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[action] System De Futebol (scripts + Mapas)


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Futebol System .( nao sei se ja existe )


(uso Ações, Movimentos, GlobalEvents, testado em 0.3.4pl2 TFS)

Informations: Informações:

- movie (speed x2): - Filme Speed (x2):



20:40 Football field 2. Team 1 (Gesior 2, Gesior) - 2 : 1 - (test 2, test 1) Team 2


- 3 mapas de futebol de campo [2 mapas para 2 vs 2, 1 para 3 v 3 jogos] AIDS (xxx, ~ 40 uids: P)

- Mesma velocidade (configurável) para todos os jogadores (utani hur / gran hur, time ring, botas de trabalho não velocidade, nível de velocidade de mudança doesnt)

- A bola e os jogadores mover auto teleport (jogadores teleport configurable) para iniciar posições depois do gol

- Auto remover itens (que depois do futebol) de campo de futebol

- Os jogadores do auto kick de campo de futebol, após X minutos (configurável) [/b


- Média de transmissão


[b]20:40 Football field 2. 20:40 Campo de futebol 2. Team 1 (Gesior 2, Gesior) - 2 : 1 - (test 2, test 1) Team 2 Team 1 (Gesior 2, Gesior) - 2: 1 - teste (2, teste 1) Equipa 2[/b]


- Enviar mensagens de jogador


[b]20:40 Match start. 20:40 início de jogo. You are in Team 2 on field 2. Você está em Equipa 2 no campo 2. You have 0.5 minutes. Você tem 0,5 minutos.
... ...
20:40 You were in Team 2 on field 2 (you can use few football fields in same time) . 20:40 Você estava no Team 2 no campo 2 (você pode usar em alguns campos de futebol ao mesmo tempo). Team 1 (Gesior 2, Gesior) - 2 : 1 - (test 2, test 1) Team 2 Team 1 (Gesior 2, Gesior) - 2: 1 - teste (2, teste 1) Equipa 2[/b]


- Auto mudar cores equipamento de membros da equipe (todos os membros têm a cor como o primeiro jogador de sua equipe [próximo switch])



1. 1. Map link (copy 1 - 3 football fields to your map, dont modify UID/AIDs) Mapa (link cópia 1 - 3 campos de futebol para o mapa, não alterar UID / SIDA)

Download Aqui!


2. em dados / lib / data.lua no final do arquivo cole:


dofile(getDataDir() .. "lib/football.lua")


3. em dados / lib / criar arquivo football.lua e colar:




-- 1 - exit pos , 2 - team 1 ball, 3 - team 2 ball, 4 - team1frompos, 5 -team2frompos, 6 - team1topos, 7 - team2topos, 8-team1gate aid, 9 - team2game aid, 10 - speed, 11 - match time, 12 - highest uid + 1, 13 - field size

football_positions_uids = {}

football_positions_uids[1] = {23301,23302,23303, {23304,23305,23306}, {23307,23308,23309}, {23310,23311,23312}, {23313,23314,23315}, 23311, 23312, 450, 3, 23315, {8,3}}

football_positions_uids[2] = {23320,23321,23322, {23323,23324}, {23325,23326}, {23327,23328}, {23329,23330}, 23321, 23322, 450, 3, 23330, {6,2}}

football_positions_uids[3] = {23340,23341,23342, {23343,23344}, {23345,23346}, {23347,23348}, {23349,23350}, 23341, 23342, 450, 3, 23350, {6,2}}

teleport_players_on_goal = true



function footballGoal(pos, ball, team1pos, team2pos, goalStorage, ballpos) -- add goal to team 1/2 score, show "GOAL", animations, teleport ball and players

setGlobalStorageValue(goalStorage, getGlobalStorageValue(goalStorage)+1)

if(teleport_players_on_goal) then

for i = 1 , #team1pos do

doTeleportThing(getGlobalStorageValue(team1pos), getThingPos(team1pos), TRUE)


for i = 1 , #team2pos do

doTeleportThing(getGlobalStorageValue(team2pos), getThingPos(team2pos), TRUE)



doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_BATS)

doTeleportThing(ball.uid, ballpos, TRUE)

doSendMagicEffect(ballpos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN)

doSendAnimatedText(ballpos, "GOAL!", TEXTCOLOR_TEAL)



function footballGetBall(startFromPos, fieldSize) -- get ball uid or create new and return uid, remove all balls from football field (if any exist)

ball = 0

for ix = startFromPos.x - fieldSize[1], startFromPos.x + fieldSize[1] do

for iy = startFromPos.y - fieldSize[2], startFromPos.y + fieldSize[2] do

tmpBall = getTileItemById({x=ix, y=iy, z=startFromPos.z}, 2109)

if(tmpBall.uid > 0) then

if(ball == 0) then

ball = tmpBall.uid







if(ball == 0) then

return doCreateItem(2109, 1, startFromPos)


return ball






4. em data \ actions \ scripts \ football.lua criar o arquivo e colar:



function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

if(item.itemid == 1945 or item.itemid == 1946) then

match = football_positions_uids[item.actionid-23300]

if(getGlobalStorageValue(match[1]) < 1) then

fromPoss = {match[4], match[5]}

toPoss = {match[6], match[7]}

players_number = 0

for i = 1, 2 do

teamPoss = fromPoss

for p = 1, #teamPoss do

if(isPlayer(getTopCreature(getThingPos(teamPoss[p])).uid) == TRUE) then

players_number = players_number + 1




if(players_number ~= #fromPoss[1] + #fromPoss[2]) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, #fromPoss[1] + #fromPoss[2] .. " players needed. Only " .. players_number .. " on start positions.")

