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procura por

if isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
  transform = math.random(1, 1000)    --0.1% chance	   
elseif isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) then
  transform = math.random(1, 1000)   --0.1% chance


deixa 1 por 100 fica 1%

ou 1 por 1000 fica 0.1%

ou 1 por 10000 fica 00.1

transform = math.random(1, 100) 

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[12/09/2012 12:53:36] [Warning - BaseEvents::loadFromXml] Cannot open actions.xml file.

[12/09/2012 12:53:36] Line: 231, Info: Extra content at the end of the document


o.O erro novo ... deu isso quando peguei alguns scripts do ot extreme ... e adicionei no xml tbm ... o.O dai deu isso

se souberem porque deu isso fala ae ^^ se nao souberem ... sem problema ...

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Gostaria de tirar uma dúvida, e se tiver como resolver, porfavor, me de a solução. darei REP ++

Vamos lá, gostaria de saber como faço pro pokemon Selvagem ficar mais agressivo com o Player quando há a perda de pokemon.


Exemplo : Estou num respawn de Electabuzz, usando um Pokemon Crystal Onix.. e Meu Crystal Onix morre pro Electabuzz, e o Electabuzz ao invés de chegar atacando o player violentamente ele demora um pouco no melee e depois de um determinado tempo ele usa o Attack no Player.

Gostaria que quando o player já perdesse o pokemon o Selvagem já apelasse rapidamente. Obrigado dês de já.

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sei la mano...

a % de sair atks dos pokes selvagens eh determinada no .xml deles... ;x n sei se tem como fazer ele soltar mais skills de uma hora pra outra... ;x



tem nenhuma outra function q preste pra remover item? ;x a doRemoveItem(item, n) ta me trolando... na 1* passada do 'for' ela n retira a qntdade de 'type' do item o.O ele soh tira na 2* passada do 'for'.. ;/

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Boost System with Stones Agrupaveis


