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[Pedido] Script Da Anihi Ajuda, Dou Rep +


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local t = {
lvl = 100,
entrada =
{x = 710, y = 1420, z = 5},
{x = 709, y = 1420, z = 5},
{x = 708, y = 1420, z = 5},
{x = 707, y = 1420, z = 5}
saida =
{x = 710, y = 1420, z = 6},
{x = 709, y = 1420, z = 6},
{x = 708, y = 1420, z = 6},
{x = 707, y = 1420, z = 6}
monstros =
{{x = 707, y = 1418, z = 6}, "Demon"},
{{x = 709, y = 1418, z = 6}, "Demon"},
{{x = 708, y = 1422, z = 6}, "Demon"},
{{x = 710, y = 1422, z = 6}, "Demon"},
{{x = 712, y = 1420, z = 6}, "Hellfire Fighter"},
{{x = 713, y = 1420, z = 6}, "Hellfire Fighter"},
{{x = 711, y = 1420, z = 6}, "Ghazbaran"}
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
local check = {}
for _, k in ipairs(t.entrada) do
local x = getTopCreature(k).uid
if(x == 0 or not isPlayer(x) or getPlayerLevel(x) < t.lvl) then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Está faltando player ou alguém não possui level '..t.lvl..' ou mais.')
return true
table.insert(check, x)
for _, summon in pairs(t.monstros) do
local creature = getTopCreature(summon[1]).uid
if(creature > 0 and not isPlayer(creature)) then
doCreateMonster(summon[2], summon[1])
for i, tid in ipairs(check) do
doSendMagicEffect(t.entrada[i], CONST_ME_POFF)
doTeleportThing(tid, t.saida[i], false)
doSendMagicEffect(t.saida[i], CONST_ME_ENERGYAREA)
doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid == 1945 and 1946 or 1945)
return true


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