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[Monster] Morgaroth [loot 8.5 Completo]


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Bom pessoal vim trazer aqui pra vocês o Boss Morgaroth com seu loot completo.

Para adicionar, é só ir na pasta do seu ot, pasta data/monsters/Bosses/procure pelo morgaroth abra o arquivo .XML, apague tudo que estiver dentro e adicione isso:

 <monster name="Morgaroth" nameDescription="Morgaroth" race="undead" experience="15000" speed="400" manacost="0">
       <health now="55000" max="55000"></health>
       <look type="12" head="0" body="94" legs="79" feet="79" corpse="6068"></look>
       <targetchange interval="10000" chance="20"></targetchange>
       <strategy attack="100" defense="0"></strategy>
               <flag summonable="0"></flag>
               <flag attackable="1"></flag>
               <flag hostile="1"></flag>
               <flag illusionable="0"></flag>
               <flag convinceable="0"></flag>
               <flag pushable="0"></flag>
               <flag canpushitems="1"></flag>
               <flag canpushcreatures="1"></flag>
               <flag staticattack="98"></flag>
               <flag targetdistance="1"></flag>
               <flag runonhealth="0"></flag>
               <attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="-700" max="-2300"></attack>
               <attack name="fire" interval="3000" chance="35" range="7" radius="7" target="1" min="-700" max="-1200">
                       <attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"></attribute>
                       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"></attribute>
               <attack name="melee" interval="1800" chance="40" range="7" radius="5" target="0" min="-250" max="-400">
                       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blackspark"></attribute>
               <attack name="energy" interval="3000" chance="30" length="8" spread="0" min="-300" max="-1000">
                       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="energy"></attribute>
               <attack name="physical" interval="2500" chance="20" range="7" radius="5" target="0" min="-200" max="-480">
                       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"></attribute>
               <attack name="physical" interval="2000" chance="15" range="7" radius="13" target="0" min="-250" max="-500">
                       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="rednote"></attribute>
               <attack name="physical" interval="2000" chance="20" radius="14" target="0" min="-200" max="-450">
                       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="bluebubble"></attribute>
               <attack name="melee" interval="3000" chance="15" range="7" radius="3" target="0" min="-100" max="-200">
                       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"></attribute>
       <defenses armor="55" defense="65">
               <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="10" min="300" max="1800">
                       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"></attribute>
               <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="10" min="300" max="1800">
                       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"></attribute>
               <defense name="speed" interval="1000" chance="15" speedchange="440" duration="6000">
                       <attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"></attribute>
               <element firePercent="100"></element>
               <element earthPercent="100"></element>
               <element energyPercent="100"></element>
               <element deathPercent="80"></element>
               <element physicalPercent="40"></element>
               <element icePercent="-25"></element>
               <immunity paralyze="1"></immunity>
               <immunity invisible="1"></immunity>
       <summons maxSummons="6">
               <summon name="Demon" interval="4000" chance="33"></summon>
       <voices interval="5000" chance="30">
               <voice sentence="I AM MORGAROTH, LORD OF THE TRIANGLE... AND YOU ARE LOST!" yell="1"></voice>
               <voice sentence="MY SEED IS FEAR AND MY HARVEST ARE YOUR SOULS!" yell="1"></voice>
               <voice sentence="THE TRIANGLE OF TERROR WILL RISE!" yell="1"></voice>
               <voice sentence="ZATHROTH! LOOK AT THE DESTRUCTION I AM CAUSING IN YOUR NAME!" yell="1"></voice>
               <item id="2152" countmax="74" chance="100000"></item><!-- platinum coin -->
               <item id="2143" countmax="11" chance="8000"></item><!-- white pearl -->
               <item id="2144" countmax="13" chance="8000"></item><!-- black pearl -->
               <item id="6500" countmax="5" chance="10000"></item><!-- demonic essence -->
               <item id="2155" chance="8500"></item><!-- green gem -->
               <item id="2158" chance="8500"></item><!-- blue gem -->
               <item id="2396" chance="5500"></item><!-- ice rapier -->
