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function onUse(cid, item, frompos, itemEx, topos)
pokemons = {
[10001] = {"Bulbasaur", 4415, 4416, 10001},
[10002] = {"Ivysaur", 4417, 4418, 10002}, 
[10003] = {"Venusaur", 4419, 4420, 10003},
[10004] = {"Charmander", 4421, 4422, 10004},
[10005] = {"Charmeleon", 4423, 4424, 10005},
[10006] = {"Charizard", 4425, 4426, 10006},
[10007] = {"Squirtle", 4427, 4428, 10007},
[10008] = {"Wartortle", 4429, 4430, 10008},
[10009] = {"Blastoise", 4431, 4432, 10009},
[10010] = {"Caterpie", 4433, 4434, 10010},
[10011] = {"Metapod", 4435, 4436, 10011},
[10012] = {"Butterfree", 4437, 4438, 10012},
[10013] = {"Weedle", 4439, 4440, 10013},
[10014] = {"Kakuna", 4441, 4442, 10014},
[10015] = {"Beedrill", 4443, 4444, 10015},
[10016] = {"Pidgey", 4445, 4446, 10016},
[10017] = {"Pidgeotto", 4447, 4448, 10017},
[10018] = {"Pidgeot", 4449, 4450, 10018},
[10019] = {"Rattata", 4451, 4452, 10019},
[10020] = {"Raticate", 4453, 4454, 10020},
[10021] = {"Spearow", 4455, 4456, 10021},
[10022] = {"Fearow", 4457, 4458, 10022},
[10023] = {"Ekans", 4459, 4460, 10023},
[10024] = {"Arbok", 4461, 4462, 10024},
[10025] = {"Pikachu", 4463, 4464, 10025},
[10026] = {"Raichu", 4465, 4466, 10026},
[10027] = {"Sandshrew", 4467, 4468, 10027},
[10028] = {"Sandslash", 4469, 4470, 10028},
[10029] = {"NidoranFE", 4471, 4472, 10029},
[10030] = {"Nidorina", 4473, 4474, 10030},
[10031] = {"Nidoqueen", 4475, 4476, 10031},
[10032] = {"NidoranMA", 4477, 4478, 10032},
[10033] = {"Nidorino", 4479, 4480, 10033},
[10034] = {"Nidoking", 4481, 4482, 10034},
[10035] = {"Clefairy", 4483, 4484, 10035},
[10036] = {"Clefable", 4485, 4486, 10036},
[10037] = {"Vulpix", 4487, 4488, 10037},
[10038] = {"Ninetales", 4489, 4490, 10038},
[10039] = {"Jigglypuff", 4491, 4492, 10039},
[10040] = {"Wigglytuff", 4493, 4494, 10040},
[10041] = {"Zubat", 4495, 4496, 10041},
[10042] = {"Golbat", 4497, 4498, 10042},
[10043] = {"Oddish", 4499, 4500, 10043},
[10044] = {"Gloom", 4501, 4502, 10044},
[10045] = {"Vileplume", 4503, 4504, 10045},
[10046] = {"Paras", 4505, 4506, 10046},
[10047] = {"Parasect", 4507, 4508, 10047},
[10048] = {"Venonat", 4509, 4510, 10048},
[10049] = {"Venomoth", 4511, 4512, 10049},
[10050] = {"Diglett", 4513, 4514, 10050},
[10051] = {"Dugtrio", 4515, 4516, 10051},
[10052] = {"Meowth", 4517, 4518, 10052},
[10053] = {"Persian", 4519, 4520, 10053},
[10054] = {"Psyduck", 4521, 4522, 10054},
[10055] = {"Golduck", 4523, 4524, 10055},
[10056] = {"Mankey", 4525, 4526, 10056},
[10057] = {"Primeape", 4527, 4528, 10057},
[10058] = {"Growlithe", 4529, 4530, 10058},
[10059] = {"Arcanine", 4531, 4532, 10059},
[10060] = {"Poliwag", 4533, 4534, 10060},
[10061] = {"Poliwhirl", 4535, 4536, 10061},
[10062] = {"Poliwrath", 4537, 4538, 10062},
[10063] = {"Abra", 4539, 4540, 10063},
[10064] = {"Kadabra", 4541, 4542, 10064},
[10065] = {"Alakazam", 4543, 4544, 10065},
[10066] = {"Machop", 4545, 4546, 10066},
[10067] = {"Machoke", 4547, 4548, 10067},
[10068] = {"Machamp", 4549, 4550, 10068},
[10069] = {"Bellsprout", 4551, 4552, 10069},
[10070] = {"Weepinbell", 4553, 4554, 10070},
[10071] = {"Victreebel", 4555, 4556, 10071},
[10072] = {"Tentacool", 4557, 4558, 10072},
[10073] = {"Tentacruel", 4559, 4560, 10073},
