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Tentei aqui mais não consigo se alguem poder ajudar eu agradeço tiver computador bom meu é ruim fraquinho. Placa Mãe G31M-ES2C Se não der no anexado: Minimap.rar
Bleach Evolution OTS: [17.02.2023] 11:00 Qualquer pessoa ativa no jogo uma hora após a abertura receberá um prêmio! Dice Event acontecerá no sábado » »Medium exp »Client: 8.54 OTC »Port: 7171 »12 Characters Exp Stage 1-50 - 100x 51-100 - 75x 101-200 - 50x 201-300 - 30x 301-500 - 20x 501-999 - 10x Magic Level - x1 Recursos do servidor: Crítico - para cada ponto crítico aumentamos nossa chance de acerto crítico em 1% [MAX 100] Defesa - para cada ponto de defesa aumentamos nossa proteção contra dano de arma em 1% [MAX 80] Absorver - esta habilidade reduz o dano que você recebe de feitiços (kidou), pois lhe dá a chance de evitá-los completamente. Attack Speed - this skill increases your attack speed. Outro Sistema: » Sistema de Tarefas - Tarefas para diferentes tipos de monstros - boa recompensa! »Sistema de chefe - sistema graças ao qual ninguém pode bloquear o surgimento de um determinado chefe e informa todos os jogadores online que derrotaram esse chefe. » Sistema AutoLoot - Você pode adicionar itens à lista. Em seguida, os próprios itens da lista irão para a mochila - você não precisa abrir o cadáver. » MVP Arena - A arena onde lutamos com um MVP selecionado aleatoriamente para o nosso nível. »Sistema de Missões - Missões para coletar itens pelos quais receberemos uma boa recompensa! » World Boss - Depois de derrotar o chefe, todos têm a chance de receber uma recompensa! » Reborn System - Um sistema de renascimento para recomeçar sua aventura. Depois de completar Reborn, você receberá uma nova transformação, e sua base dmg e saúde serão aumentadas. E o Pac? Decidimos que a Conta Premium estará disponível para todos! [LIVRE] Algumas capturas de tela do servidor: Servidor criado por jogadores para jogadores. Bleach Evolution.
Finalmente Depois De Um Bom Tempo NTO Tazai Esta de Volta Vocaçoes Free : Naruto,Sasuke,Rock Lee,Sakura,Tenten,Kiba,Shino,Itachi,Kisame,Deidara,Kakashi,Killer Bee,Yamato,Obito,Kankuro,Gaara,Kabuto,Jiraya,Tsunade,Hinata Vocaçoes Evento : Anbu,Kakuzu,Hidan Vocaçoes VIP : Minato,Hashirama,Madara,Tobirama Servidor TOTALMENTE Baseado No WoNo Site : Fa Pag : Ot ServList : Prints \/ #EquipeTazai
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- - Tibia, Ots, Otserv Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist
um tópico no fórum postou tibiaots3 OTServlist - Tibia, Ots, Otserv Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist Ots List. Ots List of database tibia server servers Otservlist Open Tibia with around the world. The Otserv list was created to facilitate the owners Ots advertising Tibia Ots, and thus acquiring players. Adding server is completely free, and delivering the desired results - increase in the number of players online. The website has a search engine ots servers server through which you can find for himself and section where you can find a customer for each protocol tibia. -
Best tibia server world, mixed map, rpg-war system. Server settings: Website: IP Address: Port: 7171 Client: 8.60 Exp Rates: 51 - 50 level, 90x 51 - 100 level, 50x 101 - 150 level, 30x 151 - 200 level, 23x 201 - 250 level, 15x 251 - 300 level, 8x 301 - 350 level, 5x 351 - 400 level, 3x 401 - 450 level, 1x 451+ level, 0.8x Skills rate: 10.5x Loot rate: 2,5x Maglevel rate: 8x Assasin DMG x1.3 Warrior DMG x1.2 + DEF x1.1 Mage's DMG 1.46 + DEF x 1.15 & MonsterDEF -6% Promote: + 11% DMG + 2% SKILL / MLVL when training. ~690 Quest! ~1200 Spawn! All levels from 8 to 600+ Trening Room with new system!
