPlayerAddMana(cid, math.random(150, 210))
             doTransformItem(item.uid, 7635)
doSendMagicEffect(topos, 12)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"[b][color="#FF8C00"]This potion can only be consumed by sorcerers and druids of level 80 or higher.[/color][/b]")
return 0
return 1

Strong Health Potion


Faça outra copia de qualquer arquivo .lua, renomeie esse arquivo para Strong Health Potion.lua, abra ele e delete tudo que tem dentro e copie isso \/ e depois salve.


--|Script by MeisterRox|--

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

       if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]50[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]4[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]50[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]8[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]50[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]3[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]50[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]7[/color][/b] then

doPlayerSay(cid, "Aaaah...", 16)
doPlayerAddHealth(cid, math.random(350, 410))
             doTransformItem(item.uid, 7634)
doSendMagicEffect(topos, 12)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"[b][color="#FF8C00"]This potion can only be consumed by paladins and knights of level 50 or higher.[/color][/b]")
return 0
return 1


Strong Mana Potion


Faça outra copia de qualquer arquivo .lua, renomeie esse arquivo para Strong Mana Potion.lua, abra ele e delete tudo que tem dentro e copie isso \/ e depois salve.


--|Script by MeisterRox|--

function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

       if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]50[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]1[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]50[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]2[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]50[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]5[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]50[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]6[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]50[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]3[/color][/b] or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= [b][color="#FF0000"]50[/color][/b] and getPlayerVocation(cid) == [b][color="#2E8B57"]7[/color][/b] then

doPlayerSay(cid, "Aaaah...", 16)
doPlayerAddMana(cid, math.random(100, 160))
             doTransformItem(item.uid, 7634)
doSendMagicEffect(topos, 12)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"[b][color="#FF8C00"]This potion can only be consumed by sorcerers, druids and paladins of level 50 or higher.[/color][/b]")
return 0
return 1


Health e Mana Potion - Esse peguei do Aries 0.4.0


Faça outra copia de qualquer arquivo .lua, renomeie esse arquivo para potions.lua, abra ele e delete tudo que tem dentro e copie isso \/ e depois salve.


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
reqlevel = 80
if(item.itemid == healthPot) then
               doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "Aaaah...", 16)
	if(doTargetCombatHealth(0, cid, COMBAT_HEALING, 170, 230, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) == LUA_ERROR) then
		return FALSE
	doTransformItem(item.uid, emptyPot)
elseif(item.itemid == manaPot) then
               doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "Aaaah...", 16)
	if(doTargetCombatMana(0, cid, 170, 230, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) == LUA_ERROR) then
		return FALSE
	doTransformItem(item.uid, emptyPot)


return TRUE




Vermelho: Level para usar os Potions


Verde: Vocação para usar os Potions


Laranja: Mensagem enviada para quem não ter level nem vocação para usar o potion


Agora vai em actions.xml e coloque:


<action itemid="7591" script="potions/Great Health Potion.lua"  />
<action itemid="7588" script="potions/Strong Health Potion.lua"  />
<action itemid="7589" script="potions/Strong Mana Potion.lua"  />
<action itemid="7590" script="potions/Great Mana Potion.lua"  />
<action itemid="7618" script="potions/potions.lua" />
<action itemid="7620" script="potions/potions.lua" />


Para facilitar fiz upload da pasta com todos arquivos prontos.




Apenas extraia a pasta em data\actions\scripts e faça a parte do actions.xml


Espero que gostem =D

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