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[25/04/2013 05:07:50] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/npc/scripts/pokemon seller.lua:196: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 8) near '['

[25/04/2013 05:07:50] [Warning - NpcScript::NpcScript] Cannot load script: data/npc/scripts/pokemon seller.lua

[25/04/2013 05:07:50] data/npc/scripts/pokemon seller.lua:196: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 8) near '['






local focus = 0

local talk_start = 0

local conv = 0

local cost = 0

local pname = ""

local baseprice = 0


local pokePrice = {

["Bulbasaur"] = 3000,

["Ivysaur"] = 8000, --alterado v1.6

["Venusaur"] = 18000,

["Charmander"] = 3000,

["Charmeleon"] = 8000,

["Charizard"] = 18000,

["Squirtle"] = 3000,

["Wartortle"] = 8000,

["Blastoise"] = 18000,

["Caterpie"] = 5,

["Metapod"] = 250,

["Butterfree"] = 2000,

["Weedle"] = 5,

["Kakuna"] = 250,

["Beedrill"] = 2000,

["Pidgey"] = 60,

["Pidgeotto"] = 1500,

["Pidgeot"] = 11500,

["Rattata"] = 5,

["Raticate"] = 2000,

["Spearow"] = 100,

["Fearow"] = 5100,

["Ekans"] = 300,

["Arbok"] = 3000,

["Pikachu"] = 8000,

["Raichu"] = 18000,

["Sandshrew"] = 1000,

["Sandslash"] = 11000,

["Nidoranfe"] = 125,

["Nidorina"] = 2250,

["Nidoqueen"] = 12250,

["Nidoranma"] = 125,

["Nidorino"] = 2250,

["Nidoking"] = 12250,

["Clefairy"] = 8000,

["Clefable"] = 18000,

["Vulpix"] = 1000,

["Ninetales"] = 11000,

["Jigglypuff"] = 8000,

["Wigglytuff"] = 18000,

["Zubat"] = 120,

["Golbat"] = 2000,

["Oddish"] = 80,

["Gloom"] = 2250,

["Vileplume"] = 12000,

["Paras"] = 60,

["Parasect"] = 7250,

["Venonat"] = 1500,

["Venomoth"] = 7250,

["Diglett"] = 200,

["Dugtrio"] = 3000,

["Psyduck"] = 1500,

["Golduck"] = 11500,

["Mankey"] = 300,

["Primeape"] = 7250,

["Growlithe"] = 3500,

["Arcanine"] = 58500,

["Poliwag"] = 80,

["Poliwhirl"] = 3000,

["Poliwrath"] = 13000,

["Abra"] = 800,

["Kadabra"] = 5800,

["Alakazam"] = 15800,

["Machop"] = 2000,

["Machoke"] = 7000,

["Machamp"] = 17000,

["Bellsprout"] = 80,

["Weepinbell"] = 2250,

["Victreebel"] = 12000,

["Tentacool"] = 300,

["Tentacruel"] = 10000,

["Geodude"] = 300,

["Graveler"] = 5000,

["Golem"] = 15000,

["Ponyta"] = 1500,

["Rapidash"] = 6500,

["Slowpoke"] = 400,

["Slowbro"] = 8000,

["Magnemite"] = 400,

["Magneton"] = 5400,

["Farfetch'd"] = 8000,

["Doduo"] = 600,

["Dodrio"] = 5600,

["Seel"] = 2000,

["Dewgong"] = 12000,

["Grimer"] = 300,

["Muk"] = 11000,

["Shellder"] = 200,

["Cloyster"] = 10200,

["Gastly"] = 3000,

["Haunter"] = 8000,

["Gengar"] = 18000,

["Onix"] = 6000,

["Drowzee"] = 1000,

["Hypno"] = 6000,

["Krabby"] = 200,

["Kingler"] = 5200,

["Voltorb"] = 250,

["Electrode"] = 3000,

["Exeggcute"] = 200,

["Exeggutor"] = 10000,

["Cubone"] = 1000,

["Marowak"] = 11000,

["Hitmonlee"] = 5000000,

["Hitmonchan"] = 5000000,

["Lickitung"] = 60000,

["Koffing"] = 300,

["Weezing"] = 3000,

["Rhyhorn"] = 3000,

["Rhydon"] = 13000,

["Chansey"] = 40000,

["Tangela"] = 10000,

["Kangaskhan"] = 120000,

["Horsea"] = 200,

["Seadra"] = 5500,

["Goldeen"] = 200,

["Seaking"] = 3000,

["Staryu"] = 400,

["Starmie"] = 3000,

["Mr.Mime"] = 40000,

["Scyther"] = 120000,

["Jynx"] = 120000,

["Electabuzz"] = 120000,

["Magmar"] = 120000,

["Pinsir"] = 9000,

["Tauros"] = 5000,

["Magikarp"] = 5,

["Gyarados"] = 55000,

["Lapras"] = 120000,

["Ditto"] = 150000,

["Eevee"] = 45000,

["Vaporeon"] = 50000,

["Jolteon"] = 50000,

["Flareon"] = 50000,

["Porygon"] = 60000,

["Omanyte"] = 20000,

["Omastar"] = 75000,

["Kabuto"] = 20000,

["Kabutops"] = 75000,

["Aerodactyl"] = 2000000,

["Snorlax"] = 200000,

["Dratini"] = 15000,

["Dragonair"] = 65000,

["Dragonite"] = 125000,

["Mewtwo"] = 6000000000,

["Mew"] = 6000000000,

["Chikorita"] = 3000,

["Bayleef"] = 8000,

["Meganium"] = 18000,

["Cyndaquil"] = 3000,

["Quilava"] = 8000,

["Typhlosion"] = 18000,

["Totodile"] = 3000,

["Croconaw"] = 8000,

["Feraligatr"] = 18000,

["Sentret"] = 250,

["Furret"] = 3000,

["Hoothoot"] = 1500,

["Noctowl"] = 11500,

["Ledyba"] = 250,

["Ledian"] = 3000,

["Spinarak"] = 250,

["Ariados"] = 3000,

["Crobat"] = 58000,

["Chinchou"] = 1000,

["Lanturn"] = 6000,

["Pichu"] = 3000,

["Cleffa"] = 3000,

["Igglybuff"] = 3000,

["Togepi"] = 15000,

["Togetic"] = 25000,

["Natu"] = 3000,

["Xatu"] = 13000,

["Mareep"] = 3000,

["Flaaffy"] = 8000,

["Ampharos"] = 18000,

["Bellossom"] = 12000,

["Marill"] = 3000,

["Azumarill"] = 13000,

["Sudowoodo"] = 120000,

["Politoed"] = 8000,

["Hoppip"] = 80,

["Skiploom"] = 2250,

["Jumpluff"] = 12000,

["Aipom"] = 8000,

["Sunkern"] = 5,

["Sunflora"] = 5000

["Yanma"] = 9000,

