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Azerus Script Movements



[14/10/2012 1:13:43] [Error - MoveEvents Interface]

[14/10/2012 1:13:43] data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:onStepIn

[14/10/2012 1:13:43] Description:

[14/10/2012 1:13:43] attempt to index a nil value

[14/10/2012 1:13:43] stack traceback:

[14/10/2012 1:13:43] [C]: in function 'doTeleportThing'

[14/10/2012 1:13:43] data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:47: in function <data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:1>


[14/10/2012 1:13:46] [Error - MoveEvents Interface]

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:onStepIn

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] Description:

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] attempt to index a nil value

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] stack traceback:

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] [C]: in function 'doTeleportThing'

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:47: in function <data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:1>


[14/10/2012 1:13:46] [Error - MoveEvents Interface]

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:onStepIn

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] Description:

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] attempt to index a nil value

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] stack traceback:

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] [C]: in function 'doTeleportThing'

[14/10/2012 1:13:46] data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:47: in function <data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:1>


[14/10/2012 1:13:57] [Error - MoveEvents Interface]

[14/10/2012 1:13:57] data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:onStepIn

[14/10/2012 1:13:57] Description:

[14/10/2012 1:13:57] attempt to index a nil value

[14/10/2012 1:13:57] stack traceback:

[14/10/2012 1:13:57] [C]: in function 'doTeleportThing'

[14/10/2012 1:13:57] data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:47: in function <data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:1>


porque esta dando esse erro?

o servidor as vezes cai quando ta dando esse erro, e as vezes demora um tempo para cair mais sempre ta esse erro no meio...


alguem poderia me da uma ajuda me informando pelo menos porque o do erro?

meu distro é 9.6


esse é o script



function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)




local queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 50001)


if item.actionid == 1974 and queststatus == -1 then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "It seems by defeating Azerus you have stoped this army from entering your world! Better leave this ghastly place forever.")

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 4765, 1)

return TRUE



if item.actionid == 1973 and queststatus == -1 then

-- Here is the code start:

starting={x = 32778, y = 31160, z = 10, stackpos = 253}

checking={x=starting.x, y=starting.y, z=starting.z, stackpos=starting.stackpos}

ending={x = 32788, y = 31172, z = 10, stackpos = 253}



monster = {}


creature= getThingfromPos(checking)

if creature.itemid > 0 then

if getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) == 0 then



if getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) ~= 0 and getPlayerAccess(creature.uid) ~= 3 then






if checking.x>ending.x then




until checking.y>ending.y

if players==0 then

trash= {x=33193, y=31689, z=15}





until current>=totalmonsters


-- Here is the end of it


doTeleportThing(cid, player_pos_entrada)

doSendMagicEffect(player_pos_entrada, 10)



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, 'Você já terminou a quest!')



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talvez seja pq nao tem essa variavel ae no script ;x ...

doTeleportThing(cid, player_pos_entrada)

-alias.. eita script confuso o.O-

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eu acho que esse script faz , quando termina a quest os monstros que estao la serem teleportado pra longe para quem for fazer denovo ta limpo o local...


porem eu tirei a action do script e os monstros ficam la... agora nao sei o que faço, mais deixa esse script ai nao vou fica dando aquele montao de erro as vezes até cai, vamo ve agora.

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tens q por as actions IDs no mapa denovo... ;x

e tenta usar esse script aki.. achu q n vai da erro..


function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)


local queststatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 50001)

local player_pos_entrada = {x = 1000, y = 1000, z = 7} --coloque a pos pra onde o player q pisou no piso vai ser teleportado!

local starting={x = 32778, y = 31160, z = 10}

local ending={x = 32788, y = 31172, z = 10}

local trash= {x=33193, y=31689, z=15}

local players = 0

local total = 0

local monster = {}




if item.actionid == 1974 and queststatus == -1 then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "It seems by defeating Azerus you have stoped this army from entering your world! Better leave this ghastly place forever.")

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 4765, 1)

return TRUE



if item.actionid == 1973 and queststatus == -1 then


for x = starting.x, ending.x do

for y = starting.y, ending.y do

local creature = getThingfromPos({x = x, y = y, z = starting.z, stackpos = 253}).uid

if isPlayer(creature) then players = players+1 end

if isMonster(creature) then monster[total+1] = creature total = total+1 end




if #monster > 0 and players == 0 then

for i = 1, #monster do

doTeleportThing(monster, trash)




doTeleportThing(cid, player_pos_entrada)

doSendMagicEffect(player_pos_entrada, 10)



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, 'Você já terminou a quest!')


return true



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local player_pos_entrada = {x = 1000, y = 1000, z = 7}


Isso ai vai ser a entrada do Player, o piso do qual o player vai PISAR(obvio) e ativar o Movent...

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a no caso é um teleport entao coloco as cordenadas aonde o teleport esta?



deu esse erro depois que coloquei



[27/10/2012 20:26:32] [Error - MoveEvents Interface]

[27/10/2012 20:26:32] data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:onStepIn

[27/10/2012 20:26:32] Description:

[27/10/2012 20:26:32] (luaDoTeleportThing) Thing not found


[27/10/2012 20:26:32] [Error - MoveEvents Interface]

[27/10/2012 20:26:32] data/movements/scripts/azerus.lua:onStepIn

[27/10/2012 20:26:32] Description:

[27/10/2012 20:26:32] (luaDoTeleportThing) Thing not found

Editado por TitanicoxD
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