local ballslot =12355
local ballslot_run = 12352
local stoneslot = 12354
local stoneslot_run = 12353
local button = 12356
local button_run = 12357
function isRunning(id)
if isInArray({button_run, stoneslot_run, ballslot_run}, id) then
return true
return false
boost_stones = {
["Bulbasaur"] = {leaf},
["Ivysaur"] = {leaf},
["Venusaur"] = {leaf},
["Charmander"] = {fire},
["Charmeleon"] = {fire},
["Charizard"] = {fire},
["Squirtle"] = {water},
["Wartortle"] = {water},
["Blastoise"] = {water},
["Caterpie"] = {coccon},
["Metapod"] = {coccon},
["Butterfree"] = {coccon},
["Weedle"] = {coccon},
["Kakuna"] = {coccon},
["Beedrill"] = {coccon},
["Pidgey"] = {heart},
["Pidgeotto"] = {heart},
["Pidgeot"] = {heart},
["Rattata"] = {heart},
["Raticate"] = {heart},
["Spearow"] = {heart},
["Fearow"] = {heart},
["Ekans"] = {venom},
["Arbok"] = {venom},
["Pikachu"] = {thunder},
["Raichu"] = {thunder},
["Sandshrew"] = {earth},
["Sandslash"] = {earth},
["Nidoran Female"] = {venom},
["Nidorina"] = {venom},
["Nidoqueen"] = {venom, earth},
["Nidoran Male"] = {venom},
["Nidorino"] = {venom},
["Nidoking"] = {venom, earth},
["Clefairy"] = {heart},
["Clefable"] = {heart},
["Vulpix"] = {fire},
["Ninetales"] = {fire},
["Jigglypuff"] = {heart},
["Wigglytuff"] = {heart},
["Zubat"] = {venom},
["Golbat"] = {venom},
["Oddish"] = {leaf, venom},
["Gloom"] = {leaf, venom},
["Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom},
["Paras"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Venonat"] = {coccon, venom},
["Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom},
["Diglett"] = {earth},
["Dugtrio"] = {earth},
["Meowth"] = {heart},
["Persian"] = {heart},
["Psyduck"] = {water},
["Golduck"] = {water, enigma},
["Mankey"] = {punch},
["Primeape"] = {punch},
["Growlithe"] = {fire},
["Arcanine"] = {fire},
["Poliwag"] = {water},
["Poliwhirl"] = {water},
["Poliwrath"] = {water, punch},
["Abra"] = {enigma},
["Kadabra"] = {enigma},
["Alakazam"] = {enigma},
["Machop"] = {punch},
["Machoke"] = {punch},
["Machamp"] = {punch},
["Bellsprout"] = {leaf, venom},
["Weepinbell"] = {leaf, venom},
["Victreebel"] = {leaf, venom},
["Tentacool"] = {water, venom},
["Tentacruel"] = {water, venom},
["Geodude"] = {earth, rock},
["Graveler"] = {earth, rock},
["Golem"] = {earth,, rock},
["Ponyta"] = {fire}
["Rapidash"] = {fire},
["Slowpoke"] = {water, enigma},
["Slowbro"] = {water, enigma},
["Magnemite"] = {thunder, metal},
["Magneton"] = {thunder, metal},
["Farfetch'd"] = {heart},
["Doduo"] = {heart},
["Dodrio"] = {heart},
["Seel"] = {water, ice},
["Dewgong"] = {water, ice},
["Grimer"] = {venom},
["Muk"] = {venom},
["Shellder"] = {water, ice},
["Cloyster"] = {water, ice},
["Gastly"] = {dark},
["Haunter"] = {dark},
["Gengar"] = {dark},
["Onix"] = {rock, earth},
["Drowzee"] = {enigma},
["Hypno"] = {enigma},
["Krabby"] = {water},
["Kingler"] = {water},
["Voltorb"] = {thunder},
["Electrode"] = {thunder},
["Exeggcute"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Exeggutor"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Cubone"] = {earth},
["Marowak"] = {earth},
["Hitmonlee"] = {punch},
["Hitmonchan"] = {punch},
["Lickitung"] = {heart},
["Koffing"] = {venom},
["Weezing"] = {venom},
["Rhyhorn"] = {earth, rock},
["Rhydon"] = {earth, rock},
["Chansey"] = {heart},
["Tangela"] = {leaf},
["Kangaskhan"] = {heart},
["Horsea"] = {water},
["Seadra"] = {water},
["Goldeen"] = {water},
["Seaking"] = {water},
["Staryu"] = {water},
["Starmie"] = {water},
["Mr. Mime"] = {enigma},
["Scyther"] = {coccon},
["Jynx"] = {enigma, ice},
["Electabuzz"] = {thunder},
["Magmar"] = {fire},
["Pinsir"] = {coccon},
["Tauros"] = {heart},
["Magikarp"] = {water},
["Gyarados"] = {water, crystal},
["Lapras"] = {water, ice},
["Ditto"] = {heart},
["Eevee"] = {heart},
["Vaporeon"] = {water},
["Jolteon"] = {thunder},
["Flareon"] = {fire},
["Porygon"] = {heart, enigma},
["Omanyte"] = {rock, water},
["Omastar"] = {rock, water},
["Kabuto"] = {rock, water},
["Kabutops"] = {rock, water},
["Aerodactyl"] = {rock},
["Snorlax"] = {heart},
["Articuno"] = {ice},