["Wooper"] = 2000,

["Quagsire"] = 12000,

["Espeon"] = 50000,

["Umbreon"] = 50000,

["Murkrow"] = 10000,

["Slowking"] = 110000,

["Misdreavus"] = 200000,

["Unown"] = 5000000,

["Wobbuffet"] = 200000,

["Girafarig"] = 120000,

["Pineco"] = 300,

["Forretress"] = 10000,

["Dunsparce"] = 3000,

["Gligar"] = 8000,

["Steelix"] = 110000,

["Snubbull"] = 2500,

["Granbull"] = 12500,

["Qwilfish"] = 10000,

["Scizor"] = 220000,

["Shuckle"] = 3500,

["Heracross"] = 120000,

["Sneasel"] = 10000,

["Teddiursa"] = 80000,

["Ursaring"] = 150000,

["Slugma"] = 1000,

["Magcargo"] = 11000,

["Swinub"] = 1000,

["Piloswine"] = 11000,

["Corsola"] = 9000,

["Remoraid"] = 200,

["Octillery"] = 10000,

["Delibird"] = 10000,

["Mantine"] = 120000,

["Skarmory"] = 120000,

["Houndour"] = 3500,

["Houndoom"] = 13500,

["Kingdra"] = 70000,

["Phanpy"] = 3000,

["Donphan"] = 13000,

["Porygon2"] = 120000,

["Stantler"] = 10000,

["Smeargle"] = 10000,

["Tyrogue"] = 150000,

["Hitmontop"] = 500000,

["Smoochum"] = 4500,

["Elekid"] = 4500,

["Magby"] = 4500,

["Miltank"] = 120000,

["Blissey"] = 100000,

["Larvitar"] = 15000,

["Pupitar"] = 65000,

["Tyranitar"] = 125000,

["Moltres"] = 60000000000,

["Articuno"] = 60000000000,

["Zapdos"] = 60000000000,



function sellPokemon(cid, name, price)


local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK)


if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

selfSay("Back your pokemon to do that!")

focus = 0 --alterado v1.8

return true


local storages = {17000, 63215, 17001, 13008, 5700} --alterado v1.8

for s = 1, #storages do

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages) >= 1 then

selfSay("You can't do that while is Flying, Riding, Surfing, Diving or mount a bike!")

focus = 0

return true




if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid ~= 0 then

if string.lower(getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "poke")) == string.lower(name) then

if not getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "unique") then --alterado v1.6

selfSay("Wow! Thanks for this wonderful ""! Take yours "..price.." dollars. Would you like to sell another pokemon?")

doRemoveItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 1) --alterado v1.6

doPlayerAddMoney(cid, price * 100)

doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_LEGS).uid, 2395)

return true





for a, b in pairs(pokeballs) do

local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, b.on)

for _, ball in pairs (balls) do

if string.lower(getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")) == string.lower(name) then

if not getItemAttribute(ball, "unique") then --alterado v1.6

selfSay("Wow! Thanks for this wonderful "..getItemAttribute(ball, "poke").."! Take yours "..price.." dollars. Would you like to sell another pokemon?")

doRemoveItem(ball, 1)

doPlayerAddMoney(cid, price * 100)

return true






selfSay("You don't have a "", make sure it is in your backpack and it is not fainted and it is not in a Unique Ball!") --alterado v1.6

return false



function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)


local msg = string.lower(msg)


if string.find(msg, "!") or string.find(msg, ",") then

return true



if focus == cid then

talk_start = os.clock()



if msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0 and getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 3 then

selfSay('Welcome to my store! I buy pokemons of all species, just tell me the name of the pokemon you want to sell.')

focus = cid

conv = 1

talk_start = os.clock()

cost = 0

pname = ""

return true



if msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and focus == cid then

selfSay('See you around then!')

focus = 0

return true



if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and focus == cid and conv == 4 then

selfSay('Tell me the name of the pokemon you would like to sell.')

conv = 1

return true



if msgcontains(msg, 'no') and conv == 4 and focus == cid then

selfSay('Ok, see you around then!')

focus = 0

return true



local common = {"rattata", "caterpie", "weedle", "magikarp"}


if conv == 1 and focus == cid then

for a = 1, #common do

if msgcontains(msg, common[a]) then

selfSay('I dont buy such a common pokemon!')

return true





if msgcontains(msg, 'no') and conv == 3 and focus == cid then

selfSay('Well, then what pokemon would you like to sell?')

conv = 1

return true



if (conv == 1 or conv == 4) and focus == cid then

local name = doCorrectPokemonName(msg)

local pokemon = pokes[name]

if not pokemon then

selfSay("Sorry, I don't know what pokemon you're talking about! Are you sure you spelled it correctly?")

