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Monstro que não se move e spell


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Bom estou afim de um script de monstro que não pode se mover , mais ele ataca com fogo quando chega perto dele , o spell assim ... O zero é o monstro





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então man tem mo tempo que não mecho com ot e tals voltei esses dias tava dando uma olhada nas minha parada se n me engano esse monstro aki não se move e tem uns attack parecido cm o q vc quer

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Zoralurk" nameDescription="Zoralurk" race="UNDEAD" experience="3000000" speed="0" manacost="0">
	<health now="100000000" max="100000000"/>
	<look type="12" head="0" body="98" legs="86" feet="94" corpse="6068"/>
	<targetchange interval="10000" chance="20"/>
	<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
		<flag summonable="0"/>
		<flag attackable="1"/>
		<flag hostile="1"/>
		<flag illusionable="0"/>
		<flag convinceable="0"/>
		<flag pushable="0"/>
		<flag canpushitems="1"/>
		<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
		<flag staticattack="98"/>
		<flag targetdistance="1"/>
		<flag runonhealth="0"/>
	<attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="140" attack="135"/>
	<attack name="energy" interval="1000" chance="12" radius="7" target="0" min="-600" max="-900">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="energy"/>
	<attack name="earth" interval="1000" chance="12" radius="7" target="0" min="-400" max="-800">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="smallplants"/>
	<attack name="manadrain" interval="2000" chance="25" range="7" min="-500" max="-800">
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
	<attack name="fire" interval="3000" chance="35" range="7" radius="7" target="1" min="-200" max="-600">
		<attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/>
		<attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/>
	<defenses armor="55" defense="65">
		<defense name="healing" interval="2000" chance="35" min="300" max="800">
			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
		<defense name="speed" interval="4000" chance="80" speedchange="440" duration="6000">
			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>
		<defense name="outfit" interval="2000" chance="10" monster="behemoth" duration="10000">
			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="dice"/>
		<defense name="outfit" interval="2000" chance="10" monster="fire devil" duration="10000">
			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="dice"/>
		<defense name="outfit" interval="2000" chance="10" monster="giant spider" duration="10000">
			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="dice"/>
		<defense name="outfit" interval="2000" chance="10" monster="undead dragon" duration="10000">
			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="dice"/>
		<defense name="outfit" interval="2000" chance="10" monster="lost soul" duration="10000">
			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="dice"/>
		<immunity physical="0"/>
		<immunity energy="1"/>
		<immunity fire="1"/>
		<immunity poison="1"/>
		<immunity lifedrain="1"/>
		<immunity paralyze="1"/>
		<immunity outfit="1"/>
		<immunity drunk="1"/>
		<immunity invisible="1"/>
	<summons maxSummons="2">
		<summon name="demon" interval="4000" chance="50"/>
	<voices interval="5000" chance="30">
		<voice sentence="I AM ZORALURK, THE DEMON WITH A THOUSAND FACES!" yell="1"/>
		<voice sentence="BRING IT, COCKROACHES!" yell="1"/>
		<item id="2148" chance="100000" countmax="100" /> <!-- Gold Coin -->
		<item id="2148" chance="50000" countmax="90" /> <!-- Gold Coin -->
		<item id="2143" chance="10000" countmax="5" /> <!-- White Pearl -->
		<item id="2407" chance="20000" /> <!-- Haunted Blade -->
		<item id="6530" chance="16000" /> <!-- Worn Soft Boots -->
		<item id="7342" chance="100000" > <!-- Bag -->
				<item id="2641" chance="7000" /> <!-- Traper Boots -->
				<item id="2407" chance="20000" /> <!-- Bright -->
				<item id="2393" chance="60000" /> <!-- Giant Sword -->
                                <item id="7440" chance="1000" /> <!-- Premium 1 Dia -->                                    
				<item id="2195" chance="16033" /> <!-- Crystal Coins -->
                                <item id="2160" chance="1000" /> <!-- Boots of Haste -->
				<item id="2408" chance="6000" /> <!-- Warlord Sword -->

em monsters.xml se chapa isso aki

<monster name="Zoralurk" file="Demon Bosses/zoralurk.xml"/>

dae vc escolhe a pasta na minha tava nessa kkkk espero ter ajudado :D

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