otserv open pvp [Poland] Road to Shinigami | Bleach OTS
um tópico no fórum postou panrafaeru OTServlist
Start: 14.12.2018 | 13:00 (BRASIL TIME) Bem-vindo Eu adoraria te apresentar Road to Shinigami - um servidor temático Bleach. Eu tenho trabalhado nisso desde outubro de 2015 e sofreu grandes mudanças durante esse período. A última edição durou 3 meses e mais de 1000 jogadores passaram por ela. No servidor você pode jogar um dos 14 personagens do universo Bleach e cada um tem suas próprias habilidades únicas. - Ichigo (Specialist) - Toshiro (Specialist) - Byakuya (Specialist) - Grimmjow (Specialist) - Ishida (Specialist) - Rukia (Reiatsu) - Ulquiorra (Reiatsu) - Urahara (Reiatsu) - Inoue (Reiatsu) - Hichigo (Reiatsu) - Sado (Tank) - Renji (Tank) - Nelliel (Tank) - Zaraki (Tank) Cada personagem tem sua própria arma única que melhora com o nosso personagem. Sempre que matamos monstros ou colocamos uma alma em nossa arma, seus danos e bônus, dependendo do tipo de personagem que jogamos, aumentarão. Tarefas diárias, reuniões e eventos garantem que há algo para fazer e nunca ficaremos entediados. O PvP dinâmico e balanceado que foi testado e criado por muitos jogadores experientes nos dará diversão por semanas. Website: Forum: Fanpage: -
otserv open pvp [OTC] [8.54] NARUTOTS 27.01.19
um tópico no fórum postou menciul OTServlist
[PL] Start 27.01.2019 / 18:00[BR] início do servidor 27.01.2019/15:00[PL]Witajcie dużo czasu mineło od ostatniej edycji servera w tym czasie zostało przebudowane ponad 50% servera w tym nowy otclient który jest bardziej stabilny , innowacyjny market system ,czasowe towerki, proxy brasil system , dodano ponad 50% mapy , dungeony , areny , daily chest , status system który zapowiada się obiecująco z racji że możesz rozwijać postać w dowolny sposób ułatwi to każdemu gre zdecydowanie , dodano nowe zbalansowane kasyno tak żeby gra nie była p2w tylko żeby każdy miał szanse na zdobycie full eq nawet nie wydając pieniędzy , dodaliśmy misje kolekcjonerskie za itemy tak żeby było co na serverze robić myślę ze teraz dłuższa gra na serverze ma sens , dodaliśmy też candybota i waypointsy tak żeby dużo osób miało wyrównane szanse niestety jest to tylko dodatek i full afk na tym nie jest możliwy zostały poprawiony loot , balans itemów , i wiele wiele innych rzeczy. niebawem dam link do prezentacji[KONKURS] Pierwsze 100 kont otrzyma 3dni premium acocunts jeśli polubisz i udostępnisz post na publiczny masz szanse wygrać 2000premium points , jeśli ktoś jest zainteresowany pomoca w reklamie servera proszę priv[BR]Bem-vindo muito tempo se passou desde a última edição do servidor neste momento foi reconstruída mais de 50% do servidor incluindo novo otclient que é mais estável, inovador sistema de mercado, time towers, proxy brasil system, adicionado mais de 50% do mapa, dungeons, arenas, daily chest, sistema de status que promete ser promissor porque você pode desenvolver o personagem de qualquer maneira facilitará para todos, adicionou um novo cassino balanceado para que o jogo não fosse p2w apenas que todos tivessem a chance de obter eq completo sem gastar dinheiro, nós adicionamos missões colecionáveis para itens de modo que há algo no servidor Eu acho que mais jogar no servidor faz sentido, também adicionamos candybota e waypointsy de modo que muitas pessoas tiveram uma chance de alinhamento, infelizmente, é apenas uma adição e pleno afk em que não é possível ter sido corrigido loot, itens de equilíbrio, e muitas outras coisas. Vou dar um link para a apresentação em breve[COMPETIÇÃO] As primeiras 100 contas receberão prêmios 3Dni premium se você gostar e compartilhar a postagem pública que você tem a chance de ganhar 2000 pontos de prêmio, se alguém estiver interessado em ajudar na publicidade do servidor por favor priv[ENG}Welcome a lot of time has passed since the last edition of the server at this time has been rebuilt over 50% of the server including new otclient which is more stable, innovative market system, time towers, proxy brasil system, added over 50% of the map, dungeons, arenas, daily chest, status system which promises to be promising because you can develop the character in any way will make it easier for everyone, added a new balanced casino so that the game was not p2w just that everyone had a chance to get full eq without spending money, we added collectibles missions for items so that there is something on the server I think that longer play on the server makes sense, we also added candybota and waypointsy so that a lot of people had a chance alignment unfortunately it is only an addition and full afk on it is not possible have been corrected loot, balance items, and many many other things. I will give a link to the presentation soon[CONTEST] The first 100 accounts will receive 3dni premium acocunts if you like and share the post public you have the chance to win 2000premium points, if anyone is interested in helping in advertising the server please priv Serwer wystartuje 17.06.2017 o 17:00(CEST/GMT+2) Strona Załóż konto już dziś i czekaj ja start! pierwsze 100 kont 3dni premium account za free!!! Minimap *Server Easy/Medium *Exp Stage (5-6dni Topka później Wary) *Legaliazacja Bota prócz full afk *Task System *Daily Quest *Attack Speed System *Castle War *20 Frags RS *15min Skull *30sec PZ *Critical System *Masa Eventów Market System Guild System Guild Shop System Status System Casino System (NIE P2W) Autoloot Task System Dungeon System 10H Arena System 10H Tower System 10H PROXY SYSTEM (BRASIL) Daily Chest System Wiele Wiele innych... Nowy System rozwijania swojego Shinobi od teraz każda postać może być rozwijana w sposób jaki uważasz za słuszny , postacie na start są takie same w późniejszym etapie rozgrywki różnią się tylko specialne jutsu wiecej tutaj : Pare przykładowych transformacji Na Serverze jest około 30 broni Distance,Glove,Sword Około 30 różnych armorów , legsów , bootsów ,headbandów które daja regeneracje przykładowe 5 setów które każdy daje inne atrybuty możesz swoja postać zrobić pod set DMG,ABSO,SKILL,CRIT,SPEED,REGEN,MIX itd. na koniec chciałbym dodać że server jest inspirowany dość sporo Wszystkie item są dostępne z MVP których jest na serverze około 35 i ich jest to 30min więc ingerencja w itemshop i kasyno jest zbędna jedynie daje przewagę 2dni zanim wbijesz 400lvl Server jest tworzony przez teoretycznie jedna osobe więc można uznać , że jest amatorski nie będę się tutaj rozpisywał jaki to unikalny i jedyny w swoim rodzaju server... bez pajacowania jest to typ servera Easy/Medium jeśli chodzi o EXP/DROP z nutką RPG ponieważ są Sagi, dungeony , areny , ciekawe questy i taski KONKURS Polub Fanpage jeśli interesuje Cie taki typ servera WAR SERVER [VIDEO][/VIDEO] ? -
Hello OTS description IP : - Latest News PORT : 7171 CLIENT : 8.60 160 + quests! Uptime 24/7 [/color] Fragi 12 = frags to Red Skull! 15 = frags to Black Skull! Exp Stages [1-50: x 400 50-150: x 350 150-200: x 300 200-350: x 250 350-500: x 200 500-750: x 50 750-1000: x 20 1000-1800: x 15 1800-2200: x 12 2200-2400: x 10 2400-2600: x 9 2600-2800: x 8 2800-3000: x 5 3000 +: x 2 Rates: Skills: x 50 Magic: x 10 Loot: x 2.0 Houses: 100 lvl + PvP: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes from 50 lvl every next 50 lvl you get a certain amount of crystal coins! And here are a few Screenshots from the Server on Simson OTS Thank you for reading the Simson OTS Server We wish you a nice game !!!