["Zapdos"] = {thunder},
["Moltres"] = {fire},
["Dratini"] = {crystal},
["Dragonair"] = {crystal},
["Dragonite"] = {crystal},
["Mewtwo"] = {enigma},
["Mew"] = {enigma}}
function doRestoreBoostMachine(cid, b_pos, p_pos, s_pos, msg, msg2)
doSendAnimatedText(b_pos, "DONE.", 215)
if isCreature(cid) then
	doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, false)
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg)
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg2)
local ball_s = getTileItemById(p_pos, ballslot_run)
doTransformItem(ball_s.uid, ballslot)
local stne_s = getTileItemById(s_pos, stoneslot_run)
doTransformItem(stne_s.uid, stoneslot)
local butn_s = getTileItemById(b_pos, button_run)
doTransformItem(butn_s.uid, button)
local stones_required = {	-- custo base de stones para boostar
[heart] = 1,
[leaf] = 1,
[water] = 1,
[venom] = 1,
[thunder] = 1,
[rock] = 1,
[punch] = 1,
[fire] = 1,
[coccon] = 1,
[crystal] = 1,
[dark] = 1,
[earth] = 1,
[enigma] = 1,
[ice] = 1,
local stone_increase = {	-- a cada quantos boosts irá aumentar o custo de stones
[heart] = 3,
[leaf] = 3,
[water] = 3,
[venom] = 4,
[thunder] = 4,
[rock] = 3,
[punch] = 4,
[fire] = 3,
[coccon] = 2,
[crystal] = 15,
[dark] = 4,
[earth] = 4,
[enigma] = 4,
[ice] = 4,
function onUse(cid, item, topos, item2, frompos)
if isRunning(item.itemid) then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Wait until boosting finishes.")
return true
if item.itemid == button then
	local pbpos = topos
	   pbpos.x = pbpos.x + 1
	local ball_slot = getTileItemById(pbpos, ballslot)
	local myball = getContainerItem(ball_slot.uid, 0)
	if myball.uid <= 0 or getItemWeight(myball.uid) == 0 then
		doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to put a pokeball in the ball slot.")
	return true
	local pokemon = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "poke")
	local boost = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost") or 0
	if boost >= 50 then
		doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is already at maximum boost.")
	return true
	local stnpos = pbpos
	   stnpos.x = stnpos.x - 2
	local stone_slot = getTileItemById(stnpos, stoneslot)
	local stone = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)
	if stone.uid <= 0 then
		doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to put a stone in the stone slot.")
	return true
	if not isStone(stone.itemid) then
		doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only stones in the stone slot.")
	return true
	if not isInArray(boost_stones[pokemon], stone.itemid) then
		local cancelstr = "Sorry, you are not using the correct stone."
		if #boost_stones[pokemon] > 1 then
			local stonesused = ""
			cancelstr = cancelstr.." This pokemon needs "
			for su = 1, #boost_stones[pokemon] do
				local n = doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][su]))
				if su == #boost_stones[pokemon] then
					stonesused = stonesused.." or "..getArticle(n).." "..n..""
				elseif su == 1 then
					stonesused = stonesused..""..getArticle(n).." "..n..""
					stonesused = stonesused..", "..n..""
			cancelstr = cancelstr..""..stonesused.." to be boosted."
			cancelstr = cancelstr.." This pokemon needs a "..doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][1])).." to be boosted."
		doPlayerSendCancel(cid, cancelstr)
	return true
	local removeStones = 0
	local extraStones = math.floor(boost / stone_increase[stone.itemid])
	local required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones
	local boosts = 0
	local availableStones = 0
	for a = 0, getContainerSize(stone_slot.uid) - 1 do
		local it = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, a)
		if it.uid > 0 then
			if not isStone(it.itemid) then
				doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only stones in the stone slot.")
			return true
			if it.itemid ~= stone.itemid then
				doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only one type of stone in the stone slot.")
			return true
			availableStones = availableStones + it.type