return false


setGlobalStorageValue(match[1], os.time() + match[11] * 60)

ballPos = getThingPos(match[2])

doTeleportThing(footballGetBall(getThingPos(match[2]), match[13]), ballPos, TRUE)

addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 4000, ballPos, "0!", TEXTCOLOR_TEAL)

addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 3000, ballPos, "1", TEXTCOLOR_TEAL)

addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 2000, ballPos, "2", TEXTCOLOR_TEAL)

addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 1000, ballPos, "3", TEXTCOLOR_TEAL)

teamOutfit = {}

for i = 1, 2 do

teamFromPoss = fromPoss

teamToPoss = toPoss

teamOutfit = getCreatureOutfit(getTopCreature(getThingPos(teamFromPoss[1])).uid)

for p = 1, #teamFromPoss do

player = getTopCreature(getThingPos(teamFromPoss[p])).uid

setGlobalStorageValue(teamToPoss[p], player)

doCreatureSetNoMove(player, 1)

addEvent(doCreatureSetNoMove, 4000, player, 0)

outfit = getCreatureOutfit(player)

outfit.lookHead = teamOutfit.lookHead

outfit.lookBody = teamOutfit.lookBody

outfit.lookLegs = teamOutfit.lookLegs

outfit.lookFeet = teamOutfit.lookFeet

doSetCreatureOutfit(player, outfit, match[11] * 60 * 1000 + 2500)

doTeleportThing(player, getThingPos(teamToPoss[p]), TRUE)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Match start. You are in Team " .. i .. " on field " .. item.actionid-23300 .. ". You have " .. match[11] .. " minutes.")




doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Football field in use. Please wait.")

return false


return true


return false




5. em data \ actions \ actions.xml acrescentar:


<action fromaid="23301" toaid="23304" event="script" value="football.lua">


6. em data \ movimentos \ scripts \ football.lua criar o arquivo e colar:


[b]function onAddItem(moveitem, tileitem, pos)
if(moveitem.itemid ~= 2109 and tileitem.actionid <= 23310) then -- remove trash
	match = football_positions_uids[tileitem.actionid-23300]
	exitPos = getThingPos(match[1])
	doSendMagicEffect(exitPos, CONST_ME_BATS)
	doTeleportThing(moveitem.uid, exitPos, TRUE)
else -- goal or trash (ignore) in gate
	if(moveitem.itemid == 2109 and tileitem.actionid > 23310) then
		for i = 1, #football_positions_uids do
			match = football_positions_uids[i]
			if(match[8] == tileitem.actionid) then
				footballGoal(pos, moveitem, match[6], match[7], match[3], getThingPos(match[2]))
			elseif(match[9] == tileitem.actionid) then
				footballGoal(pos, moveitem, match[6], match[7], match[2], getThingPos(match[3]))
return TRUE

function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
if(item.actionid <= 23304) then
	match = football_positions_uids[item.actionid-23300]
	if(getCreatureSpeed(cid) ~= match[10]) then
		doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_HASTE)
		doChangeSpeed(cid, match[10] - getCreatureSpeed(cid))
return TRUE


7. em data \ movimentos \ movements.xml acrescentar:


[b]<movevent type="AddItem" tileitem="1" fromaid="23300" toaid="23400" event="script" value="football.lua">
<movevent type="StepIn" fromaid="23300" toaid="23400" event="script" value="football.lua">[/b]


8. em data \ GlobalEvents \ scripts \ football.lua criar o arquivo e colar:


[b]function onThink(interval, lastExecution)
for m = 1 , #football_positions_uids do
	match = football_positions_uids[m]
	if(getGlobalStorageValue(match[1]) == -1) then
		for t = match[1], match[12] do
			setGlobalStorageValue(t, 0)
	end_time = getGlobalStorageValue(match[1])
	if(end_time > 0 and end_time < os.time()) then
		toPoss = {match[6], match[7]}
		team_players = {"", ""}
		for i = 1, 2 do
			teamPoss = toPoss[i]
			for p = 1, #teamPoss do
				team_players[i] = team_players[i] .. getCreatureName(getGlobalStorageValue(teamPoss[p]))
				if p ~= #teamPoss then
					team_players[i] = team_players[i] .. ", "
		score = "Team 1 (" .. team_players[1] .. ") - " .. getGlobalStorageValue(match[2]) .. " : " .. getGlobalStorageValue(match[3]) .. " - (" .. team_players[2] .. ") Team 2"
		doBroadcastMessage("Football field " .. m .. ". " .. score, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE)
		for i = 1, 2 do
			teamPoss = toPoss[i]
			exitPos = getThingPos(match[1])
			for p = 1, #teamPoss do
				doTeleportThing(getGlobalStorageValue(teamPoss[p]), exitPos, TRUE)
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(getGlobalStorageValue(teamPoss[p]), MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "You were in Team " .. i .. " on field " .. m .. ". " .. score)
		for i = match[1], match[12] do
			setGlobalStorageValue(i, 0)
return true


9. em data \ GlobalEvents \ globalevents.xml acrescentar:


<globalevent name="football" interval="5" event="script" value="football.lua">


Creditos : (otland) e para mim, modifiquei algumas coisas.

Editado por Roksas
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