um tópico no fórum postou mailowy5 OTServlist
Witam, pragnę przedstawić wyjątkowy server jakim jest Jest to tibia server ots pod tibia 8.6. Bez owijania w bawełnę, kilka informacji: tibia 8.60 port 7171 ip Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-80: x 200 80-100: x 30 100-120: x 10 120-140: x 7 140-160: x 3 160-200: x 2.5 200-250: x 2.4 250-300: x 2.3 300-350: x 2.2 350-400: x 2.1 400 +: x 2 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 3 Houses: 200 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes od 50 lvla co kazde nastepne 50 lvli otrzymasz okreslona ilosc crystal coins! od 180 lvla co kazde nastepne 20 lvli otrzymasz 30 premium points do sms shopu! 20 pierwszych osob z lvlem 100 otrzyma 300 premium points do sms shopu i tak co kazde nastepne 100 lvli! Jak widać nie trzeba wysyłać smsów czy robić przelewów, punkty można dostać np. za levele, ale nie tylko. NAJLEPSZYCH ITEMÓW NIE KUPISZ W SMS SHOPIE! Są one dostępnę tylko z wyjątkowych, customowych questów: Jak widać jest ich całkiem sporo, a są to questy w 100% customowe. TASKI Ots posiada własny system tasków, od tych co są na RL tibii po Hellhoundy czy Juggernauty. Z lepszych bossów lecą itemy z sms shopa i nie tylko, np: Loot of a Ethershreck: a frag remover, the calamity. Loot of a Jungler: a jewelled backpack, a demonbone, dragon scale legs, a addon doll. Loot of a Zanakeph: a random present bag, a demonwing axe, a frag remover, a upgrading rune, a addon doll Loot of a Kerberos: a fireborn giant armor, a solar axe. Loot of Demontero: a demon backpack, 5 crystal coins, a solar axe, an ornamented shield. Męczyło cię, że po 2 tygodniach gry posiadałeś kilka plecaków CC i nie miałeś co z nimi zrobić??? -Nic z tego. Na tym serverze istnieją upgrade runy, po 250cc jedna. Każdy przedmiot można ulepszyć 6 razy, więc by ulepszyć całe EQ trzeba ich aż 48! Każda upgrade runa zwiększa def lub atak przedmiotu o +2, więc można poczuć różnicę w obronie mając full eq na +6. Przykład ulepszonego przedmiotu: Najazdy Dinera posiada unikatowy system najazdów oraz customowe bossy stanowiące wyzwanie nawet dla dobrze dobrze zgranej i wysokopoziomowej ekipy, oto przykład tych najsilniejszych: 13:32 You lose 4688 mana blocking an attack by Infernatil. Server posiada 4 dodatkowe miasta - Ghenov, Oken, Gengia, Pyre. Oken, Gengia i Pyre są bardzo rozbudowane, została dodana ogromna ilość expowisk. Z każdego miasta można przejść do innego na piechotę - z Gengii do Oken, z Oken do Pyre, a z Pyre do Ghenov. Dodatkowo z Gengii można dostać się na Fibulę Mapy: Wielu atrakcji nie wypisałem bo jest ich po prostu za dużo. Na start serva wbije prawdopodobnie około 600-1000 osób Także serdecznie polecam powrót do starych i jednych z najlepszych czasów Tibii -
otserv optional pvp FURORA.NET REAL MAP TIBIA SERVER 10-11
um tópico no fórum postou mailowy5 OTServlist 10.00-11.47 Global Real Map! Furora OTS Tibia 10.00-11.57 port 7171 ip Exp Stages 1 - 50: x 400 50 - 80: x 300 80 - 100: x 250 100 - 140: x 200 140 - 160: x 150 160 - 180: x 100 180 - 200: x 80 200 - 250: x 40 250 - 300: x 10 300 - 350: x 7 350 - 400: x 6 400 - 500: x 5 500 +: x 4 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 25 Loot: x 3 Houses: 100 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes Frags to Red Skull: 10 (Day) Frags to Black Skull: 15 (Day) the first 20 mounts is free for all players! from 30 lvl at every next 30 lvl receive certain quantity crystal coins! Commands: !serverinfo = server information !frags = Display's your current frags count. !aol = Buy aol. Cost 20000 gp. !bless = Buy all bless with twist of fate! (to 200 lvl bless are free). !go = Change of outfit everyone in the guild House Commands: !buyhouse = If you stand near the house doors, this command will buy house, if you have enough money. !leavehouse = If you stand in your house, you will leave it. All items will go to the inbox. aleta sio = set house guest list. aleta som = set house subowners list. aleta grav = when you stand before the door, set access to a door. alana sio = kick player out of your house. Here are some screenshots from the server: No wait! go and Make account now! -
um tópico no fórum postou mailowy5 OTServlist