	for a = 1, availableStones do
		if required_stones > 0 then
			required_stones = required_stones - 1
			if required_stones <= 0 then
				boosts = boosts + 1
				removeStones = removeStones + stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones
				if boost + boosts <= 49 then
					extraStones = math.floor((boost + boosts) / stone_increase[stone.itemid])
					required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

	if required_stones > 0 and boosts == 0 then
		doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need more stones to boost this pokemon.")
	return true
	for b = 1, removeStones do
		local i = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)
		doChangeTypeItem(i.uid, i.type - 1)
	local off = pokes[pokemon].offense * boost_rate * boosts
	local def = pokes[pokemon].defense * boost_rate * boosts
	local agi = pokes[pokemon].agility * boosts
	local spatk = pokes[pokemon].specialattack * boost_rate * boosts
	local vit = pokes[pokemon].vitality * boost_rate * boosts
	doSetItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost", boost + boosts)
	doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "offense", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "offense") + off)
	doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "defense", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "defense") + def)
	doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "speed", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "speed") + agi)
	doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "specialattack") + spatk)
	doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "vitality", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "vitality") + vit)
	local msg = "Your "..getPokeballName(myball.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "level").."] has been boosted!"
	local msg2 = "• Boost: "..(boost + boosts).." (+"..boosts..")  • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).."  • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).."  • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).."  • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).."  • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit)..""
	local downpos = getThingPos(cid)
	downpos.y = downpos.y + 1
	local mypos = getThingPos(cid)
	doTeleportThing(cid, downpos, false)
	doTeleportThing(cid, mypos, false)
	doTransformItem(ball_slot.uid, ballslot_run)
	doTransformItem(stone_slot.uid, stoneslot_run)
	doTransformItem(item.uid, button_run)
	doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true)
	doCreatureAddCondition(cid, boostcondition)
	addEvent(doRestoreBoostMachine, 3000, cid, getThingPos(item.uid), getThingPos(ball_slot.uid), getThingPos(stone_slot.uid), msg, msg2)
return true


Creditos: brun123

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Ficou perfeito! Valeu por trazer para o forum esse script. Muito bom mesmo. Sendo que está incompleto em pequenos fatores, mas isso é fácil de resolver. Os slot não fecham na hora do boost e nem exibe a animação, mas só adicionar as funções. Valeu ai.




[12/09/2012 18:10:12] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/actions/scripts/boost.lua:89: unexpected symbol near ','

[12/09/2012 18:10:12] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/actions/scripts/boost.lua)

[12/09/2012 18:10:12] data/actions/scripts/boost.lua:89: unexpected symbol near ','



Linha 89 tava com uma "," a mais


["Golem"] = {earth,, rock},


Mas mesmo concertando isso não exibe a animação e nem os slots fecham ao boosta.



[12/09/2012 18:20:38] [Error - Action Interface]

[12/09/2012 18:20:38] data/actions/scripts/boost.lua:onUse

[12/09/2012 18:20:38] Description:

[12/09/2012 18:20:38] data/actions/scripts/boost.lua:317: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value

[12/09/2012 18:20:38] stack traceback:

[12/09/2012 18:20:38] data/actions/scripts/boost.lua:317: in function <data/actions/scripts/boost.lua:215>

Editado por pedrowarlock
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@Slicer e @pedrowarlock

Não fui eu que fiz, não é a mim que vocês deveriam agradecer e sim a quem fez.


Ainda não testei mas parece funcional e simples, depois verei com calma oque mudou e talz :D


Depois vejo se trago 1 sistema inutil pro povo haushausa

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Um duvida sobre seu serve !!


1 - Seu serve tem o systema que tem no pokexgames quando voçe da tanto de cath ganha uma oufit


2 - o mark o preço dele quando conpra ou vende ta igual do pokexgames


Essas sao so duvidas nao to pedindo pra voçe nao fazer nada em nem add nada so estou com duvida se seu serve tem issu ^^

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Vlw pelo sistema :)


editei o boost do brun123 para o server do slicer agora ta fechando os slots e animaçao da boost :)



local ballslot =12355

local ballslot_run = 12352

local stoneslot = 12354

local stoneslot_run = 12353

local button = 12356

local button_run = 12357

function isRunning(id)

