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[Encerrado] [PEDIDO] NPC Lv 1000


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Teria como alguem me explicar como eu altero a força dos pokes do npc Hunter, porque eu tava tentando me basear nele para fazer os npcs de lv 1000 mais o script dele e bem diferente dos de Gym que mostra os pokes e da pra altera os level deles !


Script :



local target = 0

local prevTarget = 0

local origPos = 0

local max_distance = 12

local fighting = false

local challenger = 0

local battle_turn = 1 -- don't change

local challenger_turn = 0 -- don't change



local function doSummonGymPokemon(npc)

local this = npc

if not isCreature(this) or not ehNPC(this) then return true end --alterado v1.6

if #getCreatureSummons(this) >= 1 or target == 0 then return true end

local it = wildHunter[getPlayerStorageValue(this, 665471)][battle_turn]

if not it then return true end


local summon = getCreatureSummons(this)[1]

if not summon then --alterado v1.6

print("Error in npc: "..getCreatureName(this)..", tring to execute function 'doSummonGymPokemon', poke: "

battle_turn = battle_turn+1

return true


local balleffect = pokeballs["normal"].effect

if it.ball and pokeballs[it.ball] then

balleffect = pokeballs[it.ball].effect


doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), balleffect)

setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10000, balleffect)

setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 10001, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].back:gsub("doka", it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or

setPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007, it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or

doSetMonsterGym(summon, target)

addEvent(adjustWildPoke, 15, summon, it.optionalLevel)

if it.nick ~= "" then doCreatureSetNick(summon, it.nick) end

local name = it.nick ~= "" and it.nick or getCreatureName(this).."s " --alterado v1.3

doCreatureSay(this, gobackmsgs[math.random(#gobackmsgs)].go:gsub("doka", getPlayerStorageValue(summon, 1007)), 1)

fighting = true

battle_turn = battle_turn + 1



local function goToOrigPos()

target = 0


fighting = false

challenger = 0

challenger_turn = 0

if #getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid()) >= 1 then

setPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid())[1], 1006, 0)

doCreatureAddHealth(getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid())[1], -getCreatureMaxHealth(getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid())[1]))


doChangeSpeed(getNpcCid(), -getCreatureSpeed(getNpcCid()))

doTeleportThing(getNpcCid(), origPos)



local function updateTarget()

if(target == 0) then

local list = getSpectators(getNpcPos(), 9, 9, false)

for i = 1, table.getn(list) do

local _target = list

if(_target ~= 0) then

if isPlayer(_target) and not getTileInfo(getThingPos(_target)).protection then --alterado v1.8



target = _target

prevTarget = target








function onCreatureAppear(cid)



function onCreatureDisappear(cid)



function onCreatureMove(creature, oldPos, newPos)




function onThink()

if not isCreature(getNpcCid()) then return false end --alterado v1.6

if origPos == 0 then

origPos = getNpcPos()


if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 665471) <= 0 then

setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 665471, math.random(1, 5))





if getDistanceBetween(getNpcPos(), origPos) >= max_distance or (isCreature(target) and getTileInfo(getThingPos(target)).protection) or getTileInfo(getThingPos(getNpcCid())).protection then

goToOrigPos() --alterado v1.9



if(target == 0) then

if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788) <= 0 then

setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788, 1)

doChangeSpeed(getNpcCid(), -getCreatureSpeed(getNpcCid()))

addEvent(randWalk, 2000, getNpcCid(), 1000, getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788))


return true



local playerPos = getThingPosWithDebug(target) --alterado v1.6

local myPos = getNpcPos()


if(myPos.z ~= playerPos.z) then


battle_turn = battle_turn == 1 and battle_turn or battle_turn-1

return true



if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) > max_distance then


battle_turn = battle_turn == 1 and battle_turn or battle_turn-1

return true



if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) >= 5 then

if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788) >= 1 then

setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788, -1)


if isCreature(target) then






if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) <= 3 then

if getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788) <= 0 then

setPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788, 1)

