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[Erro Na Magia]



Quando o player solta a magia ela funciona tudo,

mais quando ele desloga aparese isu no distro



[05/08/2012 11:32:52] Lua Script Error: [spell Interface]

[05/08/2012 11:32:52] in a timer event called from:

[05/08/2012 11:32:52] data/spells/scripts/vip/hyakka ryouran.lua:onCastSpell


[05/08/2012 11:32:52] luaSetPlayerStorageValue(). Player not found


[05/08/2012 11:32:54] Lua Script Error: [spell Interface]

[05/08/2012 11:32:54] in a timer event called from:

[05/08/2012 11:32:54] data/spells/scripts/vip/hyakka ryouran.lua:onCastSpell


[05/08/2012 11:32:55] luaSetPlayerStorageValue(). Player not found


[05/08/2012 11:32:58] Lua Script Error: [spell Interface]

[05/08/2012 11:32:58] in a timer event called from:

[05/08/2012 11:32:58] data/spells/scripts/vip/hyakka ryouran.lua:onCastSpell

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(CONDITION_INFIGHT) não deve existir por isso o erro persiste.


O erro só da quando o player desloga, como ele consegue deslogar apos usar a magia?

Editado por Newtonnotwen
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velho é magia normal




local config =


seconds = 10,

storage = 47112120,

msg = "Voc\ê preci\ça aguardar alguns segundos para acumular o esp\írito.",

mana = 2400,

semMana = "Voc\ê n\ão t\êm mana suficiente."



local function useAgain(cid)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, 2)

return TRUE



local combat1 = createCombatObject()


setCombatParam(combat1, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 52)

setCombatFormula(combat1, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -5.5, -32, -2.9, -400)


local combat2 = createCombatObject()


setCombatParam(combat2, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 52)

setCombatFormula(combat2, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -5.5, -32, -2.9, -400)


arr1 = {

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},


arr2 = {

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},



local area1 = createCombatArea(arr1)

local area2 = createCombatArea(arr2)


setCombatArea(combat1, area1)

setCombatArea(combat2, area2)


local function spell(parameters)

doCombat(parameters.cid, parameters.combat2, parameters.var)



function onCastSpell(cid, var)

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, == 1 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, config.msg)

return TRUE


if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ~= 1 then

if getPlayerMana(cid) >= config.mana then

local cond_pz = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INFIGHT)

setConditionParam(cond_pz, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 10 * 1000)

luaDoAddCondition(cid, cond_pz)

doPlayerAddMana(cid, -config.mana)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, 1)

addEvent(useAgain, config.seconds*1000, cid)

local parameters = { cid = cid, var = var, combat2 = combat2 }

addEvent(spell, 500, parameters)

return doCombat(cid, combat1, var)


doPlayerSendCancel(cid, config.semMana)



return TRUE




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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- Attack Runes -->

<rune name="Poison Field" id="2285" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="14" maglv="0" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/poison field.lua"/>

<rune name="Poison Bomb" id="2286" allowfaruse="1" charges="2" lvl="25" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/poison bomb.lua"/>

<rune name="Poison Wall" id="2289" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="29" maglv="5" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/poison wall.lua"/>

<rune name="Fire Field" id="2301" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="15" maglv="1" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/fire field.lua"/>

<rune name="Firebomb" id="2305" allowfaruse="1" charges="2" lvl="27" maglv="5" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/fire bomb.lua"/>

<rune name="Fire Wall" id="2303" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="33" maglv="6" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/fire wall.lua"/>

<rune name="Soulfire" id="2308" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="27" maglv="7" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" script="attack/soul fire.lua"/>

<rune name="Fireball" id="2302" allowfaruse="1" charges="5" lvl="27" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" script="attack/fireball.lua"/>

<rune name="Great Fireball" id="2304" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="30" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/great fireball.lua"/>

<rune name="Energy Field" id="2277" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="18" maglv="3" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/energy field.lua"/>

<rune name="Energybomb" id="2262" allowfaruse="1" charges="2" lvl="37" maglv="10" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/energy bomb.lua"/>

<rune name="Energy Wall" id="2279" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="41" maglv="9" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/energy wall.lua"/>

<rune name="Light Magic Missile" id="2287" allowfaruse="1" charges="10" lvl="15" exhaustion="2000" maglv="0" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" script="attack/light magic missile.lua"/>

