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Duel System Por Action


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Olá galera, hoje vou postar mais um script para pokemon dash advanced. Bem legal e acho que também é um dos mais procurados... Vamos a ele.


Nome: Duel System por Action

O que faz? Faz com que dois players duelem com limites de pokemons, escolhido no inicio das configurações da batalha.


Primeiro vamos à actions/scripts e criaremos um arquivo chamado duelSystem.lua e dentro vamos colar o código abaixo:



function onUse(cid, item, fromPos, item2, toPos)
 if isPlayer(item2.uid) then
		  doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 51)
		  doPlayerSendTextMessage(item2.uid, 27, ""..getCreatureName(cid)..", are is invited you fot duel. You accept?")
		  setPlayerStorageValue(item2.uid, 5489, 1)
return true




Agora vamos a tag, em actions.XML cole a seguinte tag:

<action itemid="id do item que vai o player vai usar para o duel" event="script" value="duelSystem.lua"/>


Pronto. Vamos a pasta xml/channels.xml e crie as seguintes janelas:

<channel id="id decorrente da sua channel" name="1 Pokemon">
					<vocation id="51"/>
		<channel id=" id decorrente da sua channel " name="2 Pokemons">
					<vocation id="51"/>
		<channel id=" id decorrente da sua channel " name="3 Pokemons">
					<vocation id="51"/>
		<channel id=" id decorrente da sua channel " name="4 Pokemons">
					<vocation id="51"/>
		<channel id=" id decorrente da sua channel " name="5 Pokemons">
					<vocation id="51"/>
		<channel id=" id decorrente da sua channel " name="6 Pokemons">
					<vocation id="51"/>

Depois disso, não mude mais nada. Vamos agora em vocations.xml e vamos colar a seguinte tag dentro:

		<vocation id="51" name="Duel" description="pokemon trainer" needpremium="0" gaincap="0" gainhp="55" gainmana="0" gainhpticks="0" gainhpamount="0" gainmanaticks="0" gainmanaamount="0" manamultiplier="1.1" attackspeed="-1" soulmax="251" gainsoulticks="-1" fromvoc="1" lessloss="0">
					<formula meleeDamage="1.0" distDamage="1.0" wandDamage="1.0" magDamage="1.0" magHealingDamage="1.0" defense="1.0" magDefense="1.0" armor="1.0"/>
					<skill fist="2" club="2" sword="2" axe="2" distance="2" shielding="2" fishing="2" experience="1.1"/>

Obs: Não mude nada nela...


Feito isso, vamos a pasta creaturescripts/scripts e vamos criar um arquivo chamado duelSystemChannel.lua e colaremos o código a seguir dentro:



local config = {
channelId1 = 13, -- Aqui você coloca-ra o id da sua primeira channel. A qual está escrito "1 Pokemon".
channelId2 = 14, -- Aqui você coloca-rá o id da sua 2° channel. A qual está escrito "2 Pokemons".
channelId3 = 15, -- Aqui você coloca-rá o id da sua 3° channel. A qual está escrito "3 Pokemons".
channelId4 = 16, -- Aqui você coloca-rá o id da sua 4° channel. A qual está escrito "4 Pokemons".
channelId5 = 17, -- Aqui você coloca-rá o id da sua 5° channel. A qual está escrito "5 Pokemons".
channelId6 = 18, -- Aqui você coloca-rá o id da sua 6° channel. A qual está escrito "6 Pokemons".
function onJoinChannel(cid, channelId, users, isTv)
if getPlayerVocation(cid) == 51 then
return true
  if channelId == config.channelId1 then
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541, 0)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12542, 1)
  setGlobalStorageValue(12542, 1)
  doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "1 Poke", 28)
  doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 1)
  return false
  elseif channelId == config.channelId2 then
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541, 0)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12542, 1)
  setGlobalStorageValue(12542, 2)
  doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "2 Pokes", 28)
  doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 1)
  return false
  elseif channelId == config.channelId3 then
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541, 0)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12542, 1)
  setGlobalStorageValue(12542, 3)
  doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "3 Pokes", 28)
  doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 1)
  return false
  elseif channelId == config.channelId4 then
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541, 0)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12542, 1)
  setGlobalStorageValue(12542, 4)
  doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "4 Pokes", 28)
  doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 1)
  return false
  elseif channelId == config.channelId5 then
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541, 0)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12542, 1)
  setGlobalStorageValue(12542, 5)
  doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "5 Pokes", 28)
  doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 1)
  return false
  elseif channelId == config.channelId6 then
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541, 0)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12542, 1)
  setGlobalStorageValue(12542, 6)
  doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "6 Pokes", 28)
  doPlayerSetVocation(cid, 1)
  return false
return true