doChangeSpeed(getNpcCid(), -getCreatureSpeed(getNpcCid()))

addEvent(randWalk, 2000, getNpcCid(), 1000, getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 154788))




if getDistanceBetween(playerPos, myPos) <= 5 then

challenger = target

addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 1000, getNpcCid())


local change = false


if not isCreature(target) then

target = 0

battle_turn = battle_turn == 1 and battle_turn or battle_turn-1

return true



if fighting then


if not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(getNpcCid())) then

if #getCreatureSummons(challenger) >= 1 then


change = true


if change then

change = false

challenger_turn = challenger_turn + 1





if #getCreatureSummons(getNpcCid()) == 0 and isCreature(target) then

if battle_turn > #wildHunter[getPlayerStorageValue(getNpcCid(), 665471)] then

addEvent(doCreateNpc, 300000, ".aHunter", myPos) --alterado v1.5

local outfit = getCreatureOutfit(getNpcCid())



if outfit.lookType == 1016 then --verifica se o npc eh female.. ;p

monster = doCreateMonster("aHunterFemale", myPos)


monster = doCreateMonster("aHunter", myPos)



doCloneOut(monster, outfit)

addEvent(beDrunk, 100, monster)


addEvent(doSummonGymPokemon, 1000, getNpcCid())



if #getCreatureSummons(challenger) <= 0 then









Ou se não tiver como alterar o npc Hunter, alguem puder me passar a base de um npc mais complexo pra me conseguir completar a quest .


Deis de já Obrigado.

Editado por Alexclusive
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os pokes ficam na lib/Wild Trainers.lua

ele eh bem mais complexo q os gyms ms... ;p


e alias eu ja postei um npc de clan... n lembro se eu coloquei na versao 1.9/2.9... mas se procurar no forum tu acha...

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- Sobre os Npcs, achei aqui no local que você falo. Vlw mesmo Slicer, agora é so eu começar a configurar editar as quests, é polos em funcionamento.


- Sobre os Npcs de Promote, eu ja configurei eles para que as tasks ficassem bem mais fácil ;d



#Edit : Aonde eu configuro o loot do npc ? Não to achando em lugar nenhum. :x

Editado por Kooask
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Haa, sim achei aqui . Duvida Sanada.


Outra coisa U_U


Eu peguei só mesmo os hunterwingeon, mais aqui só tem 3, se caso eu quiser adicionar + e só fazer as mesmas coisas que esses 3 ae ? Ou tem que adicionar em outro local .Lua ?





function isRocket(cid)

return isCreature(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 665450) >= 1 --alterado v1.9



function isOfficer(cid)

return isCreature(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 665460) >= 1 --alterado v1.9



function randOutfit(cid, outs)

outfit = getCreatureOutfit(cid)

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 665451) >= 1 then

outfit = {lookType = choose(605, 604), lookHead = math.random(1, 250), lookBody = math.random(1, 250), lookLegs = math.random(1, 250), lookFeet = math.random(1, 250)}

elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 665461) >= 1 then

outfit = {lookType = choose(1184, 1183), lookHead = math.random(1, 250), lookBody = math.random(1, 250), lookLegs = math.random(1, 250), lookFeet = math.random(1, 250)}

elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 665471) >= 1 then

outfit = {lookType = choose(1016, 1015), lookHead = math.random(1, 250), lookBody = math.random(1, 250), lookLegs = math.random(1, 250), lookFeet = math.random(1, 250)}

elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 665481) >= 1 then

outfit = {lookType = choose(outs[1], outs[2]), lookHead = math.random(1, 250), lookBody = math.random(1, 250), lookLegs = math.random(1, 250), lookFeet = math.random(1, 250)}

end --alterei v1.9 /\

doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, outfit, -1)



function doCloneOut(npc, outfit)

if isCreature(npc) then

doSetCreatureOutfit(npc, outfit, -1)




function beDrunk(target)

if not isCreature(target) then return true end

doChangeSpeed(target, -getCreatureSpeed(target))

doChangeSpeed(target, 100)

if not isSleeping(target) and getPlayerStorageValue(target, 654878) <= 0 then

doPushCreature(target, math.random(0, 3), 1, 0)


doChangeSpeed(target, -100)

addEvent(beDrunk, 2000, target)



function randWalk(cid, cd, check, target)

if not isCreature(cid) then return true end

if check and check ~= getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 154788) then return true end

