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Profesional Staff Pokemontrail Projects


Posts Recomendados

Catch -- 100%

Evolution -- (Stones). 100%

Full Pokemon (151) Full Shiny Pokemon and Full Second Generation of Pokemon.

Potions 90%

Moves (m1-m12) 80%

Boxs (1-4) 100%

Saffari Zone 100%

News Pokeballs

Quests 75%

Cassino 100%

__________________________________________________ __________

Control Mind 75%

Ride 100%

Surf 50% (Need Click on Order to Surf)

Fly 100%

Rock Smash 100%

Cut 100%

Dig 100%

Light 100%

Blink 100%

Teleport 100%

Order 100% (move)

NPC Chansey 1000%

Move -- (north,south,east,west). t1,t2,t3,t4 -- 100%

Go/Back 100%

Pokedex 80% First And Second Generation of Pokemon (Need Click on Player and look each pokemon)


My team want a perfect Pokemon Server and is a seriously project.


Team List:

Sandos: (Scripter) , (Sprites Pokemons and Items)

Franko: (Mapper)

Manuel: (Helper)

Blez: (Mapper) , (Scripter)




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HELLO My name is Johnny Ewert.


Age: 18 Years old.

Nationality: Brazilian.

Habiidades(skills): I work in teams as an helper, helping to develop ideas for the server, always helping the server.

Experience: Already worked on projects of pokemon, I have 6 years of tibia OtServ and 8 years of Tibia Global. I worked 4 years as a mapper and thus have much to help.



Bye Bye

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