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Found 4 results

  1. 🌟 Thaloria - The dawn of a new MMORPG era! 🌟 🌐 Website: https://thaloria.site 🎯 Server Rates: Experience: 15x Stages Loot: 2x Skills: 2x Magic Level (ML): 2x ⚔️ Guild Wars Without Limits In Thaloria, every Guild is at war! 🛡️ Defeat players from rival Guilds without gaining frags. Show your strength 💪 and earn respect on the battlefield! 🏆 🐉 Exclusive Raids & World Bosses Prepare to face epic invasions 🌌 and legendary bosses 🕊️ with challenging mechanics. The greatest rewards 💰 await the bravest adventurers! 🗡️ ⚡ Time-Saving Quickloot Add your desired items to the Loot Note 📜 and collect them with a single click on the monster's corpse. Efficiency without losing the thrill of the hunt! 🎯 🎰 Casino & Trainers Easily train your skills 🥋 and test your luck 🍀 with our exclusive casino system. Here, fun 🎉 and progress 📈 go hand in hand! 🌍 Connect with players across Europe Hosted in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧, we’re ready to bring together adventurers from Poland 🇵🇱, Germany 🇩🇪, the UK, and surrounding regions 🌟 to create one of the most intense and competitive MMORPG communities! 🔥 Your epic journey starts here. 🔥 Join us and conquer Thaloria! ❓ Are you ready for the challenge? 🌐 Website: https://thaloria.site 🚀 See you on the battlefield!
  2. Youtube - Intro ???????????: Stone is Our main goal is to revamp our beloved old tibia into then modern one with stick to mechanisms and gameplay. We hope to gather lots of new feedback from elders and newcomers. ???????: Website - Stone Ot ????????: Facebook – like our fanpage to be in touch Discord – join to our group ????? ????????: Experience Stage: 01 lvl to 08 lvl : 50x 09 lvl to 50 lvl : 25x 51 lvl to 100 lvl : 8x 101 lvl to 130 lvl : 4x 131 lvl to *** lvl : 2x Game and PvP Settings Skills Rate: Staged – last 3x Magic Rate: Staged – last 2x Loot Rate: 2.0x Frag Time: 12 hours Frags to red skull/ban: 3/6 ???? ????????: Various range of tasks Tons of new sprites, outfits, items most popular quests including poi, demon oak custom monsters and quests party shared experience/vocation share party bonus conjure runes x2, ammunition x3
  3. Fala galera, venho por meio desta mensagem dar informações sobre o nosso servidor que estamos inaugurando e vamos crescer diariamente, e buscar se tornar um dos maiores e melhores servidores OldSchool do momento. SITE: http://www.thetibianic.com Características: Mapa Global 7.x - Voltado para PVP/RPG. Host BR, Ant-Bot, Cliente Custom, Cast System, War System, Etc ... POI, Port Hope, Demon Oak, Hunts editadas, etc ... Exp/Vocações em equilíbrio. Knights e Paladins com 10% de chance de acerto critico. Servidor contando com uma super estrutura, Anti-DDoS, deixando o jogo sem LAG. Equipe correta, buscando sempre trazer novidades. Updates semanais e melhorias. Hunts estendidas (editadas): Demon em Edron, Dragon Lair em Venore, Necromancer em Drefia, Hero em Edron, Hellfire Fighter em Edron, Vampire em Drefia, Black Knight em Venore, Ancient Scarab em Ankrahmun, Serpent Spawn em Port Hope, Hydra em Port Hope, Warlock em Greenshore, Warlock em Dark Cathedral, etc... . Exp Low Stages Level 1 ao 8 - 50x Level 9 a 20 - 35x Level 21 a 30 - 30x Level 31 a 40 - 25x Level 41 a 50 - 20x Level 51 a 60 - 15x Level 61 a 70 - 10x level 71 a 80 - 7x Level 81 a 100 - 4x Level 101 em diant - 3x Skill 3,5x Magic 3x Loot 2,5x Venha fazer historia com The Tibianic ATS. Dúvidas, Sugestões, entre em contato. Atenciosamente, GM Tibianic
  4. GLOBAL 100% 7.40-XP STAGES1 a 8 50x9 a 20 40x21 a 30 35X31 a 40 30x31 a 50 25x51 a 60 15x61 a 70 10x71 a 80 7x81 + 5x-Site http://sv74.sytes.net:8090-CLIENT PROPRIO ANT BOT download no site-NOVOS RESPAWS-POI e DEMON OAK-FREE PREMMY-7.4 Features: No Protection zone nos barcos e tapetes.- Spells, vocations e spells formuled baseada em Tibia 7.4. nao tem Hotkleys!-War System.-Cast System.-Anti Clone.-Task System (Mais de 50)-Party Sharing Experience. You can share experience in-party with your friends, and receive 10% bonus experience when actived (!share).-Nao tem runas no Shop. somente conjurada.-Editado, conjura runas 2x mais que real tibia (ex. Sd 2x).-Fast Soul Regen-Conjure Runes na backpack. !-Nao tem Wands/Rods, Burst Arrowns baseado em magic level.>> Vocation Features:-Paladins conjure mais ammunition. (ex. exevo con = 15 arrows)-Mages conjure mais runes. (ex. adori vita vis = 2 SDs)-Damage melhorado em 10% para Knights and Paladins.-Attack speed melhorado em 10% for all vocations.>> NPCs:-Nao vende runes.-Pode comprar bp de MF (pode remover se quizer): \"buy bp mf\"-Pode comprar bp de LF (pode remover se quizer): \"buy bp lf\"-Djinns in ankrahmun (Precisa de Quest)-Eremo sells amulet of loss.>> Game Features:-Bank system.-Auto-stack items-Full HP and MP at level up.-Stone Skin Amulet nao tem em NPCs, dropa somente de Warlock ou Hydra.>> Extra Information:-Real Tibia map: Full real Tibia map, incluindo todos os NPCs, Port Hope, monsters e quests 100% RL.- POI quest e todas as quests do jogo funcionando rook e main-Uptime: Muito Estavel.-Respaw almentados para nao faltar cav e muitos respaw novos
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