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Não sei se estar na area correta, se não tiver movam plx.


Meu servidor já tem 1 mês online e nunca deu nenhum problema. Hoje estava funcionando em perfeito estado depois ficou off de uma hora pra outra e o site tabém, quando fui olhar no SSH tava dando este erro.


Me ajudem por favor.





[23:32:28.999] > Loading time: 63.572 seconds.

[23:32:36.811] [Error - LuaInterface::loadFile] cannot open data/npc/scripts/Seymour.lua: No such file or directory

[23:32:36.811] [Warning - NpcEvents::NpcEvents] Cannot load script: data/npc/scripts/Seymour.lua

[23:32:36.811] cannot open data/npc/scripts/Seymour.lua: No such file or directory

[23:32:36.827] [Error - LuaInterface::loadFile] cannot open data/npc/scripts/Tom.lua: No such file or directory

[23:32:36.827] [Warning - NpcEvents::NpcEvents] Cannot load script: data/npc/scripts/Tom.lua

[23:32:36.827] cannot open data/npc/scripts/Tom.lua: No such file or directory

[23:32:39.090] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Thais # Custom House # (2385)

[23:32:39.091] > Parsing time: 10.092 seconds.

[23:33:03.322] > Synchronization time: 24.23 seconds.

[23:33:03.830] > Unserialization time: 0.508 seconds.

[23:33:04.032] >> Checking world type... Open PvP

[23:33:04.032] >> Starting to dominate the world... done.

[23:33:04.032] >> Initializing game state and binding services...

[23:33:35.056] mysql_real_query(): SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM player_items WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM player_items WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)

[23:33:35.056] > WARNING: MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...

[23:34:06.507] mysql_real_query(): SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM player_depotitems WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM player_depotitems WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)

[23:34:06.579] > WARNING: MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...

[23:34:36.637] mysql_real_query(): SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM player_items WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM player_depotitems WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 0) - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)

[23:34:36.649] > WARNING: MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...

[23:35:06.866] mysql_real_query(): SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM player_items WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM tile_items WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 0) - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)

[23:35:06.866] > WARNING: MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...

[23:35:37.326] mysql_real_query(): SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM player_depotitems WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM tile_items WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 0) - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)

[23:35:37.TMI] >> Item Tracker: 0 duplicated items have been deleted...

[23:35:37.510] > WARNING: MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...




Editado por MyTrill
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Não é bem isso, o site do meu ot não abre, o PHPMYADMIN não abre, webadmin não abre..


Executei o e deu isso, mais não sei como resolver.




-------- Storage Engine Statistics -------------------------------------------

[--] Status: +Archive -BDB -Federated +InnoDB -ISAM -NDBCluster

[--] Data in MyISAM tables: 34K (Tables: 14)

[--] Data in InnoDB tables: 9M (Tables: 36)

[!!] Total fragmented tables: 36



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Está ae




tablesToCheck = {"player_items", "player_depotitems"}


function onStartup()

local text, final = "", ""

local filex = "data/logs/duplicated.txt"

local f =, "a+")

for i = 1, table.maxn(tablesToCheck) do

local query = db.getResult("SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM " .. tablesToCheck .. " WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) FROM " .. tablesToCheck .. " WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)")

local duplicated = {}

if query:getID() ~= -1 then

while(true) do

text = "[!] -> Deleting item with duplicated serial: [Player: " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataInt("player_id")) .. ", Item: " .. query:getDataInt("itemtype") .. ", Count: " .. query:getDataInt("count") .. ", Serial: " .. query:getDataString("track") .."]... "

local delete = db.executeQuery("delete from " .. tablesToCheck .. " where SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) = " .. db.escapeString(query:getDataString("track")) .. ";")

if delete then

text = text .. "Success!"


text = text .. "Failed!"


final = final .. (final ~= "" and "\n" or "") .. text


if not query:next() then break end


if f ~= nil then

f:write( .. "\n" .. final .. "\n\n")



print("[!] -> Cannot save info to file!")



print("[!] -> Cannot get info, table is empty, there are not items with duplicated serial or you have a problem on the query syntax: " .. tablesToCheck .. ".")



return true




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O ot já conseguir por online havia sobrecarregado o banco de dados e como eu usava VPS não dava pra fazer muita coisa, passei para um dedicado e conseguir por online normalmente, mais ainda dá este erro no ServerLog




mysql_real_query(): SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM player_items WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FR OM 18) FROM player_items WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)

[!] -> Cannot get info, table is empty, there are not items with duplicated seri al or you have a problem on the query syntax: player_items.

[22:46:17.709] > WARNING: MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...

[22:46:27.709] mysql_real_query(): SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM player_depotitems WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attri butes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin 1) FROM 18) FROM player_depotitems WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE ' %serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING CO UNT(*) > 1) - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)

[!] -> Cannot get info, table is empty, there are not items with duplicated seri al or you have a problem on the query syntax: player_depotitems.

[22:46:27.709] > WARNING: MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...



Editado por MyTrill
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O ot já conseguir por online havia sobrecarregado o banco de dados e como eu usava VPS não dava pra fazer muita coisa, passei para um dedicado e conseguir por online normalmente, mais ainda dá este erro no ServerLog




mysql_real_query(): SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM player_items WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FR OM 18) FROM player_items WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE '%serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)

[!] -> Cannot get info, table is empty, there are not items with duplicated seri al or you have a problem on the query syntax: player_items.

[22:46:17.709] > WARNING: MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...

[22:46:27.709] mysql_real_query(): SELECT *, SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) AS 'track' FROM player_depotitems WHERE SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attri butes USING latin1) FROM 18) IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin 1) FROM 18) FROM player_depotitems WHERE CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) LIKE ' %serial%' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(CONVERT(attributes USING latin1) FROM 18) HAVING CO UNT(*) > 1) - MYSQL ERROR: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)

[!] -> Cannot get info, table is empty, there are not items with duplicated seri al or you have a problem on the query syntax: player_depotitems.

[22:46:27.709] > WARNING: MYSQL Lost connection, attempting to reconnect...



Cara ja tentou outro sql ? parece que voce fica reconectando no database parece que cai e volta bagulho doido testa otra database nunca vi isso antes.

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Bom, desculpa não poder te ajudar.

Irei mover seu tópico p/ pedidos e duvidas Website.


Espero que ache alguém que te ajude happy.png


o que te fez pensar que essa dúvida se encaixaria em tal sessão "website"?, isso é uma dúvida de sistemas operacionais, está bem claro que o problema está na engine/mysql do servidor.


Mais atenção aê, vlw.

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Executa isso aqui no mysql:


USING latin1 )
FROM 18 ) AS 'serial'
FROM player_items
WHERE CONVERT( attributes

Editado por fireelement
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Meu cérebro me fez pensar...O quete fez pensar que pode vim aqui falar pra mim ter mais atenção? Então... rs

E se não percebeu, o usuário começou outra duvida. A primeira era sobre o site.


Se está bem claro que o problema está na engine/mysql do servidor, faca algo útil e ajude o membro!


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Meu cérebro me fez pensar...O quete fez pensar que pode vim aqui falar pra mim ter mais atenção? Então... rs

E se não percebeu, o usuário começou outra duvida. A primeira era sobre o site.


Se está bem claro que o problema está na engine/mysql do servidor, faca algo útil e ajude o membro!



Já ajudei, de diversas formas. (:


Faça seu trabalho e mova o tópico para a sessão correta.

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