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Sistema Box


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Galera esse tópico e de sistema box muito fácil


1°Vá na pasta data/action/scripts e faça um arquivo .lua e com o nome de box adicione isso:


function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)


local box = {

[1] ={msg = "You have opened your UPB+4 and received: Porygon",np = 'porygon Pokeball'},

[2] ={msg = "You have opened your UPB+4 and received: Hitmonchan",np = 'hitmonchan Pokeball'},

[3] ={msg = "You have opened your UPB+4 and received: Hitmonlee",np = 'hitmonlee Pokeball'},

[4] ={msg = "You have opened your UPB+4 and received: Chansey",np = 'chansey Pokeball'}


local level = 60 -- level para usar

local e = box[math.random(1,4)]

local boxid = 7891 -- id da box que vai ser dada ao jogador


if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= level then


b = doPlayerAddItem(cid, boxid, 1)

doItemSetAttribute(b, "name",

doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)


doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You must be at least level "..level.." to use this box.")


return TRUE



2° Adicione isso em data/Actions.xml:


<action itemid="7891" event="script" value="box.lua"/>


Pronto alguma duvida é só pergunta !


Rep + Aew =)

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