return true



baseprice = pokePrice[name] or math.floor(pokemon.level * 150) --alterado v1.6


cost = baseprice

pname = name

selfSay("Are you sure you want to sell a "" for "..cost.." dollars?")

conv = 3



if isConfirmMsg(msg) and focus == cid and conv == 3 then

if sellPokemon(cid, pname, cost) then

conv = 4


conv = 1


return true





local intervalmin = 38

local intervalmax = 70

local delay = 25

local number = 1

local messages = {"Buying some beautiful pokemons! Come here to sell them!",

"Wanna sell a pokemon? Came to the right place!",

"Buy pokemon! Excellent offers!",

"Tired of a pokemon? Why don't you sell it to me then?",



function onThink()


if focus == 0 then


delay = delay - 0.5

if delay <= 0 then


number = number + 1

if number > #messages then

number = 1


delay = math.random(intervalmin, intervalmax)


return true



if not isCreature(focus) then

focus = 0

return true



local npcpos = getThingPos(getThis())

local focpos = getThingPos(focus)


if npcpos.z ~= focpos.z then

focus = 0

return true



if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 70 then

focus = 0

selfSay("I have other clients too, talk to me when you feel like selling a pokemon.")



if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 3 then

selfSay("Good bye then and thanks!")

focus = 0

return true



local dir = doDirectPos(npcpos, focpos)





return true




Npc Lua...



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<npc name="Lumios" script="pokemon seller.lua" walkinterval="350000" floorchange="0" speed="0">


<health now="150" max="150"/>


<look type="1419" head="125" body="148" legs="95" feet="40"/>




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local focus = 0

local talk_start = 0

local conv = 0

local cost = 0

local pname = ""