if isInArray({button_run, stoneslot_run, ballslot_run}, id) then

return true


return false


boost_stones = {

["Bulbasaur"] = {leaf},

["Ivysaur"] = {leaf},

["Venusaur"] = {leaf},

["Charmander"] = {fire},

["Charmeleon"] = {fire},

["Charizard"] = {fire},

["Squirtle"] = {water},

["Wartortle"] = {water},

["Blastoise"] = {water},

["Caterpie"] = {coccon},

["Metapod"] = {coccon},

["Butterfree"] = {coccon},

["Weedle"] = {coccon},

["Kakuna"] = {coccon},

["Beedrill"] = {coccon},

["Pidgey"] = {heart},

["Pidgeotto"] = {heart},

["Pidgeot"] = {heart},

["Rattata"] = {heart},

["Raticate"] = {heart},

["Spearow"] = {heart},

["Fearow"] = {heart},

["Ekans"] = {venom},

["Arbok"] = {venom},

["Pikachu"] = {thunder},

["Raichu"] = {thunder},

["Sandshrew"] = {earth},

["Sandslash"] = {earth},

["Nidoran Female"] = {venom},

["Nidorina"] = {venom},

["Nidoqueen"] = {venom, earth},

["Nidoran Male"] = {venom},

["Nidorino"] = {venom},

["Nidoking"] = {venom, earth},

["Clefairy"] = {heart},

["Clefable"] = {heart},

["Vulpix"] = {fire},

["Ninetales"] = {fire},

["Jigglypuff"] = {heart},

["Wigglytuff"] = {heart},

["Zubat"] = {venom},

["Golbat"] = {venom},

["Oddish"] = {leaf, venom},

["Gloom"] = {leaf, venom},

["Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom},

["Paras"] = {coccon, leaf},

["Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf},

["Venonat"] = {coccon, venom},

["Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom},

["Diglett"] = {earth},

["Dugtrio"] = {earth},

["Meowth"] = {heart},

["Persian"] = {heart},

["Psyduck"] = {water},

["Golduck"] = {water, enigma},

["Mankey"] = {punch},

["Primeape"] = {punch},

["Growlithe"] = {fire},

["Arcanine"] = {fire},

["Poliwag"] = {water},

["Poliwhirl"] = {water},

["Poliwrath"] = {water, punch},

["Abra"] = {enigma},

["Kadabra"] = {enigma},

["Alakazam"] = {enigma},

["Machop"] = {punch},

["Machoke"] = {punch},

["Machamp"] = {punch},

["Bellsprout"] = {leaf, venom},

["Weepinbell"] = {leaf, venom},

["Victreebel"] = {leaf, venom},

["Tentacool"] = {water, venom},

["Tentacruel"] = {water, venom},

["Geodude"] = {earth, rock},

["Graveler"] = {earth, rock},

["Golem"] = {earth, rock},

["Ponyta"] = {fire},

["Rapidash"] = {fire},

["Slowpoke"] = {water, enigma},

["Slowbro"] = {water, enigma},

["Magnemite"] = {thunder, metal},

["Magneton"] = {thunder, metal},

["Farfetch'd"] = {heart},

["Doduo"] = {heart},

["Dodrio"] = {heart},

["Seel"] = {water, ice},

["Dewgong"] = {water, ice},

["Grimer"] = {venom},

["Muk"] = {venom},

["Shellder"] = {water, ice},

["Cloyster"] = {water, ice},

["Gastly"] = {dark},

["Haunter"] = {dark},

["Gengar"] = {dark},

["Onix"] = {rock, earth},

["Drowzee"] = {enigma},

["Hypno"] = {enigma},

["Krabby"] = {water},

["Kingler"] = {water},

["Voltorb"] = {thunder},

["Electrode"] = {thunder},

["Exeggcute"] = {enigma, leaf},

["Exeggutor"] = {enigma, leaf},

["Cubone"] = {earth},

["Marowak"] = {earth},

["Hitmonlee"] = {punch},

["Hitmonchan"] = {punch},

["Lickitung"] = {heart},

["Koffing"] = {venom},

["Weezing"] = {venom},

["Rhyhorn"] = {earth, rock},

["Rhydon"] = {earth, rock},

["Chansey"] = {heart},

["Tangela"] = {leaf},

["Kangaskhan"] = {heart},

["Horsea"] = {water},

["Seadra"] = {water},

["Goldeen"] = {water},