<rune name="Heavy Magic Missile" id="2311" allowfaruse="1" charges="10" lvl="25" exhaustion="2000" maglv="3" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" script="attack/heavy magic missile.lua"/>

<rune name="Explosion" id="2313" allowfaruse="1" charges="6" lvl="31" maglv="6" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="attack/explosion.lua"/>

<rune name="Sudden Death" id="2268" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="45" maglv="15" exhaustion="800" needtarget="2" blocktype="solid" script="attack/sudden death.lua"/>

<rune name="Icicle" id="2271" allowfaruse="1" charges="5" lvl="28" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" script="attack/icicle.lua"/>

<rune name="Avalanche" id="2274" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="30" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" script="attack/avalanche.lua"/>

<rune name="Stone Shower" id="2288" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="28" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" script="attack/stone shower.lua"/>

<rune name="Thunderstorm" id="2315" allowfaruse="1" charges="4" lvl="28" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" script="attack/thunderstorm.lua"/>

<rune name="Stalagmite" id="2292" allowfaruse="1" charges="10" lvl="24" maglv="3" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" script="attack/stalagmite.lua"/>


<!-- Healing Runes -->

<rune name="Antidote Rune" id="2266" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="15" maglv="0" exhaustion="1000" aggressive="0" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" script="healing/antidote rune.lua"/>

<rune name="Intense Healing Rune" id="2265" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="15" maglv="1" exhaustion="1000" aggressive="0" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" script="healing/intense healing rune.lua"/>

<rune name="Ultimate Healing Rune" id="2273" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="24" maglv="4" exhaustion="800" aggressive="0" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" script="healing/ultimate healing rune.lua"/>


<!-- Summon Runes -->

<rune name="Convince Creature" id="2290" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="16" maglv="5" exhaustion="2000" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" function="convince"/>

<rune name="Animate Dead" id="2316" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="27" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" script="summon/animate dead rune.lua"/>


<!-- Support Runes -->

<rune name="Desintegrate" id="2310" allowfaruse="0" charges="3" lvl="21" maglv="4" exhaustion="2000" range="5" script="support/desintegrate rune.lua"/>

<rune name="Destroy Field" id="2261" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="17" maglv="3" exhaustion="1000" aggressive="0" range="5" script="support/destroy field rune.lua"/>

<rune name="Chameleon" id="2291" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="27" maglv="4" exhaustion="1000" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" blocktype="solid" function="chameleon"/>

<rune name="Magic Wall" id="2293" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="32" maglv="9" exhaustion="800" aggressive="1" blocktype="all" script="support/magic wall rune.lua"/>

<rune name="Paralyze" id="2278" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="54" maglv="18" exhaustion="2000" mana="0" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" script="support/paralyze rune.lua"/>

<rune name="Mana Rune" id="2296" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="8" maglv="0" exhaustion="800" aggressive="0" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" script="support/manarune.lua"/>


<!-- Custom Runes -->

<rune name="Polymorph" id="2270" charges="1" maglv="20" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" allowfaruse="1" script="custom/polymorph.lua"/>

<rune name="Combustion" id="2269" charges="1" maglv="20" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" allowfaruse="1" script="custom/combustion.lua"/>

<rune name="Energy Arrow" id="2281" charges="1" maglv="20" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" allowfaruse="1" script="attack/energy wave.lua"/>

<rune name="Magic Prison" id="2272" charges="1" maglv="20" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" allowfaruse="1" script="custom/magic prison.lua"/>

<rune name="Stealth" id="2283" charges="1" maglv="20" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" allowfaruse="1" script="support/invisible.lua"/>

<rune name="Drunkness" id="2267" charges="1" maglv="20" exhaustion="2000" blocktype="solid" allowfaruse="1" script="custom/drunk.lua"/>


<!-- Attack Spells -->

<instant name="Death Strike" words="exori mort" lvl="16" mana="20" prem="1" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/death strike.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Flame Strike" words="exori flam" lvl="12" mana="20" prem="1" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/flame strike.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Energy Strike" words="exori vis" lvl="12" mana="20" prem="1" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/energy strike.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Whirlwind Throw" words="exori hur" lvl="15" mana="40" prem="1" range="5" needtarget="1" blockwalls="1" needweapon="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/whirlwind throw.lua">