local baseprice = 0

local pokePrice = {

["Bulbasaur"] = 3000,

["Ivysaur"] = 8000, --alterado v1.6

["Venusaur"] = 18000,

["Charmander"] = 3000,

["Charmeleon"] = 8000,

["Charizard"] = 18000,

["Squirtle"] = 3000,

["Wartortle"] = 8000,

["Blastoise"] = 18000,

["Caterpie"] = 5,

["Metapod"] = 250,

["Butterfree"] = 2000,

["Weedle"] = 5,

["Kakuna"] = 250,

["Beedrill"] = 2000,

["Pidgey"] = 60,

["Pidgeotto"] = 1500,

["Pidgeot"] = 11500,

["Rattata"] = 5,

["Raticate"] = 2000,

["Spearow"] = 100,

["Fearow"] = 5100,

["Ekans"] = 300,

["Arbok"] = 3000,

["Pikachu"] = 8000,

["Raichu"] = 18000,

["Sandshrew"] = 1000,

["Sandslash"] = 11000,

["Nidoranfe"] = 125,

["Nidorina"] = 2250,

["Nidoqueen"] = 12250,

["Nidoranma"] = 125,

["Nidorino"] = 2250,

["Nidoking"] = 12250,

["Clefairy"] = 8000,

["Clefable"] = 18000,

["Vulpix"] = 1000,

["Ninetales"] = 11000,

["Jigglypuff"] = 8000,

["Wigglytuff"] = 18000,

["Zubat"] = 120,

["Golbat"] = 2000,

["Oddish"] = 80,

["Gloom"] = 2250,

["Vileplume"] = 12000,

["Paras"] = 60,

["Parasect"] = 7250,

["Venonat"] = 1500,

["Venomoth"] = 7250,

["Diglett"] = 200,

["Dugtrio"] = 3000,

["Psyduck"] = 1500,

["Golduck"] = 11500,

["Mankey"] = 300,

["Primeape"] = 7250,

["Growlithe"] = 3500,

["Arcanine"] = 58500,

["Poliwag"] = 80,

["Poliwhirl"] = 3000,

["Poliwrath"] = 13000,

["Abra"] = 800,

["Kadabra"] = 5800,

["Alakazam"] = 15800,

["Machop"] = 2000,

["Machoke"] = 7000,

["Machamp"] = 17000,

["Bellsprout"] = 80,

["Weepinbell"] = 2250,

["Victreebel"] = 12000,

["Tentacool"] = 300,

["Tentacruel"] = 10000,

["Geodude"] = 300,

["Graveler"] = 5000,

["Golem"] = 15000,

["Ponyta"] = 1500,

["Rapidash"] = 6500,

["Slowpoke"] = 400,

["Slowbro"] = 8000,

["Magnemite"] = 400,

["Magneton"] = 5400,

["Farfetch'd"] = 8000,

["Doduo"] = 600,

["Dodrio"] = 5600,

["Seel"] = 2000,

["Dewgong"] = 12000,

["Grimer"] = 300,

["Muk"] = 11000,

["Shellder"] = 200,

["Cloyster"] = 10200,

["Gastly"] = 3000,

["Haunter"] = 8000,

["Gengar"] = 18000,

["Onix"] = 6000,

["Drowzee"] = 1000,

["Hypno"] = 6000,

["Krabby"] = 200,

["Kingler"] = 5200,

["Voltorb"] = 250,

["Electrode"] = 3000,

["Exeggcute"] = 200,

["Exeggutor"] = 10000,

["Cubone"] = 1000,

["Marowak"] = 11000,

["Hitmonlee"] = 5000000,

["Hitmonchan"] = 5000000,

["Lickitung"] = 60000,

["Koffing"] = 300,

["Weezing"] = 3000,

["Rhyhorn"] = 3000,

["Rhydon"] = 13000,

["Chansey"] = 40000,

["Tangela"] = 10000,

["Kangaskhan"] = 120000,

["Horsea"] = 200,

["Seadra"] = 5500,

["Goldeen"] = 200,

["Seaking"] = 3000,

["Staryu"] = 400,

["Starmie"] = 3000,

["Mr.Mime"] = 40000,

["Scyther"] = 120000,

["Jynx"] = 120000,

["Electabuzz"] = 120000,

["Magmar"] = 120000,

["Pinsir"] = 9000,

["Tauros"] = 5000,

["Magikarp"] = 5,

["Gyarados"] = 55000,

["Lapras"] = 120000,

["Ditto"] = 150000,

["Eevee"] = 45000,

["Vaporeon"] = 50000,

["Jolteon"] = 50000,

["Flareon"] = 50000,

["Porygon"] = 60000,

["Omanyte"] = 20000,

["Omastar"] = 75000,

["Kabuto"] = 20000,

["Kabutops"] = 75000,

["Aerodactyl"] = 2000000,

["Snorlax"] = 200000,

["Dratini"] = 15000,

["Dragonair"] = 65000,

["Dragonite"] = 125000,

["Mewtwo"] = 6000000000,

["Mew"] = 6000000000,

["Chikorita"] = 3000,

["Bayleef"] = 8000,

["Meganium"] = 18000,

["Cyndaquil"] = 3000,

["Quilava"] = 8000,

["Typhlosion"] = 18000,

["Totodile"] = 3000,

["Croconaw"] = 8000,

["Feraligatr"] = 18000,

["Sentret"] = 250,

["Furret"] = 3000,

["Hoothoot"] = 1500,

["Noctowl"] = 11500,

["Ledyba"] = 250,

["Ledian"] = 3000,

["Spinarak"] = 250,

["Ariados"] = 3000,

["Crobat"] = 58000,

["Chinchou"] = 1000,

["Lanturn"] = 6000,

["Pichu"] = 3000,

["Cleffa"] = 3000,

["Igglybuff"] = 3000,

["Togepi"] = 15000,

["Togetic"] = 25000,

["Natu"] = 3000,

["Xatu"] = 13000,

["Mareep"] = 3000,

["Flaaffy"] = 8000,

["Ampharos"] = 18000,

["Bellossom"] = 12000,

["Marill"] = 3000,

["Azumarill"] = 13000,

["Sudowoodo"] = 120000,

["Politoed"] = 8000,

["Hoppip"] = 80,

["Skiploom"] = 2250,

["Jumpluff"] = 12000,

["Aipom"] = 8000,

["Sunkern"] = 5,

["Sunflora"] = 5000,

["Yanma"] = 9000,

["Wooper"] = 2000,

["Quagsire"] = 12000,

["Espeon"] = 50000,

["Umbreon"] = 50000,

["Murkrow"] = 10000,

["Slowking"] = 110000,

["Misdreavus"] = 200000,

["Unown"] = 5000000,

["Wobbuffet"] = 200000,

["Girafarig"] = 120000,

["Pineco"] = 300,

["Forretress"] = 10000,

["Dunsparce"] = 3000,

["Gligar"] = 8000,

["Steelix"] = 110000,

["Snubbull"] = 2500,

["Granbull"] = 12500,

["Qwilfish"] = 10000,

["Scizor"] = 220000,

["Shuckle"] = 3500,

["Heracross"] = 120000,

["Sneasel"] = 10000,

["Teddiursa"] = 80000,

["Ursaring"] = 150000,

["Slugma"] = 1000,

["Magcargo"] = 11000,

["Swinub"] = 1000,

["Piloswine"] = 11000,

["Corsola"] = 9000,

["Remoraid"] = 200,

["Octillery"] = 10000,

["Delibird"] = 10000,

["Mantine"] = 120000,

["Skarmory"] = 120000,

["Houndour"] = 3500,

["Houndoom"] = 13500,

["Kingdra"] = 70000,

["Phanpy"] = 3000,

["Donphan"] = 13000,

["Porygon2"] = 120000,

["Stantler"] = 10000,

["Smeargle"] = 10000,

["Tyrogue"] = 150000,

["Hitmontop"] = 500000,

["Smoochum"] = 4500,

["Elekid"] = 4500,

["Magby"] = 4500,

["Miltank"] = 120000,

["Blissey"] = 100000,

["Larvitar"] = 15000,

["Pupitar"] = 65000,

["Tyranitar"] = 125000,

["Moltres"] = 60000000000,

["Articuno"] = 60000000000,

["Zapdos"] = 60000000000,


function sellPokemon(cid, name, price)

local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK)

if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

selfSay("Back your pokemon to do that!")

focus = 0 --alterado v1.8

return true


local storages = {17000, 63215, 17001, 13008, 5700} --alterado v1.8

for s = 1, #storages do

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages) >= 1 then

selfSay("You can't do that while is Flying, Riding, Surfing, Diving or mount a bike!")

focus = 0

return true



if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid ~= 0 then

if string.lower(getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "poke")) == string.lower(name) then

if not getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "unique") then --alterado v1.6

selfSay("Wow! Thanks for this wonderful ""! Take yours "..price.." dollars. Would you like to sell another pokemon?")

doRemoveItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 1) --alterado v1.6

doPlayerAddMoney(cid, price * 100)

doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_LEGS).uid, 2395)

return true




for a, b in pairs(pokeballs) do

local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, b.on)

for _, ball in pairs (balls) do

if string.lower(getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")) == string.lower(name) then

if not getItemAttribute(ball, "unique") then --alterado v1.6

selfSay("Wow! Thanks for this wonderful "..getItemAttribute(ball, "poke").."! Take yours "..price.." dollars. Would you like to sell another pokemon?")