["Seaking"] = {water},

["Staryu"] = {water},

["Starmie"] = {water},

["Mr. Mime"] = {enigma},

["Scyther"] = {coccon},

["Jynx"] = {enigma, ice},

["Electabuzz"] = {thunder},

["Magmar"] = {fire},

["Pinsir"] = {coccon},

["Tauros"] = {heart},

["Magikarp"] = {water},

["Gyarados"] = {water, crystal},

["Lapras"] = {water, ice},

["Ditto"] = {heart},

["Eevee"] = {heart},

["Vaporeon"] = {water},

["Jolteon"] = {thunder},

["Flareon"] = {fire},

["Porygon"] = {heart, enigma},

["Omanyte"] = {rock, water},

["Omastar"] = {rock, water},

["Kabuto"] = {rock, water},

["Kabutops"] = {rock, water},

["Aerodactyl"] = {rock},

["Snorlax"] = {heart},

["Articuno"] = {ice},

["Zapdos"] = {thunder},

["Moltres"] = {fire},

["Dratini"] = {crystal},

["Dragonair"] = {crystal},

["Dragonite"] = {crystal},

["Mewtwo"] = {enigma},

["Mew"] = {enigma},


["Shiny Venusaur"] = {leaf},

["Shiny Charizard"] = {fire},

["Shiny Blastoise"] = {water},

["Shiny Butterfree"] = {coccon},

["Shiny Beedrill"] = {coccon},

["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {heart},

["Shiny Rattata"] = {heart},

["Shiny Raticate"] = {heart},

["Shiny Fearow"] = {heart},

["Shiny Raichu"] = {thunder},

["Shiny Nidoking"] = {venom, earth},

["Shiny Zubat"] = {venom},

["Shiny Golbat"] = {venom},

["Shiny Oddish"] = {leaf, venom},

["Shiny Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom},

["Shiny Paras"] = {coccon, leaf},

["Shiny Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf},

["Shiny Venonat"] = {coccon, venom},

["Shiny Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom},

["Shiny Growlithe"] = {fire},

["Shiny Arcanine"] = {fire},

["Shiny Abra"] = {enigma},

["Shiny Alakazam"] = {enigma},

["Shiny Tentacool"] = {water, venom},

["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {water, venom},

["Shiny Golem"] = {earth, rock},

["Shiny Farfetch'd"] = {heart},

["Shiny Grimer"] = {venom},

["Shiny Muk"] = {venom},

["Shiny Gengar"] = {dark},

["Shiny Onix"] = {rock, earth},

["Shiny Hypno"] = {enigma},

["Shiny Krabby"] = {water},

["Shiny Kingler"] = {water},

["Shiny Voltorb"] = {thunder},

["Shiny Electrode"] = {thunder},

["Shiny Cubone"] = {earth},

["Shiny Marowak"] = {earth},

["Shiny Hitmonlee"] = {punch},

["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {punch},

["Shiny Hitmontop"] = {punch}, --alterado v1.4

["Shiny Tangela"] = {leaf},

["Shiny Horsea"] = {water},

["Shiny Seadra"] = {water},

["Shiny Mr. Mime"] = {enigma},

["Shiny Scyther"] = {coccon},

["Shiny Jynx"] = {enigma, ice},

["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {thunder},

["Shiny Pinsir"] = {coccon},

["Shiny Magikarp"] = {water},

["Shiny Gyarados"] = {water, crystal},

["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {water},

["Shiny Jolteon"] = {thunder},

["Shiny Flareon"] = {fire},

["Shiny Snorlax"] = {heart},

["Shiny Dratini"] = {crystal},

["Shiny Dragonair"] = {crystal},


["Chikorita"] = {leaf},

["Bayleef"] = {leaf},

["Meganium"] = {leaf},

["Cyndaquil"] = {fire},

["Quilava"] = {fire},

["Typhlosion"] = {fire},

["Totodile"] = {water},

["Croconaw"] = {water},

["Feraligatr"] = {water},

["Sentret"] = {heart},

["Furret"] = {heart},

["Hoothoot"] = {heart, enigma},

["Noctowl"] = {heart, enigma},

["Ledyba"] = {coccon},