Hello, I wish to present a unique server that is This is tibia server ots for tibia 8.6. Without beating around the bush, some information: tibia 8.60 port 7171 ip Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-100: x 300 100-120: x 200 120-140: x 100 140-160: x 80 160-180: x 60 180-200: x 40 200-220: x 30 220-240: x 15 240-260: x 10 260-300: x 7 300-400: x 5 400-500: x 3 500 +: x 2 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 3 Houses: 200 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes lvl 50 at every next lvl 50 you get a certain quantity of crystal coins! lvl 180 at every next lvl 20 get 30 points for premium sms shop! The first 20 people with lvl 100 will receive 300 premium points to sms shop and so that every next 100 lvl! [/ B] As you can see you do not need to send text messages or make transfers, for example, you get points. For Levels, but not only. DO NOT BUY THE BEST of items in SMS Shop! They feature is available only with exceptional own custom quests: As you can see there are quite a few, and they are 100% quests customowe. TASKS Ots has its own system tasks, from those who are on the Hellhounds RL tibia and Juggernauts. With better bosses fly shop items with sms and not only, for example: Loot of a Ethershreck: a frag remover, the calamity. Loot of a Jungler: a jewelled backpack, a demonbone, dragon scale legs, a addon doll. Loot of a Zanakeph: a random present bag, a demonwing axe, a frag remover, a upgrading rune, a addon doll Loot of a Kerberos: a fireborn giant armor, a solar axe. Loot of Demontero: a demon backpack, 5 crystal coins, a solar axe, an ornamented shield. Bothered you that after 2 weeks of the game you had a couple of backpacks CC and you do not what to do with them ??? -Nothing In this. On the Server Characters are upgrade runes, the 250cc one. Each item can be improved 6 times, so to improve the whole EQ have to be as many as 48! Each upgrade increases def fleece or attack the course of two, so you can feel the difference in the defense of having full on 6 eq. Example improved the course: invasions Dinera has a unique system of raids and bosses customowe challenging even for well well ripped and high-level team, here's an example of the fittest: 13:32 You lose 4688 mana blocking an attack by Infernatil. Server has 4 additional cities - Ghenov, Oken, Gengia, Pyre. Oken, Pyre Gengia and are very powerful, has added a huge amount of exp. Each city can move to another on foot - with Gengii to Oken, with Oken to Pyre, and Pyre to Ghenov. In addition, the Gengii can get to the Fibula: D Maps: I wrote many attractions not because there are just too much. At the start serva pockets probably about 600-1000 people Also, I would recommend a return to the old and some of the best times of Tibia: D -
otserv hardcore pvp - Tibia, Ots, Otserv Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist
um tópico no fórum postou mailowy5 OTServlist - Tibia, Ots, Otserv Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist Ots List. Ots List of database tibia server servers Otservlist Open Tibia with around the world. The Otserv list was created to facilitate the owners Ots advertising Tibia Ots, and thus acquiring players. Adding server is completely free, and delivering the desired results - increase in the number of players online. The website has a search engine ots servers server through which you can find for himself and section where you can find a customer for each protocol tibia.-
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-!-gt-New-Naruto-Serwer-lt [B][B][CENTER][IMG=] Olá, gostaria de apresentar o novo servidor naruto - [SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]Shinobi War[/COLOR][/SIZE]. O início do servidor ocorrerá por trás[COLOR=#ff0000]dois dias[/COLOR]. [COLOR=#ff0000]Shinobi War este é um servidor High Exp com um clima de jogo muito agradável. [/ COLOR] No mundo de Shinobi você conhecerá sistemas como: [SIZE=4]- Pet System[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG=] [IMG=] [IMG=] [IMG=][IMG=] cada animal de estimação tem sua habilidade [COLOR=#ff0000] única [/COLOR] que [COLOR=#ff0000] cura [/COLOR] ou [COLOR=#ff0000] aumenta nossos atributos [/COLOR]. (As descrições dos animais de estimação estarão no lado do servidor) - sistema de teletransporte - sistema chefe - Sistema de Viagem - Sistema de Task - Sistema de Missão - Boss System ([COLOR=#ff0000]atualmente mais de 25 chefes dos quais voam itens inovadores que não podem ser obtidos até mesmo na Loja de Itens[/COLOR]) [SIZE=4]Shinobi War tem seu próprio mapa grande que esconde muitos quebra-cabeças e missões para executar.