doRemoveItem(ball, 1)

doPlayerAddMoney(cid, price * 100)

return true





selfSay("You don't have a "", make sure it is in your backpack and it is not fainted and it is not in a Unique Ball!") --alterado v1.6

return false


function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)

local msg = string.lower(msg)

if string.find(msg, "!") or string.find(msg, ",") then

return true


if focus == cid then

talk_start = os.clock()


if msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0 and getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 3 then

selfSay('Welcome to my store! I buy pokemons of all species, just tell me the name of the pokemon you want to sell.')

focus = cid

conv = 1

talk_start = os.clock()

cost = 0

pname = ""

return true


if msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and focus == cid then

selfSay('See you around then!')

focus = 0

return true


if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and focus == cid and conv == 4 then

selfSay('Tell me the name of the pokemon you would like to sell.')

conv = 1

return true


if msgcontains(msg, 'no') and conv == 4 and focus == cid then

selfSay('Ok, see you around then!')

focus = 0

return true


local common = {"rattata", "caterpie", "weedle", "magikarp"}

if conv == 1 and focus == cid then

for a = 1, #common do

if msgcontains(msg, common[a]) then

selfSay('I dont buy such a common pokemon!')

return true




if msgcontains(msg, 'no') and conv == 3 and focus == cid then

selfSay('Well, then what pokemon would you like to sell?')

conv = 1

return true


if (conv == 1 or conv == 4) and focus == cid then

local name = doCorrectPokemonName(msg)

local pokemon = pokes[name]

if not pokemon then

selfSay("Sorry, I don't know what pokemon you're talking about! Are you sure you spelled it correctly?")

return true


baseprice = pokePrice[name] or math.floor(pokemon.level * 150) --alterado v1.6

cost = baseprice

pname = name

selfSay("Are you sure you want to sell a "" for "..cost.." dollars?")

conv = 3


if isConfirmMsg(msg) and focus == cid and conv == 3 then

if sellPokemon(cid, pname, cost) then

conv = 4


conv = 1


return true



local intervalmin = 38

local intervalmax = 70

local delay = 25

local number = 1

local messages = {"Buying some beautiful pokemons! Come here to sell them!",

"Wanna sell a pokemon? Came to the right place!",

"Buy pokemon! Excellent offers!",

"Tired of a pokemon? Why don't you sell it to me then?",


function onThink()

if focus == 0 then


delay = delay - 0.5

if delay <= 0 then


number = number + 1

if number > #messages then

number = 1


delay = math.random(intervalmin, intervalmax)


return true


if not isCreature(focus) then

focus = 0

return true


local npcpos = getThingPos(getThis())

local focpos = getThingPos(focus)

if npcpos.z ~= focpos.z then

focus = 0

return true


if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 70 then

focus = 0

selfSay("I have other clients too, talk to me when you feel like selling a pokemon.")


if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 3 then

selfSay("Good bye then and thanks!")

focus = 0

return true


local dir = doDirectPos(npcpos, focpos)




return true




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usa esse aki fera!



local focus = 0

local talk_start = 0

local conv = 0

local cost = 0

local pname = ""