["Ledian"] = {coccon},

["Spinarak"] = {coccon, venom},

["Ariados"] = {coccon, venom},

["Crobat"] = {venom},

["Chinchou"] = {water, thunder},

["Lanturn"] = {water, thunder},

["Pichu"] = {thunder},

["Cleffa"] = {heart},

["Iglybuff"] = {venom},

["Natu"] = {enigma},

["Xatu"] = {enigma},

["Mareep"] = {thunder},

["Flaaffy"] = {thunder},

["Ampharos"] = {thunder},

["Bellossom"] = {leaf},

["Marill"] = {water},

["Azulmarill"] = {water},

["Sudowoodo"] = {rock, earth},

["Politoed"] = {water, earth},

["Hoppip"] = {leaf},

["Skiploom"] = {leaf},

["Jumpluff"] = {leaf},

["Aipom"] = {heart},

["Sunkern"] = {leaf},

["Sunflora"] = {leaf},

["Yanma"] = {venom, coccon},

["Wooper"] = {water},

["Quagsire"] = {water, earth},

["Murkrow"] = {dark},

["Slowking"] = {water,enigma},

["Misdreavus"] = {dark},

["Wobbuffet"] = {enigma},

["Girafarig"] = {enigma},

["Pineco"] = {coccon},

["Forretress"] = {coccon},

["Gligar"] = {dark, heart},

["Steelix"] = {earth, rock},

["Snubbull"] = {heart},

["Granbull"] = {heart},

["Qwilfish"] = {water},

["Shuckle"] = {earth},

["Heracross"] = {coccon},

["Teddiursa"] = {heart},

["Ursaring"] = {heart, dark},

["Slugma"] = {fire},

["Magcargo"] = {fire},

["Swinub"] = {ice, earth},

["Piloswine"] = {ice, earth},

["Corsola"] = {water},

["Remoraid"] = {water},

["Octillery"] = {water},

["Delibird"] = {ice, heart},

["Mantine"] = {water},

["Skarmory"] = {heart},

["Houndour"] = {fire, dark},

["Houndoom"] = {fire, dark},

["Kingdra"] = {water, crystal},

["Phanpy"] = {earth},

["Donphan"] = {earth},

["porygon2"] = {enigma},

["Stantler"] = {heart},

["Smeargle"] = {heart},

["Tyrogue"] = {punch},

["Hitmontop"] = {punch},

["Smoochum"] = {ice, enigma},

["Elekid"] = {thunder},

["Magby"] = {fire},

["Miltank"] = {heart},

["Blissey"] = {heart},

["Raikou"] = {thunder},

["Entei"] = {fire},

["Suicune"] = {water},

["Larvitar"] = {earth, dark},

["Pupitar"] = {earth, dark},

["Tyranitar"] = {earth, dark},

["Lugia"] = {enigma, water},

["Ho-oh"] = {enigma, fire},

["Celebi"] = {leaf, enigma}}

function doRestoreBoostMachine(cid, b_pos, p_pos, s_pos, msg, msg2)

--doSendMagicEffect(p_pos, 247)

if isCreature(cid) then

doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, false)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg)


local ball_s = getTileItemById(p_pos, ballslot_run)

doTransformItem(ball_s.uid, ballslot)

local stne_s = getTileItemById(s_pos, stoneslot_run)

doTransformItem(stne_s.uid, stoneslot)

local butn_s = getTileItemById(b_pos, button_run)

doTransformItem(butn_s.uid, button)


local stones_required = { -- custo base de stones para boostar

[heart] = 1,

[leaf] = 1,

[water] = 1,

[venom] = 1,

[thunder] = 1,

[rock] = 1,

[punch] = 1,

[fire] = 1,

[coccon] = 1,

[crystal] = 1,

[dark] = 1,

[earth] = 1,

[enigma] = 1,

[ice] = 1,


local stone_increase = { -- a cada quantos boosts irá aumentar o custo de stones

[heart] = 3,

[leaf] = 3,

[water] = 3,

[venom] = 4,

[thunder] = 4,

[rock] = 3,

[punch] = 4,

[fire] = 3,

[coccon] = 2,

[crystal] = 15,

[dark] = 4,

[earth] = 4,

[enigma] = 4,

[ice] = 4,


function onUse(cid, item, topos, item2, frompos)

if isRunning(item.itemid) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Wait until boosting finishes.")

