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Sistema Vip Por Item Com Nik [Vip]



e ae galera...

eu tenhu sistema por item q usa actions la...

vo mandar abaixo a script


function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)


local config={

removeOnUse = "yes" -- remover quando usar ("yes" or "no")



local days = 15 -- dias que serão adicionados

local daysvalue = days * 24 * 60 * 60

local storageplayer = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540)

local timenow = os.time()


if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540) - os.time() <= 0 then

time = timenow + daysvalue


time = storageplayer + daysvalue



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Foram adicionados ".. days .." dias de VIP no seu character.")

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540, time)

local quantity = math.floor((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540) - timenow)/(24 * 60 * 60))

doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), math.random(28,30))

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você tem ".. quantity .." dias de VIP restantes.")

if (config.removeOnUse == "yes") then

doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)



return TRUE





ali no caso 15 dias...

quando eu entra na area vip

aparece : seja bem vindo a area vip...

e eu keria q aparecesse em branco quando q a vip ira termina...

por exemplo

se eu ativa ela por 1 dia no dia 5/03

eu kero q apareca: sua vip acaba em 6/06

e outra...

tem q dar o nome [VIP] no nik 1 vez so...

q eu use o item ele de o nome e nao de mais de 1 vez...

ele desloga o char e vem com [VIP] ja...

usando ele 2 vezes ele tem q fala : vc ja possui nik [VIP]

e quando acaba os dias

remover o nik [VIP] ...

e se puderem fazer a life a e mana dobrarem ao ativar a vip...

poor exemplo. se eu tenhu 20k de life 20k de mana

quando ativa a vip fika

40k de mana e 40k de life...

se alguem puder ajudar eu agradeco muito... :)

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tem esse q se chama vipsystem


-- configs

templepos = {x=200,y=200,z=7}

cityid = 1

-- end configs


function onLogin(cid)

timenow = os.time()

viptime = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,29000)

quantity = math.floor((getPlayerStorageValue(cid,29000) - timenow)(360024))

if quantity = 0 and viptime 0 then



-- setPlayerTown (estou sem minha listinha de functions para ver qual function que é para colocar townid), você pode colocar aqui se quiser


return TRUE




tem esse q eh vipadd


function onAdvance(cid, oldlevel, newlevel)


days = 2

daysvalue = days*3600*24

storageplayer = getPlayerStorageValue(player,13540)

timenow = os.time()

if storageplayer == -1 or storageplayer == 0 then

time = timenow+daysvalue


time = storageplayer+daysvalue



if getPlayerLevel(cid) == 180 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,9090) == -1 then



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22, "Você recebeu dois dias de Vip.")


return TRUE



tem esse q eh vip2


local pos = {x=160, y=51, z=7}


pos = {x=160, y=51, z=7}


function onLogin(cid)

if vip.hasVip(cid) == true then

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,55555) ~= 1 then



elseif vip.hasVip(cid) ~= true and vip.getVip(cid) ~= 0 then

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,55555) == 1 then

doTeleportThing(cid, pos, true)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Sua Vip ACABOU!")

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Sua Vip ACABOU!")

setPlayerPromotionLevel(cid, 1)


elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid,55555) == -1 then






return true


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aki ta o creatures.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<event type="login" name="PlayerLogin" event="script" value="login.lua"/>

<event type="login" name="ExpVip" script="vipexp.lua"/>

<event type="joinchannel" name="GuildMotd" event="script" value="guildmotd.lua"/>

<event type="receivemail" name="Mail" event="script" value="mail.lua"/>

<event type="reportbug" name="SaveReportBug" script="reportbug.lua"/>


<event type="think" name="Idle" event="script" value="idle.lua"/>

<event type="think" name="SkullCheck" event="script" value="skullcheck.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="PlayerDeath" event="script" value="playerdeath.lua"/>