local baseprice = 0

local pokePrice = {

["Bulbasaur"] = 3000,

["Ivysaur"] = 8000, --alterado v1.6

["Venusaur"] = 18000,

["Charmander"] = 3000,

["Charmeleon"] = 8000,

["Charizard"] = 18000,

["Squirtle"] = 3000,

["Wartortle"] = 8000,

["Blastoise"] = 18000,

["Caterpie"] = 5,

["Metapod"] = 250,

["Butterfree"] = 2000,

["Weedle"] = 5,

["Kakuna"] = 250,

["Beedrill"] = 2000,

["Pidgey"] = 60,

["Pidgeotto"] = 1500,

["Pidgeot"] = 11500,

["Rattata"] = 5,

["Raticate"] = 2000,

["Spearow"] = 100,

["Fearow"] = 5100,

["Ekans"] = 300,

["Arbok"] = 3000,

["Pikachu"] = 8000,

["Raichu"] = 18000,

["Sandshrew"] = 1000,

["Sandslash"] = 11000,

["Nidoranfe"] = 125,

["Nidorina"] = 2250,

["Nidoqueen"] = 12250,

["Nidoranma"] = 125,

["Nidorino"] = 2250,

["Nidoking"] = 12250,

["Clefairy"] = 8000,

["Clefable"] = 18000,

["Vulpix"] = 1000,

["Ninetales"] = 11000,

["Jigglypuff"] = 8000,

["Wigglytuff"] = 18000,

["Zubat"] = 120,

["Golbat"] = 2000,

["Oddish"] = 80,

["Gloom"] = 2250,

["Vileplume"] = 12000,

["Paras"] = 60,

["Parasect"] = 7250,

["Venonat"] = 1500,

["Venomoth"] = 7250,

["Diglett"] = 200,

["Dugtrio"] = 3000,

["Psyduck"] = 1500,

["Golduck"] = 11500,

["Mankey"] = 300,

["Primeape"] = 7250,

["Growlithe"] = 3500,

["Arcanine"] = 58500,

["Poliwag"] = 80,

["Poliwhirl"] = 3000,

["Poliwrath"] = 13000,

["Abra"] = 800,

["Kadabra"] = 5800,

["Alakazam"] = 15800,

["Machop"] = 2000,

["Machoke"] = 7000,

["Machamp"] = 17000,

["Bellsprout"] = 80,

["Weepinbell"] = 2250,

["Victreebel"] = 12000,

["Tentacool"] = 300,

["Tentacruel"] = 10000,

["Geodude"] = 300,

["Graveler"] = 5000,

["Golem"] = 15000,

["Ponyta"] = 1500,

["Rapidash"] = 6500,

["Slowpoke"] = 400,

["Slowbro"] = 8000,

["Magnemite"] = 400,

["Magneton"] = 5400,

["Farfetch'd"] = 8000,

["Doduo"] = 600,

["Dodrio"] = 5600,

["Seel"] = 2000,

["Dewgong"] = 12000,

["Grimer"] = 300,

["Muk"] = 11000,

["Shellder"] = 200,

["Cloyster"] = 10200,

["Gastly"] = 3000,

["Haunter"] = 8000,

["Gengar"] = 18000,

["Onix"] = 6000,

["Drowzee"] = 1000,

["Hypno"] = 6000,

["Krabby"] = 200,

["Kingler"] = 5200,

["Voltorb"] = 250,

["Electrode"] = 3000,

["Exeggcute"] = 200,

["Exeggutor"] = 10000,

["Cubone"] = 1000,

["Marowak"] = 11000,

["Hitmonlee"] = 5000000,

["Hitmonchan"] = 5000000,

["Lickitung"] = 60000,

["Koffing"] = 300,

["Weezing"] = 3000,

["Rhyhorn"] = 3000,

["Rhydon"] = 13000,

["Chansey"] = 40000,

["Tangela"] = 10000,

["Kangaskhan"] = 120000,

["Horsea"] = 200,

["Seadra"] = 5500,

["Goldeen"] = 200,

["Seaking"] = 3000,

["Staryu"] = 400,

["Starmie"] = 3000,

["Mr.Mime"] = 40000,

["Scyther"] = 120000,

["Jynx"] = 120000,

["Electabuzz"] = 120000,

["Magmar"] = 120000,

["Pinsir"] = 9000,

["Tauros"] = 5000,

["Magikarp"] = 5,

["Gyarados"] = 55000,

["Lapras"] = 120000,

["Ditto"] = 150000,

["Eevee"] = 45000,

["Vaporeon"] = 50000,

["Jolteon"] = 50000,

["Flareon"] = 50000,

["Porygon"] = 60000,

["Omanyte"] = 20000,

["Omastar"] = 75000,

["Kabuto"] = 20000,

["Kabutops"] = 75000,

["Aerodactyl"] = 2000000,

["Snorlax"] = 200000,

["Dratini"] = 15000,

["Dragonair"] = 65000,

["Dragonite"] = 125000,

["Mewtwo"] = 6000000000,

["Mew"] = 6000000000,

["Chikorita"] = 3000,

["Bayleef"] = 8000,

["Meganium"] = 18000,

["Cyndaquil"] = 3000,

["Quilava"] = 8000,

["Typhlosion"] = 18000,

["Totodile"] = 3000,

["Croconaw"] = 8000,

["Feraligatr"] = 18000,

["Sentret"] = 250,

["Furret"] = 3000,

["Hoothoot"] = 1500,

["Noctowl"] = 11500,

["Ledyba"] = 250,

["Ledian"] = 3000,

["Spinarak"] = 250,

["Ariados"] = 3000,

["Crobat"] = 58000,

["Chinchou"] = 1000,

["Lanturn"] = 6000,

["Pichu"] = 3000,

["Cleffa"] = 3000,

["Igglybuff"] = 3000,

["Togepi"] = 15000,

["Togetic"] = 25000,

["Natu"] = 3000,

["Xatu"] = 13000,

["Mareep"] = 3000,

["Flaaffy"] = 8000,

["Ampharos"] = 18000,

["Bellossom"] = 12000,

["Marill"] = 3000,

["Azumarill"] = 13000,

["Sudowoodo"] = 120000,

["Politoed"] = 8000,

["Hoppip"] = 80,

["Skiploom"] = 2250,

["Jumpluff"] = 12000,

["Aipom"] = 8000,

["Sunkern"] = 5,

["Sunflora"] = 5000,

["Yanma"] = 9000,

["Wooper"] = 2000,

["Quagsire"] = 12000,

["Espeon"] = 50000,

["Umbreon"] = 50000,

["Murkrow"] = 10000,

["Slowking"] = 110000,

["Misdreavus"] = 200000,

["Unown"] = 5000000,

["Wobbuffet"] = 200000,

["Girafarig"] = 120000,

["Pineco"] = 300,

["Forretress"] = 10000,

["Dunsparce"] = 3000,

["Gligar"] = 8000,

["Steelix"] = 110000,

["Snubbull"] = 2500,

["Granbull"] = 12500,

["Qwilfish"] = 10000,

["Scizor"] = 220000,

["Shuckle"] = 3500,

["Heracross"] = 120000,

["Sneasel"] = 10000,

["Teddiursa"] = 80000,

["Ursaring"] = 150000,

["Slugma"] = 1000,

["Magcargo"] = 11000,

["Swinub"] = 1000,

["Piloswine"] = 11000,

["Corsola"] = 9000,

["Remoraid"] = 200,

["Octillery"] = 10000,

["Delibird"] = 10000,

["Mantine"] = 120000,

["Skarmory"] = 120000,

["Houndour"] = 3500,

["Houndoom"] = 13500,

["Kingdra"] = 70000,

["Phanpy"] = 3000,

["Donphan"] = 13000,

["Porygon2"] = 120000,

["Stantler"] = 10000,

["Smeargle"] = 10000,

["Tyrogue"] = 150000,

["Hitmontop"] = 500000,

["Smoochum"] = 4500,

["Elekid"] = 4500,

["Magby"] = 4500,

["Miltank"] = 120000,

["Blissey"] = 100000,

["Larvitar"] = 15000,

["Pupitar"] = 65000,

["Tyranitar"] = 125000,

["Moltres"] = 60000000000,

["Articuno"] = 60000000000,

["Zapdos"] = 60000000000,


function sellPokemon(cid, name, price)

local bp = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK)

if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

selfSay("Back your pokemon to do that!")

focus = 0 --alterado v1.8

return true


local storages = {17000, 63215, 17001, 13008, 5700} --alterado v1.8

for s = 1, #storages do

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages) >= 1 then

selfSay("You can't do that while is Flying, Riding, Surfing, Diving or mount a bike!")