               <item id="2462" chance="5000"></item><!-- devil helmet -->
               <item id="5954" countmax="2" chance="5000"></item><!-- demon horn -->
               <item id="6529" countmax="100" chance="5000"></item><!-- infernal bolt -->
   <item id="2204" chance="6000"></item><!-- energy ring -->
   <item id="2165" chance="6000"></item><!-- stealth ring -->
   <item id="6300" chance="6000"></item><!-- death ring -->
   <item id="2124" chance="3000"></item><!-- crystal ring -->
   <item id="7431" chance="3000"></item><!-- demonbone -->
               <item id="1987" chance="100000"><!-- bag -->
                               <item id="2192" chance="7000"></item><!-- crystal ball -->
                               <item id="2033" chance="7000"></item><!-- golden mug -->
                               <item id="2177" chance="7000"></item><!-- life crystal -->
       <item id="2214" chance="6000"></item><!-- ring of healing -->
       <item id="2162" chance="6000"></item><!-- magic lightwand -->
       <item id="2178" chance="6000"></item><!-- mind stone -->
                               <item id="2495" chance="2000"></item><!-- demon legs -->
                               <item id="2514" chance="2800"></item><!-- mastermind shield -->
                               <item id="2142" chance="3000"></item><!-- ancient amulet -->
                               <item id="2186" chance="3000"></item><!-- moonlight rod -->
                               <item id="2185" chance="3000"></item><!-- necrotic rod -->
                               <item id="2171" chance="3000"></item><!-- platinum amulet -->
                               <item id="2176" chance="3000"></item><!-- orb -->
                               <item id="1982" chance="3000"></item><!-- purple tome -->
                               <item id="2123" chance="3000"></item><!-- ring of the sky -->
                               <item id="2402" chance="3000"></item><!-- silver dagger -->
                               <item id="2170" chance="3000"></item><!-- silver amulet -->
                               <item id="2197" chance="3000"></item><!-- stone skin amulet -->
                               <item id="2174" chance="3000"></item><!-- strange symbol -->
                               <item id="2377" chance="3000"></item><!-- two handed sword -->
                               <item id="7591" chance="7000"></item><!-- great health potion -->
                               <item id="7590" chance="7000"></item><!-- great mana potion -->
                               <item id="8472" chance="7000"></item><!-- great spirit potion -->
                               <item id="8473" chance="7000"></item><!-- ultimate health potion -->
                               <item id="2146" countmax="9" chance="8000"></item><!-- small sapphire -->
                               <item id="2149" countmax="7" chance="8000"></item><!-- small emerald -->
                               <item id="2145" countmax="5" chance="8000"></item><!-- small diamond -->
                               <item id="2387" chance="7500"></item><!-- double axe -->
                         <item id="2520" chance="5000"></item><!-- demon shield -->
                               <item id="2393" chance="6000"></item><!-- giant sword -->
                               <item id="7899" chance="6000"></item><!-- magma coat -->
                               <item id="2432" chance="6000"></item><!-- fire axe -->
                               <item id="2436" chance="6000"></item><!-- skull staff -->
                               <item id="7421" chance="4000"></item><!-- onyx flail -->
                               <item id="2195" chance="5500"></item><!-- boots of haste -->
                               <item id="2470" chance="2900"></item><!-- golden legs -->
                               <item id="2472" chance="2600"></item><!-- magic plate armor -->
                               <item id="2421" chance="2200"></item><!-- thunder hammer -->
                               <item id="2522" chance="1300"></item><!-- great shield -->
                         <item id="8850" chance="1700"></item><!-- chain bolter -->
                               <item id="8881" chance="1500"></item><!-- fireborn giant armor -->
                               <item id="8851" chance="1500"></item><!-- royal crossbow -->
                               <item id="8865" chance="1500"></item><!-- dark lord's cape -->
                               <item id="8852" chance="1500"></item><!-- devileye -->
                               <item id="5943" chance="2000"></item><!-- morgaroth's heart -->
                               <item id="8886" chance="1500"></item><!-- molten plate -->
                               <item id="8928" chance="1400"></item><!-- obsidian truncheon -->
                               <item id="8929" chance="1500"></item><!-- stomper -->
                               <item id="2112" chance="1900"></item><!-- teddy bear -->
                               <item id="8853" chance="1700"></item><!-- ironworker -->




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