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Vorkhon 0
Eu baixei a ultima versão do OTClient, e no entergame.lua não esta aparecendo a linha que tinha nos anteriores. "function EnterGame.setUniqueServer(host, port, protocol, windowWidth, windowHeight)".
Como faz para por IPFixo no otclientv8-master?
EnterGame = { } -- private variables local loadBox local enterGame local enterGameButton local clientBox local protocolLogin local server = nil local versionsFound = false local customServerSelectorPanel local serverSelectorPanel local serverSelector local clientVersionSelector local serverHostTextEdit local rememberPasswordBox local protos = {"740", "760", "772", "792", "800", "810", "854", "860", "870", "961", "1000", "1077", "1090", "1096", "1098", "1099", "1100", "1200", "1220"} local checkedByUpdater = {} -- private functions local function onProtocolError(protocol, message, errorCode) if errorCode then return EnterGame.onError(message) end return EnterGame.onLoginError(message) end local function onSessionKey(protocol, sessionKey) G.sessionKey = sessionKey end local function onCharacterList(protocol, characters, account, otui) if rememberPasswordBox:isChecked() then local account = g_crypt.encrypt(G.account) local password = g_crypt.encrypt(G.password) g_settings.set('account', account) g_settings.set('password', password) else EnterGame.clearAccountFields() end for _, characterInfo in pairs(characters) do if characterInfo.previewState and characterInfo.previewState ~= PreviewState.Default then characterInfo.worldName = characterInfo.worldName .. ', Preview' end end if loadBox then loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end CharacterList.create(characters, account, otui) CharacterList.show() g_settings.save() end local function onUpdateNeeded(protocol, signature) return EnterGame.onError(tr('Your client needs updating, try redownloading it.')) end local function onProxyList(protocol, proxies) for _, proxy in ipairs(proxies) do g_proxy.addProxy(proxy["host"], proxy["port"], proxy["priority"]) end end local function parseFeatures(features) for feature_id, value in pairs(features) do if value == "1" or value == "true" or value == true then g_game.enableFeature(feature_id) else g_game.disableFeature(feature_id) end end end local function validateThings(things) local incorrectThings = "" local missingFiles = false local versionForMissingFiles = 0 if things ~= nil then local thingsNode = {} for thingtype, thingdata in pairs(things) do thingsNode[thingtype] = thingdata[1] if not g_resources.fileExists("/things/" .. thingdata[1]) then incorrectThings = incorrectThings .. "Missing file: " .. thingdata[1] .. "\n" missingFiles = true versionForMissingFiles = thingdata[1]:split("/")[1] else local localChecksum = g_resources.fileChecksum("/things/" .. thingdata[1]):lower() if localChecksum ~= thingdata[2]:lower() and #thingdata[2] > 1 then if g_resources.isLoadedFromArchive() then -- ignore checksum if it's test/debug version incorrectThings = incorrectThings .. "Invalid checksum of file: " .. thingdata[1] .. " (is " .. localChecksum .. ", should be " .. thingdata[2]:lower() .. ")\n" end end end end g_settings.setNode("things", thingsNode) else g_settings.setNode("things", {}) end if missingFiles then incorrectThings = incorrectThings .. "\nYou should open data/things and create directory " .. versionForMissingFiles .. ".\nIn this directory (data/things/" .. versionForMissingFiles .. ") you should put missing\nfiles (Tibia.dat and Tibia.spr) " .. "from correct Tibia version." end return incorrectThings end local function onTibia12HTTPResult(session, playdata) local characters = {} local worlds = {} local account = { status = 0, subStatus = 0, premDays = 0 } if session["status"] ~= "active" then account.status = 1 end if session["ispremium"] then account.subStatus = 1 -- premium end if session["premiumuntil"] > g_clock.seconds() then account.subStatus = math.floor((session["premiumuntil"] - g_clock.seconds()) / 86400) end local things = { data = {G.clientVersion .. "/Tibia.dat", ""}, sprites = {G.clientVersion .. "/Tibia.spr", ""}, } local incorrectThings = validateThings(things) if #incorrectThings > 0 then g_logger.error(incorrectThings) if Updater and not checkedByUpdater[G.clientVersion] then checkedByUpdater[G.clientVersion] = true return Updater.check({ version = G.clientVersion, host = G.host }) else return EnterGame.onError(incorrectThings) end end onSessionKey(nil, session["sessionkey"]) for _, world in pairs(playdata["worlds"]) do worlds[world.id] = { name = world.name, port = world.externalportunprotected or world.externalportprotected or world.externaladdress, address = world.externaladdressunprotected or world.externaladdressprotected or world.externalport } end for _, character in pairs(playdata["characters"]) do local world = worlds[character.worldid] if world then table.insert(characters, { name = character.name, worldName = world.name, worldIp = world.address, worldPort = world.port }) end end -- proxies if g_proxy then g_proxy.clear() if playdata["proxies"] then for i, proxy in ipairs(playdata["proxies"]) do g_proxy.addProxy(proxy["host"], tonumber(proxy["port"]), tonumber(proxy["priority"])) end end end