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  1. @Marcos VMA Substitua por isso:
  2. gabrielzika

    Card System Ajuda

    @KaboFlow Troque: function onUse(cid) por: function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
  3. ta afim de me ajudar em um servidor de poke?

    1. gabrielzika


      depende mano, até pq eu tenho um :/

    2. Deadpool


      ah, eu te mostro, ta afim? me chama no whats.. 87981620190

  4. @Taiger malz ksks, tenta agr! local pokesCheck = {"Alakazam", "Blastoise"} if isInArray(pokesCheck, poke) or pokes[poke].wildLvl >= 80 or poke:find("Shiny") then local text_color = poke:find("Shiny") and TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O or TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W for _, oid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do doPlayerSendChannelMessage(oid, cid, "[Catch Channel] O jogador [".. getCreatureName(cid) .."] capturou um ["..poke.."]!.", text_color, 5) end end
  5. @Taiger local pokesCheck = {"Alakazam", "Blastoise"} if isInArray(pokesCheck, poke) or pokes[poke].wildLvl >= 80 or poke:find("Shiny") then local text_color = poke:find("Shiny") and TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O or TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W for _, oid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do doPlayerSendChannelMessage(oid, cid, "[Catch Channel] O jogador [".. getCreatureName(cid) .."] capturou um ["..poke.."]!.", text_color, 5) end end
  6. @Taiger veja se é isso: if pokes[poke].wildLvl >= 80 or poke:find("Shiny") then local text_color = poke:find("Shiny") and TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O or TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W for _, oid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do doPlayerSendChannelMessage(oid, cid, "[Catch Channel] O jogador [".. getCreatureName(cid) .."] capturou um ["..poke.."]!.", text_color, 5) end end
  7. @xmaster0 já tentou em: animatedtext.cpp nas sources do client?
  8. @Taiger local p1, p2 = doPlayerAddItem(cid, 18837, 1), doPlayerAddItem(cid, 18837, 1) doItemSetAttribute(p1, "unique", 1) doItemSetAttribute(p2, "unique", 1)
  9. @Taiger local premio = doPlayerAddItem(cid, 18837, 1) doItemSetAttribute(premio, "unique", 1)
  10. gabrielzika

    Talk Color

    @Marshmello não deu certo pq as cores devem ser escritas na forma RGB e não como Hex igual ele disse no tópico... Certo: Color(255, 0, 0); Errado: Color(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00); ^^
  11. @Taiger Tenta assim: local function doReceiveTeamRocket(cid) math.randomseed = os.time() local q1 = math.random(1,10) local q = math.random(q1, 20) local sto = 17067 local Clans = { {1, stones={fire, fire}}, -- volcanic {2, stones={water, ice}}, -- seavell {3, stones={rock, earth}}, -- orebound {4, stones={heart, heart}}, -- wingeon {5, stones={dark, venom}}, -- malefic {6, stones={heart, punch}}, -- gardestrike {7, stones={enigma, enigma}}, -- psycraft {8, stones={grass, coccon}}, -- naturia {9, stones={thunder, thunder}}, -- raibolt } local function addStonePerClan(cid, table, q) for z=1, #table do doPlayerAddItem(cid, table[z], q) end end if Clans[getPlayerClanNum(cid)] then local clan = getPlayerClanNum(cid) addStonePerClan(cid, Clans[clan].stones, q) playerAddExp(cid, q*1000) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto, 1) else doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2160, q) playerAddExp(cid, q*1000) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, sto, 1) end doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))) end function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList) --if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if isSummon(cid) or not deathList or getCreatureNameWithProtect(cid) == "Evolution" then return true end --alterado v1.8 local pokedexp = getCreatureNameWithProtect(cid) -------------Edited Golden Arena------------------------- --alterado v1.7 \/\/ if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then setGlobalStorageValue(22548, getGlobalStorageValue(22548)-1) if corpse.itemid ~= 0 then doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "golden", 1) end --alterado v1.8 end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 and getGlobalStorageValue(22548) == 0 then local wave = getGlobalStorageValue(22547) for _, sid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545) == 1 then if getGlobalStorageValue(22547) < #wavesGolden+1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 20, "Wave "..wave.." will begin in "..timeToWaves.."seconds!") doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 28, "Wave "..wave.." will begin in "..timeToWaves.."seconds!") addEvent(creaturesInGolden, 100, GoldenUpper, GoldenLower, false, true, true) addEvent(doWave, timeToWaves*1000) elseif getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == #wavesGolden+1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 20, "Você foi o último sobrevivente da Golden arena tome sua recompensa!") doPlayerAddItem(sid, 2152, getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22551)*2) --premio setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545, -1) doTeleportThing(sid, getClosestFreeTile(sid, posBackGolden), false) setPlayerRecordWaves(sid) end end end if getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == #wavesGolden+1 then endGoldenArena() end end --------------------------------------------------- /\/\ local givenexp = getWildPokemonExp(cid) ---local killer = getItemAttribute(corpse.uid, "corpseowner") local pkpos = getThingPos(cid) local topleft = {x=1879, y=1027, z=8} local bottomright = {x=1893, y=1073, z=8} if pokedexp == "Unown Legion" and ((pkpos.x >= topleft.x and pkpos.x <= bottomright.x) and (pkpos.y >= topleft.y and pkpos.y <= bottomright.y))then addEvent(function() doSummonCreature("Unown Legion", pkpos) end, 60000) end if tonumber(givenexp) and givenexp >= 0 then for a = 1, #deathList do local pk = deathList[a] --- local list = getSpectators(getThingPosWithDebug(pk), 30, 30, false) if pokedexp == "Rocket Team" and isInParty(pk) then break end if isCreature(pk) then --local expTotal = math.floor(givenexp * getDamageMapPercent(pk, cid)) local expTotal = math.floor(givenexp) local party = getPartyMembers(pk) if isInParty(pk) and getPlayerStorageValue(pk, 4875498) <= -1 then expTotal = math.floor(expTotal/#party) --alterado v1.6.1 for i = 1, #party do if isInArray(list, party) then --playerAddExp(party, expTotal) playerAddExp(getCreatureMaster(party), expTotal * ExperienceLib.rate(getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(party)))) end end elseif not isInParty(pk) then if pokedexp == "Rocket Team" then doReceiveTeamRocket(getCreatureMaster(pk)) return true end --playerAddExp(pk, expTotal) playerAddExp(getCreatureMaster(pk), math.floor((ExperienceLib.rate(getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(pk))) * (givenexp)))) end end end end if isNpcSummon(cid) then local master = getCreatureMaster(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 10000)) doCreatureSay(master, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 10001), 1) doRemoveCreature(cid) return false end if corpse.itemid ~= 0 then --alterado v1.8 doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "level", getPokemonLevel(cid)) doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "gender", getPokemonGender(cid)) end return true end
  12. beleza, só evite querer gozar com o pau dos outros. Infeliz.
  13. tá igualzinho, tu só colocou uma listinha besta que até meu irmão de 5 anos faz... Alem do mais, tu foi arrogante com o cara ali só pq ele demonstrou TER mais conhecimento que você.
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