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Script de Teleport quando o monstro na area "x" a "y" estiver mortos.



Nome do Script: Script de Teleport quando o monstro na area "x" a "y" estiver mortos.

Tipo do Script: Nao sei!

Versão Utilizada: 8.60

Servidor Utilizado: TheLostServer

Nível de Experiência: Complicado.

Informações Extras: --



Gostaria de um script no qual o teleporte so ficase disponivel no local "X" apenas quando na area "y" a "Z" nao houver monstros.

Ex: Numa pequena cav de demon o portal só ficará aberto para se retirar da cave quando nao houver mais demons vivos.



Obs: Ja procurei no forum esse eskema e não encontrei.



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Não testado:


local config = {
		 position_initial = {x=1, y=2, z=3}, -- Posição superior direita da sala
		 position_end = {x=4, y=5, z=6}, -- Posição inferior direita da sala
		 corpses_id = {2916, 2917, 2918, 2919}, -- Todos os ids do corpses
		 posicao_of_teleport = {x=7, y=8, z=9}, -- Posição para onde o teleporte vai mandar o player
		 teleport_actionid = 1837, -- Actionid do telport, não precisa colocar esse id no mapa editor.
function onDeath(cid)
 for x = config.position_initial.x, config.position_end.x do
	 for y = config.position_initial.y, config.position_end.y do
		 for z = config.position_initial.z, config.position_end.z do
			 forArea = {x = x, y = y, z = z, stackpos = 253}
			 getCorpses = getThingFromPos(forArea)
			 if isMonster(getCorpses.uid) then
			    for i = 1, #config.corpses_id do
				 if isInArray(getCorpses.uid, getTileItemById(getCorpses, i)) then
				    local teleport = doCreateTeleport(1387, config.posicao_of_teleport, config.posicao_of_teleport)
				    doItemSetAttribute(teleport, "aid", config.teleport_actionid)



<event type="death" name="monsterKillInArea" event="script" value="killMonsterInArea.lua"/>


Agora vai no arquivo do 'demon' depois de:



adicione essas linhas:


       <event name="monsterKillInArea"/>

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Brother nessa linha:


					 position_initial = {x=1, y=2, z=3}, -- Posição superior direita da sala
					 position_end = {x=4, y=5, z=6}, -- Posição inferior direita da sala


Nao era pra ser assim nao ?


					 position_initial = {x=1, y=2, z=3}, -- Posição superior direita da sala
					 position_end = {x=4, y=5, z=6}, -- Posição inferior esquerda da sala


e aonde esta a linha de posição do portal para ele nascer?


No seu script só tem para aonde ele vai levar o player, e pq eu nao tenho que colocar o ActionID no portal pelo map editor?

Como ele vai reconhecer?

Nesta linha

    <event name="monsterKillInArea"/>

Tem certeza que é isso mesmo ?

Pq a linha esta preta aki visualizando pelo notepad++ ou seja nao esta fechando comando.



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local areas = {
   [1] = {
       fromPosition = {x = 93, y = 125, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
       toPosition = {x = 95, y = 127, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
       creatureName = "Rat"

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
   local pass = true
   for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
       local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
       local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}

       local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
       local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

       local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
       local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
       if specs then
           for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
               if getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
                   pass = false

   if pass == false then
       doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
       doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
   return true


É um movement, no caso, estou considerando que o teleport já existe com um actionid no mapa.


<movevent type="StepIn" actionid="20000" event="script" value="nome_do_arquivo.lua"/>



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local areas = {
[1] = {
	fromPosition = {x = 93, y = 125, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
	toPosition = {x = 95, y = 127, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
	creatureName = "Rat"

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
local pass = true
for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
	local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
	local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}

	local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
	local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

	local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
	local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
	if specs then
		for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
			if getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
				pass = false

if pass == false then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
	doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
return true


É um movement, no caso, estou considerando que o teleport já existe com um actionid no mapa.


<movevent type="StepIn" actionid="20000" event="script" value="nome_do_arquivo.lua"/>





Cara acabei de testar


O portal ja esta criando com a coordenada para ir em bora e com o actrionID "20054" e o portal esta acessível com ou sem bixo na area, segue os scripts adicionados.



local areas = {
[1] = {
	fromPosition = {x = 1522, y = 1026, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
	toPosition = {x = 1535, y = 1034, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
	creatureName = "Rat"
[color="#282828"][size=2]function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
local pass = true
for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
	local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
	local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}[/size][/color]
[color="#282828"][size=2]		local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
	local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1[/size][/color]
[color="#282828"][size=2]		local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
	local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
	if specs then
		for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
			if getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
				pass = false
[color="#282828"][size=2]	if pass == false then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
	doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
return true




<movevent type="StepIn" actionid="20054" event="script" value="tp.lua"/>

Editado por markim1986
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Esqueci de colocar return false


local areas = {
[1] = {
	fromPosition = {x = 93, y = 125, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
	toPosition = {x = 95, y = 127, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
	creatureName = "Rat"