<event type="login" name="FirstItems" event="script" value="firstitems.lua"/>

<event type="login" name="VipLogin" script="vip.lua"/>


<event type="PrepareDeath" name="pvparena" script="pvparena.lua"/>

<event type="advance" name="advance" script="advance.lua"/>

<event type="attack" name="attackguild" script="attackguild.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="incendio" script="incendioMonster.lua"/>


e aki ta o talkactions.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- Gods -->

<talkaction log="yes" words="/addskill" access="5" event="function" value="addSkill"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/attr" access="5" event="function" value="thingProporties"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/serverdiag" access="5" event="function" value="diagnostics"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/closeserver" access="5" event="script" value="closeopen.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/openserver" access="5" event="script" value="closeopen.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/promote;/demote" access="5" event="script" value="promote.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/shutdown" access="5" event="script" value="shutdown.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="5" words="/mode" event="script" value="mode.lua"/>


<!-- Community Managers -->

<talkaction log="yes" words="/s" access="4" event="script" value="summon.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/n" access="4" event="script" value="creature.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/m" access="4" event="script" value="creature.lua"/>

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<talkaction log="yes" words="/bc" access="4" event="script" value="broadcastclass.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="4" words="/mkick" event="script" value="masskick.lua"/>


<!-- Gamemasters -->

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<talkaction log="yes" words="/mc" access="3" event="script" value="multicheck.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="3" words="/wp" event="script" value="waypoints.lua"/>


<!-- Senior Tutors -->

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<talkaction log="yes" words="/gethouse" access="2" event="script" value="gethouse.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="2" words="/b" event="script" value="broadcast.lua"/>


<!-- Tutors -->

<talkaction log="yes" words="/baninfo" access="1" event="function" value="banishmentInfo"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="1" words="/pos" event="script" value="position.lua"/>


<!-- Players -->

<talkaction words="!frags" event="script" value="frags.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!online" event="script" value="online.lua"/>

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<talkaction words="!addon" event="script" value="addondoll.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!vipdays;!buyvip;/checkvip;/addvip;/delvip" script="systemvip.lua"/>


<!-- Houses -->

<talkaction words="!buyhouse" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseBuy"/>

<talkaction words="!sellhouse" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseSell"/>

<talkaction words="alana sio" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseKick"/>

<talkaction words="aleta grav" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseDoorList"/>

<talkaction words="aleta sio" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseGuestList"/>

<talkaction words="aleta som" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseSubOwnerList"/>

<talkaction words="alana som" filter="word-spaced" event="script" value="leavehouse.lua"/>


<!-- Guilds -->

<talkaction words="!createguild" event="function" value="guildCreate"/>

<talkaction words="!joinguild" event="function" value="guildJoin"/>


<!-- (Deprecated) Redirect old '/' to '!' -->

<talkaction words="/online" hide="yes" event="script" value="online.lua"/>

<talkaction words="/uptime" hide="yes" event="script" value="uptime.lua"/>

<talkaction words="/pvp" hide="yes" event="script" value="pvp.lua"/>

<talkaction words="/serverinfo" hide="yes" event="script" value="serverinfo.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="1" hide="yes" words="!pos" event="script" value="position.lua"/>


<!-- Custom systems -->

<action itemid="8187" script="systemvip.lua" />

<talkaction words="!aol" script="systemaol.lua" />

<talkaction words="!notice" event="script" value="notice.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!rank" script="ranks.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!service" event="script" value="Fragas.lua"/>

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<talkaction words="!unjail" script="Cadeia.lua"/>

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<talkaction filter="word" words="/guild" script="guildcast.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!afk" event="script" value="afk.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!treinando" event="script" value="treinando.lua"/>

<!-- custon By Revange -->

<!-- pollsystem talkactions -->

<talkaction words="!createpoll" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!activatepoll" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!cancelpoll" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

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<talkaction words="!votepoll" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>


<talkaction words="love" script="love.lua"/>


<talkaction words="!attackguild" event="script" value="attackguild.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!vipdays" event="script" value="vip/vipdays.lua" />

<talkaction words="/addvip" script="addvip2.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/vip" access="5" event="script" value="vip/addvipp.lua" />