[/SIZE] [IMG=] [IMG=] [IMG=] [IMG=] [IMG=] [IMG=] [IMG=] [SIZE=4][B]Em nosso servidor, nossas habilidades irão desempenhar um papel muito importante, e não, você não será capaz de desistir de treinadores como na maioria dos servidores de reparo :) [/B]Transformacje : [/SIZE] 50lvl 125lvl 200lvl 300lvl 500lvl ([COLOR=#ff0000]w kolejnych update będą nowe transformacje z questów[/COLOR]) [SIZE=4]Special Jutsu: [/SIZE] Cada personagem terá sua própria habilidade especial, que será principalmente [COLOR=#ff0000] nos apoiando em batalhas PvP [/COLOR]. No mundo da Guerra Shinobi você também pode encontrar muitas missões, pelas quais você receberá prêmios muito bons após a execução :) (caixa desconhecida etc.) No futuro, vou me concentrar fortemente em melhorar o sistema de luta entre os chefes, de modo a não ficar parado, mas também participar ativamente da luta, do sistema sag e novos gráficos que já estão sendo feitos! (Eu também decidi que atualmente estou usando gráficos de transformação mais antigos para lembrá-lo dos velhos tempos e vou mudá-los somente quando o gráfico terminar todas as outras transformações) [IMG=] [SIZE=4]Eventy: [/SIZE] Também haverá diversão no servidor, uma vez por semana é organizado um evento no qual você pode ganhar muitos itens atraentes, incluindo aqueles da Loja de Itens. (De vez em quando há um evento mais sério associado à cerimônia.) [U][SIZE=4]ogo halloween, lembre-se;)[/SIZE][/U] [IMG=] [SIZE=4]Sms Shop: [/SIZE] Em nossa Loja de Itens haverá itens que também estão disponíveis no jogo, você poderá colocá-los de vários chefes, ou depois de completar determinadas missões. ([COLOR=#ff0000]cada doação para o servidor será dedicada às necessidades do servidor, scripts e gráficos acima de tudo[/COLOR]) Informações do servidor: Exp: High Rate + missão Loot: x2 Open Pvp: 50 lvl + Ip: [URL] [/ URL] Em breve disponibilizarei para você o anúncio do nosso servidor também na forma de um vídeo. Vejo você no começo, Shinobi! [SIZE=6]Partners :[/SIZE] [URL=""][IMG=][/URL] [/CENTER] [/B][/B]!-gt-New-Naruto-Serwer-lt
Opa! Eu participo da comunidade de OTS há cerca de 10 anos e tenho bastante experiência com servidores e resolvi então criar meu servidor para contribuir com a cena. Hoje em dia não tenho como dedicar 100% do meu tempo ao servidor e é por este motivo que venho aqui procurar interessados em participar desse projeto: O projeto: - Poucas coisas já estão definidas de fato, nem um nome ainda foi escolhido (aceitamos sugestão). - A versão do OT será 8.6. - Mapa Custom baseado no Baiak. - XP média~alta. - Criaturas Custom. - Spells e Itens Custom. - Sistema de donation (ou algo do gênero) como forma de remuneração da equipe. - Jogabilidade Balanceada. Idéia central: Atingir um alto número de jogadores; implementar novas dinâmicas de jogo e conceitos, sendo um servidor com jogabilidade justa e balanceada, sem perder a essência do bom e velho Tibia Baiak. Inicialmente o servidor teria o funcionamento bem proximo a um baiak e conforme o jogador evolui dentro do jogo ele ganha acesso a ferramentas e funcionalidades de jogo totalmente novas e personalizadas. Já temos: - Host - Programador --------------------------------------- Temos vagas para: - Gerência: Alguém capaz de coordenar o projeto, obter feedbacks, reportar bugs e defeitos, sugerir melhorias e entre outros... > Precisa-se que o gerente tenha criatividade, contato direto e experiência com a comunidade de OTS. - Mapper: Alguém com experiência em criação de mapas para implementarmos nosso projeto. - Artista: Alguém com experiência em criação de sprites e relacionados para customização do servidor. Vale lembrar que mais necessidades de vaga surgirão ao decorrer do crescimento do projeto e não existe remuneração garantida, por enquanto. Se você se interessou pela proposta, está disposto a dedicar uma parte do seu tempo e acredita no futuro da comunidade OTS entre em contato conosco!