[10074] = {"Geodude", 4561, 4562, 10074},
[10075] = {"Graveler", 4563, 4564, 10075},
[10076] = {"Golem", 4565, 4566, 10076},
[10077] = {"Ponyta", 4567, 4568, 10077},
[10078] = {"Rapidash", 4569, 4570, 10078},
[10079] = {"Slowpoke", 4571, 4572, 10079},
[10080] = {"Slowbro", 4573, 4574, 10080},
[10081] = {"Magnemite", 4575, 4576, 10081},
[10082] = {"Magneton", 4577, 4578, 10082},
[10083] = {"Farfetch'D", 4579, 4580, 10083},
[10084] = {"Doduo", 4581, 4582, 10084},
[10085] = {"Dodrio", 4583, 4584, 10085},
[10086] = {"Seel", 4585, 4586, 10086},
[10087] = {"Dewgong", 4587, 4588, 10087},
[10088] = {"Grimer", 4589, 4590, 10088},
[10089] = {"Muk", 4591, 4592, 10089},
[10090] = {"Shellder", 4593, 4594, 10090},
[10091] = {"Cloyster", 4595, 4596, 10091},
[10092] = {"Gastly", 4597, 4598, 10092},
[10093] = {"Haunter", 4599, 4600, 10093},
[10094] = {"Gengar", 4601, 4602, 10094},
[10095] = {"Onix", 4603, 4604, 10095},
[10096] = {"Drowzee", 4605, 4606, 10096},
[10097] = {"Hypno", 4607, 4608, 10097},
[10098] = {"Krabby", 4609, 4610, 10098},
[10099] = {"Kingler", 4611, 4612, 10099},
[10100] = {"Voltorb", 4613, 4614, 10100},
[10101] = {"Electrode", 4615, 4616, 10101},
[10102] = {"Exeggcute", 4617, 4618, 10102},
[10103] = {"Exeggutor", 4619, 4620, 10103},
[10104] = {"Cubone", 4621, 4622, 10104},
[10105] = {"Marowak", 4623, 4624, 10105},
[10106] = {"Hitmonlee", 4625, 4626, 10106},
[10107] = {"Hitmonchan", 4627, 4628, 10107},
[10108] = {"Lickitung", 4629, 4630, 10108},
[10109] = {"Koffing", 4631, 4632, 10109},
[10110] = {"Weezing", 4633, 4634, 10110},
[10111] = {"Rhyhorn", 4635, 4636, 10111},
[10112] = {"Rhydon", 4637, 4638, 10112},
[10113] = {"Chansey", 4639, 4640, 10113},
[10114] = {"Tangela", 4641, 4642, 10114},
[10115] = {"Kangaskhan", 4643, 4644, 10115},
[10116] = {"Horsea", 4645, 4646, 10116},
[10117] = {"Seadra", 4647, 4648, 10117},
[10118] = {"Goldeen", 4649, 4650, 10118},
[10119] = {"Seaking", 4651, 4652, 10119},
[10120] = {"Staryu", 4653, 4654, 10120},
[10121] = {"Starmie", 4655, 4656, 10121},
[10122] = {"Mr.Mime", 4657, 4658, 10122},
[10123] = {"Scyther", 4659, 4660, 10123},
[10124] = {"Jynx", 4661, 4662, 10124},
[10125] = {"Electabuzz", 4663, 4664, 10125},
[10126] = {"Magmar", 4665, 4666, 10126},
[10127] = {"Pinsir", 4667, 4668, 10127},
[10128] = {"Tauros", 4669, 4670, 10128},
[10129] = {"Magikarp", 4671, 4672, 10129},
[10130] = {"Gyarados", 4674, 4674, 10130},
[10131] = {"Lapras", 4675, 4676, 10131},
[10132] = {"Ditto", 4677, 4678, 10132},
[10133] = {"Eevee", 4689, 4680, 10133},
[10134] = {"Vaporeon", 4681, 4682, 10134},
[10135] = {"Jolteon", 4683, 4684, 10135},
[10136] = {"Flareon", 4685, 4686, 10136},
[10137] = {"Porygon", 4687, 4688, 10137},
[10138] = {"Omanyte", 4689, 4690, 10138},
[10139] = {"Omastar", 4691, 4692, 10139},
[10140] = {"Kabuto", 4693, 4694, 10140},
[10141] = {"Kabutops", 4695, 4696, 10141},
[10142] = {"Aerodactyl", 4697, 4698, 10142},
[10143] = {"Snorlax", 4699, 4700, 10143},
[10144] = {"Articuno", 4701, 4702, 10144},
[10145] = {"Zapdos", 4703, 4704, 10145},
[10146] = {"Moltres", 4705, 4706, 10146},
[10147] = {"Dratini", 4707, 4708, 10147},
[10148] = {"Dragonair", 4709, 4710, 10148},
[10149] = {"Dragonite", 4711, 4712, 10149},
[10150] = {"Mewtwo", 4713, 4714, 10150},
[10151] = {"Mew", 4715, 4716, 10151}