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Fire Wave" words="exevo flam hur" lvl="18" mana="25" direction="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/fire wave.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<instant name="Ethereal Spear" words="exori con" lvl="23" mana="35" prem="1" range="5" needtarget="1" exhaustion="2000" blockwalls="1" needlearn="0" script="attack/ethereal spear.lua">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Ethereal Spear" words="aura rod" lvl="23" mana="35" prem="1" range="5" needtarget="1" exhaustion="2000" blockwalls="1" needlearn="0" script="vip/rod.lua">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Energy Beam" words="exevo vis lux" lvl="23" mana="40" direction="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/energy beam.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<instant name="Great Energy Beam" words="exevo gran vis lux" lvl="29" mana="110" direction="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/great energy beam.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<instant name="Groundshaker" words="exori mas" lvl="33" mana="160" prem="1" needweapon="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/groundshaker.lua">

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Berserk" words="exori" lvl="35" mana="115" prem="1" needweapon="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/berserk.lua">

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Energy Wave" words="exevo vis hur" lvl="38" mana="170" direction="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/energy wave.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<instant name="Exevo Gran Mas Vis" words="exevo gran mas vis" lvl="55" mana="1150" selftarget="1" prem="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/ue.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<instant name="karamatsu no mai" words="karamatsu no mai" lvl="200" manapercent="30" selftarget="1" prem="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="vip/karamatsu no mai.lua">

<vocation name="royal paladin" />


<instant name="Housenka" words="housenka" lvl="150" prem="1" direction="1" exhaustion="0" needlearn="0" script="vip/housenka.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<instant name="Ezzori" words="ezzori" lvl="200" prem="1" direction="0" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="vip/ezzori.lua">

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Gema de Sorc" words="zesshou hachimon" lvl="200" mana="3100" prem="1" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1200" needlearn="0" script="vip/Gema Sorc.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Supreme Sorcerer" />


<instant name="Gema de Druid" words="jukai kousan" lvl="200" mana="2400" prem="1" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1200" needlearn="0" script="vip/Gema Druid.lua">

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Majestic Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Gema de Pala" words="mugen shiki" lvl="200" manapercent="60" prem="1" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1200" needlearn="0" script="vip/Gema Pala.lua">

<vocation name="Paladin"/>

<vocation name="Royal Paladin"/>

<vocation name="Lord Paladin" />


<instant name="Gema de Kina" words="yahumuki" lvl="200" manapercent="90" prem="1" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1200" needlearn="0" script="vip/Gema Kina.lua">

<vocation name="Knight"/>

<vocation name="Elite Knight"/>

<vocation name="Monster Knight" />


<instant name="Uber Exori" words="uber exori" lvl="100" manapercent="40" prem="1" direction="0" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/uber.lua">

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Rasenshuriken" words="rasenshuriken" lvl="150" prem="1" direction="0" exhaustion="0" needlearn="0" script="vip/rasenshuriken.lua">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Hyakka Ryouran" words="hyakka ryouran" lvl="150" prem="1" direction="1" exhaustion="0" needlearn="0" script="vip/hyakka ryouran.lua">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Exori Song" words="exori song" lvl="100" manapercent="20" prem="1" direction="0" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/song.lua">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Exevo Para" words="exevo para" lvl="110" mana="350" prem="1" direction="0" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="vip/exevo para.lua">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Fierce Berserk" words="exori gran" lvl="70" mana="340" prem="1" needweapon="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/fierce berserk.lua">

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Divine Missile" words="exori san" lvl="40" mana="20" prem="1" casterTargetOrDirection="1" needlearn="0" lockwalls="1" exhaustion="2000" script="attack/divine missile.lua">

<vocation name="Paladin"/>

<vocation name="Royal Paladin"/>


<instant name="Divine Caldera" words="exevo mas san" lvl="50" mana="160" prem="1" selftarget="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/divine caldera.lua">

<vocation name="Paladin"/>

<vocation name="Royal Paladin"/>


<instant name="Exevo Gran Mas Pox" words="exevo gran mas pox" lvl="60" mana="700" prem="1" selftarget="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/pox.lua">

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>


<instant name="Ice Strike" words="exori frigo" lvl="15" mana="20" prem="1" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/ice strike.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>


<instant name="Ice Wave" words="exevo frigo hur" lvl="18" mana="25" direction="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/ice wave.lua">

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>


<instant name="Terra Strike" words="exori tera" lvl="13" mana="20" prem="1" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/terra strike.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>


<instant name="Terra Wave" words="exevo tera hur" lvl="38" mana="210" direction="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/terra wave.lua">

