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Yourots 8.1 Ariel


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getPlayerFood(uid) -- Returns the food ticks of player

getPlayerHealth(uid) -- Returns the player's health

getPlayerMana(uid) -- Returns the player's mana

getPlayerLevel(uid) -- Returns the player's level

getPlayerMagLevel(uid) -- Returns the player's magic level

getPlayerName(uid) -- Returns the player's name

getPlayerAccess(uid) -- Returns the player's access

getPlayerPosition(uid) -- Returns the player's position

getPlayerSkill(uid,skillid) -- Returns the player's skill level of a skill

getPlayerMasterPos(cid) -- Returns the player's temple position

getPlayerTown(cid) -- Returns the player's town-id

getPlayerVocation(cid) -- Returns the player's vocation

getPlayerItemCount(cid,itemid) -- Returns the amount of an item that the player has

getPlayerSoul(cid) -- Returns the player's soul

getPlayerFreeCap(cid) -- Returns the player's free capacity

getPlayerLight(cid) -- Returns the player's light ticks

getPlayerSlotItem(cid, slot) -- Returns an item if an item is found in the slot

getPlayerDepotItems(uid, depotid) -- Returns the player's depot items of a decent depot

getPlayerSex(cid) -- Returns the player's gender

getPlayerLookDir(cid) -- Returns the player's look direction

getPlayerStorageValue(uid,valueid) -- Returns the value of the value id of a player

setPlayerStorageValue(uid,valueid, newvalue) -- Adds a new value-id to the storage map of player

getGlobalStorageValue(valueid) -- Returns the value of the value id

setGlobalStorageValue(valueid, newvalue) -- Adds a new value-id to the storage map

getTilePzInfo(pos) 1 is pz. 0 no pz. -- Returns the protection zone status of a tile

getTileHouseInfo(pos). 0 no house. != 0 house id -- Returns the house status of a tile

getItemRWInfo(uid) -- Check if the item is writeable

getThingfromPos(pos) -- Returns something that matches the position

getThingPos(uid) -- Returns the position of something

doRemoveItem(uid,n) -- Removes any item (from the map or player


18:48:04 doesn't matter)

doPlayerFeed(uid,food) -- Increase the food ticks of a player

doPlayerSendCancel(uid,text) -- Send any cancel message to a player

doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(uid, ReturnValue) -- Send a cancel message to player

doTeleportThing(uid,newpos) -- Teleports something to a position

doTransformItem(uid,toitemid) -- Changes the item's id

doPlayerSay(uid,text,type) -- Let's the player say any text

doSendMagicEffect(position,type) -- Show a magic effect at a position

doChangeTypeItem(uid,new_type) -- Change the type/count of an item

doSetItemActionId(uid,actionid) -- Set the item's action id

doSetItemText(uid,text) -- Set the text of an item if you open it

doSetItemSpecialDescription(uid,desc) -- Set an item's description

doSendAnimatedText(position,text,color) -- Show animated text at a position (any text or color)

doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid,skillid,tries) -- Add skill tries to a decent skill

doPlayerAddHealth(cid,health) -- Add health to a player

doCreatureAddHealth(cid,health) -- Add health to a creature

doPlayerAddMana(cid,mana) -- Add mana to a player

doPlayerAddSoul(cid,soul) -- Add soul points to a player

doPlayerAddItem(cid,itemid,count or type) -- Add an item to a player -- returns uid of the created item

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MessageClasses,message) -- Send a message to a player

doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid,money) -- Remove money from a player

doShowTextWindow(cid,maxlen,canWrite) -- Show a text dialog which is writable

doShowTextDialog(cid,itemid,text) -- Show a text dialog to a player that contains text

doDecayItem(uid) -- Start to decay an item

doCreateItem(itemid,type or count,position) -- Only working on ground; Returns uid of the created item

doSummonCreature(name, position) -- Creates a creature

doMoveCreature(cid, direction) -- Move a creature to a decent direction

doPlayerSetMasterPos(cid,pos) -- Set the player's temple position

doPlayerSetTown(cid,townid) -- Set the player's

18:48:05 town-id

doPlayerSetVocation(cid,voc) -- Set the player's vocation

doPlayerRemoveItem(cid,itemid,count) -- Remove an item from a player

doPlayerAddExp(cid,exp) -- Add experience to a player

doSetCreatureLight(cid, lightLevel, lightColor, time) -- Add a new light condtion to a player

isPlayer(cid) -- Check if something is a creature

isCreature(cid) -- Check if something is a creature

isContainer(uid)-- Check if something is a container

isMoveable(uid) -- Check if something is moveable

getPlayerByName(name) -- Returns a player if the name matches any player on the server

registerCreature(cid) -- Returns and adds a new creature to the script

getContainerSize(uid) -- Returns the size of a container

getContainerCap(uid) -- Returns the capacity of a container

getContainerItem(uid, slot) -- Check if the slot contains a container

doAddContainerItem(uid, itemid, count or subtype) -- Add an item to a container

getHouseOwner(houseid) -- Returns the owner of a house

getHouseName(houseid) -- Returns the name of a house

getHouseEntry(houseid) -- Return the entry-position of a house

getHouseRent(houseid) -- Returns the rent of a house

getHouseTown(houseid) -- Returns the town-id of a house

getHouseAccessList(houseod, listid) -- Returns the house-id of a house that matches the listid