local poke = pokemons[itemEx.actionid]
if #getCreatureSummons(cid) ~= 0 then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Sorry, call your pokemon.")

if poke and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, poke[2]) >= 1 then
doCreatureSay(cid, "Back, ".. poke[1] .."", TALKTYPE_SAY)
doSendMagicEffect(topos, 36)
return end


e ta dando esse erro

[02/10/2010 12:32:21] Warning: [Event::loadScript] Can not load script. data/actions/scripts/back.lua
[02/10/2010 12:32:21] data/actions/scripts/back.lua:168: '<eof>' expected near 'end'


porfavor ajdua ai agradeço de ja :D

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function onUse(cid, item, frompos, itemEx, topos) 

pokemons = { 
[10001] = {"Bulbasaur", 4415, 4416, 10001}, 
[10002] = {"Ivysaur", 4417, 4418, 10002},  
[10003] = {"Venusaur", 4419, 4420, 10003}, 
[10004] = {"Charmander", 4421, 4422, 10004}, 
[10005] = {"Charmeleon", 4423, 4424, 10005}, 
[10006] = {"Charizard", 4425, 4426, 10006}, 
[10007] = {"Squirtle", 4427, 4428, 10007}, 
[10008] = {"Wartortle", 4429, 4430, 10008}, 
[10009] = {"Blastoise", 4431, 4432, 10009}, 
[10010] = {"Caterpie", 4433, 4434, 10010}, 
[10011] = {"Metapod", 4435, 4436, 10011}, 
[10012] = {"Butterfree", 4437, 4438, 10012}, 
[10013] = {"Weedle", 4439, 4440, 10013}, 
[10014] = {"Kakuna", 4441, 4442, 10014}, 
[10015] = {"Beedrill", 4443, 4444, 10015}, 
[10016] = {"Pidgey", 4445, 4446, 10016}, 
[10017] = {"Pidgeotto", 4447, 4448, 10017}, 
[10018] = {"Pidgeot", 4449, 4450, 10018}, 
[10019] = {"Rattata", 4451, 4452, 10019}, 
[10020] = {"Raticate", 4453, 4454, 10020}, 
[10021] = {"Spearow", 4455, 4456, 10021}, 
[10022] = {"Fearow", 4457, 4458, 10022}, 
[10023] = {"Ekans", 4459, 4460, 10023}, 
[10024] = {"Arbok", 4461, 4462, 10024}, 
[10025] = {"Pikachu", 4463, 4464, 10025}, 
[10026] = {"Raichu", 4465, 4466, 10026}, 
[10027] = {"Sandshrew", 4467, 4468, 10027}, 
[10028] = {"Sandslash", 4469, 4470, 10028}, 
[10029] = {"NidoranFE", 4471, 4472, 10029}, 
[10030] = {"Nidorina", 4473, 4474, 10030}, 
[10031] = {"Nidoqueen", 4475, 4476, 10031}, 
[10032] = {"NidoranMA", 4477, 4478, 10032}, 
[10033] = {"Nidorino", 4479, 4480, 10033}, 
[10034] = {"Nidoking", 4481, 4482, 10034}, 
[10035] = {"Clefairy", 4483, 4484, 10035}, 
[10036] = {"Clefable", 4485, 4486, 10036}, 
[10037] = {"Vulpix", 4487, 4488, 10037}, 
[10038] = {"Ninetales", 4489, 4490, 10038}, 
[10039] = {"Jigglypuff", 4491, 4492, 10039}, 
[10040] = {"Wigglytuff", 4493, 4494, 10040}, 
[10041] = {"Zubat", 4495, 4496, 10041}, 
[10042] = {"Golbat", 4497, 4498, 10042}, 
