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Versão do servidor: 8.60

Distro: Crying Damson 3.6



Creio que seja algo no NPC System.


Eu estou usando um script com items que modificam os equipamentos dos players, mas quando eles têm algum item igual que desejam vender nos NPCs, ocorre um problema: Vamos supor, o player tem uma golden armor melhorada por um script e equipada em seu corpo, e também possui uma golden armor comum que ele quer vender no NPC. Quando ele realiza a venda, o item vendido é o que está equipado no corpo do jogador, a armadura melhorada.


Queria alguma dica, ajuda ou possíveis modificações no NPC system para que os items vendidos sejam somente os que estão na backpack. Já tentei adicionar actionids e uniqueids nos items modificados, mas mesmo assim eles são vendidos nos npcs.





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Peguei o script do Mad como exeplo:


local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)

function onCreatureAppear(cid)            npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid)            end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)        npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid)            end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)    npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)    end
function onThink()                        npcHandler:onThink()                        end

function thinkCallback(cid)
local rand = math.random(1,100)
if rand == 1 then
selfSay('Compro armaduras e escudos, pago muito bem. Além disso, sou o unico que compro.')
return true

function greetCallback(cid)

return true


local shopModule = ShopModule:new()

shopModule:addSellableItem({'dragon scale mail', 'dsm'},                  2492, 40000,    'dragon scale mail')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'dwarven armor', 'dwarven armor'},            2503, 30000,    'dwarven armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'golden armor', 'golden armor'},              2466, 20000,    'golden armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'leopard armor', 'leopard armor'},            3968, 1000,     'leopard armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'mammoth fur cape', 'mfc'},                   7463, 6000,     'mammoth fur cape')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'plate armor', 'plate armor'},                2463, 400,      'plate armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'chain armor', 'chain armor'},                2464, 80,       'chain armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'brass armor', 'brass armor'},                2465, 35,       'brass armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'leather armor', 'leather armor'},            2467, 10,       'leather armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'magic plate armor', 'magic plate armor'},    2472, 80000,    'magic plate armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'knight armor', 'knight armor'},              2476, 5000,     'knight armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'scale armor', 'scale armor'},                2483, 50,       'scale armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'studded armor', 'studded armor'},            2484, 30,       'studded armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'doublet', 'doublet'},                        2485, 15,       'doublet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'noble armor', 'noble armor'},                2486, 1000,     'noble armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'crown armor', 'crown armor'},                2487, 12000,    'crown armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'pirate shirt', 'pirate shirt'},              6095, 500,      'pirate shirt')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'dark armor', 'dark armor'},                  2489, 500,      'dark armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon armor', 'demon armor'},                2494, 120000,   'demon armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'amazon armor', 'amazon armor'},              2500, 150000,   'amazon armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'elven armor', 'elven armor'},                2505, 130000,   'elven armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'native armor', 'native armor'},              2508, 3000,     'native armor')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'jacket', 'jacket'},                          2650, 5,        'jacket')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'blue robe', 'blue robe'},                    2656, 11000,    'blue robe')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'hidden turbant', 'hidden turbant'},          2660, 100000,   'hidden turbant')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'cowl', 'cowl'},                              2664, 90000,    'cowl')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'terra mantle', 'terra mantle'},              7884, 10000,    'terra mantle')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'glacier rope', 'glacier rope'},              7897, 15000,    'glacier rope')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'lighting robe', 'lighting robe'},            7898, 20000,    'lighting robe')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'magma coat', 'magma coat'},                  7899, 60000,    'magma coat')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'studded legs', 'studded legs'},              2468, 10,       'studded legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'dragon scale legs', 'dcl'},                  2469, 100000,   'dragon scale legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'golden legs', 'golden legs'},                2470, 100000,   'golden legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'knight legs', 'knight legs'},                2477, 5000,     'knight legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'brass legs', 'brass legs'},                  2478, 90,       'brass legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'crown legs', 'crown legs'},                  2488, 12000,    'crown legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon legs', 'demon legs'},                  2495, 200000,   'demon legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'dwarven legs', 'dwarven legs'},              2504, 3000,     'dwarven legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'elven legs', 'elven legs'},                  2507, 150000,   'elven legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'plate legs', 'plate legs'},                  2647, 200,      'plate legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'chain legs', 'chain legs'},                  2648, 30,       'chain legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'leather legs', 'leather legs'},              2649, 5,        'leather legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'mammoth fur shorts', 'mfs'},                 7464, 300,      'mammoth fur shorts')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'terra legs', 'terra legs'},                  7885, 60000,    'terra legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'magma legs', 'magma legs'},                  7894, 70000,    'magma legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'lighting legs', 'lighting legs'},            7895, 50000,    'lighting legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'glacier kilt', 'glacier kilt'},              7896, 55000,    'glacier kilt')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'bast skirt', 'bast skirt'},                  3983, 8000,     'bast skirt')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'blue legs', 'blue legs'},                    7730, 15000,    'blue legs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'pirate knee breeches', 'pkb'},               5918, 200,      'pirate knee breeches')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'steel shield', 'steel shield'},              2509, 80,       'steel shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'plate shield', 'plate shield'},              2510, 150,      'plate shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'brass shield', 'brass shield'},              2511, 90,       'brass shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'wooden shield', 'wooden shield'},            2512, 80,       'wooden shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'battle shield', 'battle shield'},            2513, 100,      'battle shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'mastermind shield', 'mastermind shield'},    2514, 90000,    'mastermind shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'guardian shield', 'guardian shield'},        2515, 2000,     'guardian shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'dragon shield', 'dragon shield'},            2516, 4000,     'dragon shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'shield of honour', 'shield of honour'},      2517, 100000,   'shield of honour')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'beholder shield', 'beholder shield'},        2518, 1000,     'beholder shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'crown shield', 'crown shield'},              2519, 8000,     'crown shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon shield', 'demon shield'},              2520, 30000,    'demon shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'dark shield', 'dark shield'},                2521, 500,      'dark shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'great shield', 'great shield'},              2522, 30000,    'great shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'blessed shield', 'blessed shield'},          2523, 400000,   'blessed shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'ornamented shield', 'ornamented shield'},    2524, 2000,     'ornamented shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'dwarven shield', 'dwarven shield'},          2525, 100,      'dwarven shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'studded shield', 'studded shield'},          2526, 50,       'studded shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'rose