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[8.7] * Nicaw * Problema Em Algumas Páginas Do Site


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Então estou com um servidor 8.70, já tenho data center, mas tenho um problema...




Baixei um nicaw, por mais que seja simples, vou usar ele por enquanto...

Configuro tudo direitinho e em algumas páginas tenho os seguintes erros:



Quando clico na páginas BANS:


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DatabaseException'

Message: It appears you don't have SQL sample imported for OT server or it is not supported.

Online help: More Info

File: sql.php on line: 152

Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug.


Debug Backtrace:Disabled


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Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DatabaseException'

Message: It appears you don't have SQL sample imported for OT server or it is not supported.

Online help: More Info

File: sql.php on line: 152

Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug.


Debug Backtrace:Disabled


High Scores:


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DatabaseException'

Message: It appears you don't have SQL sample imported for OT server or it is not supported.

Online help: More Info

File: sql.php on line: 152

Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug.


Debug Backtrace:Disabled




Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'aacException'

Message: House file not found: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Desktop\Mystic Effect\dataC:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Desktop\Mystic Effect\data\world\Mystic-2-house.xml

File: houses.php on line: 23

Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug.


Debug Backtrace:Disabled




Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DatabaseException'

Message: It appears you don't have SQL sample imported for OT server or it is not supported.

Online help: More Info

File: sql.php on line: 152

Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug.


Debug Backtrace:Disabled



No arquivo de configuração, coloquei o diretório do house...


Alguém sabe resolver esses problemas?





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Message: It appears you don't have SQL sample imported for OT server or it is not supported.

creio eu que a versão não suporta


E tem como eu passar meu server da versão 8.70 para 8.54 ou 8.60 ou 8.4?


É só copiar o mapa e bichos certo?

Porém e as quests?

Como faço?

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Seria dificil voce fazer isso, pois a versão 8.70 tem mais features do que a 8.54 ou 8.60, aconcelho re-fazer o OT na versão nova, ou tentar adptar o Gesior ou Modern ACC pro seu Otserver.

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Já dei down nele para 8.60 e mesmo assim o site continua exatamente com o mesmo erro... é alguma coisa na hora de configurar database.. sei lá.... ta tenso... agora é 8.60.. acho melhor 8.60 do que o .70... por mais que não tenha montaria...

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