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
local pass = true
for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
	local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
	local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}

	local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
	local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

	local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
	local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
	if specs then
		for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
			if getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
				pass = false

if pass == false then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
	doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
	return false
return true

Editado por Oneshot
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local areas = {
   [1] = {
    fromPosition = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 7} -- upper-left sqm
    toPosition = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 7} -- lower-right sqm
    creatureName = {"Rat", "Cave Rat"}
function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
   local pass = true
   for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
    local x = {}
    x.min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)
    x.max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)
    local y = {}
    y.min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)
    y.max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)

    local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
    local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

    local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
    for _, creature in ipairs(getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)) do
	    if (type(area.creatureName) == "table" and isInArray(area.creatureName, getCreatureName(creature):lower())) or getCreatureName(creature):lower == area:creatureName:lower() then
		    pass = false

   if pass == false then
    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
    doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
    return false
   return true

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local areas = {
[1] = {
	fromPosition = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 7} -- upper-left sqm
	toPosition = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 7} -- lower-right sqm
	creatureName = {"Rat", "Cave Rat"}
function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
local pass = true
for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
	local x = {}
	x.min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)
	x.max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)
	local y = {}
	y.min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)
	y.max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)

	local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
	local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

	local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
	for _, creature in ipairs(getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)) do
		if (type(area.creatureName) == "table" and isInArray(area.creatureName, getCreatureName(creature):lower())) or getCreatureName(creature):lower == area:creatureName:lower() then
			pass = false

if pass == false then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
	doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
	return false
return true



Deu erro na hora de iniciar o server, segue o mesmo abaixo:

[17/01/2013 20:19:53] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:4: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 2) near 'toPosition'
[17/01/2013 20:19:53] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua)
[17/01/2013 20:19:53] data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:4: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 2) near 'toPosition'
[17/01/2013 20:19:53] Reloaded movements.

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local areas = {
[1] = {
	fromPosition = {x = 93, y = 125, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
	toPosition = {x = 95, y = 127, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
	creatureName = {"Rat", "Cave Rat"}

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
local pass = true
for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
	local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
	local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}

	local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
	local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

	local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
	local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
	if specs then
		for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
			if (type(area.creatureName) == "table" and isInArray(area.creatureName, getCreatureName(cn))) or getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
				pass = false

if pass == false then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
	doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
return true

Editado por Oneshot
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local areas = {
[1] = {
	fromPosition = {x = 93, y = 125, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
	toPosition = {x = 95, y = 127, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
	creatureName = {"Rat", "Cave Rat"}

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
local pass = true
for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
	local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
	local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}

	local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
	local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

	local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
	local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
	if specs then
		for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
			if (type(area.creatureName) == "table" and isInArray(area.creatureName, getCreatureName(cn))) or getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
				pass = false

if pass == false then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
	doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
return true



Esse erro quando inicia o server.

[17/01/2013 20:51:04] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:22: function arguments expected near '=='
[17/01/2013 20:51:04] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua)
[17/01/2013 20:51:04] data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:22: function arguments expected near '=='
[17/01/2013 20:51:04] Reloaded movements.

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Eu testei aqui, está funcionando normal, copie o script corretamente do post acima.



Realmente tinha sido erro meu, mas ainda pesiste o erro:


[17/01/2013 21:34:29] [Error - MoveEvents Interface]
[17/01/2013 21:34:29] data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:onStepIn
[17/01/2013 21:34:29] Description:
[17/01/2013 21:34:29] data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:22: attempt to call method 'lower' (a nil value)
[17/01/2013 21:34:29] stack traceback:
[17/01/2013 21:34:29]  data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:22: in function <data/movements/scripts/travarespow.lua:9>


o mesmo acontece quando o cave rat esta na area ou seja, quando esta somente o Rat eu nao passo no teleport, quando esta somente o Cave Rat eu passo no teleporte e vem o erro esposto acima!

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local areas = {
   [1] = {
    fromPosition = {x = 93, y = 125, z = 7}, -- upper-left sqm
    toPosition = {x = 95, y = 127, z = 7}, -- lower-right sqm
    creatureName = {"Rat", "Cave Rat"}

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, lastPosition, fromPosition, toPosition, actor)
   local pass = true
   for _, area in ipairs(areas) do
    local x = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.x, area.toPosition.x)}
    local y = {min = math.min(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y), max = math.max(area.fromPosition.y, area.toPosition.y)}

    local width = ((x.max - x.min) / 2) + 1
    local lenght = ((y.max - y.min) / 2) + 1

    local center = {x = x.min + width, y = y.min + lenght, z = area.fromPosition.z}
    local specs = getSpectators(center, width, lenght, false)
    if specs then
	    for _, cn in ipairs(specs) do
		    if type(area.creatureName) == "table" and isInArray(area.creatureName, getCreatureName(cn)) then
			    pass = false
		    elseif getCreatureName(cn):lower() == area.creatureName:lower() then
			    pass = false

   if pass == false then
    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need to kill all the monsters in the area to pass.")
    doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
    return false
   return true

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