- - Jest to rozbudowana mapa Evolution z teleportami. Exp Stage : 1-50: x 400 50-150: x 350 150-200: x 320 200-300: x 300 300-400: x 200 400-500: x 100 500-600: x 50 600-700: x 25 700-1500: x 10 1500 +: x 5 IP: Skill: x30 Magic: x15 Loot: x3 Spawn: x 3 Klient: 8.60 PvP: Od 100lvla RS: od 25+ fragów na dzien *Warto dodac ze Wszystkie itemy z sms shopu dostepne sa z questow. *Guild War System *Zbalansowane profesje - dużo Eventów - nowe Taski - nowe Raidy - system Aukcji - outfit Bonusy - Regroup System - House System - Predator System -Nowe Itemy (atrybuty) -Nowe Questy -niekończące się runy potiony WWW.AXERA.PL
Hello, I wish to present a unique server that is This is tibia server ots for tibia 8.6. Without beating around the bush, some information: tibia 8.60 port 7171 ip Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-100: x 300 100-120: x 200 120-140: x 100 140-160: x 80 160-180: x 60 180-200: x 40 200-220: x 30 220-240: x 15 240-260: x 10 260-300: x 7 300-400: x 5 400-500: x 3 500 +: x 2 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 3 Houses: 200 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes lvl 50 at every next lvl 50 you get a certain quantity of crystal coins! lvl 180 at every next lvl 20 get 30 points for premium sms shop! The first 20 people with lvl 100 will receive 300 premium points to sms shop and so that every next 100 lvl! [/ B] As you can see you do not need to send text messages or make transfers, for example, you get points. For Levels, but not only. DO NOT BUY THE BEST of items in SMS Shop! They feature is available only with exceptional own custom quests: As you can see there are quite a few, and they are 100% quests customowe. TASKS Ots has its own system tasks, from those who are on the Hellhounds RL tibia and Juggernauts. With better bosses fly shop items with sms and not only, for example: Loot of a Ethershreck: a frag remover, the calamity. Loot of a Jungler: a jewelled backpack, a demonbone, dragon scale legs, a addon doll. Loot of a Zanakeph: a random present bag, a demonwing axe, a frag remover, a upgrading rune, a addon doll Loot of a Kerberos: a fireborn giant armor, a solar axe. Loot of Demontero: a demon backpack, 5 crystal coins, a solar axe, an ornamented shield. Bothered you that after 2 weeks of the game you had a couple of backpacks CC and you do not what to do with them ??? -Nothing In this. On the Server Characters are upgrade runes, the 250cc one. Each item can be improved 6 times, so to improve the whole EQ have to be as many as 48! Each upgrade increases def fleece or attack the course of two, so you can feel the difference in the defense of having full on 6 eq. Example improved the course: invasions Dinera has a unique system of raids and bosses customowe challenging even for well well ripped and high-level team, here's an example of the fittest: 13:32 You lose 4688 mana blocking an attack by Infernatil. Server has 4 additional cities - Ghenov, Oken, Gengia, Pyre. Oken, Pyre Gengia and are very powerful, has added a huge amount of exp. Each city can move to another on foot - with Gengii to Oken, with Oken to Pyre, and Pyre to Ghenov. In addition, the Gengii can get to the Fibula: D Maps: I wrote many attractions not because there are just too much. At the start serva pockets probably about 600-1000 people Also, I would recommend a return to the old and some of the best times of Tibia: D
otserv hardcore pvp New Start Best Real Map Tibia Ots
um tópico no fórum postou OtsTibianos OTServlist
Hello, I wish to present a unique server that is tibia server ots for tibia 8.6. Without beating around the bush, some information: tibia 8.60 port 7171 ip Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-100: x 300 100-120: x 200 120-140: x 100 140-160: x 80 160-180: x 60 180-200: x 40 200-220: x 30 220-240: x 15 240-260: x 10 260-300: x 7 300-400: x 5 400-500: x 3 500 +: x 2 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 3 Houses: 200 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes lvl 50 at every next lvl 50 you get a certain quantity of crystal coins! lvl 180 at every next lvl 20 get 30 points for premium sms shop! The first 20 people with lvl 100 will receive 300 premium points to sms shop and so that every next 100 lvl! [/ B] As you can see you do not need to send text messages or make transfers, for example, you get points. For Levels, but not only. DO NOT BUY THE BEST of items in SMS Shop! They feature is available only with exceptional own custom quests: As you can see there are quite a few, and they are 100% quests customowe. TASKS Ots has its own system tasks, from those who are on the Hellhounds RL tibia and Juggernauts. With better bosses fly shop items with sms and not only, for example: Loot of a Ethershreck: a frag remover, the calamity. Loot of a Jungler: a jewelled backpack, a demonbone, dragon scale legs, a addon doll. Loot of a Zanakeph: a random present bag, a demonwing axe, a frag remover, a upgrading rune, a addon doll Loot of a Kerberos: a fireborn giant armor, a solar axe. Loot of Demontero: a demon backpack, 5 crystal coins, a solar axe, an ornamented shield. Bothered you that after 2 weeks of the game you had a couple of backpacks CC and you do not what to do with them ??? -Nothing In this. On the Server Characters are upgrade runes, the 250cc one. Each item can be improved 6 times, so to improve the whole EQ have to be as many as 48! Each upgrade increases def fleece or attack the course of two, so you can feel the difference in the defense of having full on 6 eq. Example improved the course: invasions Dinera has a unique system of raids and bosses customowe challenging even for well well ripped and high-level team, here's an example of the fittest: 13:32 You lose 4688 mana blocking an attack by Infernatil. Server has 4 additional cities - Ghenov, Oken, Gengia, Pyre. Oken, Pyre Gengia and are very powerful, has added a huge amount of exp. Each city can move to another on foot - with Gengii to Oken, with Oken to Pyre, and Pyre to Ghenov. In addition, the Gengii can get to the Fibula: D Maps: I wrote many attractions not because there are just too much. At the start serva pockets probably about 600-1000 people Also, I would recommend a return to the old and some of the best times of Tibia: D -
