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[Monster] Zathroth


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Criatura sagrada, porém forte. Modifiquei o script para deixa-lo um "DEUS" mesmo...

- No meu OT, uso esta criatura para punições e/ou eventos onde quem mata-lo ganhará xP..


Vamos lá:

Data/monsters/copie um arquivo .XML e renomeie-o para "Zathroth" (tire as aspas ["])- Coloque isto dentro →

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Zathroth" nameDescription="zathroth the god of the elements" race="venom" experience="9999" speed="390" manacost="0">
<health now="128000" max="128000"/>
 <look type="133" head="20" body="95" legs="114" feet="114" corpse="3128" addons="3"/>
<targetchange interval="2000" chance="20"/>
<strategy attack="60" defense="5"/>
	<flag summonable="0"/>
	<flag attackable="1"/>
	<flag hostile="1"/>
	<flag illusionable="0"/>
	<flag convinceable="0"/>
	<flag pushable="0"/>
	<flag canpushitems="1"/>
	<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
	<flag targetdistance="1"/>
	<flag runonhealth="2500"/>
	<attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="165" attack="155"/>
	<attack name="manadrain" interval="1000" chance="12" range="7" min="-350" max="-650">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>
	<attack name="poisoncondition" interval="1000" chance="9" radius="6" target="0" min="-50" max="-750">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="poison"/>
	<attack name="energycondition" interval="1000" chance="10" radius="6" target="0" min="-600" max="-700">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="energy"/>
	<attack name="manadrain" interval="1000" chance="8" radius="6" target="0" min="-125" max="-375">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>
	<attack name="lifedrain" interval="1000" chance="10" radius="6" target="0" min="-200" max="-400">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="poff"/>
	<attack name="strength" interval="1000" chance="6" radius="5" target="0">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blackspark"/>
	<attack name="firecondition" interval="1000" chance="15" range="7" radius="7" target="1" min="-300" max="-700">
		<attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/>
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/>
	<attack name="lifedrain" interval="1000" chance="9" length="8" spread="0" min="-50" max="-850">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenspark"/>
<defenses armor="90" defense="110">
	<defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="25" min="600" max="1000">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/>
	<defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="10" min="1400" max="2600">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/>
	<defense name="speed" interval="1000" chance="4" speedchange="1901" duration="7000">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
	<defense name="invisible" interval="1000" chance="3" duration="9000">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
	<immunity physical="0"/>
	<immunity energy="1"/>
	<immunity fire="1"/>
	<immunity poison="1"/>
	<immunity lifedrain="1"/>
	<immunity paralyze="1"/>
	<immunity outfit="1"/>
	<immunity drunk="1"/>
	<immunity invisible="1"/>
<summons maxSummons="4">
	<summon name="warlock" interval="1000" chance="25" max="4"/>
<voices interval="5000" chance="10">
   		<voice sentence="Want to feel some Aim?"/>
   		<voice sentence="You can Run but never Hide!"/>
<loot capacity="5000">
	<item id="2142" countmax="1" chance="3500"/>
	<item id="2144" countmax="15" chance="15000"/>
	<item id="2158" countmax="1" chance="1500"/>
	<item id="2195" countmax="1" chance="4000"/>
	<item id="2186" countmax="1" chance="3500"/>
	<item id="2192" countmax="1" chance="2500"/>
	<item id="2125" countmax="1" chance="1500"/>
	<item id="2124" countmax="1" chance="5500"/>
	<item id="2520" countmax="1" chance="15500"/>
	<item id="2462" countmax="1" chance="11000"/>
	<item id="2387" countmax="1" chance="20000"/>
	<item id="2434" countmax="1" chance="4500"/>
	<item id="2167" countmax="1" chance="13500"/>
	<item id="2432" countmax="1" chance="17000"/>
	<item id="2393" countmax="1" chance="12500"/>
	<item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="99900"/>
	<item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="88800"/>
	<item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="77700"/>
	<item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="66600"/>
	<item id="2179" countmax="1" chance="8000"/>
	<item id="2470" countmax="1" chance="5000"/>
	<item id="2033" countmax="1" chance="7500"/>
	<item id="2418" countmax="1" chance="4500"/>
	<item id="2182" countmax="1" chance="3500"/>
	<item id="2155" countmax="1" chance="1500"/>
	<item id="2188" countmax="1" chance="2500"/>
	<item id="2396" countmax="1" chance="7500"/>
	<item id="2177" countmax="1" chance="1000"/>
	<item id="2162" countmax="1" chance="11500"/>
	<item id="2472" countmax="1" chance="3000"/>
	<item id="2514" countmax="1" chance="7500"/>
	<item id="2164" countmax="1" chance="5000"/>
	<item id="2178" countmax="1" chance="4000"/>
	<item id="2176" countmax="1" chance="12000"/>
	<item id="2171" countmax="1" chance="4500"/>
	<item id="2200" countmax="1" chance="4500"/>
	<item id="1982" countmax="1" chance="2600"/>
	<item id="2214" countmax="1" chance="13000"/>
	<item id="2123" countmax="1" chance="3500"/>
	<item id="2170" countmax="1" chance="13000"/>
	<item id="2402" countmax="1" chance="15500"/>
	<item id="2436" countmax="1" chance="5000"/>
	<item id="2150" countmax="20" chance="13500"/>
	<item id="2145" countmax="5" chance="9500"/>
	<item id="2149" countmax="10" chance="15500"/>
	<item id="2146" countmax="10" chance="13500"/>
	<item id="2165" countmax="1" chance="9500"/>
	<item id="2197" countmax="1" chance="4000"/>
	<item id="2174" countmax="1" chance="2500"/>
	<item id="2151" countmax="7" chance="14000"/>
	<item id="2112" countmax="1" chance="14500"/>
	<item id="2421" countmax="1" chance="13500"/>
	<item id="2377" countmax="1" chance="20000"/>
	<item id="3955" countmax="1" chance="100"/>
	<item id="2185" countmax="1" chance="3500"/>
	<item id="2143" countmax="15" chance="12500"/>


Agora, entre no arquivo monsters.XML e coloque isto no final →

	<monster name="Zathroth" file="zathroth.xml"/>


Pronto, criatura criada....



- Outifit "Summoner"

- Cor "Preta"

- Raça "Veneno"

- Summona "Modifiquem"

- XP "Dependendo do OT modfique"

- Health "||"


OBS: Testado em OT 8.57

OBS²: 70% dos créditos para mim [Luckmaxi] (Por editar, modificar, testar, salvar, hostiar e postar aqui) & 30% para o Lobrigato por dar a idéia e as configurações (Loot e atks)


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