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>


<instant name="Wrath of Nature" words="exevo gran mas tera" lvl="55" mana="770" prem="1" selftarget="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="attack/wrath of nature.lua">

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>



<!-- Healing Spells -->

<instant name="Light Healing" words="exura" lvl="9" mana="25" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="healing/light healing.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Antidote" words="exana pox" lvl="10" mana="30" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="healing/antidote.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Antidote" words="exana vis" lvl="10" mana="30" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="healing/ant vis.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Intense Healing" words="exura gran" lvl="11" mana="70" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="healing/intense healing.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Heal Friend" words="exura sio" lvl="18" mana="140" prem="1" aggressive="0" needtarget="1" params="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="healing/heal friend.lua">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Ultimate Healing" words="exura vita" lvl="20" mana="160" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="healing/ultimate healing.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Mass Healing" words="exura gran mas res" lvl="36" mana="150" prem="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="healing/mass healing.lua">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Divine Healing" words="exura san" lvl="35" mana="210" prem="1" selftarget="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="healing/divine healing.lua">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Wound Cleansing" words="exana mort" lvl="30" mana="65" prem="1" selftarget="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="healing/wound cleasing.lua">

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />



<!-- Support Spells -->

<instant name="Light" words="utevo lux" lvl="8" mana="20" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/light.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Find Person" words="exiva" lvl="8" mana="20" aggressive="0" params="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="searchPlayer">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Magic Rope" words="exani tera" lvl="9" mana="20" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/magic rope.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Levitate" words="exani hur" lvl="12" mana="50" prem="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" params="1" needlearn="0" function="Levitate">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Great Light" words="utevo gran lux" lvl="13" mana="60" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/great light.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Magic Shield" words="utamo vita" lvl="14" mana="50" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/magic shield.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Haste" words="utani hur" lvl="14" mana="60" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/haste.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Challenge" words="exeta res" lvl="20" mana="30" prem="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/challenge.lua">

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />


<instant name="Strong Haste" words="utani gran hur" lvl="20" mana="100" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/strong haste.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Strong Haste" words="senpou hur" lvl="200" mana="600" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/senpou hur.lua">

<vocation name="knight" />

<vocation name="paladin" />

<vocation name="Elite knight" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Ultimate Light" words="utevo vis lux" lvl="26" mana="140" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/ultimate light.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Knight" />

<vocation name="Elite Knight" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<instant name="Cancel Invisibility" words="exana ina" lvl="26" mana="200" prem="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/cancel invisibility.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<instant name="Wild Growth" words="exevo grav vita" lvl="27" mana="220" prem="1" direction="1" blocking="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="support/wild growth.lua">

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Chamada Do Outono" words="exevo grav mas" lvl="180" prem="1" direction="1" exhaustion="0" needlearn="0" script="vip/grav mas.lua">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<instant name="Invisibility" words="utana vid" lvl="35" mana="440" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" script="support/invisible.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />



<!-- Summon Spells -->

<instant name="Undead Legion" words="exana mas mort" lvl="30" mana="500" prem="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="summon/undead legion.lua">

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>



<!-- Conjure Spells -->

<conjure name="Conjure Arrow" words="exevo con" lvl="13" mana="100" soul="1" conjureId="2544" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureItem">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Food" words="exevo pan" lvl="14" mana="120" soul="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureFood">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Poisoned Arrow" words="exevo con pox" lvl="16" mana="130" soul="2" conjureId="2545" conjureCount="conjureItem" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureItem">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Conjure Bolt" words="exevo con mort" lvl="17" mana="140" soul="2" prem="1" conjureId="2543" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureItem">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Conjure Sniper Arrow" words="exevo con hur" lvl="24" mana="160" soul="3" prem="1" conjureId="7364" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureItem">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Explosive Arrow" words="exevo con flam" lvl="25" mana="290" soul="3" conjureId="2546" conjureCount="8" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureItem">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Conjure Piercing Bolt" words="exevo con grav" lvl="33" mana="180" soul="3" prem="1" conjureId="7363" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureItem">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Enchant Staff" words="exeta vis" lvl="41" mana="80" prem="1" conjureId="2433" reagentId="2401" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureItem">

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<conjure name="Enchant Spear" words="exeta con" lvl="45" mana="350" soul="3" prem="1" conjureId="7367" reagentId="2389" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureItem">

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Power Bolt" words="exevo con vis" lvl="59" mana="800" soul="4" prem="1" conjureId="2547" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureItem">