[10043] = {"Oddish", 4499, 4500, 10043}, 
[10044] = {"Gloom", 4501, 4502, 10044}, 
[10045] = {"Vileplume", 4503, 4504, 10045}, 
[10046] = {"Paras", 4505, 4506, 10046}, 
[10047] = {"Parasect", 4507, 4508, 10047}, 
[10048] = {"Venonat", 4509, 4510, 10048}, 
[10049] = {"Venomoth", 4511, 4512, 10049}, 
[10050] = {"Diglett", 4513, 4514, 10050}, 
[10051] = {"Dugtrio", 4515, 4516, 10051}, 
[10052] = {"Meowth", 4517, 4518, 10052}, 
[10053] = {"Persian", 4519, 4520, 10053}, 
[10054] = {"Psyduck", 4521, 4522, 10054}, 
[10055] = {"Golduck", 4523, 4524, 10055}, 
[10056] = {"Mankey", 4525, 4526, 10056}, 
[10057] = {"Primeape", 4527, 4528, 10057}, 
[10058] = {"Growlithe", 4529, 4530, 10058}, 
[10059] = {"Arcanine", 4531, 4532, 10059}, 
[10060] = {"Poliwag", 4533, 4534, 10060}, 
[10061] = {"Poliwhirl", 4535, 4536, 10061}, 
[10062] = {"Poliwrath", 4537, 4538, 10062}, 
[10063] = {"Abra", 4539, 4540, 10063}, 
[10064] = {"Kadabra", 4541, 4542, 10064}, 
[10065] = {"Alakazam", 4543, 4544, 10065}, 
[10066] = {"Machop", 4545, 4546, 10066}, 
[10067] = {"Machoke", 4547, 4548, 10067}, 
[10068] = {"Machamp", 4549, 4550, 10068}, 
[10069] = {"Bellsprout", 4551, 4552, 10069}, 
[10070] = {"Weepinbell", 4553, 4554, 10070}, 
[10071] = {"Victreebel", 4555, 4556, 10071}, 
[10072] = {"Tentacool", 4557, 4558, 10072}, 
[10073] = {"Tentacruel", 4559, 4560, 10073}, 
[10074] = {"Geodude", 4561, 4562, 10074}, 
[10075] = {"Graveler", 4563, 4564, 10075}, 
[10076] = {"Golem", 4565, 4566, 10076}, 
[10077] = {"Ponyta", 4567, 4568, 10077}, 
[10078] = {"Rapidash", 4569, 4570, 10078}, 
[10079] = {"Slowpoke", 4571, 4572, 10079}, 
[10080] = {"Slowbro", 4573, 4574, 10080}, 
[10081] = {"Magnemite", 4575, 4576, 10081}, 
[10082] = {"Magneton", 4577, 4578, 10082}, 
[10083] = {"Farfetch'D", 4579, 4580, 10083}, 
[10084] = {"Doduo", 4581, 4582, 10084}, 
[10085] = {"Dodrio", 4583, 4584, 10085}, 
[10086] = {"Seel", 4585, 4586, 10086}, 
[10087] = {"Dewgong", 4587, 4588, 10087}, 
[10088] = {"Grimer", 4589, 4590, 10088}, 
[10089] = {"Muk", 4591, 4592, 10089}, 
[10090] = {"Shellder", 4593, 4594, 10090}, 
[10091] = {"Cloyster", 4595, 4596, 10091}, 
[10092] = {"Gastly", 4597, 4598, 10092}, 
[10093] = {"Haunter", 4599, 4600, 10093}, 
[10094] = {"Gengar", 4601, 4602, 10094}, 
[10095] = {"Onix", 4603, 4604, 10095}, 
[10096] = {"Drowzee", 4605, 4606, 10096}, 
[10097] = {"Hypno", 4607, 4608, 10097}, 
[10098] = {"Krabby", 4609, 4610, 10098}, 
[10099] = {"Kingler", 4611, 4612, 10099}, 
[10100] = {"Voltorb", 4613, 4614, 10100}, 
[10101] = {"Electrode", 4615, 4616, 10101}, 