g_game.setCustomProtocolVersion(0) g_game.chooseRsa(G.host) g_game.setClientVersion(G.clientVersion) g_game.setProtocolVersion(g_game.getClientProtocolVersion(G.clientVersion)) g_game.setCustomOs(-1) -- disable if not g_game.getFeature(GameExtendedOpcode) then g_game.setCustomOs(5) -- set os to windows if opcodes are disabled end onCharacterList(nil, characters, account, nil) end local function onHTTPResult(data, err) if err then return EnterGame.onError(err) end if data['error'] and data['error']:len() > 0 then return EnterGame.onLoginError(data['error']) elseif data['errorMessage'] and data['errorMessage']:len() > 0 then return EnterGame.onLoginError(data['errorMessage']) end if type(data["session"]) == "table" and type(data["playdata"]) == "table" then return onTibia12HTTPResult(data["session"], data["playdata"]) end local characters = data["characters"] local account = data["account"] local session = data["session"] local version = data["version"] local things = data["things"] local customProtocol = data["customProtocol"] local features = data["features"] local settings = data["settings"] local rsa = data["rsa"] local proxies = data["proxies"] local incorrectThings = validateThings(things) if #incorrectThings > 0 then g_logger.info(incorrectThings) return EnterGame.onError(incorrectThings) end -- custom protocol g_game.setCustomProtocolVersion(0) if customProtocol ~= nil then customProtocol = tonumber(customProtocol) if customProtocol ~= nil and customProtocol > 0 then g_game.setCustomProtocolVersion(customProtocol) end end -- force player settings if settings ~= nil then for option, value in pairs(settings) do modules.client_options.setOption(option, value, true) end end -- version G.clientVersion = version g_game.setClientVersion(version) g_game.setProtocolVersion(g_game.getClientProtocolVersion(version)) g_game.setCustomOs(-1) -- disable if rsa ~= nil then g_game.setRsa(rsa) end if features ~= nil then parseFeatures(features) end if session ~= nil and session:len() > 0 then onSessionKey(nil, session) end -- proxies if g_proxy then g_proxy.clear() if proxies then for i, proxy in ipairs(proxies) do g_proxy.addProxy(proxy["host"], tonumber(proxy["port"]), tonumber(proxy["priority"])) end end end onCharacterList(nil, characters, account, nil) end -- public functions function EnterGame.init() if USE_NEW_ENERGAME then return end enterGame = g_ui.displayUI('entergame') serverSelectorPanel = enterGame:getChildById('serverSelectorPanel') customServerSelectorPanel = enterGame:getChildById('customServerSelectorPanel') serverSelector = serverSelectorPanel:getChildById('serverSelector') rememberPasswordBox = enterGame:getChildById('rememberPasswordBox') serverHostTextEdit = customServerSelectorPanel:getChildById('serverHostTextEdit') clientVersionSelector = customServerSelectorPanel:getChildById('clientVersionSelector') if Servers ~= nil then for name,server in pairs(Servers) do serverSelector:addOption(name) end end if serverSelector:getOptionsCount() == 0 or ALLOW_CUSTOM_SERVERS then serverSelector:addOption(tr("Another")) end for i,proto in pairs(protos) do clientVersionSelector:addOption(proto) end if serverSelector:getOptionsCount() == 1 then enterGame:setHeight(enterGame:getHeight() - serverSelectorPanel:getHeight()) serverSelectorPanel:setOn(false) end local account = g_crypt.decrypt(g_settings.get('account')) local password = g_crypt.decrypt(g_settings.get('password')) local server = g_settings.get('server') local host = g_settings.get('host') local clientVersion = g_settings.get('client-version') if serverSelector:isOption(server) then serverSelector:setCurrentOption(server, false) if Servers == nil or Servers[server] == nil then serverHostTextEdit:setText(host) end clientVersionSelector:setOption(clientVersion) else server = "" host = "" end enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):setText(password) enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):setText(account) rememberPasswordBox:setChecked(#account > 0) g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+G', EnterGame.openWindow) if g_game.isOnline() then return EnterGame.hide() end scheduleEvent(function() EnterGame.show() end, 100) end function EnterGame.terminate() if not enterGame then return end g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+G') enterGame:destroy() if loadBox then loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end if protocolLogin then protocolLogin:cancelLogin() protocolLogin = nil end EnterGame = nil end function EnterGame.show() if not enterGame then return end enterGame:show() enterGame:raise() enterGame:focus() enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):focus() end function EnterGame.hide() if not enterGame then return end enterGame:hide() end function EnterGame.openWindow() if g_game.isOnline() then CharacterList.show() elseif not g_game.isLogging() and not CharacterList.isVisible() then EnterGame.show() end end function EnterGame.clearAccountFields() enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):clearText() enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):clearText() enterGame:getChildById('accountTokenTextEdit'):clearText() enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):focus() g_settings.remove('account') g_settings.remove('password') end function EnterGame.onServerChange() server = serverSelector:getText() if server == tr("Another") then if not customServerSelectorPanel:isOn() then serverHostTextEdit:setText("") customServerSelectorPanel:setOn(true) enterGame:setHeight(enterGame:getHeight() + customServerSelectorPanel:getHeight()) end elseif customServerSelectorPanel:isOn() then enterGame:setHeight(enterGame:getHeight() - customServerSelectorPanel:getHeight()) customServerSelectorPanel:setOn(false) end if Servers and Servers[server] ~= nil then serverHostTextEdit:setText(Servers[server]) end end function EnterGame.doLogin() if g_game.isOnline() then local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Login Error'), tr('Cannot login while already in game.')) connect(errorBox, { onOk = EnterGame.show }) return end G.account = enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):getText() G.password = enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):getText() G.authenticatorToken = enterGame:getChildById('accountTokenTextEdit'):getText() G.stayLogged = true G.server = serverSelector:getText():trim() G.host = serverHostTextEdit:getText() G.clientVersion = tonumber(clientVersionSelector:getText()) if not rememberPasswordBox:isChecked() then g_settings.set('account', G.account) g_settings.set('password', G.password) end g_settings.set('host', G.host) g_settings.set('server', G.server) g_settings.set('client-version', G.clientVersion) g_settings.save() local server_params = G.host:split(":") if G.host:lower():find("http") ~= nil then if #server_params >= 4 then G.host = server_params[1] .. ":" .. server_params[2] .. ":" .. server_params[3] G.clientVersion = tonumber(server_params[4]) elseif #server_params >= 3 then if tostring(tonumber(server_params[3])) == server_params[3] then G.host = server_params[1] .. ":" .. server_params[2] G.clientVersion = tonumber(server_params[3]) end end return EnterGame.doLoginHttp() end local server_ip = server_params[1] local server_port = 7171 if #server_params >= 2 then server_port = tonumber(server_params[2]) end if #server_params >= 3 then G.clientVersion = tonumber(server_params[3]) end if type(server_ip) ~= 'string' or server_ip:len() <= 3 or not server_port or not G.clientVersion then return EnterGame.onError("Invalid server, it should be in format IP:PORT or it should be http url to login script") end local things = { data = {G.clientVersion .. "/Tibia.dat", ""}, sprites = {G.clientVersion .. "/Tibia.spr", ""}, } local incorrectThings = validateThings(things) if #incorrectThings > 0 then g_logger.error(incorrectThings) if Updater and not checkedByUpdater[G.clientVersion] then checkedByUpdater[G.clientVersion] = true return Updater.check({ version = G.clientVersion, host = G.host }) else return EnterGame.onError(incorrectThings) end end protocolLogin = ProtocolLogin.create() protocolLogin.onLoginError = onProtocolError protocolLogin.onSessionKey = onSessionKey protocolLogin.onCharacterList = onCharacterList protocolLogin.onUpdateNeeded = onUpdateNeeded protocolLogin.onProxyList = onProxyList EnterGame.hide() loadBox = displayCancelBox(tr('Please wait'), tr('Connecting to login server...')) connect(loadBox, { onCancel = function(msgbox) loadBox = nil protocolLogin:cancelLogin() EnterGame.show() end }) if G.clientVersion == 1000 then -- some people don't understand that tibia 10 uses 1100 protocol G.clientVersion = 1100 end -- if you have custom rsa or protocol edit it here g_game.setClientVersion(G.clientVersion) g_game.setProtocolVersion(g_game.getClientProtocolVersion(G.clientVersion)) g_game.setCustomProtocolVersion(0) g_game.setCustomOs(-1) -- disable g_game.chooseRsa(G.host) if #server_params <= 3 and not g_game.getFeature(GameExtendedOpcode) then g_game.setCustomOs(2) -- set os to windows if opcodes are disabled end -- extra features from init.lua for i = 4, #server_params do g_game.enableFeature(tonumber(server_params[i])) end -- proxies if g_proxy then g_proxy.clear() end if modules.game_things.isLoaded() then g_logger.info("Connecting to: " .. server_ip .. ":" .. server_port) protocolLogin:login(server_ip, server_port, G.account, G.password, G.authenticatorToken, G.stayLogged) else loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil EnterGame.show() end end function EnterGame.doLoginHttp() if G.host == nil or G.host:len() < 10 then return EnterGame.onError("Invalid server url: " .. G.host) end loadBox = displayCancelBox(tr('Please wait'), tr('Connecting to login server...')) connect(loadBox, { onCancel = function(msgbox) loadBox = nil EnterGame.show() end }) local data = { type = "login", account = G.account, accountname = G.account, email = G.account, password = G.password, accountpassword = G.password, token = G.authenticatorToken, version = APP_VERSION, uid = G.UUID, stayloggedin = true } HTTP.postJSON(G.host, data, onHTTPResult) EnterGame.hide() end function EnterGame.onError(err) if loadBox then loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Login Error'), err) errorBox.onOk = EnterGame.show end function EnterGame.onLoginError(err) if loadBox then loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Login Error'), err) errorBox.onOk = EnterGame.show if err:lower():find("invalid") or err:lower():find("not correct") or err:lower():find("or password") then EnterGame.clearAccountFields() end end
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