otserv hardcore pvp [8.6][MID][RETRO][ENFO][PvP][RPG]
um tópico no fórum postou wasyll OTServlist [8.6][MID][RETRO][ENFO][PvP][RPG] BezeOTS - ACC Maker Oi. Gostaria de convidá-lo para o meu servidor. É um servidor de estilo retro. O mapa é custom, você pode encontrar cidades editadas de Yurots, Devland ou Evolution. O servidor está crescendo constantemente. Estou curioso sobre sua opinião. Escreva o que você pensa sobre este servidor? Saudações -Rates- -Stage Exp- From 1 lvl to 30 lvl exp x30 From 31 lvl to 50 lvl exp x24 From 51 lvl to 70 lvl exp x21 From 71 lvl to 90 lvl exp x18 From 91 lvl to 120 lvl exp x15 From 121 lvl to 150 lvl exp x12 From 151 to ∞ exp x9 Happy Stamina exp 150% Exp from players: x3 Skill rate: x20 Magic rate: x7 Loot rate: x2 Spawn rate: x4 -More Features- - RPG Climate - Retro Sprites&more - Custom Map with Global places - Fast-Attack - Retro PvP and other retro systems - No Potion only runes like manarunes, uhs Retro Outfits and more Retro Sprites and more Tobago temple - Evolutoin South City - YurOTS - [YouTube] [Trailer] [Movie]- Por favor, compartilhe sua opinião. Enjoy! -
um tópico no fórum postou OtsTibianos OTServlist
[poland][8.6] - the best real map legend server ever! new edition legend real map! New edition of the best real map server ever starts on 24.04.2017 at 20:00 polish time. lso we would like to tell you that a year has passed since we started the first Feba Ots (28.03.2010). During this time the server has become one of the leader in the open tibia servers world! We know how to protect our server against ddos attack so quality and stability are in the first place! table engine, which can handle 1000 players! We are prepared to welcome 1000 players from the whole world during the server start! o server DDoSing! How many times have you lost your items and got irritated because someone attacked the server you were playing on? Our current hosting data center HosTeam provides us with efficient firewall, which can prevent our server from DDoS attacks! ew 'Green Town' for players who have done Gengia Hardcour Quest. PvP Village is a island where you can learn how to doing wars and pk! It you die on this island you will not lose your lvls, skills and backpacks. This is not all, join us to see what a wonderful server it is! Server specification: Intel Xeon Processor X3440 4x 2x 2.53+ GHz 8 GB RAM 1 x 0.25 TB Connection: 1 Gbps Location: HosTeam Poland Poznan - Wielkopolska Client: Tibia 8.6 Exp stages: Level: 1-50 : 350x Level: 51-100 : 280x Level: 101-130 : 120x Level: 131-150 : 60x Level: 151-170 : 30x Level: 171-190 : 15x Level: 191-200 : 8x Level: 201-220 : 6x Level: 221-280 : 3x Level: 281+ : 2x PVP Protection: 100 lvl Skill Rate: 30x Magic Level Rate: 20x Loot Rate: 4x Frags & skull system # redSkullLength = 1day # blackSkullLength = 3 days # dailyFragsToRedSkull = 20 # dailyFragsToBlackSkull = 25 Map: Edited REAL MAP + ZAO + Farmine + Oken + Gengia + Pyre + Travora + Itea + Ithilien + Vinera + PVP Village + RAZACHAI + other smaller islands Other: # Free Pacc # Free 5cc in 45lvl # Free 5cc in 100lvl # Balanced vocations # Great guild wars # Top Frags # Top Guilds # Professional Mapping # All Working Potions # This isnt all, join us to see what a wonderful server this is! Restarts? As long as there are players on this server there will not be any restarts on FEBA OTS. This content is only visible to registered users. On Feba Ots when you are promoted to the specified lvl you reward points to sms shop which you can spent on a great and very powerfull items! Maps: -
otserv hardcore pvp Global Real Map Tibia 10.00-11.00
um tópico no fórum postou OtsTibianos OTServlist 10.00-11.47 Global Real Map! Furora OTS Tibia 10.97-10.99 port 7171 ip Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-100: x 300 100-120: x 200 120-140: x 100 140-160: x 80 160-180: x 60 180-200: x 40 200-220: x 30 220-240: x 15 240-260: x 10 260-300: x 5 300-400: x 3 400-500: x 2 500 +: x 1 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 3 Houses: 100 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes Frags to Red Skull: 10 (Day) Frags to Black Skull: 15 (Day) the first 20 mounts is free for all players! from 30 lvl at every next 30 lvl receive certain quantity crystal coins! Commands: !serverinfo = server information !frags = Display's your current frags count. !aol = Buy aol. Cost 20000 gp. !bless = Buy all bless with twist of fate! (to 200 lvl bless are free). !go = Change of outfit everyone in the guild House Commands: !buyhouse = If you stand near the house doors, this command will buy house, if you have enough money. !leavehouse = If you stand in your house, you will leave it. All items will go to the inbox. aleta sio = set house guest list. aleta som = set house subowners list. aleta grav = when you stand before the door, set access to a door. alana sio = kick player out of your house. Here are some screenshots from the server: No wait! go and Make account now! -
otserv hardcore pvp Legend Real Map Ots
um tópico no fórum postou OtsTibianos OTServlist