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aqui está seu talkactions.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- Gods -->

<talkaction log="yes" words="/addskill" access="5" event="function" value="addSkill"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/attr" access="5" event="function" value="thingProporties"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/serverdiag" access="5" event="function" value="diagnostics"/>

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<talkaction log="yes" words="/openserver" access="5" event="script" value="closeopen.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/promote;/demote" access="5" event="script" value="promote.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/shutdown" access="5" event="script" value="shutdown.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="5" words="/mode" event="script" value="mode.lua"/>


<!-- Community Managers -->

<talkaction log="yes" words="/s" access="4" event="script" value="summon.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/n" access="4" event="script" value="creature.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/m" access="4" event="script" value="creature.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/reload" access="4" event="script" value="reload.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/raid" access="4" event="script" value="raid.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/newtype" access="4" event="script" value="newtype.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/r" access="4" event="script" value="remove.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/owner" access="4" event="script" value="owner.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/storage" access="4" event="script" value="storage.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/config" access="4" event="script" value="configinfo.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/i" access="4" event="script" value="createitem.lua"/>

<talkaction access="4" words="/z" event="script" value="magiceffect.lua"/>

<talkaction access="4" words="/x" event="script" value="animationeffect.lua"/>

<talkaction access="4" words="/y" event="script" value="animatedtext.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/bc" access="4" event="script" value="broadcastclass.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="4" words="/mkick" event="script" value="masskick.lua"/>


<!-- Gamemasters -->

<talkaction log="yes" words="/ghost" access="3" event="function" value="ghost"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/squelch" access="3" event="script" value="gamemaster.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/cliport" access="3" event="script" value="gamemaster.lua"/>

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<talkaction log="yes" words="/goto" access="3" event="script" value="teleportto.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/a" access="3" event="script" value="teleporttiles.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/kick" access="3" event="script" value="kick.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/send" access="3" event="script" value="teleportsend.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/unban" access="3" event="script" value="unban.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/town" access="3" event="script" value="teleporttown.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/up" access="3" event="script" value="teleportfloor.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/down" access="3" event="script" value="teleportfloor.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/save" access="3" event="script" value="save.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/clean" access="3" event="script" value="clean.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/reports" access="3" event="script" value="reports.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/mc" access="3" event="script" value="multicheck.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="3" words="/wp" event="script" value="waypoints.lua"/>


<!-- Senior Tutors -->

<talkaction log="yes" words="/notations" access="2" event="script" value="notations.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/info" access="2" event="script" value="playerinfo.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" words="/gethouse" access="2" event="script" value="gethouse.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="2" words="/b" event="script" value="broadcast.lua"/>


<!-- Tutors -->

<talkaction log="yes" words="/baninfo" access="1" event="function" value="banishmentInfo"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="1" words="/pos" event="script" value="position.lua"/>


<!-- Players -->

<talkaction words="!frags" event="script" value="frags.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!online" event="script" value="online.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!uptime" event="script" value="uptime.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!pvp" event="script" value="pvp.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!q" event="script" value="money.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!serverinfo" event="script" value="serverinfo.lua"/>

<talkaction words="/commands" event="script" value="commands.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!addon" event="script" value="addondoll.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!vipdays;!buyvip;/checkvip;/addvip;/delvip" script="systemvip.lua"/>


<!-- Houses -->

<talkaction words="!buyhouse" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseBuy"/>

<talkaction words="!sellhouse" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseSell"/>

<talkaction words="alana sio" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseKick"/>

<talkaction words="aleta grav" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseDoorList"/>

<talkaction words="aleta sio" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseGuestList"/>

<talkaction words="aleta som" filter="word-spaced" event="function" value="houseSubOwnerList"/>

<talkaction words="alana som" filter="word-spaced" event="script" value="leavehouse.lua"/>