shield', 'rose shield'},                2527, 80000,    'rose shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'tower shield', 'tower shield'},              2528, 8000,     'tower shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'black shield', 'black shield'},              2529, 1000,     'black shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'copper shield', 'copper shield'},            2530, 30,       'copper shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'viking shield', 'viking shield'},            2531, 100,      'viking shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'ancient shield', 'ancient shield'},          2532, 1000,     'ancient shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'griffin shield', 'griffin shield'},          2533, 1500,     'griffin shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'vampire shield', 'vampire shield'},          2534, 15000,    'vampire shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'castle shield', 'castle shield'},            2535, 35000,    'castle shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'medusa shield', 'medusa shield'},            2536, 9000,     'medusa shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'amazon shield', 'amazon shield'},            2537, 400000,   'amazon shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'eagle shield', 'eagle shield'},              2538, 300000,   'eagle shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'phoenix shield', 'phoenix shield'},          2539, 500000,   'phoenix shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'scarab shield', 'scarab shield'},            2540, 2000,     'scarab shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'bone shield', 'bone shield'},                2541, 160,      'bone shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'tempest shield', 'tempest shield'},          2542, 1000000,  'tempest shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'tusk shield', 'tusk shield'},                3973, 1000,     'tusk shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'sentinel shield', 'sentinel shield'},        3974, 700,      'sentinel shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'salamander shield', 'salamander shield'},    3975, 600,      'salamander shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'tortoise shield', 'tortoise shield'},        6131, 200,      'tortoise shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'nightmare shield', 'nightmare shield'},      6391, 1200000,  'nightmare shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'necromancer shield', 'necromancer shield'},  6433, 1200000,  'necromancer shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'norse shield', 'norse shield'},              7460, 1500,     'norse shield')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'crown', 'crown'},                            2128, 10000,    'crown')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'steel helmet', 'steel helmet'},              2457, 300,      'steel helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'chain helmet', 'chain helmet'},              2458, 35,       'chain helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'iron helmet', 'iron helmet'},                2459, 150,      'iron helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'brass helmet', 'brass helmet'},              2460, 30,       'brass helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'leather helmet', 'leather helmet'},          2461, 8,        'leather helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'devil helmet', 'devil helmet'},              2462, 1200,     'devil helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'golden helmet', 'golden helmet'},            2471, 1500000,  'golden helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'viking helmet', 'viking helmet'},            2473, 50,       'viking helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'winged helmet', 'winged helmet'},            2474, 1300000,  'winged helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'warrior helmet', 'warrior helmet'},          2475, 5000,     'warrior helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'strange helmet', 'strange helmet'},          2479, 500,      'strange helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'legion helmet', 'legion helmet'},            2480, 70,       'legion helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'soldier helmet', 'soldier helmet'},          2481, 20,       'soldier helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'studded helmet', 'studded helmet'},          2482, 3,        'studded helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'dark helmet', 'dark helmet'},                2490, 250,      'dark helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'crown helmet', 'crown helmet'},              2491, 2500,     'crown helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'demon helmet', 'demon helmet'},              2493, 100000,   'demon helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'horned helmet', 'horned helmet'},            2496, 1000000,  'horned helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'crusader helmet', 'crusader helmet'},        2497, 6000,     'crusader helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'royal helmet', 'royal helmet'},              2498, 30000,    'royal helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'amazon helmet', 'amazon helmet'},            2499, 1400000,  'amazon helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'ceremonial mask', 'ceremonial mask'},        2501, 1000,     'ceremonial mask')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'dwarven helmet', 'dwarven helmet'},          2502, 100000,   'dwarven helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'dragon scale helmet', 'drascahelm'},         2506, 400000,   'dragon scale helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'mystic turban', 'mystic turban'},            2663, 3000,     'mystic turban')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'post officers hat', 'post'},                 2665, 50000,    'post officers hat')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'tribal mask', 'tribal mask'},                3967, 300,      'tribal mask')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'horseman helmet', 'horseman helmet'},        3969, 1000,     'horseman helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'feather headdress', 'feather head'},         3970, 1500,     'feather headdress')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'charmer tiara', 'charmer tiara'},            3971, 13000,    'charmer tiara')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'beholder helmet', 'beholder helmet'},        3972, 10000,    'beholder helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'helmet of the deep', 'heotde'},              5461, 1000000,  'helmet of the deep')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'santa hat', 'santa hat'},                    6531, 2300,     'santa hat')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'skull helmet', 'skull helmet'},              5741, 50000,    'skull helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'pirate hat', 'pirate hat'},                  6096, 1000,     'pirate hat')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'krimhorn helmet', 'krimhorn helmet'},        7461, 250,      'krimhorn helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'ragnir helmet', 'ragnir helmet'},            7462, 400,      'ragnir helmet')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fur cap', 'fur cap'},                        7458, 30000,    'fur cap')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'earmuffs', 'earmuffs'},                      7459, 1000,     'earmuffs')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'terra hood', 'terra hood'},                  7903, 3500,     'terra hood')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'lighting headband', 'lighba'},               7901, 8000,     'lighting headband')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'glacier mask', 'glacier mask'},              7902, 4000,     'glacier mask')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'boots of haste', 'boots of haste'},          2195, 30000,    'boots of haste')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'soft boots', 'soft boots'},                  6132, 400000,   'soft boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'boots of waterwalking', 'bowwalk'},          2358, 1000000,  'boots of waterwalking')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'traper boots', 'traper boots'},              2641, 3000,     'traper boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'sandals', 'sandals'},                        2642, 100,      'sandals')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'leather boots', 'leather boots'},            2643, 10,       'leather boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'bunny slippers', 'bunny slippers'},          2644, 35,       'bunny slippers')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'steel boots', 'steel boots'},                2645, 30000,    'steel boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'golden boots', 'golden boots'},              2646, 400000,   'golden boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'crocodile boots', 'crocodile boots'},        3982, 1000,     'crocodile boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'pirate boots', 'pirate boots'},              5462, 5000,     'pirate boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'fur boots', 'fur boots'},                    7457, 2000,     'fur boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'terra boots', 'terra boots'},                7886, 5000,     'terra boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'magma boots', 'magma boots'},                7891, 7000,     'magma boots')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'glacier shoes', 'glacier shoes'},            7892, 3000,     'glacier shoes')
shopModule:addSellableItem({'lighting boots', 'lighting boots'},          7893, 7000,     'lighting boots')