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 154788) >= 2 and cd ~= -1 then return true end


local alvo = target


setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 154788, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 154788)+cd)

local a = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 154788)

if a <= 0 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 154788, -1) return true end


doChangeSpeed(cid, -getCreatureSpeed(cid))

doChangeSpeed(cid, 100)


if not isSleeping(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 654878) <= 0 then

doPushCreature(cid, math.random(0, 3), 1, 0)



doChangeSpeed(cid, -100)

if isCreature(alvo) then

doCreatureSetLookDir(cid, getCreatureDirectionToTarget(cid, alvo))



addEvent(randWalk, 5000, cid, -1, a, target)



rocketTalks = {"I will kill you, your pig!!", "HAHA you won't get me!!!", "I will win and disappear!!"}

policeTalks = {"I will get you, thief!!", "So you belong to the team rocket? Come here for i get you!!", "I will kill you, your little thief!!"}

hunterTalks = {"I will kill you!!", "Wasn't for you be here!", "This field is sacred! Get out of here!!"}

hunterWingeonTalks = {"You will die!", "The force of the air will help me!"} --alterem aki


wildRocket = {

[1] = {{name = "Bulbasaur", optionalLevel = 20, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Squirtle", optionalLevel = 15, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Charmander", optionalLevel = 25, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Raticate", optionalLevel = 15, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Gloom", optionalLevel = 28, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[2] = {{name = "Chikorita", optionalLevel = 25, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Totodile", optionalLevel = 10, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Cyndaquil", optionalLevel = 20, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Natu", optionalLevel = 26, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Pidgeotto", optionalLevel = 28, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[3] = {{name = "Muk", optionalLevel = 35, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Ivysaur", optionalLevel = 40, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Ledian", optionalLevel = 43, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Venonat", optionalLevel = 25, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Ariados", optionalLevel = 40, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[4] = {{name = "Pichu", optionalLevel = 20, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Flaaffy", optionalLevel = 35, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Seadra", optionalLevel = 45, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Koffing", optionalLevel = 25, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Cubone", optionalLevel = 30, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[5] = {{name = "Haunter", optionalLevel = 40, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Furret", optionalLevel = 30, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Marill", optionalLevel = 25, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Charmeleon", optionalLevel = 50, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Yanma", optionalLevel = 50, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},




wildPolice = {

[1] = {{name = "Golbat", optionalLevel = 20, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Hoothoot", optionalLevel = 15, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Magnemite", optionalLevel = 25, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Doduo", optionalLevel = 15, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Kingler", optionalLevel = 28, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[2] = {{name = "Aipom", optionalLevel = 25, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Murkrow", optionalLevel = 10, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Pineco", optionalLevel = 20, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Swinub", optionalLevel = 26, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Bulbasaur", optionalLevel = 28, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[3] = {{name = "Croconaw", optionalLevel = 35, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Kadabra", optionalLevel = 40, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Weepinbell", optionalLevel = 43, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Graveler", optionalLevel = 25, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Houndour", optionalLevel = 40, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[4] = {{name = "Magby", optionalLevel = 20, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Shuckle", optionalLevel = 35, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Seaking", optionalLevel = 45, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Seel", optionalLevel = 25, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Machoke", optionalLevel = 35, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[5] = {{name = "Slowpoke", optionalLevel = 40, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Wartortle", optionalLevel = 30, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Bayleef", optionalLevel = 25, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Dugtrio", optionalLevel = 50, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Hypno", optionalLevel = 50, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},