<!-- Guilds -->

<talkaction words="!createguild" event="function" value="guildCreate"/>

<talkaction words="!joinguild" event="function" value="guildJoin"/>


<!-- (Deprecated) Redirect old '/' to '!' -->

<talkaction words="/online" hide="yes" event="script" value="online.lua"/>

<talkaction words="/uptime" hide="yes" event="script" value="uptime.lua"/>

<talkaction words="/pvp" hide="yes" event="script" value="pvp.lua"/>

<talkaction words="/serverinfo" hide="yes" event="script" value="serverinfo.lua"/>

<talkaction log="yes" access="1" hide="yes" words="!pos" event="script" value="position.lua"/>


<!-- Custom systems -->

<action itemid="8187" script="systemvip.lua" />

<talkaction words="!aol" script="systemaol.lua" />

<talkaction words="!notice" event="script" value="notice.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!rank" script="ranks.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!service" event="script" value="Fragas.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!jail" script="Cadeia.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!unjail" script="Cadeia.lua"/>

<talkaction words="/jail" script="Cadeia.lua"/>

<talkaction words="/unjail" script="Cadeia.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!necromancer" script="demonic.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!nightmare" script="love.lua"/>


<talkaction filter="word" words="/guild" script="guildcast.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!afk" event="script" value="afk.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!treinando" event="script" value="treinando.lua"/>

<!-- pollsystem talkactions -->

<talkaction words="!createpoll" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!activatepoll" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!cancelpoll" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!seepoll" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!seeresults" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!remvotes" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!rempoll" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!votepoll" event="script" value="PollSystem.lua"/>

<talkaction words="love" script="love.lua"/>

<talkaction words="!attackguild" event="script" value="attackguild.lua"/>


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Seguinte, eu estou TENTANDO ver qual o seu sistema vip, mas está difícil. Você vai ter que me ajudar. Siga os passos a seguir:


Qual o comando que se usa no seu server para comprar vip?


Ok, se você sabe qual o comando que se usa para comprar vip, então vá em talkactions.xml e procure onde esta este comando, exatamente igual.


Feito isso, veja o nome do script referente a este comando e poste-o.


Segunda coisa:


Vá em CreatureScripts.xml, ache o arquivo vip.lua e poste-o.

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eh assim...

tem 5 itens...

cada 1 deles da vip tipo...


id 001 --- 15 dias

id 002 --- 30 dias

id 003 --- 60 dias

id 004 --- 90 dias

id 005 --- 360 dias...


ai eh assim

vc clica em um deles dai ganha vio por determinados dias...

nao tem mais o comando !buyvip

eu tirei...

ai eu kero q de o nome [VIP] e q tente dobra a life a mana quando ativa ele.

le la em cima oke eu pedi

vo manda os arquivos dele.




no caso ta aki ow...


<!-- Other -->

<action itemid="10310" script="VIP15.lua" />

<action itemid="10311" script="VIP30.lua" />

<action itemid="10312" script="VIP60.lua" />

<action itemid="10314" script="VIP90.lua" />

<action itemid="10309" script="VIP.lua" />


ai cada script dos actions ta assim


function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)


local config={

removeOnUse = "yes" -- remover quando usar ("yes" or "no")



local days = 15 -- dias que serão adicionados

local daysvalue = days * 24 * 60 * 60

local storageplayer = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540)

local timenow = os.time()


if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540) - os.time() <= 0 then

time = timenow + daysvalue


time = storageplayer + daysvalue



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Foram adicionados ".. days .." dias de VIP no seu character.")

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540, time)

local quantity = math.floor((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540) - timenow)/(24 * 60 * 60))

doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), math.random(28,30))

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você tem ".. quantity .." dias de VIP restantes.")

if (config.removeOnUse == "yes") then

doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)



return TRUE




eu kero q de nik [VIP] somente uma vez ao ativar o item... RETIRE O NIK [VIP] quando acabar os dias... so volte se reativar o item

kero q apareça SUA VIP ACABA EM : tal dia...

e que se puder fazer quando ativar dobrar a life e a mana... por ex: 20k de mana 20k de life...

vai pra 40k de life , 40k de mana... valeu ae :D

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Cola essa tag no CreatureScripts.xml:


<event type="login" name="VipStats" event="script" value="NomeDoArquivo.lua"/>


Na tag, onde diz NomeDoArquivo você coloca o nome do arquivo que você criou para colar o script acima.