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Poison Field" words="adevo grav pox" lvl="14" mana="200" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2285" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Light Magic Missile" words="adori min vis" lvl="15" mana="120" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2287" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Fire Field" words="adevo grav flam" lvl="15" mana="240" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2301" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Fireball" words="adori flam" lvl="27" mana="460" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2302" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<conjure name="Energy Field" words="adevo grav vis" lvl="18" mana="320" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2277" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Stalagmite" words="adori tera" lvl="24" mana="400" soul="2" prem="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2292" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Great Fireball" words="adori mas flam" lvl="30" mana="530" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2304" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<conjure name="Heavy Magic Missile" words="adori vis" lvl="25" mana="350" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2311" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<conjure name="Poison Bomb" words="adevo mas pox" lvl="25" mana="520" soul="2" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2286" conjureCount="2" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Firebomb" words="adevo mas flam" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="4" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2305" conjureCount="2" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Soulfire" words="adevo res flam" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2308" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Poison Wall" words="adevo mas grav pox" lvl="29" mana="640" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2289" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Explosion" words="adevo mas hur" lvl="31" mana="570" soul="4" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2313" conjureCount="6" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Fire Wall" words="adevo mas grav flam" lvl="33" mana="780" soul="4" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2303" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Energybomb" words="adevo mas vis" lvl="37" mana="880" soul="5" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2262" conjureCount="2" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<conjure name="Energy Wall" words="adevo mas grav vis" lvl="41" mana="1000" soul="5" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2279" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Sudden Death" words="adori gran mort" lvl="45" mana="985" soul="5" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2268" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<conjure name="Antidote Rune" words="adana pox" lvl="15" mana="200" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2266" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Intense Healing Rune" words="adura gran" lvl="15" mana="240" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2265" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Ultimate Healing Rune" words="adura vita" lvl="24" mana="400" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2273" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Convince Creature" words="adeta sio" lvl="16" mana="200" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2290" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Animate Dead" words="adana mort" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="5" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2316" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Chameleon" words="adevo ina" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2291" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Destroy Field" words="adito grav" lvl="17" mana="120" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2261" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Desintegrate" words="adito tera" lvl="21" mana="200" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2310" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Paladin" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />

<vocation name="Royal Paladin" />


<conjure name="Magic Wall" words="adevo grav tera" lvl="32" mana="750" soul="5" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2293" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer" />

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" />


<conjure name="Paralyze" words="adana ani" lvl="54" mana="1400" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2278" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid" />

<vocation name="Elder Druid" />


<conjure name="Icicle" words="adori frigo" lvl="28" mana="460" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2271" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>


<conjure name="Avalanche" words="adori mas frigo" lvl="30" mana="530" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2274" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>


<conjure name="Stone Shower" words="adori mas tera" lvl="28" mana="430" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2288" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Druid"/>

<vocation name="Elder Druid"/>


<conjure name="Thunderstorm" words="adori mas vis" lvl="28" mana="430" soul="3" prem="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2315" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" function="conjureRune">

<vocation name="Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer"/>



<!-- Custom Spells -->

<instant name="Apocalypse" words="exevo mas lux" lvl="40" manapercent="60" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" script="custom/apocalypse.lua">

<vocation name="Sorcerer"/>

<vocation name="Master Sorcerer"/>



<!-- instant monster spells -->

<instant name="cura" words="cura" enabled="0" script="monsters/cura.lua"></instant>

<instant name="newmosn" words="newmosn" enabled="0" script="monsters/newmosn.lua"></instant>

<instant name="death wave" words="death wave" enabled="0" script="monsters/death wave.lua"></instant>

<instant name="carniphila atack" words="carniphila atack" enabled="0" script="monsters/carniphila atack.lua"></instant>


<!-- House Spells -->

<instant name="House Guest List" words="aleta sio" selftarget="1" function="editHouseGuest"/>

<instant name="House Subowner List" words="aleta som" selftarget="1" function="editHouseSubOwner"/>

<instant name="House Door List" words="aleta grav" selftarget="1" function="editHouseDoor"/>

<instant name="House Kick" words="alana sio" params="1" function="houseKick"/>




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Eu tava olhando e pra resolver seu problema é simples.


Quando o tempo de exausted acaba e o player desloga, não da erro.


Assim sendo se seu ot possui tempo de battle (onde não é possivel deslogar) superior a 10 segundos que é o tempo de exausted da magia nunca ira bugar.

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