Agora vamos colocar duas tags, uma em login.lua e a outra em creaturescripts.xml:


<event type="joinchannel" name="DuelSystemChannel" event="script" value="duelSystemChannel.lua"/>


registerCreatureEvent(cid, "DuelSystemChannel")


Feito isso, vamos a talkactions/scripts e criaremos um arquivo chamado acceptDuel.lua e dentro cole o código abaixo:



function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 5489) >= 1 then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541, 0)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598755, 1)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "BATTLE", math.random(20, 60))
   for _, sid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
	   if getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 12542) >= 1 then  
		  setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 6598754, 1)
					doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(sid), "BATTLE", math.random(20, 60))
setGlobalStorageValue(1203, 1)
return false




Agora vamos á talkactions.XML e colaremos as tag a seguir:

<talkaction words="yes" event="script" value="duel.lua"/>
<talkaction words="sim" event="script" value="duel.lua"/>


Agora vamos em lib/ e criaremos um arquivo chamado duelLibSystem.lua e colaremos o seguinte código dentro:



function checkPokeballsInDuel(cid)
if getGlobalStorageValue(1203) >= 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541) >= getGlobalStorageValue(12542) then
  doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "LOOSES", 118)
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541, 0)
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598755, 0)
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598754, 0)
  setGlobalStorageValue(1203, 0)
  for _, sid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline())do
   if getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 12541) < 7 and getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 6598754) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 12541) < 7 and getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 6598755) >= 1 then
	 doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(sid), "WINS", 118)
	 setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 12541, 0)
	 setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 6598755, 0)
	 setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 6598754, 0)
if getGlobalStorageValue(1203) >= 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541) <= getGlobalStorageValue(12542) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541) +1)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "POKEIN", 28)

function doBackPokeballsInDuel(cid)
if getGlobalStorageValue(1203) >= 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12541) >= 0 then
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "POKEOUT", 118)




Vamos para actions/scripts/goback.lua e vamos procurar por está linha:

if item.itemid == usando then

Abaixo disso cole isso:



Aindan no mesmo script procure por:

elseif item.itemid == pokeballs[btype].on then

E abaixo dele cole isso:



Vamos agora em creaturescripts/scripts/goback.lua e antes do utimo apague tudo e cole isto dentro:



function onLogout(cid)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1460) >= 1 then
		doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you are in tournament.")
return TRUE
		local thisitem = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)
		local pokeballl = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)
		if thisitem.uid <= 0 then return true end

		local ballName = getItemAttribute(thisitem.uid, "poke")

btype = getPokeballType(thisitem.itemid)
if #getCreatureSummons(cid) > 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 637501) >= 1 then  
   BackTeam(cid, getCreatureSummons(cid), effect)						--edited team scyther
local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]

		if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 1 and thisitem.uid > 1 then
					doItemSetAttribute(thisitem.uid, "hp", getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 212120) / getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 212121))
	doTransformItem(thisitem.uid, pokeballs[btype].on)

					doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), pokeballs[btype].effect)

		if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == 814 then

		if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 then
					markFlyingPos(cid, getThingPos(cid))

		if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22545) == 1 then	 --Edited golden arena
		   setGlobalStorageValue(22550, getGlobalStorageValue(22550)-1)
   setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22545, -1)
return TRUE

local deathtexts = {"Oh no! POKENAME, come back!", "Come back, POKENAME!", "That's enough, POKENAME!", "You did well, POKENAME!",
						"You need to rest, POKENAME!", "Nice job, POKENAME!", "POKENAME, you are too hurt!"}

function onDeath(cid, deathList)

		local owner = getCreatureMaster(cid)

		local thisball = getPlayerSlotItem(owner, 8)
		local ballName = getItemAttribute(thisball.uid, "poke")

		if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 212124) >= 1 then
return true

btype = getPokeballType(thisball.itemid)

					doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), pokeballs[btype].effect)
	doTransformItem(thisball.uid, pokeballs[btype].off)
	doItemSetAttribute(thisball.uid, "morta", "yes")

					doPlayerSendTextMessage(owner, 22, "Your pokemon fainted.")

		local say = deathtexts[math.random(#deathtexts)]
					say = string.gsub(say, "POKENAME", getCreatureName(cid))

		if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 33) <= 0 then
					doCreatureSay(owner, say, TALKTYPE_SAY)

		doItemSetAttribute(thisball.uid, "hp", 0)
		doItemSetAttribute(thisball.uid, "happy", getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008) - happyLostOnDeath)
		doItemSetAttribute(thisball.uid, "hunger", getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1009))

if getGlobalStorageValue(1203) >= 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(owner, 12541) <= getGlobalStorageValue(12542) then
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(owner), "POKEOUT", 118)
return false





Obs: O script falta duas funções para funcionar perfeitamente. A primeira é para não deixar o player usar o item em cima dele mesmo. A segunda e para não deixar o player deslogar enquanto está no duel. Tentei e tentei mas não consegui... Caso alguém possa ajudar fico muito grato.