O Jogador vai comprar vip, ai na próxima vez que ele entrar no jogo vai ter o nome e a vida e a mana aumentada ao dobro. Caso ele não seja mais vip e tiver o vip no nome, vai sair e a vida e mana vão ser dividas por dois para voltar ao normal.

Editado por Demonbholder
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ta ok...

mais vc falo pra eu por isso em

creatures la...

<event type="login" name="VipStats" event="script" value="NomeDoArquivo.lua"/>


mais cara...

meu sistema ta no actions...

nao tem nada no creatures...

vc pode me add no msn pra explicar melhor?




e outra... quando eu entro no teleport so aparece Bem vindo a area vip!

eu kero q apareca cada vez a passar pelo piso quando acaba a vip...

n sei se conhece igual o ot infinity-sky

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Oh meu deus, vai ser difícil te explicar... se esforça ao máximo para entender o que eu vou dizer abaixo:




O Jogador vai comprar vip, ai na próxima vez que ele entrar no jogo vai ter o nome e a vida e a mana aumentada ao dobro. Caso ele não seja mais vip e tiver o vip no nome, vai sair e a vida e mana vão ser dividas por dois para voltar ao normal.



Quanto ao tile vip, deve ter um script de Movements para esse teleport já, poste-o e eu editarei.

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eu colokei a script q vc fez em creatures la

e colokei no xml

clico no item e nada acontece...

nem um erro ao carregar nada...

so nao acontece nada... :S

quanto a script do teleport esta aki

detalhe q eu notei...

o id do chao eh 13700...

nao sei se enfluencia...



-- Script Vip Sytem 1.0 --

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)


local config = {

msgDenied = "Somente jogadores vip's podem entrar.",

msgWelcome = "Seja Bem Vindo a area VIP."



if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540) - os.time() <= 0 then

doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, config.msgDenied)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)

return TRUE


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, config.msgWelcome)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)

return TRUE



eu sei como funciona o sistema...

mais vc fez por login ali nao intendi muito bem...

eh por item o id eh 10310

eu clico nele nao acontece nada...

os outros estao assim la em actions olha...

<action itemid="10311" script="VIP30.lua" />

dai tem a scrip em ACTIONS.LUA la...

e mesmo colokando oke vc envio da erro na vip...

nao sei cara...

se vc me add no msn agt pode conversa susse...

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O script do MoveEvent você troca por esse:


-- Script Vip Sytem 1.0 --
function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)

local config = {
msgDenied = "Somente jogadores vip's podem entrar.",
msgWelcome = "Seja Bem Vindo a area VIP. Sua vip acabara em "..math.floor((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540) - os.time())/(24 * 60 * 60)).." dias."

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540) - os.time() <= 0 then
doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, config.msgDenied)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
return TRUE
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, config.msgWelcome)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
return TRUE


Quanto ao script que eu fiz, vou explicar mais uma vez:


Nada de diferente irá acontecer quando você clicar o item, você só vai receber as mudanças quando DESLOGAR e LOGAR de novo, porque o script é Login, saca?


Priorizo o fórum para suporte, o msn uso só para casos raros.

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eu tenhu algumas duvidas q demora pra postar aki...

eu te add no msn e vc tenta me ajudar...

sobre site e talz..

se eu consegui vc pode ate me passar sua conta

q eu deposito o valor q vc keira em dinheiro...

eu preciso muito de uma ajuda aki... :D

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Cara 1 deles deu certo...

quando eu entro no teleport aparece quando q a vip vai acaba...

mais tipo...

eu fiz tudu certinho la em creatures tal...

mais eu ativo a vip 15 dias la

relogo e nada acontece...


ainda nao intendi como funciona...

pke nao tem q tar ligado no item?

tipo... pelo id do item?

pke eu ativo ele nada acontece... :S

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