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Npc Mount Seller Por Items [8.7+]


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function getItemsFromList(items) -- by vodka
local str = ''
if table.maxn(items) > 0 then
for i = 1, table.maxn(items) do
str = str .. items[i][2] .. ' ' .. getItemNameById(items[i][1])
if i ~= table.maxn(items) then str = str .. ', ' end end end
return str
function doRemoveItemsFromList(cid,items) -- by vodka
local count = 0
if table.maxn(items) > 0 then
for i = 1, table.maxn(items) do
if getPlayerItemCount(cid,items[i][1]) >= items[i][2] then
count = count + 1 end  end  end
if count == table.maxn(items) then
for i = 1, table.maxn(items) do doPlayerRemoveItem(cid,items[i][1],items[i][2]) end
else return false end
return true end





Mount Seller.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<npc name="Mount Seller" script="data/npc/scripts/buymount.lua" walkinterval="50000" floorchange="0">
<health now="100" max="100"/>
<look type="129" head="95" body="116" legs="121" feet="115" addons="3"/>
<parameter key="message_greet" value="Hello |PLAYERNAME|.I have many {mounts} to sell for you!" />





local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)  npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)  npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink()  npcHandler:onThink() end
function AddMount(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) --by vodka
if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
return false
if (isPlayerPremiumCallback == nil or isPlayerPremiumCallback(cid) == true or parameters.premium == false) then
if(parameters.level ~= nil and getPlayerLevel(cid) < parameters.level) then
npcHandler:say('You must reach level ' .. parameters.level .. ' to buy this mount.', cid)
elseif canPlayerRideMount(cid, parameters.mountid) then
npcHandler:say('you already have this mount!', cid)
elseif not doRemoveItemsFromList(cid,parameters.items) then
npcHandler:say('Sorry You need '..getItemsFromList(parameters.items)..' to buy this mount!', cid)
doPlayerAddMount(cid, parameters.mountid)
npcHandler:say('Here is your mount!', cid)
npcHandler:say('I can only allow premium players to buy this mount.', cid)
return true
local mounts = {
{"widow queen", items = {{2124,1},{2393,2}}, mountid = 1, level = 10, premium = false},
{"racing bird", items = {{2494,1},{2393,2}}, mountid = 2, level = 15, premium = true},
{"mounts", text = "I sell these mounts: {widow queen},{racing bird},{war Bear},{black sheep},{midnight panther},{draptor},{titanica},{tin lizzard}.{blazebringer},{rapid boar},{stampor} or {undead cavebear}!"}
for i = 1, #mounts do local get = mounts[i] if type(get.items) == "table" then
local node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({get[1]}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = "You want to buy the mount " .. get[1] .. " for "..getItemsFromList(get.items).." ?"})
node:addChildKeyword({"yes"}, AddMount, {items = get.items,mountid = get.mountid, level = get.level, premium = get.premium})
node:addChildKeyword({"no"}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = "Ok, then.", reset = true})
else keywordHandler:addKeyword({get[1]}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = get.text}) end end
mounts = nil npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new())




local mounts = {
{"widow queen", items = {{2124,1},{2393,2}}, mountid = 1, level = 10, premium = false},
{"racing bird", items = {{2494,1},{2393,2}}, mountid = 2, level = 15, premium = true},
{"mounts", text = "I sell these mounts: {widow queen},{racing bird},{war Bear},{black sheep},{midnight panther},{draptor},{titanica},{tin lizzard}.{blazebringer},{rapid boar},{stampor} or {undead cavebear}!"}


"nome da montaria"

items = {} -- é os items que precisa ter trocar pela mount

mountid -- é o id da montaria

level -- level necessario para comprar

premium -- se precisa ser premium para comprar

text -- n precisa mexer,é para saber que montaria ele pode comprar,pode adicionar + nome na lista se quiser


adicionando mount então por exemplo war bear:


local mounts = {
{"widow queen", items = {{2124,1},{2393,2}}, mountid = 1, level = 10, premium = false},
{"racing bird", items = {{2494,1},{2393,2}}, mountid = 2, level = 15, premium = true},
{"war bear", items = {{2123,2},{2124,1},{2173,1}}, mountid = 3, level = 20, premium = false},
{"mounts", text = "I sell these mounts: {widow queen},{racing bird},{war Bear},{black sheep},{midnight panther},{draptor},{titanica},{tin lizzard}.{blazebringer},{rapid boar},{stampor} or {undead cavebear}!"}

Editado por Vodkart
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Vod nao teria como por algumas montarias do 8.70 no 8.60 ?


Irei responder pelo Vodkart, não vou dizer que isso é impossivel, mais é bem dificil tem que ser um ótimo programador não só mexer no server mais também saber editar o cliente, até

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