focus = 0

return true



if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid ~= 0 then

if string.lower(getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "poke")) == string.lower(name) then

if not getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "unique") then --alterado v1.6

selfSay("Wow! Thanks for this wonderful ""! Take yours "..price.." dollars. Would you like to sell another pokemon?")

doRemoveItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, 1) --alterado v1.6

doPlayerAddMoney(cid, price * 100)

doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_LEGS).uid, 2395)

return true




for a, b in pairs(pokeballs) do

local balls = getItemsInContainerById(bp.uid, b.on)

for _, ball in pairs (balls) do

if string.lower(getItemAttribute(ball, "poke")) == string.lower(name) then

if not getItemAttribute(ball, "unique") then --alterado v1.6

selfSay("Wow! Thanks for this wonderful "..getItemAttribute(ball, "poke").."! Take yours "..price.." dollars. Would you like to sell another pokemon?")

doRemoveItem(ball, 1)

doPlayerAddMoney(cid, price * 100)

return true





selfSay("You don't have a "", make sure it is in your backpack and it is not fainted and it is not in a Unique Ball!") --alterado v1.6

return false


function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)

local msg = string.lower(msg)

if string.find(msg, "!") or string.find(msg, ",") then

return true


if focus == cid then

talk_start = os.clock()


if msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0 and getDistanceToCreature(cid) <= 3 then

selfSay('Welcome to my store! I buy pokemons of all species, just tell me the name of the pokemon you want to sell.')

focus = cid

conv = 1

talk_start = os.clock()

cost = 0

pname = ""

return true


if msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and focus == cid then

selfSay('See you around then!')

focus = 0

return true


if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and focus == cid and conv == 4 then

selfSay('Tell me the name of the pokemon you would like to sell.')

conv = 1

return true


if msgcontains(msg, 'no') and conv == 4 and focus == cid then

selfSay('Ok, see you around then!')

focus = 0

return true


local common = {"rattata", "caterpie", "weedle", "magikarp"}

if conv == 1 and focus == cid then

for a = 1, #common do

if msgcontains(msg, common[a]) then

selfSay('I dont buy such a common pokemon!')

return true




if msgcontains(msg, 'no') and conv == 3 and focus == cid then

selfSay('Well, then what pokemon would you like to sell?')

conv = 1

return true


if (conv == 1 or conv == 4) and focus == cid then

local name = doCorrectPokemonName(msg)

local pokemon = pokes[name]

if not pokemon then

selfSay("Sorry, I don't know what pokemon you're talking about! Are you sure you spelled it correctly?")

return true


baseprice = pokePrice[name] or math.floor(pokemon.level * 150) --alterado v1.6

cost = baseprice

pname = name

selfSay("Are you sure you want to sell a "" for "..cost.." dollars?")

conv = 3


if isConfirmMsg(msg) and focus == cid and conv == 3 then

if sellPokemon(cid, pname, cost) then

conv = 4


conv = 1


return true



local intervalmin = 38

local intervalmax = 70

local delay = 25

local number = 1

local messages = {"Buying some beautiful pokemons! Come here to sell them!",

"Wanna sell a pokemon? Came to the right place!",

"Buy pokemon! Excellent offers!",

"Tired of a pokemon? Why don't you sell it to me then?",


function onThink()

if focus == 0 then


delay = delay - 0.5

if delay <= 0 then


number = number + 1

if number > #messages then

number = 1


delay = math.random(intervalmin, intervalmax)


return true


if not isCreature(focus) then

focus = 0

return true


local npcpos = getThingPos(getThis())

local focpos = getThingPos(focus)

if npcpos.z ~= focpos.z then

focus = 0

return true


if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 70 then

focus = 0

selfSay("I have other clients too, talk to me when you feel like selling a pokemon.")


if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 3 then

selfSay("Good bye then and thanks!")

focus = 0

return true


local dir = doDirectPos(npcpos, focpos)




return true




tudo isso pra ganha rep? ja falei oq tinha de errado e tu foi la e coloko a 'mesma' resposta minha, falo nd ;]

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procura por..

["Sunflora"] = 5000

deche assim..

["Sunflora"] = 5000,


Ty Stylo Me Ajudo Muto ^^ Duda senada...


Teno Otro Error Mano Meu Pude Ajudar Style???


[25/04/2013 23:20:45] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/npc/scripts/task.lua:95: malformed number near '2then'

[25/04/2013 23:20:45] [Warning - NpcScript::NpcScript] Cannot load script: data/npc/scripts/task.lua

[25/04/2013 23:20:45] data/npc/scripts/task.lua:95: malformed number near '2then'





local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()

local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)


local talkState = {}


function doBuyPokemonWithCasinoCoins(cid, poke) npcHandler:onSellpokemon(cid) end

function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end

function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end

function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end

function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end


function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)