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_ONTHINK, thinkCallback)
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_GREET, greetCallback)




E esta é a parte do NPC System que eu acho que é a fonte do problema:


	-- Callback onSell() function. If you wish, you can change certain Npc to use your onSell().
function ShopModule:callbackOnSell(cid, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks)
	local shopItem = nil
	for _, item in ipairs(self.npcHandler.shopItems) do
		if( == itemid and item.subType == subType) then
			shopItem = item

	if(shopItem == nil) then
		print('[Warning - ' .. getCreatureName(getNpcId()) .. '] NpcSystem:', 'ShopModule.onSell - Item not found on shopItems list')
		return false

	if(shopItem.sell == -1) then
		print('[Warning - ' .. getCreatureName(getNpcId()) .. '] NpcSystem:', 'ShopModule.onSell - Attempt to sell an item which is only buyable')
		return false

	local parseInfo = {
		[TAG_PLAYERNAME] = getPlayerName(cid),
		[TAG_ITEMCOUNT] = amount,
		[TAG_TOTALCOST] = amount * shopItem.sell,

	if(subType < 1 or getItemInfo(itemid).stackable) then
		subType = -1

	if(doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, itemid, amount, subType)) then
		local msg = self.npcHandler:getMessage(MESSAGE_SOLD)
		doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, self.npcHandler:parseMessage(msg, parseInfo))

		doPlayerAddMoney(cid, amount * shopItem.sell)
			self.npcHandler.talkStart[cid] = os.time()
			self.npcHandler.talkStart = os.time()

		return true

	local msg = self.npcHandler:getMessage(MESSAGE_NEEDITEM)
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, self.npcHandler:parseMessage(msg, parseInfo))
		self.npcHandler.talkStart[cid] = os.time()
		self.npcHandler.talkStart = os.time()

	return false

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O Script modifica o nome, atk, def e propriedades. Posso programar pro script adicionar algum actionid no item ao ser modificado, mas a mudança tem que ser feita no NPC system mesmo, e não no script.

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