return true


if item.itemid == button then

local pbpos = topos

pbpos.x = pbpos.x + 1

local ball_slot = getTileItemById(pbpos, ballslot)

local myball = getContainerItem(ball_slot.uid, 0)

if myball.uid <= 0 or getItemWeight(myball.uid) == 0 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to put a pokeball in the ball slot.")

return true


local pokemon = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "poke")

local boost = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost") or 0

if boost >= 50 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is already at maximum boost.")

return true


local stnpos = pbpos

stnpos.x = stnpos.x - 2

local stone_slot = getTileItemById(stnpos, stoneslot)

local stone = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)

if stone.uid <= 0 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to put a stone in the stone slot.")

return true


if not isStone(stone.itemid) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only stones in the stone slot.")

return true


if not isInArray(boost_stones[pokemon], stone.itemid) then

local cancelstr = "Sorry, you are not using the correct stone."

if #boost_stones[pokemon] > 1 then

local stonesused = ""

cancelstr = cancelstr.." This pokemon needs "

for su = 1, #boost_stones[pokemon] do

local n = doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][su]))

if su == #boost_stones[pokemon] then

stonesused = stonesused.." or "..getArticle(n).." "..n..""

elseif su == 1 then

stonesused = stonesused..""..getArticle(n).." "..n..""


stonesused = stonesused..", "..n..""



cancelstr = cancelstr..""..stonesused.." to be boosted."


cancelstr = cancelstr.." This pokemon needs a "..doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][1])).." to be boosted."


doPlayerSendCancel(cid, cancelstr)

return true


local removeStones = 0

local extraStones = math.floor(boost / stone_increase[stone.itemid])

local required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

local boosts = 0

local availableStones = 0

for a = 0, getContainerSize(stone_slot.uid) - 1 do

local it = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, a)

if it.uid > 0 then

if not isStone(it.itemid) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only stones in the stone slot.")

return true


if it.itemid ~= stone.itemid then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only one type of stone in the stone slot.")

return true


availableStones = availableStones + it.type




for a = 1, availableStones do

if required_stones > 0 then

required_stones = required_stones - 1

if required_stones <= 0 then

boosts = boosts + 1

removeStones = removeStones + stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

if boost + boosts <= 49 then

extraStones = math.floor((boost + boosts) / stone_increase[stone.itemid])

required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones






if required_stones > 0 and boosts == 0 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need more stones to boost this pokemon.")

return true


for b = 1, removeStones do

local i = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)

doChangeTypeItem(i.uid, i.type - 1)


doSetItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost", boost + boosts)

local msg = "Mensagem que vai aparecer ao boost :)"

local downpos = getThingPos(cid)

downpos.y = downpos.y + 1

local mypos = getThingPos(cid)

doTeleportThing(cid, downpos, false)

doTeleportThing(cid, mypos, false)

doTransformItem(ball_slot.uid, ballslot_run)

doTransformItem(stone_slot.uid, stoneslot_run)

doTransformItem(item.uid, button_run)

doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true)

doCreatureAddCondition(cid, boostcondition)

addEvent(doRestoreBoostMachine, 3000, cid, getThingPos(item.uid), getThingPos(ball_slot.uid), getThingPos(stone_slot.uid), msg, msg2)

return true




Editado por PkNfan
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1 - nao n tem, mas eh bemmmm simplis fazer esse npc ^^


2 - oia.. eles mudaram tanto aquilo na atualizaçao das ilhas laranjas, q acredito eu q n ta igual n ^^



eh o brun owna muito... foda... eu fiz o script aki tb, soh alterei algumas coisas mas blz hehe ja agradeço a ele pela function kk

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