wildCommanderOfficer = {

[1] = {{name = "Donphan", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Porygon2", optionalLevel = 65, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Octillery", optionalLevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Bellossom", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Nidoking", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[2] = {{name = "Sandslash", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Electabuzz", optionalLevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Jynx", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Tauros", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Venomoth", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[3] = {{name = "Lanturn", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Umbreon", optionalLevel = 69, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Magcargo", optionalLevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Ninetales", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Primeape", optionalLevel = 75, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[4] = {{name = "Machamp", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Snorlax", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Magneton", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Mantine", optionalLevel = 75, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Exeggutor", optionalLevel = 65, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[5] = {{name = "Dewgong", optionalLevel = 45, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Xatu", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Skarmory", optionalLevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Hitmonlee", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Hitmonchan", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},




wildCommanderRocket = {

[1] = {{name = "Raichu", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Pidgeot", optionalLevel = 65, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Politoed", optionalLevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Nidoqueen", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Vileplume", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[2] = {{name = "Clefable", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Noctowl", optionalLevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Forretress", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Golduck", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Dragonair", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[3] = {{name = "Victreebel", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Tentacruel", optionalLevel = 69, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Togetic", optionalLevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Espeon", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Heracross", optionalLevel = 75, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[4] = {{name = "Girafarig", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"}, --alterado v1.6

{name = "Ursaring", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Piloswine", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Mantine", optionalLevel = 75, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Wigglytuff", optionalLevel = 65, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[5] = {{name = "Slowpoke", optionalLevel = 45, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Poliwrath", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Farfetch'd", optionalLevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Cloyster", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Hitmontop", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},




wildHunter = {

[1] = {{name = "Raichu", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Pidgeot", optionalLevel = 65, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Politoed", optionalLevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Nidoqueen", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Gengar", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[2] = {{name = "Clefable", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Noctowl", optionalLevel = 60, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Forretress", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Golduck", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Dragonair", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[3] = {{name = "Victreebel", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Tentacruel", optionalLevel = 69, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Magmar", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Espeon", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Heracross", optionalLevel = 75, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[4] = {{name = "Girafarig", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"}, --alterado v1.6

{name = "Ursaring", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Piloswine", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Mantine", optionalLevel = 75, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Kangaskhan", optionalLevel = 65, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[5] = {{name = "Slowpoke", optionalLevel = 45, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Poliwrath", optionalLevel = 55, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Scyther", optionalLevel = 85, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Cloyster", optionalLevel = 70, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Hitmontop", optionalLevel = 80, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},



hunterWingeon = {

[1] = {{name = "Slowking", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"}, --adicionem novas tabelas

{name = "Magmar", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Shiny Onix", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Tyranitar", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Kingdra", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[2] = {{name = "Shiny Dragonair", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Shiny Ninetales", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Shiny Charizard", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Muk", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Steelix", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},


[3] = {{name = "Shiny Pidgeot", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Magmar", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Shiny Muk", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "super"},

{name = "Shiny Onix", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_FEMALE, nick = "", ball = "normal"},

{name = "Shiny Charizard", optionalLevel = 1500, sex = SEX_MALE, nick = "", ball = "ultra"},





Editado por Alexclusive
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assim mano... isso ae sao 'packs' de pokes q os wingeon hunters podem ter... toda vez q um wingeon hunter aparece no mapa eh dado um math.random nessess packs ae...

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assim mano... isso ae sao 'packs' de pokes q os wingeon hunters podem ter... toda vez q um wingeon hunter aparece no mapa eh dado um math.random nessess packs ae...


Então se eu quiser adicionar tipo um [4] ae e colocar os pokes, não vai dar error em outra script ?


Não consigo achar esse local de colocar Spoilers aqui nas barrinhas de ferramentas :/

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sim, nao vai da erro... soh segue o padrao neh... n esquece de nenhuma ',' e '}' ...


e achu q nem tem opçao de spoiler... tem q ir no manual ms kk'


[ spoiler] seu script aki [ /spoiler]


-sem os espaços-

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