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[Resolvido] Bug Inquisition (Global 9.52)



Galera estou criando um servidor mapa global full versão 9.52 esta tudo beleza só que na inquisition quest, quando eu passo em algum teleport la, tipo para ir nos bosses ou para sair de uma sala da dbug no char, e os trono da poi eu subo nele aparece a mensagem mais não consigo passar pelo bloquei para ir a sala de premios, jaja estarei postando o script da poi mais ja segue o script da inqui, creio que só precisa alterar alguma função.



local config = {

bosses={---aid of portal, position where it sends, value it sets, text it shows

[1001] = {pos={x=33069, y=31783, z=13, stackpos=1}, value=1, text="Entering The Crystal Caves"},

[1002] = {pos={x=33371, y=31613, z=14, stackpos=1}, value=2, text="Entering The Blood Halls"},

[1003] = {pos={x=33153, y=31781, z=12, stackpos=1}, value=3, text="Entering The Vats"},

[1004] = {pos={x=33038, y=31753, z=15, stackpos=1}, value=4, text="Entering The Arcanum"},

[1005] = {pos={x=33199, y=31686, z=12, stackpos=1}, value=5, text="Entering The Hive"},

[1006] = {pos={x=33111, y=31682, z=12, stackpos=1}, value=6, text="Entering The Shadow Nexus"}


mainroom={---aid, position, lowest value that can use this portal, text

[2001] = {pos={x=33069, y=31783, z=13, stackpos=1}, value=1, text="Entering The Crystal Caves"},

[2002] = {pos={x=33371, y=31613, z=14, stackpos=1}, value=2, text="Entering The Blood Halls"},

[2003] = {pos={x=33153, y=31781, z=12, stackpos=1}, value=3, text="Entering The Vats"},

[2004] = {pos={x=33038, y=31753, z=15, stackpos=1}, value=4, text="Entering The Arcanum"},

[2005] = {pos={x=33199, y=31686, z=12, stackpos=1}, value=5, text="Entering The Hive"} },

portals={---aid, position, text

[3000] = {pos={x=33163, y=31708, z=14}, text="Escaping back to the Retreat!"},

[3001] = {pos={x=33158, y=31728, z=11}, text="Entering The Ward of Ushuriel"},

[3002] = {pos={x=33169, y=31755, z=13}, text="Entering The Undersea Kingdom"},

[3003] = {pos={x=33124, y=31692, z=11}, text="Entering The Ward of Zugurosh"},

[3004] = {pos={x=33356, y=31590, z=11}, text="Entering The Foundry"},

[3005] = {pos={x=33197, y=31767, z=11}, text="Entering The Ward of Madareth"},

[3006] = {pos={x=33250, y=31632, z=13}, text="Entering The Battlefield"},

[3007] = {pos={x=33232, y=31733, z=11}, text="Entering The Ward of The Demon Twins"},

[3008] = {pos={x=33094, y=31575, z=11}, text="Entering The Soul Wells"},

[3009] = {pos={x=33197, y=31703, z=11}, text="Entering The Ward of Annihilon"},

[3010] = {pos={x=33105, y=31734, z=11}, text="Entering The Ward of Hellgorak"} },

storage=56123,---storage used in boss and mainroom portals

e={} }----dunno whats this but have to be like this to make doCreatureSayWithDelay working, DON'T TOUCH}

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)

if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then

if(config.bosses[item.actionid]) then

local t= config.bosses[item.actionid]

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,< t.value then

setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, t.value)


doTeleportThing(cid, t.pos)


doCreatureSay(cid,t.text,19,1, config.e)

elseif(config.mainroom[item.actionid]) then

local t= config.mainroom[item.actionid]

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,>=t.value then

doTeleportThing(cid, t.pos)




doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition)


doCreatureSay(cid, 'You don\'t have enough energy to enter this portal', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)


elseif(config.portals[item.actionid]) then

local t= config.portals[item.actionid]

doTeleportThing(cid, t.pos)






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Vlw novamente mano, agora eu to com um problema grave, quando o player morrer não aparece a morte, nem na database nem no site ;/


e como resolvo esse erro, ta dando na talkactions das mounts



[13:34:33.428] > Loading talkactions... [Error - LuaInterface::loadFile] data/talkactions/scripts/mount.lua:3: unexpected symbol near '['

[13:34:33.428] [Error - Event::checkScript] Cannot load script (data/talkactions/scripts/mount.lua)

[13:34:33.428] data/talkactions/scripts/mount.lua:3: unexpected symbol near '['

[13:34:33.499] done.