[poland][8.6] - the best real map legend server ever! new edition legend real map! New edition of the best real map server ever starts on 24.04.2017 at 20:00 polish time. lso we would like to tell you that a year has passed since we started the first Feba Ots (28.03.2010). During this time the server has become one of the leader in the open tibia servers world! We know how to protect our server against ddos attack so quality and stability are in the first place! table engine, which can handle 1000 players! We are prepared to welcome 1000 players from the whole world during the server start! o server DDoSing! How many times have you lost your items and got irritated because someone attacked the server you were playing on? Our current hosting data center HosTeam provides us with efficient firewall, which can prevent our server from DDoS attacks! ew 'Green Town' for players who have done Gengia Hardcour Quest. PvP Village is a island where you can learn how to doing wars and pk! It you die on this island you will not lose your lvls, skills and backpacks. This is not all, join us to see what a wonderful server it is! Server specification: Intel Xeon Processor X3440 4x 2x 2.53+ GHz 8 GB RAM 1 x 0.25 TB Connection: 1 Gbps Location: HosTeam Poland Poznan - Wielkopolska Client: Tibia 8.6 Exp stages: Level: 1-50 : 350x Level: 51-100 : 280x Level: 101-130 : 120x Level: 131-150 : 60x Level: 151-170 : 30x Level: 171-190 : 15x Level: 191-200 : 8x Level: 201-220 : 6x Level: 221-280 : 3x Level: 281+ : 2x PVP Protection: 100 lvl Skill Rate: 30x Magic Level Rate: 20x Loot Rate: 4x Frags & skull system # redSkullLength = 1day # blackSkullLength = 3 days # dailyFragsToRedSkull = 20 # dailyFragsToBlackSkull = 25 Map: Edited REAL MAP + ZAO + Farmine + Oken + Gengia + Pyre + Travora + Itea + Ithilien + Vinera + PVP Village + RAZACHAI + other smaller islands Other: # Free Pacc # Free 5cc in 45lvl # Free 5cc in 100lvl # Balanced vocations # Great guild wars # Top Frags # Top Guilds # Professional Mapping # All Working Potions # This isnt all, join us to see what a wonderful server this is! Restarts? As long as there are players on this server there will not be any restarts on FEBA OTS. This content is only visible to registered users. On Feba Ots when you are promoted to the specified lvl you reward points to sms shop which you can spent on a great and very powerfull items! Maps: -
Hello, I wish to present a unique server that is This is tibia server ots for tibia 8.6. Without beating around the bush, some information: tibia 8.60 port 7171 ip Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-100: x 300 100-120: x 200 120-140: x 100 140-160: x 80 160-180: x 60 180-200: x 40 200-220: x 30 220-240: x 15 240-260: x 10 260-300: x 7 300-400: x 5 400-500: x 3 500 +: x 2 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 3 Houses: 200 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes lvl 50 at every next lvl 50 you get a certain quantity of crystal coins! lvl 180 at every next lvl 20 get 30 points for premium sms shop! The first 20 people with lvl 100 will receive 300 premium points to sms shop and so that every next 100 lvl! [/ B] As you can see you do not need to send text messages or make transfers, for example, you get points. For Levels, but not only. DO NOT BUY THE BEST of items in SMS Shop! They feature is available only with exceptional own custom quests: As you can see there are quite a few, and they are 100% quests customowe. TASKS Ots has its own system tasks, from those who are on the Hellhounds RL tibia and Juggernauts. With better bosses fly shop items with sms and not only, for example: Loot of a Ethershreck: a frag remover, the calamity. Loot of a Jungler: a jewelled backpack, a demonbone, dragon scale legs, a addon doll. Loot of a Zanakeph: a random present bag, a demonwing axe, a frag remover, a upgrading rune, a addon doll Loot of a Kerberos: a fireborn giant armor, a solar axe. Loot of Demontero: a demon backpack, 5 crystal coins, a solar axe, an ornamented shield. Bothered you that after 2 weeks of the game you had a couple of backpacks CC and you do not what to do with them ??? -Nothing In this. On the Server Characters are upgrade runes, the 250cc one. Each item can be improved 6 times, so to improve the whole EQ have to be as many as 48! Each upgrade increases def fleece or attack the course of two, so you can feel the difference in the defense of having full on 6 eq. Example improved the course: invasions Dinera has a unique system of raids and bosses customowe challenging even for well well ripped and high-level team, here's an example of the fittest: 13:32 You lose 4688 mana blocking an attack by Infernatil. Server has 4 additional cities - Ghenov, Oken, Gengia, Pyre. Oken, Pyre Gengia and are very powerful, has added a huge amount of exp. Each city can move to another on foot - with Gengii to Oken, with Oken to Pyre, and Pyre to Ghenov. In addition, the Gengii can get to the Fibula: D Maps: I wrote many attractions not because there are just too much. At the start serva pockets probably about 600-1000 people Also, I would recommend a return to the old and some of the best times of Tibia: D
- - Jest to rozbudowana mapa Evolution z teleportami. Exp Stage : 1-50: x 400 50-150: x 350 150-200: x 320 200-300: x 300 300-400: x 200 400-500: x 100 500-600: x 50 600-700: x 25 700-1500: x 10 1500 +: x 5 IP: Skill: x30 Magic: x15 Loot: x3 Spawn: x 3 Klient: 8.60 PvP: Od 100lvla RS: od 25+ fragów na dzien *Warto dodac ze Wszystkie itemy z sms shopu dostepne sa z questow. *Guild War System *Zbalansowane profesje - dużo Eventów - nowe Taski - nowe Raidy - system Aukcji - outfit Bonusy - Regroup System - House System - Predator System -Nowe Itemy (atrybuty) -Nowe Questy -niekończące się runy potiony WWW.AXERA.PL
otserv hardcore pvp - Tibia, Ots, Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist
um tópico no fórum postou otsmasters Lixeira Pública - Tibia, Ots, Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist Ots List. Ots List of database servers Otservlist Open Tibia with around the world. The list was created to facilitate the owners Ots advertising, and thus acquiring players. Adding server is completely free, and delivering the desired results - increase in the number of players online. The website has a search engine ots servers server through which you can find for himself and section where you can find a customer for each protocol Tibia . -
otserv open pvp FURORA.NET 10.97-10.99 REAL TIBIA MAP OTS
um tópico no fórum postou otsmasters Lixeira Pública 10.97-10.98 Global Real Map! Furora and Make account now!