[10102] = {"Exeggcute", 4617, 4618, 10102}, 
[10103] = {"Exeggutor", 4619, 4620, 10103}, 
[10104] = {"Cubone", 4621, 4622, 10104}, 
[10105] = {"Marowak", 4623, 4624, 10105}, 
[10106] = {"Hitmonlee", 4625, 4626, 10106}, 
[10107] = {"Hitmonchan", 4627, 4628, 10107}, 
[10108] = {"Lickitung", 4629, 4630, 10108}, 
[10109] = {"Koffing", 4631, 4632, 10109}, 
[10110] = {"Weezing", 4633, 4634, 10110}, 
[10111] = {"Rhyhorn", 4635, 4636, 10111}, 
[10112] = {"Rhydon", 4637, 4638, 10112}, 
[10113] = {"Chansey", 4639, 4640, 10113}, 
[10114] = {"Tangela", 4641, 4642, 10114}, 
[10115] = {"Kangaskhan", 4643, 4644, 10115}, 
[10116] = {"Horsea", 4645, 4646, 10116}, 
[10117] = {"Seadra", 4647, 4648, 10117}, 
[10118] = {"Goldeen", 4649, 4650, 10118}, 
[10119] = {"Seaking", 4651, 4652, 10119}, 
[10120] = {"Staryu", 4653, 4654, 10120}, 
[10121] = {"Starmie", 4655, 4656, 10121}, 
[10122] = {"Mr.Mime", 4657, 4658, 10122}, 
[10123] = {"Scyther", 4659, 4660, 10123}, 
[10124] = {"Jynx", 4661, 4662, 10124}, 
[10125] = {"Electabuzz", 4663, 4664, 10125}, 
[10126] = {"Magmar", 4665, 4666, 10126}, 
[10127] = {"Pinsir", 4667, 4668, 10127}, 
[10128] = {"Tauros", 4669, 4670, 10128}, 
[10129] = {"Magikarp", 4671, 4672, 10129}, 
[10130] = {"Gyarados", 4674, 4674, 10130}, 
[10131] = {"Lapras", 4675, 4676, 10131}, 
[10132] = {"Ditto", 4677, 4678, 10132}, 
[10133] = {"Eevee", 4689, 4680, 10133}, 
[10134] = {"Vaporeon", 4681, 4682, 10134}, 
[10135] = {"Jolteon", 4683, 4684, 10135}, 
[10136] = {"Flareon", 4685, 4686, 10136}, 
[10137] = {"Porygon", 4687, 4688, 10137}, 
[10138] = {"Omanyte", 4689, 4690, 10138}, 
[10139] = {"Omastar", 4691, 4692, 10139}, 
[10140] = {"Kabuto", 4693, 4694, 10140}, 
[10141] = {"Kabutops", 4695, 4696, 10141}, 
[10142] = {"Aerodactyl", 4697, 4698, 10142}, 
[10143] = {"Snorlax", 4699, 4700, 10143}, 
[10144] = {"Articuno", 4701, 4702, 10144}, 
[10145] = {"Zapdos", 4703, 4704, 10145}, 
[10146] = {"Moltres", 4705, 4706, 10146}, 
[10147] = {"Dratini", 4707, 4708, 10147}, 
[10148] = {"Dragonair", 4709, 4710, 10148}, 
[10149] = {"Dragonite", 4711, 4712, 10149}, 
[10150] = {"Mewtwo", 4713, 4714, 10150}, 
[10151] = {"Mew", 4715, 4716, 10151} 

local poke = pokemons[itemEx.actionid] 
if #getCreatureSummons(cid) ~= 0 then 
doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Sorry, call your pokemon.") 
return TRUE

if poke and getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, poke[2]) >= 1 then 
doCreatureSay(cid, "Back, ".. poke[1] .."", TALKTYPE_SAY) 
doSendMagicEffect(topos, 36)
return TRUE 

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