[13:34:43.705] > Loading movements... done.


o script da mount


function onSay(cid, words, param)


local table = {

["widow queen"] = {price = 0, id = 1},

["racing bird"] = {price = 0, id = 2},

["war bear"] = {price = 0, id = 3},

["black sheep"] = {price = 0, id = 4},

["midnight panther"] = {price = 0, id = 5},

["draptor"] = {price = 0, id = 6},

["titanica"] = {price = 0, id = 7},

["tin lizzard"] = {price = 0, id = 8},

["blazebringer"] = {price = 0, id = 9},

["rapid boar"] = {price = 0, id = 10},

["stampor"] = {price = 0, id = 11},

["undead cavebear"] = {price = 0, id = 12},

["donkey"] = {price = 0, id = 13},

["tiger slug"] = {price = 0, id = 14},

["uniwheel"] = {price = 0, id = 15},

["crystal wolf"] = {price = 0, id = 16},

["war horse"] = {price = 0, id = 17},

["kingly deer"] = {price = 0, id = 18},

["tamed panda"] = {price = 0, id = 19},

["dromedary"] = {price = 0, id = 20},

["sandstone scorpion"] = {price = 0, id = 21},

["rented horse"] = {price = 0, id = 22},

["fire war horse"] = {price = 0, id = 23},

["shadow draptor"] = {price = 0, id = 24}

["rented horse"] = {price = 0, id = 25},

["rented horse"] = {price = 0, id = 26},

["ladybug"] = {price = 0, id = 27},

["manta ray"] = {price = 0, id = 28}



local msg = {"You have to choice one: donkey,manta ray,ladybug,rented horse,shadow draptor,fire war horse,rented horse,sandstone scorpion,dromedary,tamed panda,kingly deer,crystal wolf,war horse,uniwheel,tiger slug,widow queen,racing bird,war bear,black sheep,midnight panther,draptor,titanica,tin lizzard,blazebringer,rapid boar,stampor,undead cavebear", "You dont have Mount Doll..", "Not A Good Param..", "Full Mount Set sucesfully added..","You already got this mount"}

local param = string.lower(param)

local t = table[param]



if(getPlayerItemCount(cid, 16107) > 0) then

if(param ~= "" and t) then

if t and not getPlayerMount(cid, then

doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 16107, 1)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg[4])

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_GIFT_WRAPS)



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg[5])



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg[1])



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg[2])




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esse bug das mortes nao sei dizer asim, talves seja a tabela de mortes da database, procure por alguma e execute no phpmyadmin..


facil, voce esqueceu de uma virgula kk.

function onSay(cid, words, param)


local table = {

["widow queen"] = {price = 0, id = 1},

["racing bird"] = {price = 0, id = 2},

["war bear"] = {price = 0, id = 3},

["black sheep"] = {price = 0, id = 4},

["midnight panther"] = {price = 0, id = 5},

["draptor"] = {price = 0, id = 6},

["titanica"] = {price = 0, id = 7},

["tin lizzard"] = {price = 0, id = 8},

["blazebringer"] = {price = 0, id = 9},

["rapid boar"] = {price = 0, id = 10},

["stampor"] = {price = 0, id = 11},

["undead cavebear"] = {price = 0, id = 12},

["donkey"] = {price = 0, id = 13},

["tiger slug"] = {price = 0, id = 14},

["uniwheel"] = {price = 0, id = 15},

["crystal wolf"] = {price = 0, id = 16},

["war horse"] = {price = 0, id = 17},

["kingly deer"] = {price = 0, id = 18},

["tamed panda"] = {price = 0, id = 19},

["dromedary"] = {price = 0, id = 20},

["sandstone scorpion"] = {price = 0, id = 21},

["rented horse"] = {price = 0, id = 22},

["fire war horse"] = {price = 0, id = 23},

["shadow draptor"] = {price = 0, id = 24},

["rented horse"] = {price = 0, id = 25},

["rented horse"] = {price = 0, id = 26},

["ladybug"] = {price = 0, id = 27},

["manta ray"] = {price = 0, id = 28}



local msg = {"You have to choice one: donkey,manta ray,ladybug,rented horse,shadow draptor,fire war horse,rented horse,sandstone scorpion,dromedary,tamed panda,kingly deer,crystal wolf,war horse,uniwheel,tiger slug,widow queen,racing bird,war bear,black sheep,midnight panther,draptor,titanica,tin lizzard,blazebringer,rapid boar,stampor,undead cavebear", "You dont have Mount Doll..", "Not A Good Param..", "Full Mount Set sucesfully added..","You already got this mount"}

local param = string.lower(param)

local t = table[param]



if(getPlayerItemCount(cid, 16107) > 0) then

if(param ~= "" and t) then

if t and not getPlayerMount(cid, then

doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 16107, 1)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg[4])

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_GIFT_WRAPS)



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg[5])



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg[1])



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg[2])





vou te perguntar uma coisa por pm, ve la

Editado por öKTöBëR
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