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[Ajuda] Ring Of Exp No Exp Por Hit



Fala galera,

Intao esout usando o sistema de exp por hit do xxotserv mais com stages, e junto a ele tem pra usa com ring of exp mais o ring n funciona intao peço um ajuda por favor segue abaixo o script


rateExp = 30 -- 0 a 50
rateExp1 = 20 -- 50 a 100
rateExp2 = 10 -- 101 a 150
rateExp3 = 6 -- 151 a 200
rateExp4 = 4 -- 201 a 350
rateExp5 = 2 -- 351 a 380
rateExp6 = 0.5 -- 381 a 430
rateExp7 = 0.3 --431 em diante
bonus = 1000 -- Bonus por estar com exp ring
expringid = 148 -- Id do exp ring

function CalculeExp(monsterhp, exptotal, hit)
local x = hit <= monsterhp and math.ceil(exptotal * hit / monsterhp) or 0
local x2 = x - 20 + math.random(20)
return x2 > 0 and x2 or 0

function isSummon(uid)
return uid ~= getCreatureMaster(uid) or false

function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value)
if isMonster(cid) then
if isCreature(attacker) then
local sid = isSummon(attacker) == true and getCreatureMaster(attacker) or attacker

if isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerLevel(sid) <= 50 then
local expg = CalculeExp(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), getMonsterExperience(getCreatureName(cid)) * rateExp, value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 23, "Você Ganhou "..expg.." exp.")
doPlayerAddExp(sid, expg)

elseif isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerLevel(sid) <= 100 then
local expg1 = CalculeExp(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), getMonsterExperience(getCreatureName(cid)) * rateExp1, value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 23, "Você Ganhou "..expg1.." exp.")
doPlayerAddExp(sid, expg1)

elseif isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerLevel(sid) <= 150 then
local expg2 = CalculeExp(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), getMonsterExperience(getCreatureName(cid)) * rateExp2, value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 23, "Você Ganhou "..expg2.." exp.")
doPlayerAddExp(sid, expg2)

elseif isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerLevel(sid) <= 200 then
local expg3 = CalculeExp(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), getMonsterExperience(getCreatureName(cid)) * rateExp3, value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 23, "Você Ganhou "..expg3.." exp.")
doPlayerAddExp(sid, expg3)

elseif isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerLevel(sid) <= 350 then
local expg4 = CalculeExp(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), getMonsterExperience(getCreatureName(cid)) * rateExp4, value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 23, "Você Ganhou "..expg4.." exp.")
doPlayerAddExp(sid, expg4)

elseif isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerLevel(sid) <= 380 then
local expg5 = CalculeExp(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), getMonsterExperience(getCreatureName(cid)) * rateExp5, value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 23, "Você Ganhou "..expg5.." exp.")
doPlayerAddExp(sid, expg5)

elseif isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerLevel(sid) <= 430 then
local expg6 = CalculeExp(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), getMonsterExperience(getCreatureName(cid)) * rateExp6, value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 23, "Você Ganhou "..expg6.." exp.")
doPlayerAddExp(sid, expg6)

elseif isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerLevel(sid) <= 500 then
local expg7 = CalculeExp(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), getMonsterExperience(getCreatureName(cid)) * rateExp7, value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 23, "Você Ganhou "..expg7.." exp.")
doPlayerAddExp(sid, expg7)

elseif isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerItemCount(cid,148) then
local expbonus = CalculeExp(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), getMonsterExperience(getCreatureName(cid)) * bonus, value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 23, "Você Ganhou "..expbonus.." ROE exp.")
doPlayerAddExp(sid, expbonus)

elseif type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHGAIN then
return false
return true

function onCombat(cid, target)
if isMonster(target) and not isSummon(target) and not isPlayer(target) then
registerCreatureEvent(target, "ExpGain")
return true

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