if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then

return false




local m = {

["Rattata"] = {storage = 91001, count= 30},

["Raticate"] = {storage = 91002, count= 30},

["Caterpie"] = {storage = 91003, count= 30 },

["Metapod"] = {storage = 91004, count= 40},

["Butterfree"] = {storage = 91005, count= 50 }, --npc de task n muito basico ^^

["Weedle"] = {storage = 91006, count= 30},

["Kakuna"] = {storage = 91007, count= 40 },

["Beedrill"] = {storage = 91008, count= 50},

["Ekans"] = {storage = 91009, count= 25},

["Arbok"] = {storage = 91010, count= 45 },

["Oddish"] = {storage = 91011, count= 15},

["Gloom"] = {storage = 91012, count= 30},

["Vileplume"] = {storage = 91013, count= 50},

["Bellsprout"] = {storage = 91014, count= 15},

["Weepinbell"] = {storage = 91015, count= 30},

["Vitreebel"] = {storage = 91016, count= 50},

["Tangela"] = {storage = 91017, count= 60},

["Voltorb"] = {storage = 91018, count= 25},

["Electrode"] = {storage = 91019, count= 45},

["Pikachu"] = {storage = 91020, count= 30},

["Raichu"] = {storage = 91021, count= 60},

["Paras"] = {storage = 91022, count= 10} ,

["Parasect"] = {storage = 91023, count= 30},

["Geodude"] = {storage = 91024, count= 20},

["Graveler"] = {storage = 91025, count= 5},

["Golem"] = {storage = 91026, count= 12},

["Machop"] = {storage = 91027, count= 20},

["Machoke"] = {storage = 91028, count= 40},

["Machamp"] = {storage = 91029, count= 65},

["Mankey"] = {storage = 91030, count= 15},

["Primeape"] = {storage = 91031, count= 5},

["Krabby"] = {storage = 91032, count= 25},

["Kingler"] = {storage = 91033, count= 50},

["Goldeen"] = {storage = 91034, count= 25},

["Seaking"] = {storage = 91035, count= 50},

["Poliwag"] = {storage = 91036, count= 20},

["Poliwhirl"] = {storage = 91037, count= 40},

["Poliwrath"] = {storage = 91038, count= 60},

["Snorlax"] = {storage = 91039 , count= 50},



local task1 = {"Kingler", "Poliwhirl", "Seaking"}

local task2 = {"Graveler", "Golem", "Primeape"}

local task3 = {"Electrode", "Raichu", "Pikachu"}


local Check1 = "Kingler, Poliwhirl, Seaking"

local Check2 = "Graveler, Golem, Primeape"

local Check3 = "Electrode, Raichu, Pikachu"


function showTask(task, showNum)

local first = "["

if (showNum == true) then

for a = 1, #task do

if a == #task then

first = first.."("..m[task[a]].count..") "..task[a].."]"



first = first.."("..m[task[a]].count..") "..task[a]..", "



for a = 1, #task do

if a == #task then

first = first..task[a].."]"



first = first..task[a]..", "



return first



function checkTask(task, m)

local complet = 0

local t = string.explode(task, ",")

for d = 1, #t do

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, m[t[d]].storage) == -2then

complet = complet+1



if complet ~= #t then

return false


return true




if msgcontains(msg, 'task') or msgcontains(msg, 'Task') then

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 910000) ~= -1 and (checkTask(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 910000), m) == false) then

selfSay("You already have one task to do!", cid)

talkState[cid] = 0

return true

elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 910000) ~= -1 and (checkTask(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 910000), m) == true) then

selfSay("Ohhh i see that you already finished the task! Here is your reward!", cid)

doPlayerAddExp(cid, 150000)

doPlayerAddMoney(cid, 50000)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 910000, -1)

talkState[cid] = 0

return true



local str = "Hello, I have trhee tasks for you! "

str = str.."{First} "..showTask(task1, false).." {Second} "..showTask(task2, false).." {Third} "..showTask(task3, false)..". How do you choose?"

selfSay(str, cid)

talkState[cid] = 1


elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'First') or msgcontains(msg, 'first')) and talkState[cid] == 1 then

if (checkTask(Check1, m) == true) then

selfSay("You already completed this task... Please choose other!", cid)

talkState[cid] = 1

return true


selfSay("humm.. You choose kill some Kinglers, Poliwraths and Seakings... Are you sure?", cid)

talkState[cid] = 2

elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'Second') or msgcontains(msg, 'second')) and talkState[cid] == 1 then

if (checkTask(Check2, m) == true) then

selfSay("You already completed this task... Please choose other!", cid)

talkState[cid] = 1

return true


selfSay("humm.. You choose kill some Gravelers, Golems, Primeapes... Are you sure?", cid)

talkState[cid] = 3

elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'third') or msgcontains(msg, 'Third')) and talkState[cid] == 1 then

if (checkTask(Check3, m) == true) then

selfSay("You already completed this task... Please choose other!", cid)

talkState[cid] = 1

return true


selfSay("humm.. You choose kill some Electrodes, Raichus, Pikachus... Are you sure?", cid)

talkState[cid] = 4


elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no') or msgcontains(msg, 'nao')) and talkState[cid] == 2 then

selfSay("Humm.. You want to choose another task? I have more two task.. The {Second} and {Third} too...", cid)

talkState[cid] = 1

elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no') or msgcontains(msg, 'nao')) and talkState[cid] == 3 then

selfSay("Humm.. You want to choose another task? I have more two task.. The {First} and {Third} too...", cid)

talkState[cid] = 1

elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no') or msgcontains(msg, 'nao')) and talkState[cid] == 4 then

selfSay("Humm.. You want to choose another task? I have more two task.. The {First} and {Second} too...", cid)

talkState[cid] = 1


elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'sim') or msgcontains(msg, 'yes')) and talkState[cid] == 2 then

local str2 = task1[1]

for b = 2, 3 do

str2 = str2..", "..task1


setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 910000, str2)

selfSay("So you have to kill "..showTask(task1, true).." and come back to me. Go!", cid)

talkState[cid] = 0

elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'sim') or msgcontains(msg, 'yes')) and talkState[cid] == 3 then

local str3 = task2[1]

for b = 2, 3 do

str3 = str3..", "..task2


setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 910000, str3)

selfSay("So you have to kill "..showTask(task2, true).." and come back to me. Go!", cid)

talkState[cid] = 0

elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'sim') or msgcontains(msg, 'yes')) and talkState[cid] == 4 then

local str4 = task3[1]

for b = 2, 3 do

str4 = str4..", "..task3


setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 910000, str4)

selfSay("So you have to kill "..showTask(task3, true).." and come back to me. Go!", cid)

talkState[cid] = 0




npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)



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