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[Encerrado] Erro Trade_Back


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Fala galera do XT

Baixei o PDA aqui pra brincar e está dando este erro relatado abaixo quando tento voltar pro CP vindo do Trade_Center.



[23/01/2013 11:15:04] [Error - MoveEvents Interface]

[23/01/2013 11:15:04] data/movements/scripts/PVP/Trade_Back.lua:onStepIn

[23/01/2013 11:15:04] Description:

[23/01/2013 11:15:04] data/lib/011-string.lua:16: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil)

[23/01/2013 11:15:04] stack traceback:

[23/01/2013 11:15:04] [C]: in function 'find'

[23/01/2013 11:15:04] data/lib/011-string.lua:16: in function '(for generator)'

[23/01/2013 11:15:04] data/lib/011-string.lua:16: in function 'explode'

[23/01/2013 11:15:04] data/movements/scripts/PVP/Trade_Back.lua:14: in function <data/movements/scripts/PVP/Trade_Back.lua:3>



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Sim, atualizei...

Tanto que é apenas isso que está dando erro, o resto ta perfeito.


O script:

local tileClans = {33800, 33801, 33802, 33803, 33804, 33805, 33806, 33807, 33808}

-- psy ore win nat sea gard male rai volc

function onStepIn(cid, item, pos)

if isSummon(cid) then

return false



local storage = 171877

if isInArray(tileClans, item.actionid) then

storage = 171878



local b = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage), "/")

local t = string.explode(b[2], ";")


if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then

for i = 1, #getCreatureSummons(cid) do

doTeleportThing(getCreatureSummons(cid), {x=tonumber(t[1]) - 1, y=tonumber(t[2]), z=tonumber(t[3])}, false)



doTeleportThing(cid, {x=tonumber(t[1]), y=tonumber(t[2]), z=tonumber(t[3])}, false)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage, -1)

return true


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achu q tu esqueceu isso.. lib/011-string.lua


string.split = function (str)
   local t = {}
   return not str:gsub("%w+", function(s) table.insert(t, s) return "" end):find("%S") and t or {}

string.trim = function (str)
   return str:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")

string.explode = function (str, sep, limit)
   if(type(sep) ~= 'string' or isInArray({tostring(str):len(), sep:len()}, 0)) then
       return {}

   local i, pos, tmp, t = 0, 1, "", {}
   for s, e in function() return string.find(str, sep, pos) end do
       tmp = str:sub(pos, s - 1):trim()
       if tmp ~= "" then			   --alterado v1.8
          table.insert(t, tmp)
       pos = e + 1

       i = i + 1
       if(limit ~= nil and i == limit) then

   tmp = str:sub(pos):trim()
   if tmp ~= "" then			  --alterado v1.8
   table.insert(t, tmp)
   return t

string.expand = function (str)
   return string.gsub(str, "$(%w+)", function(n) return _G[n] end)

string.timediff = function (diff)
   local format = {
       {"week", diff / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7},
       {"day", diff / 60 / 60 / 24 % 7},
       {"hour", diff / 60 / 60 % 24},
       {"minute", diff / 60 % 60},
       {"second", diff % 60}

   local t = {}
   for k, v in ipairs(format) do
       local d, tmp = math.floor(v[2]), ""
       if(d > 0) then
           tmp = (k < table.maxn(format) and (table.maxn(t) > 0 and ", " or "") or " and ") .. d .. " " .. v[1] .. (d ~= 1 and "s" or "")
           table.insert(t, tmp)

   return t



se n der eh pq a storage do player ja ta errada e dai n tem muito oq fazer.. teria q reseta as storages usadas pelo sistema..

171877 e 171878

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