Como funciona?

Você da use em cima do player que quer batalhar, escolhe quantos pokemons querem usar. O outro player fala (“yes” ou “sim”) e começam a duelar. Eu deixei uma função para deixar um player attackar o outro se ele estiver sem pokemon. Porem não perdera nada se morrer.


É isso galera espero que gostem. Lembrando vou atualizar este sistema para melhora-lo. Só deixei ele para teste. Caso gostem termino ele.

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@smix Foi sim um elogio :D

O que quis dizer é que apenas poderia ter feito o outro sistema lá com bem menos coisas, entende?

Mas mesmo assim é uma ótima iniciativa, é dificil ver alguem que posta os sistemas que faz.

Rep pra vc :)

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aqui deu os seguintes erros.



[Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] cannot open data/actions/scripts/duelSystem.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:18] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/actions/scripts/duelSystem.lua)

[12/08/2012 20:59:18] cannot open data/actions/scripts/duelSystem.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] cannot open data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua)

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] cannot open data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] cannot open data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua)

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] cannot open data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] cannot open data/creaturescripts/scripts/duelSystemChannel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/creaturescripts/scripts/duelSystemChannel.lua)

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] cannot open data/creaturescripts/scripts/duelSystemChannel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] >> Loading chat channels

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51.



Help plx

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aqui deu os seguintes erros.



[Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] cannot open data/actions/scripts/duelSystem.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:18] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/actions/scripts/duelSystem.lua)

[12/08/2012 20:59:18] cannot open data/actions/scripts/duelSystem.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] cannot open data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua)

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] cannot open data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] cannot open data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua)

[12/08/2012 20:59:19] cannot open data/talkactions/scripts/duel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] cannot open data/creaturescripts/scripts/duelSystemChannel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/creaturescripts/scripts/duelSystemChannel.lua)

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] cannot open data/creaturescripts/scripts/duelSystemChannel.lua: No such file or directory

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] >> Loading chat channels

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 51 not found.

[12/08/2012 20:59:20] [Warning - Chat::loadFromXml] Wrong vocation id: 51.



Help plx


pra arruma 1º erro, vai no talkactions.xml e altera:

<talkaction words="yes" case-sensitive="no" hide="yes" event="script" value="duel.lua"/>

<talkaction words="sim" case-sensitive="no" hide="yes" event="script" value="duel.lua"/>


<talkaction words="yes" case-sensitive="no" hide="yes" event="script" value="acceptduel.lua"/>

<talkaction words="sim" case-sensitive="no" hide="yes" event="script" value="acceptduel.lua"/>

pra arruma o 2º erro, vc pulo uma parte, intaum vai no vocations.xml (dentro da pasta "data/xml") e acrecenta..

<vocation id="51" name="Duel" description="pokemon trainer" needpremium="0" gaincap="0" gainhp="55" gainmana="0" gainhpticks="0" gainhpamount="0" gainmanaticks="0" gainmanaamount="0" manamultiplier="1.1" attackspeed="-1" soulmax="251" gainsoulticks="-1" fromvoc="1" lessloss="0">

<formula meleeDamage="1.0" distDamage="1.0" wandDamage="1.0" magDamage="1.0" magHealingDamage="1.0" defense="1.0" magDefense="1.0" armor="1.0"/>

<skill fist="2" club="2" sword="2" axe="2" distance="2" shielding="2" fishing="2" experience="1.1"/>




@all, consegui coloca no order, mais qual o comando pra cancelar o DUEL?!?!

sempre que eu relogo, da duel accept ^^

Editado por GOD Gniu
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O seu sistema não pegou aqui no meu servidor, uso o PDA by Slicer v1.5 e não pega de geito nenhum, modifiquei tudo aqui, não apresenta erros nem nada, eu estava testando com a sword, mudei a sprite dela e quando dei use with em um char diferente não apareceu nada... Tem como resolver?

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