getHouseByPlayerName(playername) -- Returns the house-id of a house that matches the player's name

setHouseAccessList(houseid, listid, listtext) -- Set the accesslist of a door or anything else in a house

setHouseOwner(houseid, ownername) -- Set the owner of a house

getWorldType() -- Returns the worldtype (0 = no-pvp, 1 = pvp, 2 = pvp-enf)

getWorldTime() -- Returns the ingame time

getWorldLight() -- Returns the light level of the server

getWorldCreatures(type) Returns the amount of creatures (0 players, 1 monsters, 2 npcs, 3 all)

getWorldUpTime() -- Returns the uptime of the server

createCombatArea( {area}, {extArea} ) -- Create a new combat

18:48:05 area

createConditionObject(type) -- Creates a new condition (condition-type required)

setCombatArea(combat, area) -- Set the area of a combat object

setCombatCondition(combat, condition) -- Adds a condtion to a combat object

setCombatParam(combat, key, value) -- Adds a parameter to a combat object with a decent value

setConditionParam(condition, key, value) -- Adds a parameter to a condition with a decent value

addDamageCondition(condition, key, rounds, time, value) -- Adds a damage value to a condtion

addOutfitCondition(condition, lookTypeEx, lookType, lookHead, lookBody, lookLegs, lookFeet) -- Adds a new outfit condtion to a creature

setCombatCallBack(combat, key, function_name) -- Set the callback of a combat object

setCombatFormula(combat, type, mina, minb, maxa, maxb) -- Set the combat's formula

setConditionFormula(combat, mina, minb, maxa, maxb) -- Set the condition's formula

doCombat(cid, combat, param) -- Execute the combat object

createCombatObject() -- Creates a new combat object

doAreaCombatHealth(cid, type, pos, area, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's health (area)

doTargetCombatHealth(cid, target, type, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's health (target)

doAreaCombatMana(cid, pos, area, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's mana (area)

doTargetCombatMana(cid, target, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's mana (target)

doAreaCombatCondition(cid, pos, area, condition, effect) -- Adds a condition (area)

doTargetCombatCondition(cid, target, condition, effect) -- Adds a condition (target)

doAreaCombatDispel(cid, pos, area, type, effect) -- Removes a condition (area)

doTargetCombatDispel(cid, target, type, effect) -- Removes a condition (target)

doChallengeCreature(cid, target) -- Challenge a creature

doConvinceCreature(cid, target) -- Convince a creature

doChangeSpeed(cid, delta) -- Change the creature's speed

doSetMonsterOutfit(cid, name, time) -- Sets the creature's outfit to a

18:48:06 monster look

doSetItemOutfit(cid, item, time) -- Sets the creature's outfit to an item

doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, outfit, time) -- Sets the creature's outfit (table required)

getCreatureOutfit(cid) -- Returns the creature's outfit (in a table)

getCreaturePosition(cid) -- Returns the creature's position (in a table)

getCreatureName(cid) -- Returns the name of a creature

isItemStackable(itemid) -- Check if an item is stackable

isItemRune(itemid) -- Check if an item is a rune

isItemDoor(itemid) -- Check if an item is a door

isItemContainer(itemid) -- Check if an item is a container

isItemFluidContainer(itemid) -- Check if an item is a fluid

getItemName(itemid) -- Returns the item's name

getPlayerSkull(cid) -- Returns the skull-type of a player

getPlayerConditionTicks(cid, conditionid) -- Returns the ticks of a decent condtion of a player

doPlayerAddAddon(cid, looktype, addon) -- Add an addon to an outfit of the player

getPlayerOutfitAddon(cid, looktype) -- Returns the addon-value of an outfit of a player

getItemStackable(itemid) -- Check if the item is stackable

isPremium(cid) -- Check if the player is premium

addPremium(cid, days) -- Add x days to the player's account

foundNewGuild(guildname) -- Create a new guild

getPlayerGuildStatus(name) -- Returns the player's guild status

setPlayerGuildStatus(guildstatus, name) -- Set the player's guild status

getPlayerGuildName(name) -- Returns the guild's name if the player has a guild

setPlayerGuild(name, guildstatus, guilrank, guildname) -- Edit the guild stats of a player

clearPlayerGuild(name) -- Remove a player from a guild

setPlayerGuildNick(name, guildnick) -- Set the nick of the player

setPlayerGuildTitle(name, guildnick) -- Set the nick of the player

doPlayerLearnSpell(cid, spellwords) -- Learn a spell to a player

doPlayerAddBlesing(cid, blessid) -- Add a blessing to a player

getPlayerBlessing(cid, blessid) -- Check if the player has this

18:48:06 blessing

debugPrint(text) -- Print a message in the console

isInArray(array, value) -- Check if an array contains a decent value

addEvent(callback, delay, parameter) -- Add an event

stopEvent(eventid) -- Stops an added event

getDataDir() -- Returns a string that is the data directory





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Mano Vc posto isso tbm nos ot 8.2x


pra mim tah com cara de virus


não vou baixar issO




a mesma coisa...


Bom eu baxei e fiz scan

Editado por Leh123
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